Mister Moneybags

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Mister Moneybags Page 22

by Vi Keeland

“That’ll be real good for his heart,” she said sarcastically.

  “Okay, how about this? I’ll put down a deposit, and we’ll order it to be made a year from now. If all goes well, we come back down and pick up our cake.”

  She reached for my hand. “That sounds like a plan.”

  Ganache Patisserie smelled like an explosion of sugar with a hint of amaretto. Multi-tiered cakes of various pastel colors were displayed in glass cases.

  A woman greeted us and took Bianca and me into a back room. She poured us some tea and laid out several slices of cake on the table.

  “You can sample them in any order. There’s a pad of paper and a pen you can use to rate each flavor. They’re all labeled. Hopefully, you can come to a unanimous decision in the end.”

  “Do couples actually bicker about which flavor to choose?” Bianca asked.

  “Oh, yes. You’d be surprised how much bargaining goes into this. You have the option to choose different flavors for each layer, though. There are typically three. So, you can always compromise.”

  Bianca and I began sampling. We were having a blast feeding each other, and it brought back memories of my first date with her as Jay at the Ethiopian place. I’d dip my finger in the frosting then rub it on her nose. I think we made the woman uncomfortable. I could only imagine how awkward she would have felt if she also knew the truth about what was really going on with us. She finally got up to give us a bit of privacy.

  When Bianca licked some frosting off her lips, my dick twitched.

  “My mother used to bake cakes for friends’ birthdays in her spare time,” she said. “I used to enjoy helping her. Of course, the best part was licking the spoon.”

  “I bet you’re fantastic at licking the spoon. Was it a wooden spoon, by any chance?”

  “As a matter of fact, it was. Big piece of wood.”

  I grabbed the spoon I’d used to stir my tea. “Show me how you licked it.”

  The woman returned. “How do you like the carrot cake?”

  Bianca looked at me. “It’s very…moist.”

  “I bet it is,” I muttered.

  “Are you getting any closer to narrowing it down?” the woman asked.

  “Well, it’s…quite hard,” I said.

  Bianca grabbed my knee under the table. When the woman walked away again, we both broke out into laughter before vowing to try to take the process a bit more seriously.

  About fifteen minutes later, the woman returned. “How are we doing?”

  Bianca smiled. “We’ve decided on the vanilla cake with buttercream frosting for the bottom layer. For the middle layer, we’re going to go with the lemon…also with the buttercream. And for the top, we’d like the vanilla with strawberry preserve…buttercream all the way.”

  Kissing Bianca’s ear, I said, “I know you love the cream.”

  The lady cleared her throat. “Let me go grab the book. We’ll choose a design and put the order in for you.”

  When she returned with a catalog of cake designs, Bianca pointed to a particular one. “Aw…look…balls. Just like our first meeting.” She turned to the woman. “What about the one with the balls?”

  “You like this design? This is one we do where we actually decorate around the cake with cake pops. We strategically stick the pops in various parts of the cake. And the best part is…everything is edible.”

  I grinned. “All I heard was strategically sticking shit in various parts and edible…I’m good.”

  “You two are quite the pair, definitely made for each other,” the woman said.

  Squeezing Bianca’s thigh, I grinned proudly. “Why, thank you.”

  She took out her pen. “Okay…so when is the wedding date?”

  There was dead silence for several seconds until I answered, “It’s one year from today, actually.”

  “Oh, how perfect. We’ll just need fifty-percent down now, and then the balance will just need to be remitted on delivery.”

  After I handed over my credit card, we were left alone for a bit, and I noticed that Bianca suddenly looked somber.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It feels real. I wish it was.”

  Fuck. This was backfiring.

  “Maybe I took this too far.”

  “No. No, I just got a little emotional when she wrote down the date.”

  Before we could say anything further, the woman returned with my card and a receipt. “All set, Mr. Truitt. You can call us anytime with the venue location so that we can arrange for a delivery time on the morning of.”

