Scarlett Secret

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Scarlett Secret Page 15

by Brenda Barrett

  "I am not ready to talk about it." Zack sat down. He should have known that clipped, one-statement answers would not satisfy his father.

  His father glared at him. "The prince's lawyers start their Northern Caribbean briefing in two days here at the office. I want you there heading up that team at the video conference. They know you; they are used to seeing you. Make it happen. Snap out of your self-imposed madness!"

  Zack sat back down in his chair. His madness was not self-imposed. He had fallen for another man's wife. Their client!

  He put his hand in his head. He needed his head examined.


  John Sauce was younger than he thought he would be, Zack realized when he stepped into his office. He was tall and thin and looked to be in his early twenties.

  "Mr. Sauce?" he queried of the young man before him. "Are you the detective that Ricardo Mills uses regularly?"

  "Yes." John grinned. "Your receptionist is hawt...hawt!"

  Zack frowned. Tessa was good-looking but she was also pretty swollen from her third pregnancy.

  "You have done work for Ricardo Mills?" he asked John. Obviously he had a pregnancy fetish or he needed his eyes checked.

  "Yes, mon." John nodded. "All the time."

  "Did you do any work pertaining to the Scarletts?"

  "Uh-huh." John nodded; his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. "Is your receptionist single?"

  "Focus." Zack snapped his fingers. He felt as if he was dealing with a twelve year old boy.

  "What did you find out about them?"

  "That's gonna cost you," John said, grinning. "It took me months to get any leads on these people. They are like ancient man; they don't use computers or nothing."

  "What do you charge?" Zack asked, feeling a slight foreboding at paying this young, immature guy to do any detecting work for him.

  "Five hundred US a day," John said, nodding. "And I do get results."

  Zack frowned. "If I give you five hundred US now, can you give me the same results you gave Ricardo Mills?"

  "Sure." John shrugged. "But I did tell him I wasn't so sure about some of them, like the Scarlett girl. I heard she was a prince's girlfriend or concubine or something like that. She was in Qatar at the time. Talk about high living."

  Zack rested back in his chair, his brain cells twanging unsettlingly. "Terri Scarlett?"

  "I don't remember." John shrugged, "I just know that that piece of information I was not really sure about. Not a very reliable source."

  He searched in his pocket for a thumb drive. "Here is the info. But I am gonna need cash."

  Zack picked up the phone. By the time somebody from Accounts arrived with the money, John had gone down the hallway to take a look at the receptionist twice.

  "She's gorgeous!" he gushed the second time.

  Zack grunted. Surely John Sauce needed his eyes checked.

  “I need you to work on another case as fast as possible. Do you think you can do that?"

  "Yes," John said, pocketing the money Zack handed to him. "I’ll need a down payment for that. I don't trust lawyers."

  Zack wrote him a check. "Sorry, we don't have enough petty cash lying around."

  "Okay," John read through the check slowly. "Seems legit."

  "I need you to find out everything you can about a woman named Lola Montega. She is married to a man named Hamad Bin Al Jerza. Got that?"

  John was looking at him, almost unblinking. "Yes."

  "You didn't write anything down," Zack pointed out.

  "I have super powers, man," John grinned. "I have total recall."

  "Get it done." Zack watched as John eagerly left the office to presumably get another look at Tessa.

  Some people obviously had different tastes.

  Like his was for hazel eyes and the cutest snub nose and light pink lips.

  He pushed the jump drive into his laptop with more force than he should and clicked on the only folder, marked Scarletts.

  Peter Scarlett--last known location, Vacay Cruise Lines as a chef. Two years ago.

  Zack nodded. That was more than he hoped for. He read further. Peter lived in Canada for a number of years. He lived in the Netherlands for some years too. He needed an update on him.

  He looked at the outstanding heirs that were named in Dolby Scarlett's will. He ran through the names:

  Kane Scarlett--twenty-six, bearer. His last business place was listed as KingEx, a locally-based bearer service that they used! Chang and Dubois!

