Alpha Bear Princes Box Set

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Alpha Bear Princes Box Set Page 2

by Lily Cahill

  Kay studied him, seeming to consider his proposal.

  "I promise. Just sit with me until your friend gets here and I won't say a word to anyone at the office. You'll get a fair shot just like everyone else."

  "All right," Kay said. "I mean, I guess it's just a drink, right?"

  "Exactly. Now tell me more about your career. You seem awfully young to be interviewing for a VP role, so you must be doing something right."

  "Not much younger than you, and you own the company," she said.

  "Touché," he said.

  "But you're right. I don't have a lot of experience," she admitted. "I was referred by my mentor at Princeton, Melody English."

  "Melody has an excellent reputation."

  "She does. I learned a lot from her."

  "And she doesn't offer to mentor people often, so you must be good."

  "I'd like to think so," Kay said.

  "Is corporate real estate something you want to get into long-term?" he asked.

  "Possibly. I interned at Melody's redevelopment project in Jersey City for two years during grad school and I enjoyed it. It was mixed-use commercial mostly. Condos built above ground-floor shops."

  "We've been doing a lot of that lately."

  "Yes, and you're doing it poorly."

  "Really?" Hudson laughed. He had to admire her boldness.

  "Maybe that was too harsh. But you're not doing as well as you could be. That's why you made my list," Kay said.

  "Oh, so there's a list?" he asked with a smile.

  "Ten interviews over the next two weeks. A girl has to keep her options open," Kay grinned.

  "I couldn't have said it better myself."

  "I have a feeling you're not talking about work anymore, are you?"

  "Not in the least," Hudson said.


  Before Hudson knew it, an hour had passed since they'd sat down together. The time had flown by without a single pause in their conversation. Kay was funny and damn sharp. Their children wouldn't just get the benefit of her looks, but her intelligence as well.

  Children. The thought had come to him as naturally as breathing, though it had never occurred to him before. He wanted to have children with this woman. Lots of them. A whole pack. Just as he was daydreaming about what she'd look like pregnant with their first child, she clicked on her phone to check the time. A look of disappointment clouded her features, and Hudson remembered.

  "When was your ex supposed to show?" Hudson asked, irritation lacing his voice. He wasn't sorry the lout hadn't shown. But he hadn't texted or called Kay once in all that time to tell her why. It was goddamned inconsiderate and selfish. Hudson could see it had hurt her.

  "Seven," she said.

  Jesus Christ. It was nearly eight-thirty. So the guy had already been late when he'd spotted her? What a complete shithead. He could kill the bastard.

  "But you're not worried about him?" he asked.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean, you haven't looked at your phone once for the last hour. And you're not calling anyone to see if he's okay."

  "No," Kay said.

  "So you're not surprised he didn't show?"

  Kay's voice grew quite. "No. Not exactly."

  Hudson shook his head in disgust. "Which means he's the kind of asshole who's done this to you before, correct?"

  "Once or twice," her eyes lowered when she said it, like she had something to be embarrassed about. Like him being a total dick to her was her fault. "He usually turns up after a while, though."

  Hudson took her hand in his. "If I ever showed up even a minute late to see you without calling first, you'd know it was because something was seriously wrong with me. You'd be calling the police."

  Kay looked up at him, her big brown eyes rich and golden as a field of wheat under the hot summer sun.

  "You don't deserve to be treated like that, Kay," he said. "You deserve to be loved, respected, taken care of. Anyone who's mistaken about that can answer to me, understand? If you want, I'll go find this guy and show him what an utter ass-hat he is."

  "You're serious, aren't you?" Kay asked, disbelief and amusement in her voice. "If I told you his address you'd go find him right now?"

  "If you told me his name, he'd be on his knees apologizing to you within the hour."

  Something about that seemed to strike her as funny. She laughed. "As much as I'd like to see that, it's really not necessary. But thank you," she said, her eyes going serious for a moment. "Thank you for saying that."