  Bianca remained quiet as we walked out of the shop. I couldn’t take it anymore. I pulled her into a tight embrace on the sidewalk and whispered in her ear, “We have to stay optimistic.”

  “It’s hard not to want to prepare myself for disappointment. It just seems too good to be true that we could dodge this bullet.”

  “I have to believe. It’s all that’s getting me through today. I have to believe that this time next year….I’m gonna have my cake and eat you, too.” I laughed, because the funny thing was, I hadn’t even meant for it to come out that way. Eat you, too. It just did. Must have been subliminal.

  She smacked my arm playfully. “I’m glad you’re still finding humor in all of this.”

  “Gotta laugh so I don’t cry, beautiful.”

  I meant that.

  We spent the rest of the afternoon on the private stretch of beach off the guesthouse.

  As the sun set, it felt like the curtain was slowly closing on our time together. Bianca was still wearing her white dress, which was now covered in dirt, water, and sand. I wanted to burn the image into memory.

  “I don’t want to sleep tonight,” she said. “I feel like I just want to stay up all night.”

  “Who needs sleep?” I grabbed her hand. “May I have this dance?”

  No music was required as we slowly swayed to the sounds of the beach. We rocked back and forth until the sun completely went down then stayed up and talked, vowing not to fall into slumber.

  Sleep eventually won out, though, as we later crashed in each other’s arms on the sand.

  The sound of the seagulls woke us up the next morning. Looking like we’d washed ashore, we’d slept in surprisingly late; we must have both been exhausted from forcing ourselves to stay up.

  As we sat up on the sand, I wrapped my arms around her body from behind.

  “So, you never finished your sentence,” I said.


  “You know, before we flew down here. You started telling me about your sexual fantasy. You said it started with me opening something. I need to know the rest.”

  “I should’ve known you wouldn’t forget about that.”

  “Not a chance. I have to live vicariously through the fantasy version of myself right now. My jealousy in regards to fantasy Dex is worse than it was for that tool, Jay.”

  “Okay. So, anyway…it starts with you opening—”

  My phone rang, interrupting her.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I groaned.

  “I think you’re destined not to find out, Truitt.”

  “I’d better get this…in case…you know.”

  She sat up suddenly. “Take it.”

  I answered, “Dex Truitt…”

  “Hi, Mr. Truitt. This is Erika Raymond from Leominster Laboratories.”

  My heart began to palpitate. “Okay…yes?”

  “Your results are in.”

  I thought I might throw up. Or pass out. Maybe even one right before the other. Oh God. What if I passed out first and then vomited while I was unconscious? I stood and started pacing in the sand. My skin was clammy, and from the look on Dex’s face, I must have turned pale. He spoke into the phone. “Can you please hold for a moment?” Covering the receiver, he asked, “Are you okay? You should sit down. I don’t like the way you look right now.”

  “I don’t like the way I feel right now, either.”

  Dex returned to the call. “Erika? Did you s
ay your name was Erika?”

  I heard the yes even though the phone was pressed to his ear.

  “Listen. I need to go somewhere more private. Would it be possible for me to call you back in, say, five minutes?”

  He was quiet for a moment, then said, “Okay, yes. The number came in on my caller ID. I’ll ask for extension two eight three. It’ll just be a few minutes, and I’d appreciate it if you could stand by for my call.”

  Silence again, then finally. “Okay. Thank you very much.”

  After he swiped to end the call, Dex put one hand on the small of my back. “Come on. Let’s go inside. I think we should talk for a few minutes before we do this.”

  In a fog, I let Dex guide me inside to our room. I’d been so sure of myself, so anxious to know the truth, and now that it was within reach, I suddenly wanted to run in the other direction. I need more time.

  Dex led me to the bed and sat me on the edge. I’d heard the term numb before, but I’d never actually experienced it. In my life, stress meant palpitations, playing with my balls and yelling at the top of my lungs. But this stress was entirely different. I couldn’t feel my toes. I actually looked down and wiggled them to make sure I could still do it.

