Lost In Dreamland

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Lost In Dreamland Page 5

by Dragon, Cheryl

  They resumed fucking her in unison, and Bonnie groaned.

  “She likes whatever you’re doing.” Adonis gathered all her hair in his hands and tugged it back.

  Pierce watched the most romantic one of them lean down and kiss her while she stroked his member. Love and lust mingled, and Pierce cupped her breast. They had their female back. It’d been so long. The pain echoed in him, and while Adonis threw himself into it, Pierce had held back for fear they’d lose her again. The bottom line was she was right for them, but they might have to fight to keep her. Aliens, Hastings, or society’s rules—but they’d do it for her.

  The idea of keeping her and being a unified family mixed with the feel of Zane rubbing at him through her wall again. It made Pierce lose it. He came deep in her and stayed pressed to her until he felt Zane fucking her again.

  “Someone wanted it bad today,” Zane teased.

  Pierce nodded to Adonis and the men traded places. Even though Pierce dumped the used protection, he didn’t let her suck his cock. Instead, he knelt and kissed her slowly. Zane pressed to her back, and Pierce couldn’t refuse. The men kissed, and Bonnie contorted her body to join them in a three-way kiss. Her moans returned as Adonis rocked the group.

  He fucked her pussy fast and sucked her breasts. Zane kept up behind her and held her tight. Pierce got to simply kiss her and watch the orgasm build. She trembled as the orgasm took hold but bit her lip to make it last longer. Pierce remembered the college days when sex often went all night, and no one got tired. It’d been so long. They’d make up to her.

  “Give in; we’ll go again. We’ll never stop.” Pierce kissed her then Zane.

  Her moans turned to screams of pleasure. Pierce watched her shake even as Zane pulled Pierce in closer. Zane’s love of cock was no secret, and Pierce loved when Zane orally serviced him, hard or not.

  Adonis shouted and rocked the group as his climax took over. Zane’s hips snapped, and finally, his back arched as he groaned into Pierce’s sac. Holding onto Zane, Pierce rubbed his balls over Zane’s lips until he bit in and started the fun up again.

  “I love you guys.” Bonnie watched them as Adonis kissed her neck.

  “We love you, too. Don’t worry, we won’t try to make a hybrid with you. We can always adopt.” Pierce kissed her hair.

  “Adopt, maybe. Speaking of hybrids, I want to know more about how that happened and who her parents are. Can you imagine not knowing? What if I was a hybrid and no one told me?” she asked.

  Pierce kissed her mouth. “You’re not. You’re totally human and sexy. Your parents are your parents. We got the briefing before college.”

  She sighed, and Pierce swore he saw a bit of relief in her eyes before she reached out and grabbed his cock. “Let’s see if you guys bounce back as quickly as in college.”

  “I love your passion,” Adonis said.

  Bonnie snuggled with Adonis as Zane worked to get Pierce hard, and Pierce returned the favor. Rolling so her back pressed to Adonis’ hard body, she rubbed her ass against him to recharge his lust. In no time, his hands were on her hips, guiding her movements.

  When Pierce caught her gaze, she smiled. He crawled over and spread her legs. Wrapping her arms around Adonis’ neck, she shifted her weight back so she could be fully open. Pierce’s tongue worked her clit, and she shivered as the pleasure drilled deep into her body. Squeezing her eyes shut, she turned her head, and Adonis’ mouth found hers.

  It felt so good this time. Now that all their crap was on the table, she hoped for no more secrets. Maybe, they could have a future. They were thinking about it, too. Just talking about adopting a kid made her feel settled and committed. Pierce tongued her deeper, and she opened her eyes.

  The picture had changed, and Zane sucked Pierce’s cock, but his body doubled back alongside Adonis and Bonnie’s. She reached over and stroked Zane’s growing cock. They’d always surprise her, and she’d never be bored with sex or life.

  Pierce changed his technique to fucking her pussy with his tongue, and her hips snapped. Adonis held her legs, and she waited for him to fill her, but he just rubbed his cock between her ass cheeks. All of the men were hard again, and not one was inside of her.

