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by Michael Duncan

  Italian, 162


  Aquillius and, 187–189

  Asiaticus and, 231–234

  Carbo and, 206, 210, 212, 225–226

  Cimbri tribe against, xi, 101, 107, 119, 121, 124–127, 140–144, 148–150

  Cinna (cos. 87–84) and, 206–213

  colony, x, xii, 85–86, 140–142

  conscription, 19–22, 113–114

  costs, 69

  with expansion, 85–86

  Gaius Marius and, 81–82, 84–86, 108–111, 113, 117–118, 129–131, 135–137, 140–141, 148–150, 176–178, 189–190, 193–195, 209–213

  Italians in, 131

  leadership, 109–111, 129, 190, 193

  Marius the Younger and, 239

  Norbanus and, 231–233, 240

  novus homo and, 81–82, 84–86

  Numidia and, xi, 88, 94–95, 103–113, 117–119, 122–124

  Octavius and, 210

  peasant armies, 48, 107

  Metellus Pius and, 183, 207–208, 230, 232, 239–240

  plague and, 210

  Pompeius Magnus and, 177, 264

  Pompeius Strabo and, 177–180, 205, 207, 210, 220

  poverty and service in, 20, 21, 114

  recruits from client-patron networks, 26

  reforms, 135–137

  in Rome, 197–202, 210–213

  Sertorius and, 210, 232–235

  slaves in, 114, 133, 150–151, 180, 196

  Sulla and, 114, 116–119, 122–123, 131, 136, 149, 180–181, 185, 189, 193–197, 200–202, 205–209, 217–220, 235–242

  See also cavalry

  mines, state-owned, 51

  Minturnae, 199–201

  Mithridates I (King of Pontus), 185

  Mithridates V (King of Pontus), 49, 65, 147, 175, 183, 186

  Mithridates VI (King of Pontus)

  in Asia, 188–189, 202, 208, 218–219

  Cappadocia and, xiii, 190

  debt cancellation and, 189

  defeat of, 264

  early years, 185–186

  Gaius Marius and, xii, 186–188, 214–215

  in Greece, 208

  with massacre of Italians, 202

  Nicomedes IV and, 188

  Rome and, 147, 183

  Sulla and, xiv, 219–220

  with Tigranes I, xii, 187

  mob tactics, 147–148, 154, 157–158

  monarchy, 8

  mos maiorum (“the way of the elders”)

  break from, 27, 30–31, 34–37, 64, 113, 127, 136, 152, 194, 197

  defined, 4, 128

  Pomerium and, 197

  Sulla and, 194, 197

  Mucianus, Publius Licinius Crassus, 24–25, 48–49

  mules, 135

  Mummius, Lucius

  consulship of, 13

  in Corinth, ix, 1–2, 14

  as quaestor, 10–11

  triumph of, 11–12


  of Antonius, 212

  of Asellio, 182

  of Cinna (cos. 87–84), 223

  of Drusus the Younger, xii, 171

  of Gaius Memmius, 156

  of Gaius Octavius, 212

  of Julius Caesar, 264

  of Nonius, 152

  of Quintus Pompeius Rufus, 205

  of Scaevola, 237–238

  of Tiberius Gracchus, 35–37, 41, 60, 66, 75, 95

  See also killings, political

  Narbo, x, 86

  Nasica, Publius Scipio, 32, 35–36, 40, 48

  navy, Greek, 189

  Nearer Spain, 6, 47

  Nerva, Publius Licinius, 132

  New Man. See novus homo

  Nicomedes III (King of Bithynia), xiii, 175, 186, 187

  Nicomedes IV (King of Bithynia), 187, 188

  nobile, 10, 12, 56, 60, 137

  Nola, 206, 207


  citizenship reform and, x, 61–63, 67, 71–72, 161–165, 178–179, 207–208, 225–226, 229, 255

  foreign provincials as, 262

  Italians as, 25, 43, 71, 162–165, 168, 229

  Lex Agraria and, 25, 28

  population, 43

  Roman citizenship for some, 178–179, 225–226

  See also Allies

  Nonius, xii, 152

  Norbanus, Gaius

  consulship of, 227–228

  as governor of Sicily, 226

  military and, 231–233, 240

  proscriptions and, 247, 249

  violence and, 138, 145

  Noreia, x, 101–102, 106, 124, 141

  North Africa

  Bocchus and, 122

  colonies, 72–73, 74, 199

  famine in, 68

  Masinissa and, 88

  novus homo (New Man)