  Dex kneeled before me and cupped my face in both hands. “You sure you want to do this?”

  “I’m not sure of anything right at the given moment.” I let out an audible sigh. “My name is Bianca, right?”

  Dex smiled. “That’s right. And mine is Jay.”

  Somehow his silly comment seemed to bring me back to reality. I smiled back and looked Dex in the eyes for a long while. What was staring back at me was absolutely beautiful. Not the man himself, but looking into his eyes, I saw love in its purest form. It was honest and open and willing to give me anything I wanted. As much as it took my breath away, it also reminded me that I needed to know. I wanted that love unconditionally and not knowing would always have that question mark out there.

  I didn’t even feel the tears start to fall until Dex used his thumbs to wipe them away. He closed his eyes and accepted the decision I’d made without me having to say it out loud.

  “Tell me how you want to do this. Do you want to know about yourself first, or your sister?”

  I pondered it for a minute. “It’s Saturday and Alexandra and the girls are probably at ballet. Why don’t we find out about my results first and then take some time to absorb that before we find out about Alex. I don’t think I can handle both at the same time.”

  “Alright, then that’s what we’ll do.” He squeezed my hand. “You sure you’re okay? You’re not going to pass out on me, are you?”

  “I think I’m good.” I took a deep, cleansing breath, then nodded. “Go ahead. I’m ready to make the call now.”

  “I will. In a minute. There’s something I need to do first.”

  “What’s that?”

  “This.” His mouth crashed down on mine. He kissed me with so much passion, so much intense feeling that when it finally broke, I was crying again. God, I’m a disaster.

  Laughing through my tears as I wiped them away, I said, “I’m sorry. These are happy tears.”

  “You don’t look very happy at the moment.”

  I leaned my forehead against Dex’s. “Oddly, I am. I love you, Dexter Truitt.”

  “I love you, too, Bianca. More than I can even understand.”

  I didn’t ask what Dex was doing over the next minute, but I closed my eyes and said a prayer. When I opened mine, his were still closed and his lips were moving a little. I was pretty sure we were making the same request of the big guy in the sky. Eventually, he squeezed my hand one more time and then picked up his phone.

  I took a deep breath and held it while he dialed.

  “May I have extension two eight three, please?”

  I heard the woman through the receiver but couldn’t make out what she was saying on the other end this time.

  “Yes, Erika? This is Dex Truitt calling back for the results. Only, we’d like to have the results from the paternity test between Dexter Truitt and Bianca Georgakopolous at this time. We’d like to call back for the results between Alexandra Fiore and Dexter Truitt a little later.”

  I got up from the bed and started pacing.

  Dex read the security code we were given by the technician and again confirmed he would only be hearing one result at this time. When he was done, Dex looked up at me as he spoke into the phone. “Yes, I’m ready.”

  After what seemed like forever but was probably only thirty seconds of quiet, Dex’s eyes closed. He cleared his throat. “And what is the accuracy of those results?”

  “I see. Thank you very much. We’ll call back for the other results soon.”

  My heart clenched in my chest when I saw the look on Dex’s face. It was his turn to lose it. Tears were streaming down his face as he walked toward me.

  “Say it,” I whispered. “Just say it.”

  The next thing I knew, I was lifted into the air and being cradled in Dex’s arms. “The odds of you being my sister are exactly 0.00%.”

  “What?” Did he just say what I think he said?

  “You heard me right. We’re not related, Bianca.”

  “Oh my God! Oh my God!” My hand flew to my chest. My poor heart was beating so fast, it felt like it could explode. “Are you serious? Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more serious in my life. And I’d say that 0.00% chance is pretty fucking certain. Thank Christ!”

  Leaning in, I pressed my lips to Dex’s. “We’re not related. We’re really not related.” I kept repeating it over and over like some sort of mantra, but in truth I needed to keep hearing it to let the enormity of it sink in. Dex’s face was damp with tears when he set me down on the bed.