  She pulled away from him and stirred her second vodka soda.

  "It's true, Kay. You deserve better."

  "Can we ... can we talk about something else?" she asked.

  "Anything you like."

  "What's your story?" Kay asked. "I mean, I know the basics. You quit undergrad at Virginia Tech to start your own company, made your first million before you turned twenty. Now you're, what? Thirty-three? And on pace for your first billion this year. Right?"

  "That sums it up pretty well, yes."

  "So tell me something I can't read in the papers."

  "Hmmm ... let me see," Hudson said. "I love how you're wearing that dress."

  "Doesn't count," she said, rolling her eyes.

  "And I especially love how it matches your face when you blush."

  "Definitely doesn't count," she said with a laugh.

  Hudson brushed the back of her hand lightly, tracing her soft skin with his fingers. Every contact with her was like a spark near gasoline. From the look of the soft flush on her cheeks, he was having the same effect on her.

  "Okay," he said. "I'll tell you something the papers don't know."


  "I'll tell you the thing I'm most curious about in the entire world."

  "Really?" Kay asked with a grin. "What is the elusive Mr. Royce most curious about in the entire world?"

  "I've been trying to figure it out all night, but I have no idea what color your panties are."

  Chapter Three


  Kay stared at him, mouth agape. Did he really just say that to her? She felt warmth spreading over her whole body at the words.

  "If I had to guess, I'd say they were white lace."

  Jesus. He didn't know how close he was. The idea that he'd been picturing her that way made her breath short.

  "Would you come upstairs with me, Kay? Unanswered questions make me ... uncomfortable."

  "Boy, you don't mess around, do you?" she asked breathlessly. "You just get right to the point."

  "When I want something," he said, gunning her down with those eyes again. "I see no reason to pretend I don't."

  Hot. Damn.

  Was this guy for real? She was buzzed a little from the alcohol, but not that bad. It seemed like he'd been giving her the full-court-press all night. Now he wanted to rent a room so they could sleep together?

  She'd never had a one-night-stand. She'd never gotten physical with someone so quickly. Chase had been her first and only partner, and they'd been together nearly a year before she slept with him. If she were to say yes to Hudson, it would be the wildest thing she'd ever done.

  But why shouldn't she say yes? She'd made no commitment to Chase other than to talk, and apparently he couldn't even be bothered to do that--even after asking her to meet him. She suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to make sure she wasn't sitting here like a pathetic loser if and when he finally showed up. He'd had his chance and he'd blown it.

  Then there was Hudson. He was handsome and successful and easy to talk to--a little intense, maybe, but she admired passion and decisiveness and focus. She admired a man who went after what he wanted.

  There was the whole job interview thing, but he'd promised not to interfere and she had a feeling he was a man of his word. It wasn't like he was a total stranger, either. He was a public figure. He had a reputation to uphold. And they were both adults. They could handle themselves in the morning.

  Besides, she wanted him too. Jesu
s, she wanted him. She'd been wondering what he looked like naked since the moment she'd first laid eyes on him. She'd been wondering what it would feel like to run her fingers down his hard, muscular chest or to feel those strong arms wrapped around her.

  It had been a long time since she'd been with a man and she missed it. Chase had broken up with her nearly seven months ago. And she hadn't been with anyone since.

  It was way too long. Her body was telling her it was way too long. Her body was telling her to let him do whatever he wanted to do to her. Right there on the bar.

  "What do you say?" he asked. "Are you going to let me take you upstairs?"

  Screw it.

  "Okay," she said. "Let's go."

  "Give me two minutes," Hudson said. "Don't move."

  He turned and marched out of the bar and into the lobby of the hotel. Through the wide double doors, she saw him go to the front desk, saw him walk away with a keycard.

  Was she doing this? Was she really doing this?

  He made it back to her and held out his hand to help her down from the tall stool. She took a deep breath, and slipped her hand into his.