  discrimination against, 10, 11, 13, 83, 92, 117, 125

  military and, 81–82, 84–86

  populare assault and, 106

  Numa (King of Rome), 3

  Numantia, fall of, ix, 40–41, 56, 63, 82, 88

  Numantines, 22–23

  Numidia (Algeria)

  bribery and, 88, 90, 94, 102, 105

  cavalry, 88, 107

  Gaius Marius in, 108–111, 117–119, 122, 124

  Opimius in, 89–90

  political killings in, 93–94, 97

  Quintus Caecilius Metellus (Numidicus) in, xi, 103–112, 117–118

  Sallust on war in, 106

  Scaurus in, 93, 94–95, 102

  Sulla in, 118–119, 122–124

  treasury, 89, 110

  See also Jugurtha

  Numidicus, Metellus. See Metellus, Quintus Caecilius (Numidicus)

  Octavius, Gnaeus

  consulship of, 204–205, 206

  military and, 210

  murder of, 212

  plebs urbana and, 206–207, 210

  Octavius, Marcus, 29–31, 67


  rise of, 8–10, 260

  secret ballots to defy, 22

  On the Orators (Cicero), 169

  Opimius, Lucius

  consulship of, 73–77

  against Gaius Gracchus, 75–78

  in Numidia, 89–90

  sack of Fregellae and, x, 63

  optimates, as political faction, 52, 79–80, 83, 106, 154, 169

  Oracle at Delphi, 86, 121, 214

  the Orator. See Crassus, Lucius Licinius

  oratory, 169

  Antonius and, 66

  Crassus and, 83–84, 86, 120–121

  Gracchi and, 28

  theatrical, 60, 64–65

  Orchomenus, xiii, 218

  Ostia, 137, 199, 210

  Palatine Hill, 76, 212

  Parthian Empire, 175

  Paterculus, Velleius

  on dangerous precedents, 37

  on fortunes of families, 174

  on Cinna, 223

  “path of honors.” See cursus honorum

  patricians, 3, 4, 10

  patrons. See client-patron networks

  Paullus, Lucius Aemilius, 6–7

  Pausanias, on madness, 14


  with anarchy, 46

  army, 48, 107

  colonies and, 68

  with Gaius Marius, 200

  optimates and, 152

  as tenant-farmers, 20–21

  Pergamum, 33, 40, 46, 48, 49, 188

  See also Asia; Attalus III

  Perseus (King of Macedon), 6

  Persian Empire, 175

  Philip V (King of Macedon), 5–6

  Philippus, Lucius Marcius, 134, 168–170, 173, 231

  Phrygia, 49

  Picenum, 179, 189, 234, 239, 255

  Piraeus, 209, 214

  Pius, Metellus. See Metellus, Quintus Caecilius (Pius)

  Placenta, 210


  of locusts, 68

  military and, 210

  Plebeian Assembly, 3, 9, 264–265


  as clients, 4

  Conflict of the Orders and, 3, 10
  plebs urbana (residents of Rome)

  Anti-Senate and, 192

  citizenship reform and, 62, 226

  conscription of, 114

  food shortage and, 181

  Gaius Marius and, 70, 87, 152, 157, 261

  grain prices and, 68–69, 87, 153–154, 167–168

  Lex Julia and, 182

  Octavius and, 206–207, 210

  Sulla and, 226, 238–239, 246

  voting and, 44

  wage labor and, 43


  on first sedition at Rome, 36

  on the Gracchi, 28, 59–60, 74, 79

  on history repeating itself, xxi

  on military leadership, 109, 129

  on Sulla, 238

  politics. See killings, political; Senate

  Pollux. See Temple of Castor and Pollux


  in exile in Rome, 7–8

  on glory of Rome, 1

  as mentor, 15

  Roman constitution and, 9, 10, 260

  on Senate, 33

  Pomerium, 35, 197, 198, 245

  Pompeii, 181

  Pompeius Magnus, Gnaeus (Pompey the Great)

  birth of, xi

  Cicero on, 227

  legacy, 263

  military and, 177, 264

  proscriptions and, 249

  with Sulla, xiv, 230–231, 235

  Pompeius Rufus, Quintus (the Elder)

