Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense)

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Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense) Page 9

by Mayer, Dale

  No, she could do this. She had to be strong – to control this. She was almost there.

  The pounding on her door ceased.

  "Alexis, I'm coming in."

  Kevin could do what he wanted. She couldn't stop him. Within seconds, she heard the sounds of her door opening and Kevin rushing toward her. She lay there waiting for his reaction.

  What she received both stunned and touched her and brought hot tears to her eyes.

  Kevin dropped to the floor at her bedside. In an incredibly tender movement, he lowered his head until his warm cheek rested on her cool one. "It's okay, you're not alone anymore," he whispered against her ear.

  He shifted to sit beside her, before wiping the tears from her eyes. Pulling back slightly, he picked up her hand and stroked her arm in a calm, soothing motion. "You're going to be fine. I'm here now. Everything will be all right. Just relax."

  His comforting presence helped ease her rigidity. Her paralysis was fading, leaving behind a coldness and a bone-weary exhaustion.

  She'd never felt heaviness like this before, like her bones were made of concrete. She seemed to be part of the bed, sinking through the mattress to become one with the floor – a rather disconcerting sensation.

  "I think I'm okay." She shivered.

  She attempted to sit up, but Kevin placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her down.

  "Don't try to move yet. Even though it feels better, there will be a numbness, a time lag between your mind and muscles for a while."

  The conviction in his voice explained his understanding. He'd been through this himself.

  "This is no fun," she said peevishly. As she began to feel more like herself, irritation quickly replaced the trailing splinters of fear.

  He grinned down at her. "No, it isn't, is it? With any luck, now that you've been through it once, that won't happen again."

  Alexis couldn't quite understand how or what had happened in the first place. Thankfully, he seemed to understand her confusion. He picked up her hand, holding it gently in his. His thumb stroked across the back of her hand in a slow, comforting movement.

  "There are possible variations on how to explain what happened. The first is that you left your body and you jumped back in too fast. The shock of that can paralyze you. The other is that fear snapped your consciousness awake too fast and created a state of temporary paralysis."

  At his explanation, Alexis's attention shifted away from the odd feeling of having her hand cradled in his. "Out of body…returning to the body. I don't think I like the sound of either of those."

  "For many scientists, it's an accepted theory that you leave the body every night to astral travel."

  A hard quiver rocked her body. Now she really didn't like what he was saying.

  "Stefan just hadn't gotten that far along in your education." He shrugged. "Easy to understand. After all, no one expected your psychic development to move along so quickly." He patted her hand and stood. "You can try to sit up now. Expect your muscles to feel like rubber. I'm going to make you a cup of sweet tea. Back in a minute."

  She watched him walk out of her room. Damn, he looked good. Casually in charge, he wore power like other men wore suits. A rush of sexual energy flowed through her, slowly reawaking her body. Holy crap. The sensations caught her unaware, leaving her open and unguarded as erotic images whispered through her mind. Her body shifted restlessly on its own. Silk sheets smoothing over her bare skin. Sensitizing the nerve endings.

  Dear God, if Kevin jumped in her mind now…

  Breathe. Control. Detach. This was so unfair.

  She sat up on the side of the bed again and consciously emptied her mind, which was easier to say than do. Focus… Shit! She groaned at the constant stream of sensual images firing through her mind.

  "Is something wrong?" Kevin's concerned voice carried from the other room.

  "No," she yelped. She had to get up.

  Moving as fast as her rubbery muscles would allow, she tugged an old terry cloth robe over her silk cami set, before wobbling out of the bedroom. The living room clock read two in the morning. So much for getting some sleep tonight.

  "The tea's almost ready. Are you moving around okay?"

  She grimaced. "Did you feel like you'd been hit by a cement truck when it happened to you?" She walked slowly into the living room.

  "A whole convoy of them." He nodded in sympathy, but that grin of his… Lethal. "It takes a while to get your balance back. You'll feel even worse tomorrow."

