Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 37

by Lee Morgan

  Sarah’s grandparents, Laura and Ryan, had arrived at the clearing, but steered clear of Connor’s focus as much as possible. The feeling was mutual. The last encounter was still fresh on both of their family’s minds.

  There came another difficult decision that was made last week. It wasn’t pleasant nor was it won without a fight. Both Sarah and Veronica were persuaded by Sorono to separate from them and battle in the other two locations. Sarah would go to New York and be accompanied and protected by Head Elder Amphrite and Poseidon where as Veronica would head to California to protect the San Andreas fault and be protected mainly by Mark and Kara, who were volunteered for the job.

  Connor didn’t force Sarah to reconsider her position, but Sorono had given her a logical outlook if she wasn’t among the Balancers. Her strength would be needed on their field and she knew it would tip the scales in their favor. She conceded by stating “Alright, but the moment the situation isn’t needed of my skills, I’m flying straight to Connor!”

  Everyone could tell that Veronica will do the exact same thing once she wasn’t required, though she remained silent.

  Connor then opened his eyes to see the over-casted sky from his tree perch as the memories from the preparation began flowing.

  Many began using up the steel cubes, like candy, that Sorono kept flying in routinely. Many people created their own weapons and armor, but those who didn’t know how to work the metal had been given help from those with the ability. Mainly Fire and Metal Balancers worked together at the four large forges to make the tools they will need in the coming weeks. The last forge was commandeered for another use altogether. Elder Adela began using it to cook large amounts of food to feed the maw of the horde.

  Changers mainly wanted to rely on their claws and teeth, but they knew that weapons had their uses. Changers then began wearing small weapons that wouldn’t hinder their styles of fighting. Then there was something new that Connor didn’t consider as a logical weapon option. The Bone Changers began making their own artillery.

  Kara was drafted by Raphael and three other Bone Changers. Two of the Bone Changers were Raphael’s mates. Kara said that the sixth Bone Changer was being held in the Immortals Prison.

  His sister and the other rare Changers began making swords and other simple weapons from their very bones. Soon the five began distributing the weapons that were made from their very flesh to those in the crowd who wanted or needed a lightweight and durable weapon.

  “Connor, I must speak with you.” A familiar mind said and pulled him from his contemplation. He looked down from his leafy position to see Sorono standing below. “Can you please come down here?”

  “Sure.” He tossed his leg over the other side and dropped to the ground.

  When Connor’s eyes met his, he projected “We both have seen how small our force is compared to what we face.”

  He calmly placed a hand on the top of Tool. “It is true, but the way you said that is telling me that no one else is on their way and you might have a solution to this crisis.”

  “Very astute.” He said calmly. “It is as you say. Firon, Clarein and Xaon came up to me over an hour ago to tell me that there isn’t anyone else heading in our direction. I had them destroy all of the rest of their temporary bonds and now they are eating to regain all of their strength once again.” Then Sorono dropped to his knees and closed his mind to all, but his sibling. His tone turned serious and clear that what he was about to say wasn’t a joke. “We know our enemies outnumber us close to eight to one, but there is a way to bolster our ranks by a small percentage. I haven’t had counsel with the Elders because this is the right of the Harmonizers. You see, we can raise our ranks with those who are being imprisoned.” He waited for a change in Connor’s expression and found none. “What do you think? Should we release the immortals whom are being punished and have them help in our fight?”

  “How many are being confined?”

  “Close to sixty six thousand by last count.”

  Connor nodded and quickly came to a conclusion. “So back when we were flying home from rescuing you from the island, you realized that you could count on the prisoners help. We do need the added strength, but what’s to stop them from turning on their captors? Who will even care about the outside world after being incarcerated after such a time?”

  “If you ever saw where they are being held you would understand their wanting to be released. And what you are forgetting is that many of the single Keepers, Changers and Balancers that are here, aren’t honestly single. Their mates are in that prison system. Plus we will scan the minds of the prisoners and see if they will be worthy enough to join us.” He offered a scaly smile. “At the mention of freedom they will jump at the chance to get out. Many want to fight anyways so we’ll just paint a target on our enemy’s chests.”

  Sorono allowed him time to think it over in silence. We need as much aid as possible, but why were so many in jail? What had they done to get in or how long have they been held…? Will they even care?...

  After many internal deliberations were settled Connor set his sights on Sorono. “Alright, we’ll need their help. I say we should bring them into the fold.”

  “Thank you for seconding the difficult decision. When should we leave?”

  “What do you mean, we?”

  Sorono stood up and locked his features in a visual representation of ancient strength. “We are going together and alone, to the prison. I’ve already spoken to Sarah and Veronica so they know that we won’t be going alone and nor will there be any danger to us. Sarah said for us to be careful and come home soon. She and Veronica will stay back and care of the hatchlings.”

