The Badlands Brigade (A Captain Gringo Adventure Book 12)

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The Badlands Brigade (A Captain Gringo Adventure Book 12) Page 12

by Lou Cameron

“Friends. A couple of people who like and trust one another.”

  “I would like that, if I knew where such a relationship might lead us.”

  “I told you, anywhere you want. I’d love to converse like this in bed with you, but I enjoy it here, too, and whenever you get tired of talking just tell me to go home or whatever.”

  “Ah, but you are hoping it will be the latter, non?”

  “Of course. You just said you looked in the mirror regularly.”

  “But if I sent you home, unsatisfied?”

  He shrugged and said, “Big boys don’t cry. And I wouldn’t be unsatisfied. I told you I like to just be with you like this. You’ve been told you have beautiful eyes. But you know what I like about them best? They’re intelligent eyes. There’s not much of that around and it’s nice to be with a fellow adult who smells good, too.”

  She stared thoughtfully up into his eyes for a time before she said, “You have been terribly hurt, Dick Walker. Do you want to tell me about it?”

  He said, “No. It’s not a pretty story and I didn’t come here to cry on your shoulder. We were talking about you when we were so rudely interrupted, remember?”

  Yvonne shuddered and said, “I wish I could forget it. I have never seen anything as horrible as those poor people back there. They looked so pathetic, like broken dolls in their pretty ballroom clothing. I could have been one of them, had not you shielded me with your own body.”

  “Hey, let’s not get mushy about that.”

  “You did, you know. I was confused at the time, but later I realized we’d been directly in the line of fire when you threw me down so rudely.” She laughed and added, “I thought you had gone crazy and were about to rape me on the dance floor. I did not know you were after your own gun when you pawed my breasts like that.”

  “Do we have to talk dirty?”

  She laughed again and said, “Mais non, we are friends. Would you do me a silly favor, Dick?”

  “Sure, what?”

  “I don’t wish to go all the way with you, tonight. But I was wondering if you would hold me quietly in your arms and let me cry on your shoulder. I don’t know if it’s the brandy or if the shock is wearing off, but I feel a terrible need to be held, just held, as I was when I was a little girl afraid of the dark.”

  Pals understood one another’s needs, so he took her in his arms and made no further moves as she buried her head in his chest and suddenly began to bawl like a baby. He didn’t say anything. There was nothing to say. He just held her for a long, bittersweet time as she let herself go, trusting him. She felt like a lost kitten in his arms and smelled like paradise while she was at it. He ran the fingers of his free hand through her perfumed red hair, but resisted the impulse to kiss the top of her head. They must have stayed like that the better part of an hour. Then Yvonne straightened up, wiping her eyes, and sighed, “Oh, thank you. I think I’ll be able to sleep, now.”

  “Want me to go?”

  “Mais non, but you’d better. I know I’m being cruel, but ...”

  “Hey, we agreed it was dealer’s choice. I know how you feel, Kitten,” he cut in, reaching for his hat. They disentangled and he rose to his feet to say goodnight. She followed him to the door, asking, “When shall I see you again, Dick?”

  He said, “I don’t know. That’s the trouble with dating soldiers. I’ll get word to you at your legation if I’m likely to be in town long enough to matter.”

  “Then ... this could be goodbye?”

  “Anytime could be goodbye, Yvonne. Every relationship ends in death, desertion, or a dirty joke. But if we never meet again, we have tonight, and, aside from the noisy parts, it was swell.”

  She sighed and asked, “Is it too much to ask you to kiss me goodnight?”

  It wasn’t. He took her in his arms and kissed her while somewhere an angel sang sadly in the night. He hadn’t kissed a girl this innocently since he’d been a cadet at the Point, in a world he’d almost forgotten and, though her lips were soft and responsive, he knew a kiss was all the situation called for. So, he let go of her and turned to walk away without looking back, smiling wistfully to himself.

  By the time he’d walked a block, he was sure glad Golondrina would be waiting for him at the hotel. That innocent sweet stuff was a nice change, but it sure gave a growing boy an appetite. He’d get to where his adelita had been all that time after he screwed the hell out of her. Golondrina would be a nice switch, too, now that he’d gotten some mush out of his system.

