Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 52

by Lee Morgan

  “Darrel, Pearl, come over here. I don’t want you to get separated from us in this crowd.” Sarah said in an elegant tone and then she smiled motherly.

  They both left their friends and came over and Sarah and Connor scooped up a kid and began following the crowd. Darrel situated himself on his dad’s left shoulder for a better view.

  The wind Continued whipping all of the different national flags that lined the entrance to the United Nations building. Crowds of reporters and TV stations were present and recording everything. Many walked around the flagpoles and began entering the main building with everyone else.

  Just as Connor made it to the door entrance a security officer stepped in front of him and said “Sorry sir, but no weapons are allowed in here.” Then he pointed at Tool as it hung casually on his right hip. Then Connor broke one of his rules to read the man’s mind to see what he really wanted.

  Connor looked him dead in the eye and countered with “This is nothing compared to the weapon that stands before you. Do not get in my way over something so trifling as a simple good luck talisman. If you’re worried about a weapon entering the building then you better confiscate and arrest every person standing before you. Now if you don’t mind, get out of my way.”

  He was hesitant until he looked at all of the angry immortals behind him who had brought weapons of their own. Then the man conceded by moving to the side, allowing the rest of them to continue on.

  Inside the building Sarah entered his mind while feeling slightly embarrassed. “Connor, why didn’t you just hand him Tool and instead made a scene for no reason.”

  He met her eyes and explained. “Didn’t you see that he singled me out to take my weapon, whereas he let others go by with theirs? I read his mind and he didn’t want to simply hold Tool and return it to me later. He actually wanted to steal it and make a lot of money from the souvenir he would have stole. Apparently there is a large price for an immortal’s weapon on the collectors market. Especially mine in particular. There isn’t any person alive I’d give my weapon over to who thought like that. I simply told him to move, but also gave him an unspoken warning to not even attempt to take any of our weapons.” They found their way to one of the five lines and waited until their new seal and papers were given to every member of his family.

  The day progressed well and just as the sun began to set, Sorono found Connor and asked him to accompany him. Both Sarah and Veronica were also invited, but the children weren’t. Just before they went with him the three children stayed with Firon, Clarein and the others.

  Sorono led them to a heavily guarded door and the security moved back as they saw his Elder’s robe. Then Sorono and Veronica dropped down to all fours just to be able to walk under the quickly opened double doors. Sarah and Connor glanced at each other just before they entered the room that the world leaders use. They both were wondering why they were summoned, but curiosity got the better of them as they followed behind the giant guide.

  Upon entering, they saw that all the world leaders were convened and sitting behind a desk that held a mini flag and a plate that read what land they represented. Every seat, on every ascending row and level, was filled.

  Sorono and Veronica reared back up on their back legs in the silent and watchful room. The elder brother looked straight at an old acquaintance to say “Mr. President, I have brought him here as requested.” Then he looked at the other faces to say in each of their native languages simultaneously “Shall we proceed, gentlemen?”

  “Will you four please head down to the stage so that we can all see and speak to you properly?” The American President asked with a calm smile.

  As Sorono and Veronica began to move, Sarah gabbed the bend of Connor’s left arm for security. She had begun biting her lip again, but she wasn’t going to get away this time. It would seem rude to the others, so she went along with it.

  Once the four stood on the stage together the President of the United States looked at him and asked “Connor, we would like to ask you a few questions. I know that you are a twenty three year old immortal and that is interesting to many of us in the room. We want to know, honestly, just how you see the world.”

  Connor shook his head after watching and studying him intently to say “That isn’t why I’m truly here. What your really asking is just how broken the world’s governments really are. You cannot trick me with word games or any of your bureaucratically made up nonsense. After all, why did we remove so many filled seats with corrupt individuals in the first place?” His words were like a slap to every face in the room, but no one objected to the simple observations. “If you want the truth from me, then for once, ask a truthful and straightforward question. Being politically correct doesn’t serve a purpose except to try and confuse others.”

  The President then cleared his throat and said “Sorono was right; we can’t even attempt to fool you. Your still a young man, but can understand things that shouldn’t be so easily understandable.” He glanced around the room, once, before continuing on. “Alright, the truth is Sorono has brought up some things we need to discuss. First off, I’d like to hear what you’ve seen of our world that needs to be fixed. What can you observe that we can’t?”