  This time, his grin was pure mischief. She didn't know if she should believe him or not. The way she felt now, it couldn't get much worse. The exhausted feeling was a direct contradiction to the liquid lust, and both were battling for supremacy. She didn't dare look at him, afraid he'd be able to read everything she was trying so hard to keep hidden. There had to be something to distract her unruly hormones.

  "What were you dreaming about?"

  That did it.

  Her horrific nightmare surged back to the forefront. Ice raced down her spine as she remembered Lissa's terror and her conviction that danger closed in. Even now, Lissa's screams for Alexis to wake up before it was too late, echoed in her mind.

  Yet, waking up to that scary apparition in her room had been even worse.

  The phone rang – its harsh sound startled Alexis while grounding her back to this physical reality. Unconsciously, she looked over at Kevin. He nodded. "It's Stefan."

  She needed a pipeline like these two had. They were irritating.

  She picked up the receiver. "Hello, Stefan."

  "How do you feel now?" Concern tinged his voice, and she shuddered quietly in embarrassment. What if he'd been in her mind again, and seen the vivid sexual images playing through her mind? She didn't think she could discuss those right now, either. She looked over at Kevin, hoping he wasn't picking up on the vibes.

  Stefan's velvet voice whispered in her ear. "Later. We'll discuss it later."

  She closed her eyes. He had seen them. Damn. Regardless of the awkwardness, she knew she needed his help. Even more now. "Fine. There's some weird crap going on here." She took a deep breath. "There was someone in my room tonight."

  "I know. He won't return tonight, I promise. We'll discuss that tomorrow, too. You need to get some rest."

  She snorted in disgust, the sound spinning Kevin around to face her. "And just how do you suggest I do that? I was asleep, remember? I may never sleep again," she said bitterly. "I've never seen evil before."

  "It's taken me a long time to understand that there are just people out there. And some of them are twisted. Very twisted. I no longer see evil as an ungodly spirit but more as a person who does ungodly things."

  "So these people are just the opposite of us?"

  "Exactly." As always, Stefan knew what she needed. Soothing tones melted over her. "It will be all right. You have to remember to follow the steps that I showed you before going to sleep now. Instead of it merely being important, after tonight, it's mandatory. It will prevent you from being tracked and located. Someone has picked up your signature." The soothing tones disappeared and his voice returned to normal, then hardened. "I won't explain it all now, but you no longer have that option – not if you want to stay safe."

  She replied in a very small voice, "I will."

  "Good, now let me speak to Kevin."

  Silently, she handed Kevin the phone.

  He searched her face as he answered. "Hello, Stefan."

  Alexis tuned out the conversation as she drank her warm tea. She could still hear Kevin's voice. Oddly enough, she could also hear a faint echo of Stefan's voice still in her head. This psychic communication stuff was going to take some getting used to.

  God, she was so tired. She slumped down at one end of the couch, fatigue sinking her deeper into the cushions. Filling her mouth with warm tea, she leaned her head back and let her eyelids droop. Mentally, she followed his instructions.

  Minutes later, in a feat she'd never have thought poss
ible, she was asleep.


  Still in the kitchen, Kevin continued to talk with Stefan while keeping an eye on Alexis's movements. "I think she's out."

  "Good. I did some energy work, easing her chakras. Glad it helped." Stefan paused for a weighty moment. "Are you going to stay the night?"

  "Yes." Kevin volunteered nothing else. He didn't need to; Stefan already knew.

  "Without taking advantage, right?"

  Kevin let him wait, pissed he'd even been asked.

  "Right?" Stefan's voice was no longer amiable.

  It wasn't prudent to push Stefan's buttons too far. "You know I wouldn't do anything when she's this vulnerable. But…" This time Kevin was the one pausing. "I give no promises for what happens tomorrow."

  "Tomorrow she's a big girl again. She can make her own choices."

  Kevin chuckled. "As long as she makes it through the night, I'll be happy."

  "You're also in danger of losing your heart."

  "Like hell," Kevin answered amiably as he walked into the living room to check on her.