  Bonnie rolled toward Zane and licked his cock. On her hands and knees, she stuck her ass up for attention. She heard the men moving but focused on sucking Zane to the very edge of release. His hands gripped her hair, and she smiled. Then Pierce’s thick cock filled her pussy and held her hips.

  Her lips vibrated right on the tip of Zane’s cock, and he gasped as the climax hit. Bonnie licked up his cum as Zane caught his breath. Adonis slid up to her head, and she reached for his cock. Instead, he pulled Zane into the doggie position facing Bonnie. She wanted to protest, but Zane went so willingly, he definitely needed to be fucked.

  As her own orgasm built, Bonnie watched Adonis lube and fill Zane’s tight ass. She thrust back on Pierce as Zane stroked her breasts and rocked on Adonis. The men were a little rougher with each other than with her, but by Zane’s groans and the way he pinched her nipples, he loved it. They were aliens, stronger than humans, and they could take the force.

  It was fun watching and being watched. She kissed Zane carefully then Adonis sped up. Pierce’s fingers spread her slit and worked her clit faster than she’d ever felt. Her pussy clenched, and the spasms began. Her release hit hard and lingered as his fingers kept rubbing her clit and inner folds. Bonnie braced so she didn’t fall forward and hit Zane.

  Pierce held out until she had her control back and squeezed him deep inside her. Fucking him fast, she urged him on. He was the strong leader who would wait and give so much pleasure. When he didn’t come fast enough, she turn and pulled off the used protection. Sucking his hard cock, she was rougher than she’d ever been on a human man.

  He rewarded her with grunts and a mouthful of cum. Smiling up at him, she liked the idea of riding them hard. Zane’s strong hand grabbed her ankle and dragged her along the bed to him. He flipped her over and kissed her mouth to share the cum.

  Apparently, Adonis took that as a challenge and drove Zane faster. It was Zane’s turn to shake and ram back on the big cock. His orgasm was a beautiful thing to watch and Bonnie took in every moment.

  Pierce moved in as Zane came back to Earth, but he grabbed Bonnie and snuggled with her. It was Adonis who pulled free and dumped the protection. Still hard, he rounded to Zane and offered him the option. Zane sucked Adonis’ erection all the way down and bobbed his head faster and faster.

  It was a show, and she watched in awe. Adonis came, and Zane swallowed it all. He kept right on sucking until Adonis sat back.

  “So you guys are a little stronger and faster than humans?” she asked.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll never push you or get rough. We’ve got self control. Military training.” Pierce kissed her neck.

  “Right, but I can be rougher on you guys.” She grinned.

  “Very true. I like it when you bite.” Adonis winked.

  “Plus you can do things faster. I might find a new level of orgasm with rubbing and tonguing at new speeds. It’s something to play with.” She shrugged.

  “Like it?” Zane asked.

  “Supernaturally hot.” She stretched out let the guys grope her as she ran her hands over their chests and arms.

  Adonis nudged her legs apart and rubbed her slit. As his fingers sped up, she tensed and Pierce held her legs. Zane leaned in and tongued her nipple faster and faster. Her hips lifted and her back arched as her climax came on so fast she froze, stunned at the heat and how far it spread throughout her body.

  Then every muscle she had went limp. Pierce held her tight as Zane kissed her mouth and Adonis gently licked her pussy. The tremors were intermittent, but she basked in the love and talent of her guys.

  When her phone beeped, she frowned. What could anyone want with her? Adonis found the phone and set it on her stomach.

  “Not now.” She inhaled deeply.

  “Could be important.
” Zane picked it up.

  She grabbed the phone, accessed the messages then sighed. “The memory guy is here. Tomorrow, I get regressed or recovered what happened. Whatever. I don’t think I want to know.”

  “We’ll be right there with you.” Pierce kissed her neck.

  “You better be. All three of you. If I’m in some meditative or hypnotized state, I want you three to be there and hear firsthand whatever I saw. Make sure that guy doesn’t grope me or anything.” She nudged Adonis with her foot.

  “We’ll kill him if he touches you.” He kissed the arch of her foot, and she shivered.