  consular elections and, xiii, 190–191

  murder of, 205

  Sulla and, 192–193

  Pompeius Rufus, Quintus (the Younger), 193

  Pompeius Strabo, Gnaeus (Pompey the Elder)

  in Asculum, xiii, 177, 179–180, 205, 207

  consulship of, 178–180

  death of, 210

  Lex Pompeia and, 179

  military and, 177–180, 205, 207, 210, 220

  in Picenum and Cisalpine Gaul, 179, 189

  violence and, 174

  pontifex maximus, 32, 35

  pontiffs, 134


  Bithynia and, 175

  cavalry, 188

  history, 185–187

  invasion of, 188–189

  Phrygia and, 49

  Rome and, 147, 183

  See also Mithridates VI

  Popillius, Gaius, 119–120

  populares, as political faction

  Gaius Marius and, 152

  return of, 106

  Sallust on, 79–80

  Senate and, 133–135


  citizens and noncitizens, 43

  Rome, 43, 261

  slaves, 43

  populus Romanus. See citizens, Roman

  posts, heads on, 212, 213, 242, 251


  cash economy and, 43

  military service and, 20, 21, 114

  See also wealth


  deposition and, 30–31

  Dictatorship, xiv, 8–9, 251–257

  magistrates with abuse of, 162–163

  proconsular, 262, 265

  senatus consultum ultimum and, 75, 157, 198, 205, 227

  Sulla with withdrawal of, 257–258

  tribunes with less, 253, 259

  veto, 29–30, 96

  violence and, 35–36, 152–153, 166, 168

  Praeneste, xiv, 206, 236–237, 240, 242

  praetors, 11, 90–92, 122, 123

  prices, grain, 68–69, 78, 87, 153–154, 167–168

  priesthood, 134, 158, 182, 206

  princeps senatus, 18, 53, 105–106


  Carbo as, 227

  with conquered gold and silver, 19

  honorary role of, 256

  power of, 262, 265

  Scipio Aemilianus as, 88

  Sextus Caesar as, 174, 177


  abuse of, 249–250, 259, 264

  defined, 247

  exile with, 263

  profit from, 248

  role of, xiv

  provincae, administration in, 47–48

  public works projects, roads, 68, 78, 86


  Cinna and, 216

  with commerce, 50–52, 56

  contracts for, 50–51, 69–70, 84, 91

  corruption and, 165–166

  with debt crisis, 181–182

  land redistribution opposed by, 168–169

  with tax-farming contracts, 69, 132

  publicly owned land. See ager publicus

  Punic Wars, 5, 6

  conscription and, 19–20

  Second, 19, 88, 114, 136

  Pyrenees, 85, 119

  quaestio de repetundis. See Extortion Court


  Aemilianus as, 12

  Gaius Gracchus as, 63–65

  Lucullus as, 195

  Marius as, 85

  Mummius as, 10–11

  Saturninus as, 133–134, 137–138

  Sulla as, xi, 114, 117

  Tiberius Gracchus as, 22–23

  with treasury, 11, 47, 152, 153

  Raudian Plain, xii, 148–149, 212

  Ravenna, 239

  redistribution, of land, 134, 154, 161–162, 168–170

  Remus, 2

  rent, land with free, 73

  residents of Rome. See plebs urbana


  Asculum, 171–172, 180

  Extortion Court and, 48, 78, 153

  Fregellae, x, 62–63, 65, 105, 163

  of Jugurtha, 110–111

  slaves, xi, 40, 44, 45–46, 48–49, 57, 131–133, 139–140, 145, 263


  Via Domitia, 86

  repair, 68, 78


  cash economy in, 43

  with enemies of state, 197–202, 211–213

  expansion, 85–86

  founding of, 2–3, 4, 9, 150

  Italians with expulsion from, 164, 229

  military in, 197–202, 210–213

  population, 43, 261

  See also citizens, Roman; citizenship, Roman; plebs urbana

  Romulus (King of Rome), 2, 3, 4, 9, 150

  Rupilius, Publius, 39, 46, 67

  Rutilius Rufus, Publius,

  military innovations, 130

  trial and exile, 165–166

  Sabaco, Cassius, 91

  Sacred Geese, 50


  on bribery, 102

  on civil war, 99

  on populares and optimates, 79–80

  on poverty and military service, 114

  on Scaurus, 83

