Hidden in Smoke

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Hidden in Smoke Page 3

by Harper Wylde

  Without waiting for my consent, Hiro stepped behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders, pushing as he steered me out of the room and towards the wooden stairs that led to the upper level of our cabin.

  Climbing slowly, I let him lead me toward the bathroom. Closing the lid to the toilet, he pointed. “Sit.” His voice was gentle but held no room for arguments. I didn’t have any either. I was wiped, too tired for even my usual sarcastic, smart-ass commentary. Sinking onto the lid, I watched as he started the shower and tested the water. Disappearing into the hallway, he quickly returned with a fluffy purple towel and washcloth. “Here you go, Unicorn.” He smirked as he set them on the counter.

  “Not you too.” I rolled my eyes. “Cer-ap-tor.” I half-heartedly argued back with a small grin.

  “I know. I just wanted to see you smile. Nix would want to see it too.” He reached out and ran a thumb over the corner of my mouth that tipped up.

  My breath stuttered in and out of my lungs as I tried to hold my emotions back. I wouldn’t lose it now, not after everything I had gone through tonight. Nix would wake up, and so would Theo.

  Just as the thought crossed my mind, a string of curses ran through my mind that had a particularly Australian lilt. For the first time since the shit storm broke out earlier, I gave a genuine smile and laugh. Theo was up. I was grateful as hell to Damien for continually working to keep the bond open for all of us so that I—and the others—could know instantly when Theo awakened.

  Calm down there, fish boy. Take it easy. Your body’s been through a lot. I warned.

  Nix? Theo grunted through the line, and I could tell he was working on sitting up. He may be healed now, but the effects of the silver meant he might be sore from the ordeal.

  Not awake yet, but she will be. Damien answered

  How long has it been? Is she still… We all knew what he was asking. She might not be in her body, and while she would look dead to anyone else—even to us—I knew her body was preserved for her and her Phoenix’s return.

  She’ll be back soon. Killian’s thoughts were determined.

  She will be. Hiro reassured everyone.

  Thank fuck you didn’t die. Killian rumbled through the connection, and we all hummed our agreement. I could picture Kill in the guest room, just one room over, eyes locked on Nix as he waited to feel her magic. We were all waiting to feel the strength of her power seep back into her body. One of us would always be with her. She wouldn’t be alone.

  The venom. I don’t know of any documented cases where shifters survive. I need to… Theo trailed off as his brain started working a million miles a minute. I couldn’t keep up with his genius.

  She’s strong, guys. She’s coming back to us. Damien sounded so sure, and I latched onto this confidence.

  I caught the confusion Theo was projecting to us as he tried to recap and piece together what happened.

  Sighing Damien stepped up. I got this guys. Just before he shut down the telepathic link, I heard Theo call my name.

  Ryder… thank you.

  You’re welcome. I smirked. And I won’t let you take that back once you look in a mirror. Antagonizing the guys was part of my charm, and I felt marginally better after goading Theo. I didn’t truly think the scar would bother him, but it did mar his perfect physique, a reminder on his skin of this night.

  When Damien closed the link down, I was relieved. I wasn’t ready to relive the details this soon. I still had Nix and Theo’s blood coating my hands and clothing. It was even in my hair. I needed to clean up, and then I needed to check on my patients again.

  “Take a shower, Ryder. Then I’ll let you get a quick peek at Theo and Nix, but you’re heading to bed to rest.” Hiro crossed his arms over his chest, daring me to argue.

  I couldn’t help the comeback on my lips. “As long as you join me,” I smirked.

  Closing the distance between us again, Hiro gripped my chin, hard and firm this time. “Be careful what you offer me, Ryder. Tonight is not the night for it, and Nix should be there with us, but know that that’s exactly where my intentions are heading.” His eyes were hot with molten promises, and that’s how he left me, watching his retreating form as he left the bathroom and closed the door.