  Sarah’s trembling hand on his arm told him that she knew he was going to be blunt and she wasn’t disappointed. “The world is broken, plain and simple . Each and every one of you sitting here are an honest testament of what I’m talking about. You are all rich in your own lands and have more value on you than any other normal person trying to struggle in this world. Not a single one of you are living humbly. If you tried fixing the problem you’d only make matters worse. The best and only logical plan you can hope for is to start from scratch and get rid of the notion that those in power are all powerful. Looking at all of the current and past government systems, create just one with the best aspects with each and bind it in such a way so that the corrupt parts cannot gain a foothold and thrive.

  “For starters I will force you to radically find alternative fuel sources for in three years fossil fuels such as oil will no longer have the properties they have today?”

  A middle eastern president asked in his native Arabic language “What do you mean by that?”

  “What I’m saying is that oil will be worthless in three years for I’ve devised a way to manipulate it so that it will no longer burn or be able to have toxic properties. You might be able to fix it, but not in sufficient quantities for its cost-effectiveness will be too much. Oil and coal are polluting our world and in three years I will make sure it stops.” Connor spoke in Arabic.

  “But oil is our primary export… We’ll be ruined.” The president complained.

  “Then I suggest you get started on making new goods for this needs to be done. We’ve depended on that fuel for lazy purposes. If you need help coming up with cleaner fuels contact my father-in-law for he now designs and has begun mass producing vehicles that run on nothing more than the air we breathe.”

  After an angry retort from seven oil exporting nations he waited for the room to calm before speaking again in English. “If the people saw you in a normal, humane way they wouldn’t have much to complain about because they would see your reign as a burden and not a right, like many of you believe.” Connor tapped his temple with his free hand. “You cannot hide the truth because your thoughts are like an open book for me, if I were to let myself in. If the people saw our leaders as everyday struggling people then they would appreciate how they live themselves. None of you have a truly honest perspective outside your own personal worlds and ambitions. If you truly did, then you would care more about the many lives that need food and shelter above all else rather than spending trillions, or more, on building weapons to take out your enemies.” Then he amended “I’m not saying you can’t defend yourselves, but what you are doing is overkill. There will always be anger and fighting because survival is an instinct, but what your objective should be is to ease the burden of hatred and destruction…”

; “Who are you to tell us that we should appear to be poor and unrefined just to be good leaders!?” A man with a heavy foreign accent demanded.

  Suddenly something truly frightened Connor as all the hairs on the back of his neck went straighter than ever before. Something approached unlike nothing they’ve ever faced. His instinct demanded full attention and got it. He took a chance and looked up to see that Sorono felt it too because he looked back with wide eyes and a frightened flared nose.

  Veronica looked between them and asked “What is it!? W…”

  Then he and the others felt a power unlike any other. He looked down just as the earth itself began to tremble, almost violently, under their feet. This power made his, Sarah’s, Veronica’s and Sorono’s not even a drop of water compared to the entire ocean. Then the air itself began to saturate with an immense energy and hum with life. It grew heavy and thick, almost too thick to breathe. It was an energy both familiar and alien. Then Connor realized it continued growing, but it wasn’t just coming up from below their feet. It’s as if the energy of the entire planet was collecting to this very location.

  This power was unstoppable and immeasurable.

  Suddenly the ground ceased to shake. Then a mind broke through the greatest barriers that was so overwhelming and ancient that he held no hope of ever walling anything away from this mind. The mind said in a strange voice that was ancient, motherly and angered. “Watch who you are talking to, Mortal! He and his brother will one day become the leaders of your races as they are my very children!”

  Sorono and Connor looked at each other in disbelief and came to the same conclusion. This voice and power could only come from one entity, one true source. Their mother, the Hallowed Mother was speaking for the first time in several thousand millennia.

  The ground before them began to crack and something began spewing out of the small fissure. All watched in horror, confusion or strange admiration as what Connor first thought as green-black smoke began rising from the crack. Upon realization he saw that it wasn’t smoke at all, but pure energy visible to the naked eye, for all to see. The energy twisted in on itself and slowly began to take a shape. The shape wasn’t definite, but it was shaped for the most part, like a woman, but a thirty foot tall woman with a humanoid appearance, but the shape wasn’t distinct. The form shimmered and could be seen through, if the energy became thin enough as it continually moved.