  As he turned a corner toward the hotel, he heard a voice snap, “Get him!” and, not wanting to be got, Captain Gringo dove for the nearest door niche, going for his gun as guys exploded out of the shadows all around him! Somebody landed on his back, smashing him against the oak door he’d intended to brace his back against to make them work at it His hat fell off and his eyes were filled with little fireflies as he shook his head to clear it, going down under the weight of bodies. He got to his .38 as he landed on his side under at least two of them, but then another son-of-a-bitch kicked the gun out of his hand before he could even aim it at anything important, while some other son-of-a-bitch had him by one ankle!

  Captain Gringo kicked the S.O.B. in the face with the other foot as he twisted like a badger in its skin to grab somebody by the balls and twist them hard. This resulted in a loud satisfying scream on his attacker’s part and as the guy rolled off, complaining loudly that he’d been ruined for life,

  Captain Gringo snaked deeper into the door niche, got a shoulder against the door and a knee under his center of gravity, and proceeded to lever himself up, shoving an elbow in someone’s throat and putting a right cross into another one’s face while he heard someone shout, “Hold him, damn it!” While another yelled back: “You hold him! He’s a fucking elephant!”

  Then a woman was screaming from the window above and a police whistle was sounding off, not far away. So as Captain Gringo landed a stinging left hook on someone’s head, the whole bunch took off in all directions, leaving the battered but undaunted American in possession of the field.

  He growled, “That’s better,” as he looked around on the ground. His hat was still there, along with his gun and a black-jack one of them had dropped. He was surprised he hadn’t decked any of them. He’d thought they were tougher than the usual gang of street thugs one met in these parts. He’d just put his hat on and the .38 away when a couple of Honduran cops came running up. They recognized his uniform and snapped to attention as he said, “You missed the party, muchachos. It seems to be over. For the record, I don’t know who they were either, but they seemed upset at me for some reason.”

  One of the cops said, “Santa Maria, someone seems to have declared open season on our officers!”

  “It’s sure starting to look like that. I’d better go home and freshen up. I don’t think they did anything to me that a night’s rest and a good dry cleaner can’t fix. Don’t waste your time looking for guys you don’t have a description of. But you can walk me home if you like. I don’t want to go another round with that gang, whoever they were.”


  As he let himself into his hotel room, Captain Gringo didn’t switch the light on. He didn’t want anybody to know he was home if they were at all interested. He closed the door and made sure it was locked before he went over to the window and opened the shutters to let in a little light from outside as he undressed. The girl in the bed was asleep. That hardly mattered with Golondrina. She didn’t have anything very interesting to say when she was awake, and she screwed like a mink asleep. Some women hated to be awakened that way, but his adelita was one of the lucky ones who responded on an instant’s notice and she’d said in the past she liked to wake up coming.

  He didn’t know what shape his uniform was in as he folded it neatly away. He hadn’t felt any rips and there was nothing he could do about it tonight, in any case. He knew he could run it over to the dry cleaner in the morning, wearing his civilian clothes, and civilian clothes seemed a lot
safer in Honduras at the moment. He had to give the Morales faction another point in their favor, it seemed. Whoever was smoking up the Honduran armed forces wasn’t picking and choosing after all. He and Gaston might or might not have been expendable, but he couldn’t see the general setting up his own nephew if he’d known the ball was going to be so noisy.