  This guy, Kane Scarlett, was delivering packages to the same office that had his inheritance in custody! Oh, the irony.

  He wished there was more information on him. He had to get to the bottom of this immediately.

  He looked further on the list, Alicia Scarlett, twenty, listed as missing in the police data files for fifteen years.

  Zack grimaced. John speculated that she was stolen for the sex trade and that he was running through all the prostitutes from Rema to uptown to find her. He had an asterisk beside three names, Mandy Grizzle, Pearl Lightman and Lisa Barclay.

  Zack ran his fingers through his hair. A prostitute?

  He closed his eyes and did something that he didn't do often: he thanked God for his deal in life. Not every child was as fortunate as he was. He had two parents who could afford to give him the best start in life, and a father who stayed with his mother and ensured that he and Amoy were well sorted. Their most pressing problem in his family was the lack of grandchildren.

  He opened his eyes and went back to the task at hand.

  Noah Scarlett, thirty, the next and last outstanding heir. His last known address was in Montego Bay, where he worked as a librarian.

  Zack scrolled through the rest of names. He already knew them. They already got their inheritance but their data was pretty meaty, especially Yuri's. Ricardo Mills’ obsession showed in this one. He scrolled down to Terri's information and read it with interest.

  Terri Scarlett. Flight attendant. Lived in Qatar. Third wife or concubine of a prince? with a question sign beside it. Zack's eyebrows kept rising higher and higher.

  He stopped scrolling and pressed the line for the receptionist.

  "Could you get me Terri Scarlett's number? She is one of our clients. Patch me through when you call."

  There was a pause on the line.

  A long, drawn-out pause that had Zack growing impatient. "Hello."

  "Well... er... do you want to speak to her?"

  Zack inhaled. "Of course." What had gotten into Tessa or whomever was sitting in for her…asking him stupid questions?

  "Very well," she said, a clipped tone to her voice.

  Zack almost got mad.

  Chapter Twenty

  Terri walked to Zack's office a little reluctantly. The last time she saw him, she was walking to her suite, half flushed, half euphoric, half incredulous. He had not known who she was.

  She couldn't bear it if he didn't know who she was now.

  She had dressed to the nines this morning in a red skirt suit that was chic and businesslike. It was the only businesslike suit she had in her wardrobe. Her hair was out and her makeup impeccable. She knew she was going to see Zack again for the first time since Emerald Island and she wanted to make an impression on him.

  She would have to go shopping for work clothes tomorrow. This evening was out of it. Yuri and Marla had a function and she had offered to babysit Malik.

  "No, no, no." Amoy came out of her office and grabbed Terri. "You have to go and take that delivery. You can't leave your station right now."

  Terri looked across to the reception area and saw a delivery guy unloading boxes on top of the reception desk.

  "My secretary is busy." Amoy was talking rapidly. "My office is the closest to the lobby. It would be odd if I saw him out there and did not go and receive the delivery, so you will have to go receive it.”

  "But Zack said..."

  "No Zack. This is urgent." Amoy pushed her toward the desk. "And tell me if he says

  "Who, the delivery guy?" Terri was confused.

  "Yes. Him. Find out his name too," Amoy whispered. "Go."

  Terri shook her head and headed for the reception desk. When she looked back Amoy was peeping around the corner gesturing for her to move on.

  "Hey," the delivery guy said when she came around the desk. "Wow! You are new and gorgeous!"

  "Thanks." Terri smiled at him. He wasn't bad-looking himself. Tall, athletic build, a very nice face. Was that why Amoy wanted to know his name?

  She signed the clipboard that he handed to her.

  "What's your name?"

  He smiled. Perfect white teeth. Extremely white. Maybe even more so because his lips were deep red.

  "My name is Slater."

  "I am Terri." She nodded. "You come here all the time?"

  "Yes." He nodded. "Where's, er...Miss Gardener?"

  "Amoy?" Terri looked toward the corner and saw Amoy shaking her head.

  "She is hiding from you," she said, turning back to him. "What did you do to her?"

