Hidden in Smoke

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Hidden in Smoke Page 23

by Harper Wylde

  “Come on, Ryder. The rest of us still have to shift as well.” Kill’s voice was irritated. I knew he was nervous about shifting in front of me for the first time. I, on the other hand, was excited. I already knew he was playful; I wanted to see him for myself.

  The Ceraptor tossed his head but walked back to his place in the circle. I turned my gaze to the sky again, feeling the air ripple and crackle as he shifted back. My Phoenix continued to coo in my head. She had enjoyed being so close to another mythological, especially one whom she felt safe and comfortable with.

  “Nix, I want you to go next. Use the energy that’s remaining from Ryder. You’ve just felt it, give it a shot.” Theo’s voice was encouraging. “Everyone, turn your backs.” Once I was sure that all backs were turned, I dropped the robe. Feeling the cold air flowing around my bare skin was a unique—and appealing—sensation.

  “Ready for this?” I hadn’t meant to say the words out loud, but my Phoenix chirped in agreement. She was excited to get out again, to feel the air the way I was feeling it. Breathing deeply, I gave over control, allowing her heat to transfer across my own. There was a slight burn, like an overworked muscle, and then I was seeing through her eyes. She chirped, ruffling her feathers, flapping her wings. She had not yet had a chance to fly and wanted to desperately.

  “Steady, sweetheart,” Damien called. “You still have some say, even when she’s shifted. I don’t want you flying yet. You’re new to all of this, and that’s a lesson for another time. For now just get to know each other.” With the bond open, I could feel his concern that my Phoenix or I would be injured if we flew without practice. My Phoenix hissed at him, ruffling her feathers in disgust, as if to say, “I would never let us get injured.” I couldn’t help but snicker. I wondered if some of my sass came directly from her, or if we just shared the same type of personality. Our eyes tracked across the clearing and landed on Killian who was watching us with his arms crossed, his eyes alight. He was interesting,to both my Phoenix and me. The two were polar opposites and yet seemed to be completely bonded, despite the differences.

  “Good girl. Ask her to let you switch back. Push yourself forward. Share your intent.” Hiro’s voice was warm and admiring. My Phoenix preened, enjoying the fact that he liked her. She didn't want to change back, especially when he spoke to her in that sweet tone. I pushed more assertively, assuring her that I would not wait as long before we shifted again. I wanted to see the others, though. Slowly, she complied and, with another slight burn, I was back in my own skin. I breathed deeply through the slight sense of vertigo.

  “It’s the size change,” Killian called. “You’ll get used to it, and it won’t seem disconcerting anymore.”

  “Kill, your turn.” Hiro’s voice was commanding. I was sure that he was trying to avoid Killian claiming we had been at this for too long.

  Killian grumbled slightly, and Damien pushed his thoughts at me, “She’s going to think I’m weak. I’ll lose her before I have a chance to have her.”

  I rolled my eyes. My words wouldn’t mean anything—I had tried them again and again. Just as I had to see that none of them would leave when I disclosed my broken pieces, he would have to see that seeing his alternate form wouldn’t have any effect on how I felt about him. Turning my head, I heard him remove his robe and take a deep breath before the energy of his shift danced across the clearing—as playful and light as his Puca. I tried not to twist where I stood, afraid that the robe would fall open. When the sparks began to clear, I felt movement near me. My Phoenix made a sound that was a combination of a purr and a coo. Wow, I hadn’t known she could make that noise.

  I looked down at my feet, and my mouth dropped open. At about two feet long, a small, black, fuzzy bunny with emerald eyes stood at my feet, his ears up, his paws batting for my attention. Without thought, I let out a small squeal and scooped him from the ground into my arms. Holding him in front of my face I couldn’t help the ridiculously sweet speech. “Oh my God you are so cute! So fluffy! My fluffy!” I was grinning like crazy. I had always wanted a bunny when I was growing up. Of course, I was never allowed to have pets. This was a dream in the same way that seeing Ryder’s Ceraptor was. His Puca’s nose twitched, and small lights flickered around him first yellow, then orange, then back to yellow again. I laughed. Apparently, the Puca was a good communicator. I didn’t even need Damien in our mental link to tell me that the Puca was happy and Killian was embarrassed by my babying him. “You’re mine now, Bugs.” After a quick glance at my borrowed robe, I considered. The Puca was small, only about four pounds. I nodded and, quick as a bunny, slipped him into the front pocket of the robe.