  "I know what I see and feel. I'll mention it to you again in a month and we'll re-evaluate. Have a peaceful night." With that Stefan hung up.

  Kevin wanted to move Alexis to her bed, but satisfied himself with gently rearranging her into a more comfortable position on the couch. The apartment was cooling off. He walked quietly into her bedroom for a blanket.

  Her real personality showed here. The sheets were emerald silk, the duvet sporting a matching embossed pattern. There were at least a dozen pillows on her bed, before nightmares tossed them wildly to the floor. Her closet was open, showing a myriad of colorful fabrics he'd never seen her wear. Wistfully, he wondered what it would be like to see her all dressed up for a night on the town. He nudged the closet door wider with his feet. His heart leapt with joy at the sight of bright red spike-heeled shoes.

  At heart, she was still that girl. Life had boxed her into the caregiver persona, quickly followed by the loner and lonely existence… He could help her find this part of herself again. What he wouldn't do to see her in those shoes.

  With another quick glance around, he took in the dresser, an old-fashioned mirror covering the back, and tiny perfume bottles laid out like soldiers, untouched. Yet ready. They spoke volumes about who Alexis had been and who she could be again. She just needed a gentle nudge…a reason to live again.

  Feeling a little like an intruder, he snagged up the duvet and returned to Alexis and covered her. She hadn't moved. In the huge armchair across from the couch, he made himself as comfortable as possible and waited for her to wake up.


  Alexis struggled into awareness. "Ouch," she murmured, shifting painfully on the couch. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she started and then bolted upright. Kevin sprawled half-out of her oversized chair, head tilted to the side, fast asleep. She winced at his position. His poor spine should be screaming right now.

  What a gentle giant. He was a sweetheart to have stayed and watched over her.

  Moving quietly, she slid off the couch and bundled up her duvet before returning it to her bed. Yawning again, she stepped into a hot shower. The heavy spray pounding over her tired body was painfully refreshing. Ten minutes later, she almost felt prepared to face the day.

  Coffee would help. She tiptoed back through the living room and into the kitchen. Kevin still hadn't moved. While the coffee dripped, she rummaged through her cupboards. Between one thing and another, she hadn't taken time to shop. Now she regretted it. She had a sleeping guardian angel in the living room who was liable to wake with a ravaging appetite.

  Alexis grinned. Shivers rode up and down her spine as another appetite stirred to life. While a weekend fling would be amazing, she didn't think she'd be able to dip her big toe in, test the waters, and then walk away. Their weird psychic connection had huge potential for delight…or disaster.

  The latter might not be enough to stop her, though.

  Denial wasn't something she was good at.

  As a child, she'd had a bubbly enthusiasm and glowing optimism that matched Lissa's. The death of their parents had wiped it all away for the then eighteen-year-old Alexis. She'd worked hard to build a warm protective cocoon to keep the two of them safe. That had worked fine until Lissa's diagnosis.

  She was staring out the window when a deep, growly voice disturbed her reverie. Alexis turned to face him.

  "Good morning." Kevin stood hesitantly in the kitchen doorway.

  Bare-chested, top button of his jeans undone, and the material clinging lovingly to heavily muscled thighs, he ran his hand casually over the heavy morning shadow on his face. His utter maleness swamped her senses. Intense desire unfurled deep in her belly. Alexis swallowed thickly. He was devastating to her senses.

  "Good morning," she finally answered, speaking carefully. She was afraid the wrong words would rush out. "How are you feeling?"

  He smiled. "Isn't that my line?"

  Her lips twitched. "I'm fine. At least I got some sleep. I'm sorry I don't have an electric shaver to offer up. You're welcome to use a disposable one if you wish." She shrugged. "That's all I have."

  "Not to worry. I'll go home and clean up before going anywhere. He walked toward the coffee pot. "Besides, I find the lack of a man's razor, encouraging. May I have a cup of coffee, please?"