  The steam from the running shower filled the small enclosed space, and I washed up quickly. My muscles protested as I made them carry me to Theo’s room first to check on the Kraken. Once I guaranteed he was alright, I went and collapsed on the floor in the doorway of the guest room where Nix lay. I couldn’t make myself leave her, even though my bed was calling me. I wanted to curl up with her and hold her until she awoke, but I knew that she might see that as an invasion of privacy, and I wasn’t about to do anything that could set me back in her eyes. I wanted her to trust me. I wanted her to fall in love with me. Watching her still form, I closed my eyes and dozed, trying not to let nightmares riddled with loss plague me while I waited for Nix.



  Darkness surrounded me. I didn’t know how long I was under its seductive pull before awareness started slowly grabbing hold of me again. As I awoke, I wanted to scream but managed to keep it to a groan. I didn’t think a resurrection had ever hurt that badly before. My Phoenix trilled softly in agreement. Before I could even open my eyes, I tried to get my bearings. Where the hell was I? The silky caress of fabric against my skin and the soft pillow under my head told me that I was in a bed. Hearing movement at my side, I stiffened, automatically going on the defense. Fuck! The guys! Michael! What the hell had happened? I scrambled, trying to get myself upright from my prone position. The room was shrouded in shadows, and I worked quickly trying to untangle myself from the sheets holding me hostage. My panic whirled as I worried about the guys and Rini. Every bone in my body was ready to fight; to protect. As I tensed—prepared to battle—my Phoenix hummed gently, apparently content and unafraid.

  Rustling on the bed next to me caught my attention as I tried to will my eyes to adjust to the darkened space.

  “It’s okay, Nix.” Hiro gently spoke from the shadows at my back. I nearly sagged with relief. My Phoenix hadn’t been on edge, but I definitely had been. Waking up from rebirths could be extremely disorienting. Even more so now that my Phoenix was with me. It was almost like having two sets of emotions to process.

  “Hiro.” His name was like a prayer on my lips as I turned my body to face him. He was propped up in bed against the headboard; the covers mussed from where he had been laying on top of them. It was odd to see him without his glasses on; his dark eyes shadowed and heavy with sleep as he blinked down at me. “What happened? Is everyone ok? Where are we?” The words flew from my mouth, and I pressed a hand against my throat as I finished my barrage of questions. My voice was a croak, pulled from my scratchy dry throat. Hiro must have noticed because he jumped up and rushed around the bed to the nightstand to pass me a glass of water that had been sitting there. Pivoting around again, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, aware of how weak I was. I felt my muscles trembling as I slowly stood up, holding on to the nightstand until I knew I could keep my balance. Hiro was by my side in a second, gently reaching out to steady me. I didn’t even mind the touch, I was just so happy to see him and know he was safe.

  “Everyone is ok, Nix.” Killian’s voice was nearly as hoarse as mine as he spoke, startling me. I whirled around at the sound, nearly falling over in the process. Hiro’s gentle hands caught me, and I leaned back into his strong chest as I eyed my red-headed Celt, drinking in the sight of him. Killian was sprawled in a rocking chair in the corner of the room; the gray sweats he wore were wrinkled, twisting uncomfortably around his legs. His chest was bare, and his skin looked paler than normal in the shadows. His massive frame was squished into the tiny chair, and I watched as he tried to extract himself from it, unfolding himself one limb at a time. Any other time the sight would have been comical, but right now was not the time for laughter or joviality. “You’re safe and so are we,” he continued, but quickly paused�
��almost like he wanted to tell me more but changed his mind, thinking better of it. I picked up on it immediately. I wanted to know; I didn’t want to be babied.

  “What’s wrong.” My Phoenix ruffled her feathers in my head, trying to soothe me as unease settled into my stomach. I stepped sideways, away from Hiro, so I could see both of them and organize my thoughts. It was hard to think with Hiro’s arms around me.

  Hiro and Killian locked eyes, and I put my hands on my hips, narrowing my gaze to a look that demanded answers. It was disorienting to be left out of the discussion they were seemingly having without me. A conversation that was clearly about what they should and shouldn’t tell me. I hated how different this rebirth had been. Instead of being able to see everything that happened around me while I was in the “in-between”, I had burned away into nothingness, unable to see and unable to get back to my body in time to help. That feeling of helplessness was something I never wanted to feel again. Steeling myself for bad news, I pushed them to tell me what was going on.