  While I was completely overwhelmed with relief, Dex suddenly seemed to have the opposite feeling. An intense look of need and determination washed over his face. He began to strip out of his clothes with urgency. When he was down to his boxers, I stopped him.


  “I don’t think I’m capable of waiting any longer. I need to be inside of you, Bianca. Call me an asshole if you want, but I have the urge to mark you. Sink my teeth into your skin to brand you as mine and then come so hard inside of you that parts of me will never find their way out again.”

  I swallowed. “Jesus, Dex.”

  “Too much truth?”

  “Not at all, it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s just that…I want to do something for you.”

  “Can it wait until after I do something for you?” He’d set me in the middle of the bed, but reached for my legs and yanked me to the edge where he was standing. “Multiple times. Can it wait until after I do something for you, multiple times?”

  I giggled. But climbed off the bed. “Sit. Dexter, not my brother, Truitt. Sit down.”

  He pouted but complied. Sitting on the edge of the bed, his huge erection was straining through his boxer briefs.

  I began to unbutton my blouse slowly. “We haven’t talked about it before, but I’m on the pill.”

  “Thank fuck. Because I need to feel you skin to skin, and I’ll never be able to pull out once I bury myself inside. We might be sleeping with my cock still inside of you tonight.”

  After I slipped off my shirt, I shimmied out of my pants and stood before Dex, letting him take his time looking at me. His patience was dwindling when he reached for me, and I took a step back. “Not yet.”

  He groaned in frustration, but gripped the sides of the bed.

  I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. A few shakes of my shoulders, and it slipped to the floor.

  Dex swallowed. His chest was rising and falling in deep heaves. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  I left my panties on and stepped closer to him before dropping to my knees.

  “Bianca…I can’t. I mean…you can’t. I’ll not last ten seconds with your mouth on me.”

/>   “Good. Because I wasn’t going to use my mouth on you.”

  With a devious smile, I squeezed my breasts together, giving him a hint what my plans were. “Take off your boxers, Mr. Truitt.”

  “I won’t last like that either, Bianca. I’ve been dreaming about slipping my cock between those beautiful tits for too long. I want to come all over them, but the next time I come, it’s going to be inside of you.”

  With one swift motion, somehow Dex lifted me from kneeling, swung me up and onto the bed, and was hovering over me. “Thank you for wanting to give me my fantasy. It means a lot to me that you would offer that before even finding your own release.”

  “I want nothing more than to play out every deviant fantasy that is in your head. I plan to spend lots of time exploring the depths of your pervyness, Mr. Truitt.”

  Dex maneuvered out of his underwear without breaking contact, and his rigid cock was hot against my skin. I could actually feel it throbbing against my stomach. We’d been waiting so long, I couldn’t take it another second. Spreading my legs underneath him, he shifted into position, and then held my eyes as he slowly pushed inside. Every inch he eased in, my heart opened wider. This was it. It felt so unbelievably incredible to finally have the last part of him inside me. He’d been in my heart since the first time I met him, now it was the physical connection at last. I realized that this was what it truly felt like to consummate a relationship.

  Dex moved in and out gently, taking his time to stretch my body to accept his girth. It was beautiful and sweet, but I could tell he was holding back. Encouraging him to let go, I wrapped my arms around him and dug my fingernails into his ass.

  His pupils dilated. “Fuck.”

  That did the trick. His head lowered and he bit down on my right breast hard as he sped up his pace. It was definitely going to leave a mark, and I wanted that…to be marked by him in every way.

  “Fuck. Fuck,” he groaned as his mouth moved to my neck where he sucked and bit while winding fistfuls of my hair in his hands. I moaned when he tugged at it.

  Everything else in the background faded away except the sound of our jagged breathing and wet bodies slapping together as he thrust deeper and deeper inside of me.


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