  “Did she just—” Ryder trailed off, before beginning to howl with laughter. I continued to pet and stroke the velvet ears and silken fur as I watched the others. Ryder was on the ground now, pounding it furiously in his usual dramatics. Theo had raised his eyebrows at me, cocking his head in confusion. Hiro wasn’t even trying to hide his grin, and Damien merely shook his head.

  “I always wanted a bunny,” I explained. “He’s so cute! Most people would think he’s stuffed, anyhow. He can ride with me. Oh, I can get him a ribbon!” I scratched behind his ears as the Puca turned in to my hand. Lights again flickered around us, every color of the rainbow. “Oh, hush you. He’d like a pretty ribbon, wouldn’t you? Mean old Kill being ashamed of such a sweet, pretty little bunny like you. What do you say? You can ride in my hoodie.” I cajoled the Puca.

  Even Theo had lost the battle at this point and let out a deep laugh of amusement at his brother’s plight. I felt the air begin to crackle and shook my finger in warning. “Don’t you dare. If you shift now, you’re going to tear my clothes right off. What kind of friend would that make you? Besides, you never let him out to play.” I turned, continuing to stroke the bunny, and headed back to the house. From the increasingly raucous laughter, I assumed that lessons were done for the day. That was fine with me. I had a brand new pet to pamper.



  By the time Friday night rolled around I was in desperate need of girl time! Luckily, Rini felt the same way and had set up a girls night. While we were able to see each other in between classes throughout the week and talked on the phone, it wasn’t the same as living together, and I missed my best friend dearly.

  “To best friends!” Rini held her neon pink shot glass in the air to slap it against my own. Her grin was slightly wavy, and I couldn’t help but snicker.

  “Thanks for the girls night.” My voice quavered a little, and I fought back the sentimental tears. “You’re such an awesome friend.” When Rini had suggested an outing for us, both sets of men had put their foot—feet, ha!—down. My guys had understood that I desperately needed to go somewhere that was fun. Between school and the Council, I needed to just let things go. So, after much debate, we had decided that I would go out for a night of just girl fun—without my guys in tow. To keep us safe, however, we would be hanging out at the triplets’ house where they could be far enough away to ensure some privacy but close enough in the event of an emergency. When Rini had stated—in an insanely serious and peppy voice—that we were going to do a girls’ night, I had expected romance movies, chocolate, and maybe some nail polish. Apparently, we had very different ideas—or had seen very different movies.

  Rini’s version of girls night, however, involved high proof liquor, shot glasses, pizza, and movies with hot actors. She proudly stated that if men were allowed to watch something just for a woman’s body, then we could do the exact same thing. So, with Magic Mike playing in the background we began to slam shot after shot of tequila—compliments of the triplets’ liquor collection. With my head currently spinning as I watched multiple copies of Channing Tatum grind on stage, I shot Rini a watery grin. “This is totally awesome.”

  “Alright, girly. We’ve both got a buzz. It’s time to spill.” Rini nodded, trying to keep her expression sober but dissolved into giggles after a moment.

I don’t want to spill! This shit is good!” I tossed back another shot, giggling all the while. Rini snorted so hard that she fell over backward, landing on the pile of pillows surrounding her.

  “So? You like them. I know you like them. Theo’s nuts for you—anyone who knows him can see it.”

  The grin I shot her was wide and warm. “You think so?” That made me feel very proud that they could tell he was into me. Hearing it from someone else made it feel more real, and I felt special.

  “Of course! He’s like my brother, I can totally tell.” Stretching out her arm for another slice of pizza, she studied the television screen. “They would kill me for telling you this, but they can all dance. Like, actually dance.” She gestured to the way Channing was rolling his hips into the floor.

  I cocked my head to better watch the strippers bump and grind. “All of them?” I could absolutely picture Ryder doing this. Even Theo, though? And Killian? That was an exciting image… now I really did want to go dancing with them.