  "Nothing." Slater frowned. He moved closer to the desk. "I wrote her a letter."

  "Oh, what did it say?" Terri sat down again and looked at him, laughter in her eyes.

  "I told her my feelings for her," he said. "I wanted to know if she got it. I gave the other receptionist the letter to give to her."

  "She did get it." Terri tried to gentle the blow. "I guess that's why she's hiding."

  "Ah, man." He looked crushed.

  "Sorry Slater," Terri smiled at him. "Her loss."

  Slater shook his head. "I aim too high. See you tomorrow, Terri."

  "Sure." Terri nodded, "I'll be here."

  "I can't believe you did that," Amoy squealed when he left. "You are crazy. You told him I was hiding from him. Argh! I know you had to have tact and diplomacy as an air hostess."

  Terri grinned. "Why are you hiding from him? He is a very fine man and he has a crush on you."

  "Argh!" Amoy walked away to her office and gave Terri a baleful look.

  "His name is Slater," she said before Amoy could close the door.

  "Slater." Amoy paused. "What kind of a name is that?"

  Terri shrugged.

  "I am going to Zack's office at his request."

  "Wait!" Amoy looked like she was deliberating with herself. "Tomorrow when he comes by tell him that there are literacy classes over at the Memorial church. It is free of charge. And find out if he has a girlfriend or anything like that."

  Terri raised her eyebrows. "You like this guy?"

  "No," Amoy scoffed. "I am just looking for potential sperm donors. I need to have a child or at least be pregnant by the end of year. He has very nice features, don't you think?"

  "You are thinking of the delivery guy, Slater?" Terri was stunned.

  "Uhm, why not?" Amoy asked. "It's not beyond the realm of possibilities. I don't want to go to a sperm bank for an anonymous donor and I definitely do not want to share a child with anybody in my social set except for Yuri, and you know how that went."

  Terri nodded. "You've got baby fever."

  "Yes," Amoy said simply. "Hear the phones ringing…? And next time you decide to leave your desk, have Clover cover for you. She's the assistant to my father's assistant, two doors down. Just knock on the door."

  "Okay." Terri went back to the front desk, answered the calls and went and knocked on Clover's door.

  She was dying to know why Zack wanted to talk to her.


  He was swinging in his chair with his feet up on the desk when she walked into his office.

  "You wanted to talk to me?" Terri walked into his office with a flourish.

  Zack straightened up and stared at her, a frown line between his eyes.

  "How did you appear out of nowhere?"

  "I am the new receptionist. You told me you wanted to talk."

  "I do. I did. Hi." Zack indicated the chair in front of him and then chuckled. "I should have known."

  "What?" Terri asked.

  "The detective I had in here earlier--he kept going to the lobby to look at you. I was wondering what was so appealing about Tessa."

  Terri smiled. "I am filling in for her for the next two months."

  Zack sat frozen. He was just staring at her--her lips, her eyes.

  "You..." he cleared his throat. "I am going to put a theory to you and you are not going to claim this as harassment, okay?"

  "Okay." Terri was looking at him warily.

  He got up and closed his office door. He also closed the blinds.

  He pulled her out of her chair and then kissed her hard, then he softened his lips against hers.

  She kissed him back. She had missed him.

  He dragged his lips from hers. "What were you doing in Jannah? And who is Lola Montega?" he breathed against her cheek.

  Terri hugged him around his neck. "It's a long story."

  "I spent the weekend thinking that you were prince Hamad's third wife," Zack whispered against her ear. "That was a bad thing to do to me, Terri."

  "I am so sorry," Terri whispered back. "I was filling in for Lola; she looks like me."

  "Filling in? That was the mission you kept talking about?"

  "Yes." Terri smiled. "I was supposed to convince him not to consummate the marriage. He went to Greece, as you know, and before he could come back, his chief of security found out I was as an imposter, so they kicked me out."

  "I saw her." Zack inhaled raggedly. "I called to her, this stranger with your face, your eyes, but she pretended she didn't know me."