  As he wrapped her hand into the crook of his elbow--damn, he was strong--he leaned in so only she could hear his words.

  "I'm about to show you exactly how you deserve to be treated, Kay. And after tonight, I expect you to settle for nothing less."


  By the time the elevator finally dinged in the lobby, Kay's heart was beating a wild rhythm in her chest. This was insane--fun, sexy insane--but still insane. She felt as jittery as a hummingbird.

  They stepped onto the elevator and Hudson flashed his keycard against a sensor. As soon as the doors closed, Hudson pressed her against the wall, his hands firm on her waist, her hands landing on his chest. His voice rumbled low and sensual in her ear.

  "I'm going to make you come now. And I'm going to do it before these doors open again."

  All Kay's air left her as her core tightened in response to his words.

  Was he serious? He wasn't pressing any buttons to stop the elevator. Even if he'd rented the penthouse, they had maybe seventy-five floors. What was that in elevator time, thirty seconds? Maybe a minute?

  She'd always been sort of a slow-burner where sex was concerned. It took her time. What if he expected something different? What if she couldn't--?

  A little cry escaped from Kay's throat. He'd already started.

  She felt his hand reach under her skirt and her eyes whipped to meet his.

  "That's right, baby. I want you to look at me when you come," he said, pressing his forehead against hers.

  His hand slid between her thighs as his foot nudged her legs further apart.

  She gasped.

  "I want you to remember this moment," he said, curling the other hand into her hair.

  Goosebumps spread across her flesh. His fingers felt so good on her scalp.

  Then his other hand found her.

  In one fluid motion, he'd slipped the crotch of her panties to the side and plunged two fingers deep inside her, his thumb circling her clit.

  Kay cried out, so loud it normally would have embarrassed her. But she felt too good to care.

  "Fuck yes, baby," he said. "I love how wet you are for me. You feel so fucking good."

  Kay thought she might never breathe again. No one had ever talked to her like this--dirty and commanding and so wonderfully in control of her body. It was really turning her on. Her skin felt alive, on fire, responsive in a way she'd never felt before. She felt herself growing tighter around him with every plunge of his fingers into her sensitive center.

  She was close. Holy shit. She was already close.

  She moaned and closed her eyes, undone by the sensations already building in her body. She let herself sink into him, opened wider to let him delve deeper.

  "No," he said in a commanding tone. "Open your eyes. I want you to remember how easy it is for me to make you come, baby. And I want you to see how much I love it when you do."

  She obeyed.

  The sight of his eyes only sent her higher. He was locked on her, absolutely focused, honed in to her pleasure. She'd never felt so exposed and so safe all at once.

  "Good, baby. That's perfect. Now come for me."

  With the words he plunged even deeper and reached a place inside her she hadn't known existed before that moment.

  Her body buckled around him, tightened and shuddered as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. She felt herself holding on to him, felt her fingers digging into his shoulders as he continued to probe her depths, but she didn't care. She couldn't. She felt too good, too overwhelmed, to summon any control.

  His hand left her hair and held her close--kept her standing, really--as the final wave crested and fell away, his eyes never leaving hers.

  Holy. Shit.

  He was still looking at her with that probing stare, those intense eyes. A cocky, satisfied grin spread across his face.

  The elevator slowed and stilled.


  Hudson pulled his fingers out of her just as the doors opened.

  Chapter Four


  Damn, that had been fun.

  His mate was still trembling in his arms when the doors opened directly onto Hudson's private suite. He had an apartment in the city, but the hotel suite was a place he liked to keep on hand for when he was with a woman. Kay was different, of course, but he didn't usually like to mix his women with his personal space.

  Kay looked up at him breathlessly, as though she was trying to find words. But none came.