  She snickered as she filled my glass. “Each and every one. Ryder started it. He saw the craze for guys who can dance. When the other guys started to tease him for it, they made some kind of bet. I don’t have all the details, but he totally won. They all took lessons for a while after that. Theo would try to lock his door, or they would go out to the woods, but like that was going to stop me.” She snorted, choking on the liquor she inhaled, and I laughed at her expense.

  “That’s… interesting.” Okay, the word I wanted was hot, but it seemed a little twisted to mention that to a girl who was like Theo’s sister—even though I was seriously buzzed.

  It was Rini’s turn to snicker at me. “Nice word choice. It did make for some interesting evenings, and Ryder was right, it increased their popularity.”

  My Phoenix hissed, ruffling her feathers in agitation. Yeah, she genuinely didn’t like that idea. “You know, I teased them about going dancing with me, but I can’t move anything like that.” It’s not like dancing had ever been a priority in my life, nor that I would have had the time or privacy to learn.

  Rini jumped up, stumbling over her pillows as she reached for my hand. “It’s so easy! You’re limber and agile; you’ll pick it up fast.” I was reluctant, but let her pull me to my feet. Keeping my eyes on her—and on the movie—I tried to copy her moves. She was fluid, all hips and shoulders— rocking, grinding, and dipping to the music. I wasn’t sure I was mimicking her very well, but she shot me a grin. “Just loosen up, you’re doing great. If it helps, close your eyes and imagine one of the guys dancing with you. That’s what I always do. Dancing is a giant tease, so pretend to wind him up.” I grabbed the tequila bottle for some liquid courage before following her directions. My head and body were light anyway from the alcohol. It was easy to close my eyes, listen to the music, and just let my body move.

  “Well now.” That purring voice was definitely Ryder. I glanced at the door, my grin wide and bright.

  “We’re dancing!” I couldn’t stop the giggles that rolled from me, my body still writhing to the music. Now that I had begun, I really didn’t want to stop.

  With a cocky grin Ryder slid over to me, his movements smooth and fluid. His body twined with mine, rocking, weaving, and bumping as we finished the song together with his hands locked on my waist, our hips pressed together and my arm slung around his neck.

  “Told ya.” Rini was smirking from where she had apparently fallen to the floor while Ryder and I finished our dance. As the next song began, I tugged on Ryder’s arm, unable to contain myself.

  “Dance with me!” He pulled me close, obviously willing to comply with my request, when a snort interrupted us. Killian lazed against the door frame with his feet kicked out. I ran my tongue over my teeth as I watched him. This position put his abs and his arms crossed over his chest into sharp view. I really wanted to bite him and see if he was as firm as he looked.

  A loud crashing on the stairway was followed up by a vicious round of swearing, and I couldn’t help but laugh. Apparently, I had projected that reasonably loudly into Damien’s head. Killian’s eyebrow rose slowly, the muscles in his arms rippling as he shifted slightly. I assumed from the heat in his eyes that Damien had told him exactly what I had been thinking. “Interesting thought, Annie girl.” His voice was a purr. “However, I think you’ve stayed long enough.”

  “Pffttt.” The sound that came out of my mouth was a combination of a snort of disdain and a whistle. It was obvious I was a little tipsy. Alright, more than a little tipsy. Ryder lost his battle for seriousness behind me, doubling over, holding my waist for balance as he howled with laughter. Rini joined in, her laughter slurred from the amount of liquor she had had tonight.

  Kill’s lips twitched as he strode towards me, wrapping a hand around my waist to pull me flush against him. “Let’s go home, Annie girl.” I tried to tug him into the dance with me, rocking my hips and shaking my shoulders; Killian just shook his head and scooped me into his arms. I tittered at the flying sensation.

  “I really should shift again. I think I’d like to fly.” I reached up to twine my fingers into Kill’s hair, marveling at how soft and bright the strands were.

  “I’ll fly with you!” Ryder hurried over, waving a hand at Rini who had yet to rise from her sprawled posture on the floor.