  “I know. I trust you guys. I don’t trust anyone in the world like this, despite your secrets.” She nudged Pierce with her elbow.

  “Never again. No more secrets.” Zane hand his hands over her stomach.

  “You better not have anymore. I can’t take any more shocks. I love adventure, but this is a lot of out of this world reality.” Bonnie smiled but couldn’t shake the dread of tomorrow. What would they find in her brain? And did she want to know?

  Chapter Six

  As the doctor counted Bonnie out of the hypnotic state, Adonis held her hand. She sat up straighter and looked around.

  “Do you remember everything you talked about?” he asked.

  She nodded. “It can’t be real. You three were here in Dreamland not on an alien ship.”

  “That’s right. It’s not a real memory. Simply a pleasant scenario played out in your subconscious to keep you from fighting.” The doctor unhooked her from a machine that had monitored her breathing, heartbeat and stress levels.

  “But they didn’t find any evidence of testing on her either.” Adonis didn’t understand why the Keelons had taken her.

  “Perhaps it was simply cell collection. A swab from the cheek can give us a DNA sample. Not all of the tests need to be invasive or leave signs. It might be she was scanned, and they needed nothing more.” The man packed up his equipment and nodded. “I’ll send Hastings the report, but no repressed true memories came forward. The fiction is firmly set. Trying to break through would only cause unnecessary pain.”

  “Do it. I want to know,” Bonnie insisted.

  He shook his head. “That’s against policy. We don’t add pain or stress to people unnecessarily. There’s likely nothing to be gained. Others who have remembered get nothing more than being held in a room, alone and scared. Don’t worry. Contrary to some reports, repeated abductions aren’t the norm.”

  Bonnie rubbed her temples. “That was insane. My father is going to love it.”

  “Don’t worry about him.” Pierce hugged her. “It’s just a false memory. You didn’t actually do anything with the bad aliens.”

  She started laughing. “This is bizarre. Why couldn’t my dad be something normal like a lawyer? How did I get dragged into this?”

  “I hope it wasn’t because of us.” Zane knelt in front of her and squeezed her knees.

  “Who knows?” She shrugged. “It just doesn’t seem like a false memory. I was on a table alone. Held down, and you guys were suddenly there. It’s not like it was a flashback to college.”

  Adonis laced his fingers through hers. “Maybe they forced you to be still for the scans, and your mind created a scenario where you weren’t moving. It’s not your fault, and it’s not wrong. Don’t worry about it.”

  “I don’t get it. Why can some people break through and remember things, but I can’t?” Bonnie stood and pushed her way free from the men.

  “You’re creative. You turned something you couldn’t control into something you could live with. Some people are really traumatized when this happens. Be glad you’re functional and not hurt.” Adonis ran his hands over her shoulders.

  “Bonnie, you were under for over an hour. If they could’ve broken through, they would have but your brain isn’t going to allow it. That actually shows how strong you are.” Pierce opened the door.

  The group walked out and returned to her quarters. Bonnie led the way and seemed in a daze.

  “Are you hungry? We can get a late lunch,” Zane suggested.

  “No, I want to lie down.” She pulled the ponytail holder from her hair and massaged her scalp. “You don’t have to come with me. I’m fine.”

  Adonis smirked, and the men followed her with singular purpose. “If you want to be alone, you need to tell us. We don’t want to leave you.”

  “My head feels pressurized, like I’m in an airplane during take off.” She opened the door and went straight for the bedroom.

  “We’ll get you something for a headache and sinuses. That might help.” Pierce headed for the bathroom stocked with the basics.

  Bonnie kicked off her shoes and slid out of her pale green dress with a leaf pattern. Naked, she climbed into bed and curled up with a pillow. Adonis eased onto the bed, still clothed, and Zane snuggled on the other side of her.

  Pierce returned with the pills and a bottle of water. Bonnie swallowed everything and drank half the bottle of water. She put the water on the nightstand and yawned. “This is what big brother gets you.”

  “Alien big brother.” Pierce stretched out behind Zane.

  Adonis slid an arm over her waist, and when Bonnie didn’t push him away, he spooned her to face the other men. “We don’t have the answers. Your dad isn’t hiding them either. The government doesn’t know it all. They’re trying, but at least, you’re not being kept in the dark intentionally.”