  on Sulla, 118

  on war in Numidia, 106

  on wealth and power, 203

  on wealth of Roman citizens, 59

  Salluvii tribe, 85–86

  salons, culture, 79

  Samnite Wars, 4

  Samnites, 172, 207–208, 242

  Samnium, 229

  Sardinia, 47, 63–65

  Saturn. See Temple of Saturn

  Saturninus, Lucius Appuleius

  with duties relieved by Senate, xi

  with Gracchan legacy, 146

  land-for-veterans proposal and, 139

  mob tactics and, xii, 145, 147–148, 157–158, 226, 251

  as quaestor, 133–134, 137–138

  Sulpicius on, 192

  treason court and, 254

  as tribune, 152–158

  Saufeius, Gaius, 152, 157

  Scaevola, Publius Mucius

  in Asia, xii, 165–166

  citizenship reform and, 164

  Crassus and, 120, 169, 229

  Lex Agraria and, 25

  murder of, 237–238

  Nasica and, 35

  Scaurus, Marcus Aemilius

  Ahenobarbus and, 134

  as censor, 167

  consulship of, 91

  corruption and, 90

  death of, 191

  Extortion Court and, 166

  in Numidia, 93, 94–95, 102

  as princeps se
natus, 93, 105–106, 137, 173

  Sallust on, 83

  Scordisci tribe, x, 101–102

  Second Punic War, 19, 88, 114, 136

  Second Servile War, 133, 150–151

  secret ballots

  judicial assemblies, ix, 22

  for legislative assemblies, x, 42

  voting, ix, x, 22, 42, 53, 79, 86–87

  seers, 199–200


  Anti-Senate, 192–193, 195

  with Carthage, 5–6, 12–13

  with citizenship reform, 62

  class hierarchy in, 10–11

  commerce and, 51–52, 56

  with Dictatorship, 9

  election reforms in, 22

  Extortion Court and, 48

  with Macedon, 6–7

  overreach of, 9–10

  political killings in, 35–37, 41, 60, 66, 74–75

  Sulla and, 198, 221

  with wealth, displays of, 19

  Senate’s Final Decree (senatus consultum ultimum), 75, 157, 198, 205, 227

  Sertorius, Quintus

  Cimbri and, 126

  Cisalpine Gaul and, 226

  military and, 210, 232–235

  proscriptions and, 247

  against Sulla, 206–207, 232–233, 263

  violence and, 174, 213

  Servius Tullius (King of Rome), 3

  Sicily, 47, 48

  grain from, 44–45, 226

  with Norbanus as governor, 226

  slave revolt, 45–46, 131

  Silanus, Marcus Junius, 106–107, 119

  Silanus, Titus Turpilius, 110

  Silo, Quintus Poppaedius

  citizenship for Italians and, 161–162, 168, 170–171

  death of, xiii

  Marsi and, 172, 177, 180, 182–183

  silver, 90

  conquered, 6, 19, 51, 108, 121

  for temples, 6

  Sinope, 185, 186


  abuse of, 162–163, 199

  captured, 11, 12, 126, 127, 149

  Diodorus on, 51

  election fraud with, 90–91

  First Servile War, ix, 45, 132

  Gaius Gracchus and, 77

  with Gaius Marius, 201

  from Greece, 7

  land worked by, 20–21

  in military, 114, 133, 150–151, 180, 196

  population, 43

  revolts, xi, 40, 44, 45–46, 48–49, 57, 131–133, 139–140, 145, 263

  Second Servile War, 133, 150–151

  with suicide, 142

  social reform

  land and, ix, 20–21, 24–25, 27–34, 40, 54–57, 67–68, 154

  Lex Julia, xiii, 178, 182, 206

  unemployment and, 20–21

  Social War (Marsic War, War Against the Allies), 164

  aftermath of, 181–182

  in historical context, 229

  start of, xii, 171–173

  socii, 53, 172

  soothsayers, 109, 199–200

  Spain, 82, 263

  annexation of, 6

  banditry in, x

  conscription and, 21–22

  Further, 6, 11, 47, 91

  Nearer, 6, 47

  resistance in, 21, 26, 48

  roads, 86

  silver in, 6, 19

  Spartacus, 263

  Spiked Boots, 209, 211–213

  Strabo (geographer), 100

  Strabo, Gnaeus Pompeius. See Pompeius Strabo, Gnaeus (Pompey the Elder)


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