  He knew Sorono was telling the truth, but it still needed to be checked. Connor pushed with his consciousness and found the most loving and familiar mind of all. Her velvety voice sounded as a perfect match to her mental thoughts. “Connor, you seem worried. Did Sorono just explain his vague plan concerning the prison?”

  “Yes, but I wanted to know if you said that you would stay behind with the kids. Did you say that?”

  “Yes I did. He explained that there wouldn’t be any danger and since the two of you are going to be together, Veronica and I won’t be as worried as last time. Be careful, just incase. I love you. … oh sorry, I’ve got to go. Mother is bringing brunch for me and the kids.”

  “I love you too.” Her emotions brightened at hearing those words.

  Connor found Sorono watching his every move. Sorono smiled when his head gave a single nod. He turned around and began walking towards the crowd. Connor followed. Together they made their way to the stage and waited for the crowd to silence. Once they did he said “As many of you are aware by now, everyone that could be summoned here, have been. We know the numbers are against us and Connor and I have decided to do something that hasn’t ever been done before. We will be back within the week with some new numbers. My son Damian will take my place until our return so heed his leadership, like you do with mine. Please keep up the extraordinary work and do what you believe needs to be done…”

  Sorono continued speaking as Connor gave one last glance to the crowd. His instinct began telling him of something, but he couldn’t find any problems or even any malice at the moment. But he was alerted to something that felt off. He glanced at Sorono and saw that he was scanning for something too. Sorono felt something slightly out of the ordinary as well, but didn’t show any outward signs through his casual scanning. They didn’t need to tell the other because their senses were similar and it didn’t need to be acknowledged aloud.

  He spotted Sarah waving at him and waved back.

  Once Sorono finished his speech they both began flying away from the gathering of immortals.

  The food was exactly what she needed after Sorono and Connor flew north. Jillian had brought a large tray filled with meat, bread and fruit. It helped because Sarah’s strength still needed the consumable energy from turning all of her weapons and armor into Dark Steel. Even now her
energy still needed another week of massive doses of food just to get back to normal again or three months of generating naturally. Her entire family talked together while she stuffed herself.

  While finally finishing the meal there was something strange molding within her mind.

  Before waving goodbye to Connor, she saw him scanning the crowd. It wasn’t a normal scan. Sarah knew him better than anyone and the way he moved told her that something was off, even if he was being nonchalant about it. Something had alerted him and now her guard went up.

  “Sarah,” Amber said and gained her attention as she and Ben sat across from her. “how are you feeling now?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She smiled softly. “Well you told me how much stamina it took to make your metal stronger and I was wondering how you’re doing now. You’re a little more lively than last week, but you’ve always been the quieter of the two of us. I can’t even tell if you’re putting on a front or feeling alright.”

  Sarah sighed in remembering how drained things were. “I’m doing fine. Why all the sudden interest?”

  Amber glanced at Ben and then to her, shyly. “Actually last night I tried to make my chains into that Dark Steel stuff.”

  Sarah stood up from her bench and asked seriously “Amber, what happened?”

  She shook her light brown hair from side to side. “Nothing did. I figured to give it a shot and found that it was hopeless. I imagined them turning as black as your Fangs, but nothing happened the way it does when I manipulate my metal. Apparently my strength isn’t up to the task and wouldn’t even let me attempt.”

  As she sat down again she said “Sorry.”

  “What for?” Ben asked, confused. “It isn’t your fault that we don’t have the strength that you do. We are just amazed at the growth we’ve made since coming here. After all the training you’ve given us has shown me that I can still get stronger at my age. I might not get truly powerful, but my skills are getting more refined and used more precisely. We are grateful for all you’ve done.”

  She began blushing at hearing such praising. It was kind, but embarrassing.

  “Mommy, when I get my powers can you train me too?” Pearl asked.

  Jack glanced at his daughter with his azure eyes and they had a weak look of pain. Jillian closed her eyes while Amber and Ban silently looked at each other.

  Sarah’s heart began to ache, but her voice remained upbeat. Her green eyes looked between the twins as they sat atop the table and in their car-seats. “Of course I will. When you two get older you’ll be my number one students.”

  Their little eyes glanced at one another and they giggled in a way that made everyone begin to laugh with them.

  Several minutes later a familiar Irish and unwelcome accent rang in their ears. “Sarah, may we speak with you, lass?”

  Everyone went dead silent around the group. Everyone across from Sarah ranged in expression from wary, angry, disappointed and even uncaring as they looked behind her. Veronica sat to the right and Sarah heard a dangerous growl.

  She turned around to see both of her grandparents.

  Her grandfather Ryan stood several paces away wearing a green shirt and brown pants. His dark brown hair flowed in the gentle breeze and his eyes calmly looked around them. His handsome and young expression was impassive. Laura stood behind him wearing a red shirt and matching shorts. Her fiery red hair was longer and curled. Her emerald green eyes were Sarah’s only inheritance, but they actually looked timid and not demeaning for once.