  He hung his gun rig near the head of the bed, just in case, and got in with his adelita. She’d put perfume on, but she’d bought cheap shit during her shopping expedition and smelled like a cantina girl. But after his self-sacrifice with the classier redhead, he was in the mood for a nice dirty roll in the feathers with a dedicated raunchy cunt. So he slid his belly against the sleeping girl’s back and hugged her close as he moved his suddenly engorged erection between the cheeks of her reclining rump to sneak it into her. The game was to see how long it would take her to realize she was getting laid. He reached a hand over her hip and ran it down her belly to part her thatched lips for his questing shaft. Her belly felt great as he imagined the hair he was parting was red and tucked the head in with his fingertips. Golondrina seemed to be putting on a little weight, though. He didn’t remember her having hips quite this-wide across the beam. But she’d been eating like a horse since he’d first picked her up. He got it in and started thrusting while she sighed in her sleep and arched her back languidly, affording him a better angle of attack as her internal muscles contracted on his erection. It was a great way to start, but you couldn’t really move it right laying on one hip, so, since she was warming to the idea, he rolled her on her back and climbed into the saddle of her limp thighs as they fell open. He got it in and lowered himself onto her heroically proportioned torso.

  But Golondrina didn’t have a heroically proportioned torso! Where the hell had those big tits come from? This wasn’t Golondrina. He was fucking some total stranger!

  She seemed surprised, too, as she opened her eyes and said, “Oh, that’s wonderful! But do I know you, señor?”

  “Uh, this is room 307, isn’t it?”

  “No, it’s room 308. Why do you ask?”

  “Jesus! I’m in the wrong room. I’m, ah, sorry as hell about this.”

  “I’m not sorry and you are most certainly not in the wrong room! But why have you stopped?”

  He realized it wasn’t going to help either of them, now, to stop, so he grinned and started moving faster as she said, “That’s much better. By the way, I am called Esperanza.”

  “Pleased to meet you. I’m Dick Walker. You see, I have the room next door- and it was dark in the hall and apparently the keys all fit and ...”

  “Oh, shut up and fuck me. I’m about to come. I certainly hope you’re as nice looking as you feel. But right now it doesn’t seem to matter.”

  It didn’t matter to him, either. He didn’t care who Esperanza was and it didn’t matter if she had an eye in the middle of her forehead as long as she could screw so good! He kissed her as he felt her starting to climax and it felt wild as hell to be tongued like that by someone he’d never seen and still couldn’t see. She kissed almost as good as she screwed, and if she’d screwed any better it would have ruined him. She had her heels dug into the mattress now and was grinding her rump in a rotary motion as she literally sucked him off with her powerful vaginal muscles. He ejaculated hard but Esperanza showed no mercy as she moved for both of them, sobbed, “Oh, God, yes!” and kept going as he recovered from his own blast to start all over again.

  Neither suggested any variations. The good old-fashioned position they were in suited the way their bodies meshed to a tee, and they didn’t stop until he’d filled her to overflowing and lay panting in her arms with his scrotum nesting between her semen-slippery buttocks. She laughed earthily and said, “Let’s stop for a smoke. I want to get a look at you. I don’t care if you have two heads but I’m curious to see what such a great stud looks like.”

  He kissed her, rolled off, and reached out to the chair to fish out a cigar and matches. He thumbed a light, braced for anything, and Esperanza asked, “Well, how do you like me? You’re better looking than I had any right to expect.” He lit his claro before he said, “That makes two of us.” He wasn’t being gallant. Esperanza was a knockout. She had Latin features, of course, but her face was really lovely as she stared boldly up at him with big black eyes framed in heavy lashes. Her body was bigger than Golondrina’s, as he’d noticed in the dark, but he had no complaints to register. Her skin was the color of old piano keys and her lush curves filled it nicely. She said, “I’m a little fat, no? But you are a big man and listen, they say Lillian Russell weighs almost two hundred pounds.”

  “You’re too beautiful to be Lillian Russell. You’re not fat, either. You shouldn’t hang around with the little Latin guys down here if they don’t appreciate a man-sized woman.”

  He meant that, too. Esperanza was built more solid than current fashion might decree, but it was all female and her ample hips and big firm breasts tapered in the middle to a maybe twenty-five inch waist without a corset.

  He shook out the match as he took a drag and handed the smoke to her, saying, “I don’t want to seem nosy, but husbands busting in on me at times like this make me nervous, Esperanza.”

  “Call me Kitten, like you did when you were coming in me. I’m not married. I used to be married, but it seems most men can’t take me as a steady diet. You may have noticed I really like for to screw.”

  “Yeah. Jesus, to think I might have opened my own door in the dark!”