  "How did you know it was me, just now?" Terri asked.

  "The eyes," Zack said huskily. "I could pick your eyes out of a crowd. The instant you stepped into this office, I knew who you were. Besides, my detective has a report on you—says you were the third wife of a prince. I know you aren't the third wife of any prince."

  A group passed the office, and they were talking rather loudly.

  Zack whispered closer to her ear. "Marry me, Terri. I am not into a long courtship, not this time around. I want you with me, the sooner the better."

  Terri's eyes glowed. "Are you serious?"

  "Yep." Zack laced his fingers with hers. "What about the end of the month?"

  “Don't you think we are going too fast here?" Terri's heart was racing with anticipation.

  "No." Zack linked his hands with hers. “Four weeks is enough time to plan a proper wedding and for Morph to get to know you. I love you, Terri Scarlett."

  "I love you too," Terri kissed him. “And yes to the end of summer. I even come with a five-day honeymoon package."

  Chapter Twenty-One

  End of July

  "I love bridal showers!" Lola declared, yawning. "I am happy you are having one." She was in Amoy's guest room, having taken a nap after arriving from the airport. She had called Terri on her release from her gilded prison in Jannah, and her friend had been only too happy to offer to come and get her.

  She had arrived in time for Terri and Zack's wedding in three days. Terri was staying with Amoy until the wedding.

  "I do too," Terri said, applying her mascara. "It will be a grand time. I am happy that Amoy decided to throw it. Though at first I was not so into it, but she said she'd have karaoke so I changed my mind."

  Lola grinned. "You didn't tell me that you had a grand romance with Zack in Jannah. You are really a dark horse!"

  "And you didn't tell me you had a grand romance with my cousin," Terri accused. "You had Reuben so into you that he threatened to come and snatch you from the big bad prince."

  "Really?" Lola's eyes met Terri's in the mirror. "You think he'll me?"

  Terri snorted. "There is only one way to find out. He is going to be at the party. Ask him."

  Lola smoothed down her pink summer dress and stood beside Terri. "It's been a month; maybe he's moved on. He is good-looking, women like him. Maybe he regrets that we even met."

rri laughed hard. Her hands trembled and she didn't bother to put on her lipstick. "Seriously, Lola. It’s been one month and I love Zack even more. How do you feel about Reuben now?"

  "I spent all my time on Jannah thinking about him," Lola said ruefully. "I watched television and I thought about him, I swam and thought about him, I ate and thought about him. When my thirty days were up, my mother wanted me to come home but I told her that my life for the foreseeable future will be in Jamaica. Why? Because Reuben is here--and you, of course."

  "Ah," Terri said mistily, "you sweet fabulous girl you. I have always wanted a sister."

  Lola chuckled. "Well, here I am."

  Amoy knocked on the door and came inside. "Now tell me, why didn't anyone see fit to tell me that Reuben Scarlett was so fine? He is here with Yuri. Marla sent over food and they came to deliver it."

  "Wait, I have to see him." Lola glanced in the mirror. Even with her brown hair and brown eyes she still resembled Terri. Maybe he would not be able to tell the difference if she went outside and confronted him.

  She still had the doubt at the back of her mind that Reuben was really in love with Terri and not her.

  "You go, girl." Terri pushed her toward the door.

  She heard voices in the living room. And she entered the threshold with trepidation, hiding behind a column uncertainly.

  Could he tell her and Terri apart? Had he missed her? Had he even thought of her? Did he secretly love his cousin?

  "I have to go," she heard Yuri say. "I have to babysit Malik while Marla gets ready."

  "I'll come with you," Reuben said. He came into her line of sight. He looked drawn somehow. Sad around the eyes. Her heart lifted when she saw him.

  She walked into the living room boldly, breezily, like Terri would have done.

  Yuri glanced around. "Hey sis. See you later."

  He headed for the front door.

  Reuben stopped behind him. "I changed my mind, Yuri. I'll stay here till the party starts."

  "‘Kay," Yuri said, and then he was gone.


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