  She flushed at the comment and her lack of manners. "Sorry. Sit down and I'll pour." She waved him toward the tiny table. She filled two mugs and retrieved the milk from the fridge. "The sugar is over there." She pointed to the plain clear bowl at the end of the table.

  "No razor is encouraging?" she questioned cautiously, not sure she wanted to know what he meant.

  "Yes. You aren't accustomed to having men sleep over. That's encouraging."

  Her face burned hotter. She didn't know what to say. For some reason, she felt he deserved the truth. Maybe it was because he'd cared enough to stay and watch over her. "I haven't had a relationship since my sister got sick," she said quietly.

  He slowly lowered the cup, staring deep into her eyes. He was making her nuts.

  Then Kevin reached across and tilted her chin up until she was forced to look at him. His eyes twinkled. "Very encouraging."

  Dear God. Her heart flip-flopped before racing on again. She pulled back to a safe distance, rushing into speech to cover her reaction, hating the telltale heat washing over her cheeks. "Sorry, I only have toast for breakfast. I haven't gotten around to shopping."

  "Just coffee's fine."

  His intense gaze was unnerving. She glanced quickly at him and away again. "Thank you for coming to my rescue. Stefan, too," she added as a sincere afterthought.

  Kevin nodded. "Stefan said we were to meet at his house this morning. Does that work for you? I didn't think you worked Saturdays."

  Alexis nodded, slightly daunted at the prospect. "That's fine. We can grab something to eat on the way."

  "That works. Maybe I will borrow your razor before we leave after all."


  The late model truck was parked in the shade under the drooping willow tree, waiting.

  "You're late."

  The young man slid into the cab. "I came as soon as I could get away." He shifted nervously on the posh leather seat, his hand resting on the door handle, hoping, planning to make an early escape.

  The automatic locks snapped down. He jerked involuntarily. Damn it.

  A disgusted snort was his only answer.

  "Look, I don't really know anything. I'm just a rookie. No one tells me nothing."

  The older man's cold gaze cut through the excuses. "I have something to tell you. Make a bigger effort. You're only of use to me if you can supply valuable information." He paused a moment. "What can you tell me about this body from the garden?"

  "That one's bizarre." Relaxing slightly, as if realizing he might have something to offer after all, the rookie answered, "The whole office is buzzing about this case. As far as they ca
n figure, the little girl had been embalmed and may have even been buried before being brought here and reburied."

  "What?" The figure behind the wheel pursed his lips in a soundless whistle. He stared out the car window for a long moment before turning his black gaze on his hapless young victim. "I need more," he snapped. "Call me tonight." He turned the key and started his truck. The sharp click of the locks being released echoed through the air.

  Not having much in the way of options, the rookie officer nodded. He'd been in trouble before and had gotten out of it. But this time… There had to be an answer to this mess, and fast, or he'd lose everything he'd worked so hard for and he'd be back where he started – on the streets.


  Stefan settled into his easy chair in the solarium. He needed a few minutes to unwind before Kevin and Alexis arrived.

  She needs help.

  Bold, concise and irrefutable. That the warning came from someone no longer in this world in no way mitigated its truth.

  Stefan sighed. Rotating his neck and shoulders, he eased some of the tension building in his muscles. I know.

  What are you going to do about it? The energy wafted through the room, its female voice imperious – impossible to ignore.

  Stefan tilted his lips into a small smile. As much as he enjoyed his abilities, and this female ghost that refused to leave him alone since he'd started working with Alexis, he wasn't going to be dictated to. Don't be pushy. They're on their way. We'll sort it out when they get here. Stefan removed the lids from several of the small ceramic pots in from of him, creating just the right blend. You might want to hang around and join in the session.

  Like she's ready for that.

  Stefan grinned, knowing she was right but also knowing that there was little anyone could do to make Alexis ready.

  Let me help her. I know him. I know what he's like. I can warn her if it gets bad. The energy settled in front of him. I love her. I need to help her like she helped me.

  Stefan sighed. It's not a good idea.

  Maybe not, but I have to. She needs me.


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