  He bent down and hoisted her into his arms. It made her eyes go wide again, made her gasp. God, he loved making her gasp.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and he carried her across the threshold, reveling in the feel of her--so soft and supple--in his arms. He wasn't done with her yet. Not by a long shot. When this night was over, she wouldn't be able to remember the name of any other man. He would make her feel so good that she'd never want to leave his bed.

  He planted his lips on hers and delved into her mouth with his tongue. She let out a little moan as her head fell back. The sound of it made his cock jerk in his pants. Touching her that way had made him hard and he was dying to feel her pussy wrapped tightly around him.

  But that could wait.

  He carried her into the bedroom and set her down to stand in front of his bed. She moved to sit, but he wasn't ready for that yet either.

  "Not yet, baby. Stand up," he commanded.

  She obeyed. Her chest was heaving and her eyes had gone cloudy with heat. It was the same look she'd given him in the elevator. His mate liked it when he took charge. And if Hudson loved one thing, it was taking charge.

  He sat down on the edge of the bed where he could have the best view. She was standing just beyond his reach, exactly where he wanted her. She was entirely innocent, entirely perfect. She twisted a finger into the hem of her skirt nervously, staring at him with those big, beautiful doe eyes.

  "Lift up your skirt and show me your panties, baby," he said. "I felt you. But now I want to see you."

  The sweetest little whimper escaped her mouth. Again, she followed his instructions. She lifted her skirt. She was wearing the sexiest pair of baby-pink lace panties he'd ever seen, a dark spot spreading on them from her desire between her thick, beautiful thighs.


  He felt his cock strain when he saw her exposed for him like that.

  "God, you're so fucking beautiful."

  He unzipped his trousers and slid his pants and boxer briefs down, letting his cock finally spring free. She moaned when she saw him, but kept her skirt held high.

  "You like what you see, baby?"

  She nodded.

  "Me too," he said. "Now take off your dress. I want to see all of you."

  A flicker of doubt crossed her face. She hesitated, and he didn't understand why. Then it hit him. The asshole. The vodka soda. Was she embarra
ssed? Had that monumental fucktard made her feel ashamed of her stunning, gorgeous body?

  A surge of anger coursed through him. If it wouldn't have hurt her even more to stop what they were doing, he would've hunted the jerk down right then and there. But teaching that dumbass a lesson wasn't the priority right now. She was.

  "Please, baby," Hudson begged, looking her straight in the eye. "You're so damn beautiful. Don't hide yourself from me. Don't punish me like that. I need to see all of you."

  Her eyelids fluttered for the briefest of seconds before she locked her gaze on his.

  "Please, baby," he said again. "I need you." He would make her understand her beauty if it was the last thing he did.

  She reached behind herself and unzipped the fabric slowly. The wait was killing him, but she seemed a little stronger, a little bolder. The fabric loosed around her, and she clutched it close to her chest, breathing heavy and searching his eyes for something. What was it? What did his mate need?

  Hudson gave her the only thing he knew how to give. He gave her a command.

  "Drop it," he said.

  And she did.

  The garment slipped from her shoulders all the way to the floor. When he saw what she was wearing underneath, he closed his eyes and groaned.

  She had on a baby pink bustier that matched her panties. It cinched her waist, then curved out where her hips spread lovely and wide beneath her. The cups barely contained her. They were so full of her ripe breasts that she was practically spilling out of them.

  "You're going to be the death of me, Kay," he said. "Now come here."

  She stepped closer to him. He placed his hands on those lavish hips and pulled her close, leaning in to kiss her soft stomach as he unhooked the tiny, front-facing hooks on her bustier. She clenched her abdominal muscles in response, sucking herself in to appear smaller.

  "Don't do that," he said, his voice coming out a bit harsher than he intended. He smoothed his hand over her silky flesh and looked into her eyes again. "I like you, Kay. Exactly as you are. Not whatever version of yourself you think you're supposed to be. You."

  Slowly, she let out the breath she'd been holding and her body returned to its ideal, true shape. All curves, all perfection.


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