  “It would have been a terrible accident. I am going to be in town for at least two days, Deek. Do you think that will give us enough time to exhaust all the possibilities?”

  “No, but we can try. Why do you travel so much, Esperanza?”

  “I am a gun-runner. Why do you ask? Do you wish for to buy a gun?”

  He took the cigar back and said, “Before we get in any deeper, I’d better warn you I’m a Honduran officer, Doll.”

  “Oh, then you must be one of those soldiers of fortune General Morales has been recruiting. I was wondering what an Anglo was doing in bed with me. It’s not important. I’m not doing anything illegal, as far as Honduras is concerned. The British Navy has been trying to intercept my shipments, but you and I are on the same side, as well as in the same bed, and I thank God for being so considerate tonight. Would you please put out that silly cigar and fuck me some more?”

  She was right about being a nymphomaniac, he thought. “In a minute,” he said “I’ve got to check out a few things first.”

  As he swung his feet to the floor, Esperanza asked, “Where do you think you’re going? I’m just getting my second wind and I’m gushing for you.”

  As he slipped on his pants and shirt he said, “I can see you’re a woman of the world, so I’ll level with you. I’ve got an adelita somewhere in this damn hotel and I want to make sure she’s okay.”

  “You will come back? You promise?”

  “Though hell should bar the way. I just have to ask a few questions and tell her I’ve got a secret meeting or something. If you can’t wait, start without me.”

  She laughed earthily and he got to his feet, snagging his gun on the fly. He let himself out and closed the door. He looked at the number and, sure enough, he’d let himself into 308. How the hell could he have been so stupid, and wasn’t he glad he had been.

  He moved next door. Wrong number. He frowned and retraced his steps in the almost dark hallway until he found 307 and unlocked the door. The scene looked pretty much the same. A dark room with a girl asleep in the bed. He moved over and sat down beside her, placing a hand on her bare shoulder as he said, “Golondrina?”

  The-girl rolled over and said, “Oh, I must have fallen asleep waiting for you.”

  She wasn’t Golondrina either. He struck another match and saw one of the ugliest flat-chested broads he’d ever seen in his life grinning up at him. He said, “Who the hell are you?” And she said, “I am called Lulu and Gaston said you liked to be sucked.”
  “He would. You must be one of the girls he had in his room. He, uh, told me about you, too. But, what the hell are you doing in my bed and where’s my adelita?”

  Lulu shrugged, which did awful things to her scrawny chest, and said, “There was nobody here when I came to wait for you. Take off your clothes.”

  “Not bloody likely. Wait a minute. You, ah, work this hotel so you have a pass key. They saw you come in from outside and, yeah, I see what happened now. It’s been nice talking to you, Lulu. Maybe I’ll see you around the campus.”

  He ducked out, frowning, as he made his way to Gaston’s door. Golondrina had never come back to the hotel at all. She was still missing and he’d noticed people played rough in this town. But what the hell would they want to snatch her for? She wasn’t any possible danger to anyone on any side!

  He rapped on Gaston’s door. No answer. He tried the key and after a bit of jiggling he managed to open it. Gaston wasn’t home. He was most likely spending the night someplace with that German girl. Okay, so what was he going to do about Golondrina?

  What could he do about Golondrina? It was late and dark outside and guys were running through the night like mad dogs armed with guns. It was going to take a police investigation if they ever found out at all what had happened to the poor kid. He sighed and went back to where he’d left the earthy Esperanza.

  She said, “I have been playing with myself as you suggested and it’s not the same. Hurry. I’m going crazy. I thought you were in bed with that other girl. Maybe you were, you rat. You’ve been gone long enough.”

  He undressed without saying anything about his missing adelita. He didn’t think she’d be interested. As he climbed in bed she grabbed him around the waist with her big legs and inhaled him half soft. But he didn’t stay half soft very long in Esperanza.

  So they were going at it hot and heavy when the bed and the whole building rocked under them in a multiple explosion just as they were coming again.

  Esperanza gasped, “My God! What was that? It couldn’t have been us, could it?”


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