  “Don’t keep things from me. Not now.” My voice came out quiet but strong while my heart was squeezing in my chest. I just knew something was wrong and I was going to get bad news. Oh, God. Please don’t let one of them be hurt… or worse. Killian had said they were all safe, though, right? I hadn’t imagined that, had I? The thought of losing one of them made my stomach twist, and I felt like I was about to retch on their guest room floor. Once my eyes had adjusted to the dim lighting, I had been able to identify where I was; the bland white walls and forest green comforter were familiar to me as the room in their cabin that I had stayed in last week. At least that was one question down.

  Hiro reached out, gently leading me back to the edge of the bed. The fact that he wanted me off my feet made the ominous feeling inside of me grow. “If you don’t tell me, I’m going to hurl right here, right now. The anxiety is making me sick.” I sat on the mattress, letting Hiro get me settled the way he wanted. Crossing one arm over my stomach, I tried to hold it’s meager contents in from the outside. Crouching in front of me, Hiro’s dark eyes locked onto my own. “Theo was shot.” The blood drained out of my face. “He’s alright, Nix. It’s a long story, but he’s alright. Practically as good as new; Ryder healed him.”

  I swallowed down the bile that had risen. Theo was shot. My Theo. He was shot because of me. A slew of emotions flew through me. I was terrified and worried for Theo. Raging at Michael and angry that the whole situation had happened. Relieved that Ryder saved Theo. Heartbroken that Ryder had to keep using his powers to save people because of me. I was upset at myself for dying and not returning to my body fast enough to be useful and devastated that I had brought this kind of danger to their door.

  A soft click was my only warning before a lamp cast a dim glow around the room. I hissed quietly, squinting against the intrusion. The soft yellow light had caused my eyes to burn, and I blinked back tears as I tried to focus on who had joined us in the room.

  “It’s not your fault, Nix.” Damien’s tenor was like a balm, helping to settle the rollercoaster of emotions I had inside of me. “None of this is your fault. Stop blaming yourself. You will never be held responsible for someone else’s actions, sweetheart.”

  Tears filled my eyes, and I asked the only question that mattered at the moment. “Where is he?” I needed to see him with my own eyes.

  “He’s with the Council. We’ve been kind of incommunicado lately while we took care of you. We didn’t want them finding out about you yet.” Damien’s answer wasn’t the one I wanted. I wanted to see Theo right now to assess any damage done to him myself, but I was slightly appeased that he was with the Council. If he was out and about, the chances were he truly was alright. That wasn’t going to stop me from throwing myself at him the second I laid eyes on him. I needed to touch him to gain the reassurance I craved. My Phoenix was in complete agreement.

  Damien chuckled. “I don’t think he’d mind that one bit, sweetheart.”

  I blushed. Stay out of my head. I pushed that thought to Damien.

  No need to shout it. You’re projecting quiet loudly, Nix. It’s like your thoughts are stronger than they used to be. It’s been harder to tune you out these last few days.

  Wait. What? Had he said few days? Days?! So many questions were piling up.

  “How long was I gone?” Did I want to know?

  “It took two days for you to come back.” Killian had freed himself from the tiny chair and was now standing in front of me next to Hiro. His green eyes were piercing and intense as he took me in, his gaze raking over my form. Holy hell. Had he said it took me two days to come back to my body? I’d been dead for two days? My stomach rolled again. That was… gross. I knew my powers had kept my body… fresh—magic and all that—but the thought was seriously cringe-worthy… and scary as fuck. It had never taken me so long to regenerate before. More questions.

  “You slept for four more days.” Damien’s voice was a mere whisper at my ear. He had moved in closer, standing on Hiro’s other side. Their gazes were hungry. Maybe not in a sexual way, but definitely in a it’s-so-fucking-good-to-see-you-alive kind of way. Oh, God. I must look awful. Wait. Did he say four fucking days?

  I was nearly speechless in shock. “I’ve been out for almost a week?!?” I had never taken that long to revive. Hell, even when Michael had killed me twice in a row, I hadn’t been out for that long. What the hell had he done to me?

  “Can I?” Damien held out his arms and, after taking a steadying breath, I nodded. Damien’s arms wrapped tightly around me, the scruff on his cheek was rubbing against my neck where he nuzzled at me. It felt good to be held.