  Then the first mother seemed to look down upon them lovingly as she said “My sons, I am sorry for your burdens you share, but I cannot stay up here for long. My presence here is too dangerous to be gathered in a single location such as this. If I do not hurry, my power will start to kill many of the life forms around this location.” The world leaders were having a difficult time breathing and would soon die if she stayed too long. “My children, only you and your mates are the only ones strong enough to survive in my presence for an extended time.

  “You have both been through much because I have not intervened. As you can understand now, I cannot meddle in the affairs of mortals without damaging far too much in consequence. I watched as you battled your brother and my heart broke for what you had to do and the deeds he created. I ask not for forgiveness, but for understanding. I gave you both life in hopes to help me control your people on an honest path with the least distruction. You have brought me much joy in how you love life and how you wish to set the life, I created, on a clear and hopeful course. Please continue to do as you have and know that I am proud to have had you.

  “Raise your children well and that includes the mortals. They need as much guidance as the offspring you have both had. Teach them to adapt and coexist with all forms of life. And most of all, take a break when you are overworked. I don’t like to see my children exert more than they can bare. That is what happened to your elder brother Ragke and what was beginning to happen to Ranvan. Remember my words and love life as much as I do. Take care, Sorono and Connor. I must leave now before the mortals begin to die.”

  Connor didn’t consciously realize how strongly Sarah was holding onto his arm because in her fright her fingernails dug into his skin and drew blood. Despite the pain and the wet sensation, they watched as the Hallowed Mother’s smoke-like form was being sucked into the crack it erupted from.

  Just before the last of the smoke disappeared back into the earth, Connor would swear on Tool that he saw her smiling at them like a proud mother again.

  The air began to lighten as their real mother’s energy spread out and left the area once again. Some of the people in the room had fainted from her presence, but a simple probe of the mind revealed that all were alive.

  “Sorono?” he asked while staring at the crack their mother vanished into.

  “Yeah?” he thought back in as much astonishment.

  “What do we do now?”

  “I haven’t a clue. I can’t believe that was really our mother…”

  “You and me both. How can we top that entrance?”

  “That’s the problem, we can’t.” He snorted a small reptilian laugh.

  “Agreed. At least one thing is for certain.”

  They finally looked at each other and found out they were both smiling in happiness. He then asked “And what would that be?”

  “We should have fun with our lives. We need to find a balance for what we need to do and what we want to do.”

  “Agreed.” And with that he grinned.

  “I know one way to do both.” They all turned to Sarah as she finally relaxed her grip on his arm, but didn’t release her grasp. She looked at Connor’s questioning expression and said “Look to the future and you’ll always see me. I can find you things to do and keep you from going overboard.”

  That special look in her eyes, he’s seen it many times. It means he has a lot of work to do, but it means a great reward waits in the end. Having her near, he can bare anything and make it through any obstacle.

  She truly is his soul mate. The one and only.

  After the special visitor made her appearance and departed they helped all those who were affected by her intense presence. Only a handful, including the American President, remained conscious throughout the entire ordeal and listened to all that had been said. There was some outrage from those that didn’t understand, or didn’t want to, but the proof was undeniable. The Hallowed Mother had shown herself and said exactly what she wanted to happen.

  One day, both Sorono and Connor would guide the whole world together. Sarah knew that they would be great leaders to the people, but what only those close enough to a Harmonizer already knew they were already the leaders anyone could ever hope to follow. She would be the only few who wouldn’t follow, but actually be beside these great men. She couldn’t be happier.

  She kissed Connor’s cheek as they left the room full of the world’s leaders. Sarah then cheerfully said “Let’s get the kids and go somewhere special?”

  He then grinned her favorite smile. “Any place in particular?” He tapped his back pocket where he placed his badge and papers.

  She then said “The future is open wide to us now. How about we just make things up as we go along?”

  “That’s the best plan I’ve heard all year.”

  And then he kissed the top of her head just before retrieving the kids and went on and into a hopeful future.

  Thank you so much for spending the time to read the first series I’ve written. I understand it isn’t the best writing, but the other series I’ve written far surpass this cycle. Any reviews will be much appreciated.

  Contact me:


  Be sure to read other books:

  Balancer’s Cycle:

  Balancer’s Soul

  Changer’s Blood

  Keeper’s knowledge

  Harmonizers Evolution

  Item Trilogy (Coming in fall of 2012)

  Untamed Gift

  Furion’s Trials


  Lee Morgan, Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)




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