  “Yay! Let’s fly!” I closed my eyes to concentrate and pull my Phoenix forward, and Killian juggled me slightly. Damien stepped forward as my eyes jolted open so I could glare at the clumsy Celt.

  “Not the best idea to shift while you’re being carried, sweetheart. Besides, flying while inebriated isn’t a safe practice, especially as a beginner. Ryder or I will take you up for lessons. It will be good for you to learn and your Phoenix is probably burning to stretch her wings.”

  My Phoenix cooed in agreement, wanting to reach out and stroke my guys. She had liked the alcohol and dancing as much as I had and still twirled inside of me. I studied the guys with a wary eye. I hadn’t thought about how alcohol would affect my shifter side. Now I tried to imagine how it would affect theirs. Damien’s impenetrable Gargoyle stumbling into walls and causing them to break, Ryder’s unicorn running his horn into things and getting stuck, and Killian’s Puca hopping around in dizzying circles. Peals of laughter fell from my lips as the image danced behind my eyes. What the hell would Theo’s creature even look like sober let alone drunk?

  “Do we know what has her so amused?” Theo’s voice was dry as he studied us from the bottom of the staircase.

  “Do your creatures get drunk? Does Kill do the bunny hop?” The laughter returned, echoed by the guys as they caught on to my train of thought. I assumed Damien shared the images that were playing through my head.

  Ryder’s eyes flashed with silver and purple as he caught my chin, a wicked grin on his face. “Well, I can’t say I’ve ever gotten stuck somewhere, but I definitely get a little horny.” He winked as he let me go.

  Theo grinned. “It depends on your creature and the amount of alcohol you consume. If I consumed enough for a man my size, my Kraken might have a bit of a buzz compared to me being blindly drunk. Killian, however, would have a much more adverse reaction as the amount needed to inebriate him would be much smaller in his Puca form.”

  Killian huffed, tightening his grip on me. I couldn’t help myself and began to hum, “Little Bunny Foo-Foo”.

  Ryder snorted and stumbled hard on the staircase, nearly missing a step in his amusement. Killian froze, tightening his grip on me. His eyes were a brilliant green as they met mine, his Puca apparently amused by my drunken antics. It seemed he wanted to play as small, vaporous rabbits appeared around me and began to dance in time to my tune. I squealed, reaching out in glee to touch the rabbits while Killian swore darkly, squeezing his eyes tightly shut in an attempt to get his Puca back under control.

  “Can one of you take her? I may have better luck if she’s not pressed up against me.” Killian’s voice was gruff, interrupting my wiggling. He was totally killing m
y buzz. I stuck my tongue out at him, intent on returning to play with the illusions but they had disappeared.

  Damien scooped me from Kill’s arms, locking my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he carried me outside. The cold night air woke me slightly but did nothing to sober me up. “Don’t stick it out if you don’t intend to use it,” he cautioned playfully, leaning his head down to nuzzle at my neck.

  “Who says I don’t intend to use it?” I teased in return.

  It was Damien’s turn to stumble and swear. Killian laughed at his brother’s fate. “Not as easy as you think, is it?”

  Damien nipped the tip of my ear, causing me to jerk into his body. “Behave, sweetheart. Let’s get home in one piece.” As he strapped me into the car, I continued humming to myself. The silly songs had morphed into some of the music I remembered from the radio and the movies we’d watched.

  I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes at the gentle sway of the vehicle, as I thought about what Rini had said. She thought Theo liked me. I had hoped so. The brief kiss we had shared seemed to indicate it, but it was nice to have those feelings validated. The part about the dancing though, I didn’t know if she was pulling my leg. My wing? I really had to figure out how euphemisms worked for shifters. Cuddling closer to the seat and enjoying the heat in my veins, I pictured all of the guys dancing for me. I couldn’t contain the smile that felt permanently plastered on my lips. It was a very good daydream. I wiggled in my seat as my blood sizzled.

  I heard a low hum from Hiro at the same time that Killian cursed. “Fuck me.”

  I chortled. “I’d like to!” I heard grunts and groans from all the guys and the distinct sound of shifting leather as they re-adjusted in their seats.

  “Such a tease, Annie girl.” The deep, dark, and husky sound of Killian vibrated through me.


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