  She nodded. “I think that’s the worst part. Deep down, I thought Dad had all the answers. He could fix anything, and things weren’t as serious as he made them out to be. To find out he’s just been managing this… We’re all in over our heads.”

  “It’s not that bad. There’s a weapon that can be used against the aliens, biological in nature. Not an easy win, but if we get into a real confrontation, we have something.” Pierce stroked her hair.

  “At least, I know now. They’re still playing with people’s lives. That poor woman in that prison pod. I can’t believe she hasn’t tried to escape. She didn’t look drugged.” Bonnie ran her hand over Zane’s arm then along Pierce’s back.

  “Escaping the pod wouldn’t do much. Security here is top notch.” Pierce shrugged.

  “So the inmates are content?” she asked.

  “We’re all sort of inmates. If we can help stop the alien problem, it’s not so bad. You’ve got every luxury and amenity here. All your needs are met.” Zane nodded.

  Adonis rolled over and grabbed a box from under the bed. “Maybe this will help you keep busy.”

  He set the box between her stomach and Zane’s side. When Bonnie opened it, Adonis watched her face light up. Finally, Bonnie smiled as she pulled out a top of the line digital camera.

  “You can’t publish any photos you take here without approval, of course, but your eye might get us some shots and evidence that could really help.” Pierce kissed her.

  “So if I take a shot of a rattlesnake in the sand, I can’t keep it?” She rolled her eyes.

  Adonis laughed. “I think it’d have to be reviewed by the powers that be, but as long as there’s nothing classified in the shot, why couldn’t you use it?”

  “Pierce meant more photos of anything inside the facilities or UFOs. Cactuses aren’t really that interesting.” Zane took the camera and snapped a picture of her naked form.

  “Thanks, because you don’t see me naked enough?” she asked.

  “It’s your most natural and comfortable state.” Adonis hugged her tight.

  “So why are you guys all dressed?” She grabbed the camera and found all the buttons on her new toy.

  “We didn’t want you to feel pressed. After that session, you looked beat. Just because you’re naked doesn’t mean sex. Sounds like the aliens tricked you into thinking you got more of us anyway,” Pierce said.

  “That memory is totally crap. The only way it makes sense is that I was being held down somehow so my mind had to deal with that reality but added great distract
ions. But I don’t want to be stuck in missionary or immobile. That’s not me.” She played with the camera.

  “No, it’s not. You still look like you need a nap.” Zane caressed her cheek.

  She set the camera back in the box. “I think you’re right. Nap first, then sex. You guys can stay and sleep with me on the condition that you sleep naked.”

  Adonis smiled and dropped a kiss in her hair. “Whatever makes you happy, Bonnie.”

  The men began to undress as she reclined on a pillow, her eyes heavy.

  * * * *

  After a long nap and amazing sex, Bonnie’s head finally cleared out. She felt better, and it gave her the energy to think. She couldn’t change what had happened to her, and she’d probably never know exactly what they’d done. Wallowing in that frustration wasn’t productive. Worse, it was selfish. In college, she’d raised money and protested for causes. Here, she could help in another way. At least, she had to try.

  Bonnie walked into the lab and found Liz hard at work.

  “Mind if I bug you?” Bonnie asked.

  “Sure. Are you feeling okay? I know that memory recovery process can make some humans feel off.”

  Shrugging, Bonnie leaned on the lab table. “I took a nap and spent some time with my guys. Actually, that made me think. We’ve been using condoms for birth control. I was on the pill, but I don’t have any. The aliens weren’t nice enough to pack my stuff when they abducted me. I need to get some for added protection. My cycle is still on track but I’d like it to stay that way.”

  Liz smiled. “Sure. Let me get the pills.”

  The doctor headed over to a cabinet with a keypad just like the one on the pod. Bonnie moved closer and watched the code Liz punched in. Once the doors opened, Liz went inside a walk-in storage area then returned with two handfuls of boxes.

  Bonnie stepped up and grabbed some so Liz wouldn’t spill.


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