  She stood up and crossed her arms to look impassive. Veronica and the human looking Kara, in her leathers, followed Sarah’s example and from the corner of her eye Shannon and Mark moved in behind to cover the twin’s. Sarah’s tone then turned hard and cold. “What do you want?”

  “Is that anyway to speak to family.” Her grandfather said with a calm smile. He looked around at everyone and his smile faded when none so much as blinked. Her silence told him all the answer he needed to hear. “I guess it isn’t much of a stretch to say our relationship is strained.” He looked up when Veronica gave another unwelcome warning growl. “Hold on, I’m unarmed.” He turned around to show that he didn’t carry his whip.

  “He could still be carrying a hidden blade.” Veronica said privately. Then Sarah felt her using her sonar for a moment. Ryan looked at her when her large eyes began glowing. “It looks like he was telling the truth and the female isn’t holding any weapons either.” She then turned her mind for everyone to listen, but spoke to them. “What business do you have, hatchlings? We do not have patience with you right now. Not after your actions from our last encounter.”

  “You’re absolutely right.” Laura said with a truthful accent. “We weren’t on our best behavior and our actions gave you an understandable outlook of us. We’ve never been the best when it comes to the matter of family. We won’t make up any excuses for our actions because the fault is ours alone.” Sarah’s arms slowly began to uncross at hearing something so unorthodox. They just admitted they were both wrong. “We have come to do whatever it takes to make amends…”

  Her young looking grandmother went silent and Ryan placed a hand over her petite shoulder. “She is right. Laura and I have made many assumptions that proved our ignorance and for that, we are sorry. Sometimes we need to be told how precious life is and how quickly it can end. We know this battle will be bloody and we don’t want any regrets if our time should come.” He cleared his throat dryly. “Do you think we can get another chance?”

  “Mommy,” Everyone silenced as Sarah peered over her shoulder to look at her son. He was staring directly at his immortal great grandparents. “why not let them get another chance, whoever they are.”

  Sarah turned her calm and impassive expression back on them and said “As long as you do not say or do anything out of line, you may get another chance,” She watched as they both sighed in relief. “but” They met her iron gaze again and became confused. They thought it would be easy, but they had rules that needed to be followed. “there are a few things that you two need to abide by. You cannot say anything disrespectful about anyone in my family, especially around my babies. You must also apologize to Father, Mother, Amber and Ben for your behavior as well. As long as you remain within those pleasant parameters you may stay, but if you intentionally make a mistake Veronica will be the least of your problems, got it.” She said with calm fury and Veronica grunted, seconding the rules.

  They looked between each other and Laura nodded in acceptance.

  They stayed put as Amber, Jillian, Ben and Jack walked up to her side.

  Amber and her mate received their apologies and were forgiven with a hug from Amber and a handshake from Ben. Jillian received her apology from Laura and they hugged almost like a reunion that has never happened before, but it was different from Jack.

  When Ryan began his apology, Jack walked straight up to him and towered over his father-in-law. Jack balled up his fist and slammed it into Ryan’s abdomen and used enough force to make him get knocked back over twenty feet away. Sarah’s father had held back some, but still made everyone go into shock. Jack turned around with a smile and said joyfully “Damn, I’ve been waiting to do that for over seven hundred years!” Jack then glanced over his shoulder and spoke in the same lighthearted tone. “Ryan, with that, all of our disputes are settled.”

  “Agreed.” Ryan said through his pain gritted teeth and slowly stood up while clutching his stomach. He staggered back and slowly said “That has been coming to me for a very long time. I’m just glad my newest grandson wasn’t here or I would have been launched into the trees.”

  “Try landing in the middle of town.” Jack said with a laugh and then slapped Ryan across his back. “Come and sit with me and slowly introduce yourself to your remarkable great grandchildren.”

  Once things settled and her grandparents sat the furthest away and across from her, they began introducing themselves to the children. They did remarkably well with the
group and stayed true to their word.

  At one point Kara tapped Sarah’s shoulder. Kara leaned in close and whispered in her ear with a feral smile. “I can smell their fear. They are really trying, but look at how they are sweating in this breeze. I’m not sure what they are worried about, but I don’t see any of us threatening them.”

  Sarah whispered back. “Hold on.” She entered her grandparents minds unnoticed and found the reason to their stress. They might not be able to read each other’s mind, but their train of thought ran the same way. Sarah chocked off a laugh and Kara was the only one to notice over the noise of the crowd.

  Her grin widened when she whispered “Spill!”

  She couldn’t hold herself back when a small giggle escaped her lips. She cupped her hand close to Kara’s ear and said “They are afraid of what Connor will say or do when they see them hanging out with us. Last time they met he had his hatchet to Ryan’s throat. They are thinking of the worst thing he might do if he sees them and Connor isn’t prepared.”

  “Should we let them keep sweating?” Her liquid silver eyes lit with mischief.

  They both knew how Connor reacts to things that are new. He always keeps a cool head, unless someone he loves is in danger. She grinned back, matching Kara’s. “Oh yeah.”


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