  Pounding footsteps rang from the far side of the house, then sounded on the stairs. I stiffened involuntarily. “Shhh.” Damien murmured close to my ear. “It’s just Ryder. I told him you were awake.” The door banged into the wall as it was flung wider by an overeager Ryder. Killian jumped aside, swearing loudly as Ryder rushed between him and Hiro to get to me. I gasped as Ryder scooped me up off of the bed. His usually perfect hair was mussed, hanging heavily around his face as though he had been running his fingers through it. The purple had faded significantly, and it appeared as though he hadn’t taken the time to renew it.

  “Don’t you ever scare me like that again, do you understand?” Ryder’s voice was muffled from where he pressed his face into my neck. Confused, guilty, and feeling a little unsteady, I reached up to rub his back in long, soothing strokes. My Phoenix cooed happily in my mind, and I tried not to stiffen in Ryder’s arms. It felt good to be held; I just needed to make my brain understand what my heart was feeling.

  “I’m sorry, Ry.”

  “We’re never going to be bored with you around are we?” Damien moved closer and threaded his fingers through my hair. I cringed, not from the touch, but from worry. If I’d been out for a week, I’m sure my hair was oily and disgusting, and I didn’t want any of them to see me like that.

  “See, she’s awake now, and she’s fine.” Damien gave a contented sigh.

  “Thank fuck.” The surly Celt just had to add his two cents.

  “If she hadn’t woken up today, I would have gone.” Ryder’s tone was sullen. Had they been fighting?

  “Gone where? I feel like I’m on the tail end of an argument.” The last thing I wanted was to come between them.

  Ryder had the sensibility to look ashamed. “Uh… the Council.”

  “You were going to tell the Council about me?” I couldn’t keep the hurt out of my voice.

  Ryder pulled back to stare into my eyes. “You were dead for over forty-eight hours, Nix. You were comatose for almost one hundred more. Hell, you were given Vish Kaya venom! No one is able to survive that, Nix! I wasn’t sure your Phoenix would be able to revive you! I would have done anything to wake you up. I lost Ally already. I’m not fucking losing you too.”

  My head was spinning. My Phoenix was hissing in my head at the name of another girl on Ryder’s lips. I was dizzy with pain
and hunger.

  “Enough.” Hiro’s voice was hard as steel. “Nix, you’re barely awake. Come sit back down. I don’t want to push your body too hard. I’d appreciate it if you’d let us get some food and water into your system. Ryder ran an I.V. for you, but it’s not the same thing.” His tone turned gentle, almost crooning as he directed his words to me.

  Shaking slightly, I nodded in agreement, leaning into Damien as I walked the few steps back to the bed. More awake now, I was aware of the cold floorboards under my bare feet, and I tried not to shiver. Hiro pulled me down gently, stacking pillows behind my back and shoulders and wrapping the blanket around my shoulders as he rubbed at my chilled toes. The sensation of his hands rubbing over my feet, his fingers pressing into all the right spots, made my mind mush and I melted into the bed. I had never been cared for like this. It was something a girl could get used to.

  “Ryder, get her some more water please.” Hiro’s voice did not allow for argument. Ryder nodded stiffly and stepped from the room, his steps soft as he headed down the stairs.

  Ally was his sister, Nix. Damien’s mind voice was soft, his eyes trained on the open doorway. I could feel your anxiety about it. It’s his story to tell, not mine. All I’ll say is that he barely held it together when she died. He’d give up his own life to bring her back. He wasn’t trying to betray you by admitting he would go to the Council for help. He’s trying to show you how much you mean to him.

  Instantly I was flooded with shame and regret. I vaguely remembered them mentioning he had a sister and that something had happened. Besides, I really didn’t want to die. I knew the Council would find out about me sooner or later, and if I had to pick sooner to keep myself alive, well, then that’s exactly what I’d do. Taking a deep breath, I worked to release my built up tension as I exhaled.

  Killian sat down on the edge of the bed, his jaw clenched tight and his hands shaking as they reached up to stroke my hair back behind my ears. I prepared myself for the contact and was proud when I didn’t flinch. Instead, my Phoenix cooed with contentment. “You scared the bloody hell out of me, Annie girl.”


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