Bad for You

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Bad for You Page 31

by J. Daniels

  “Sean, you surf?”

  I was gazing at the sliding door listening to Shayla’s loud, pretty laugh when Jamie spoke, grabbing my attention.

  I looked at him. “I have. Wouldn’t say it’s somethin’ I do, though. Fucked around with it when I was younger.”

  “You got a board?” Brian asked.

  I shook my head.

  “That’s a problem.” Brian looked to Jamie after he spoke, who was taking a pull of his beer. “You care?”

  “Nope,” Jamie answered, then he directed at me, “Come by the shop. We’ll fix that.”

  The slider opened as I was replying, “Doubt I can afford one. Thanks, though. I appreciate the offer.”

  “Ain’t nothin’ to afford when it’s free,” Jamie shot back.

  I blinked. “You’re not chargin’ me?”

  For a fucking surfboard? Was he serious?

  “Have you met my woman?” Jamie gestured at Tori as the girls filed outside. “She’ll shut me out for a solid month if I take your money.”

  “Longer than that,” Tori cut in, getting everyone’s attention.

  She had a bunch of foil in her hair you’d typically wrap food in, which Shayla was examining as she stood on her toes behind Tori.

  “Jesus. You bring that shit with you everywhere?” Jamie directed at Shayla.

  “Of course,” she replied, looking at him like he was crazy to think she wouldn’t. Then she went back to examining Tori’s head. “I want to add a few more. Hold on,” she said, dashing back inside. “You’re next, Jenna!”

  Jenna grinned over her shoulder as she made her way to the end of the deck. She peered out into the yard.

  “What’s that shit on your head?” Brian asked Tori as Syd walked over to him and took a seat on his lap.

  “It’s foil for my color. What’s it look like?” Tori shot back.

  “It looks like you’re tryin’ to pick up a signal out here.”

  Everyone started laughing, except Tori.

  “Ha ha.” She rolled her eyes to Jamie, then she plastered on a smile, all beauty. “You giving him a board?”

  “You think I could go longer than a month without you?”


  “Then I’m givin’ him a board.”

  Her smile turned into a grin.

  Shayla rushed back outside carrying a bowl and more foil, and directed Tori to the chair, then ended up standing next to the one Jamie was occupying since Tori took his lap instead. Shayla got to work painting more pieces of hair.

  “Swing by whenever, man. We’ll get you set up,” Jamie told me.

  I was geared up to protest. I didn’t need a board. I especially didn’t need one for free.

  What the fuck did I do to deserve it? I barely knew these guys.

  Then, looking from Jamie to Shayla and seeing the smile take up her face while she worked, knowing she was responsible for all the kindness being put on me lately, including what I’d felt tonight, and feeling that, remembering why I deserved people treating me this way, I nodded, meeting his gaze.

  “Thanks. Appreciate it.”

  “No problem.”

  I watched the smile Shayla was wearing amp up a bit, though she kept on working and didn’t make a big deal.

  I appreciated that too.

  “All right, guys. We need to talk carnival details,” Syd announced, then looking to Tori, she added, “You want to take this? You know more about it than I do.”

  “Sure thing,” Tori answered with a grin. Then she gave us the run-down of the idea she and Syd had come up with to help kick off the summer season at Whitecaps.

  We’d put on a carnival over Memorial Day weekend, offering food, games, and prizes. The menu would be simple—hamburgers and hot dogs—plus sodas and water. There would be a DJ and booths set up the girls would be in charge of, with help from Brian, Jamie, and Cole, considering how many booths Tori wanted to get.

  “We want this to be huge,” she said. “I’ve already talked to Nate about it, and he’s down with closing Whitecaps for the day and throwing a kickass party in the parking lot. He knows we’ll make a killing with how many people typically flock to the beach that weekend. And we’ll draw the crowd with good tunes, great food, awesome prizes, and fun games for kids.”

  “You can definitely count us in,” Jenna said. She’d walked over during the conversation and took a seat between Jamie and me. “The twins will love it.”

  Tori smiled. “I think it’ll really kick off an awesome summer for Whitecaps. Nobody else does anything like this. They just open for the day. We’ll be throwing a kickass party. Everyone will want to come back.”

  “You got three weeks before that weekend,” Brian said. “Is that enough time to get shit lined up? You’re talking about locking in booths and a DJ. You might be cuttin’ it close.”

  I’d been wondering the same thing.

  Tori cocked her head and grinned. “Well, two of us have connections to the best surf shop in Dogwood…I was thinking you boys could pull a few strings.”

  “I’m feelin’ used,” Jamie mumbled.

  Tori elbowed him.

  He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck, making her giggle.

  “We’ll let you advertise for free,” Syd informed Jamie. “You can put your stickers on everything and bring a few boards. It’s a win-win for you too.”

  Brian chuckled. “Is it, Wild?”

  Brian called his girl Wild. I didn’t understand why. Didn’t ask either. That was their business.

  “Yes,” she said with emphasis, laughing. “And we already got the booths locked in. Tori called about them weeks ago. We just need you to help us get the DJ.”

  “I think we can handle that,” Brian replied. He jerked his chin at Jamie. “We’ll make a few calls next week.”

  “Won’t be a problem,” Jamie assured, earning himself a kiss from Tori.

  “The only thing is, we’d have to work that day without getting paid.” Tori glanced around the table, saying, “I’m fine with that.”

  “Me too,” Shayla put out.

  “Anything for Nate,” Syd announced.

  “Stitch, what do you think?” Tori asked.

  There was nothing to think about. “Guy’s done a lot for me, shit he didn’t need to do…No question—I’m in.”

  Tori beamed. “God, I am so glad you’re here!” she declared.

  “No shit,” Jamie grumbled. “Between the four of you, that phrase has been uttered tonight every other fuckin’ minute.”

  Everyone started laughing.

  I looked at Shayla and saw she wasn’t laughing, but she was grinning while she worked on Jenna’s hair, no doubt agreeing with Tori’s statement.

  The girls kept talking and throwing out more ideas for the carnival. Brian and Jamie listened and chimed in. I listened and stayed quiet, watching them interact, but mainly watching Shayla work because I liked doing that, until my phone vibrated in my pocket, and I was forced to quit watching her.

  It was a text from Val. I read it.

  Caroline fell at the park and split her lip. She’s okay but she needs stitches. We’re at PromptCare. She’s asking for you. U busy?

  I stood from the chair and shoved my phone away.

  “What’s up?” Shayla asked.

  “Caroline fell and needs stitches in her lip. She’s fine, but she wants me there,” I said.

  “Oh, that poor thing,” Shayla whispered.

  All the women muttered something similar.

  “Do you…uh…” Shayla looked at Jenna’s head, then peered over her shoulder at Tori before returning her gaze to mine. It was anxious.

  I read it.

  “Stay,” I told her, walking over to her side. My hand went to her neck and I bent down, pressing my mouth to her hair as I spoke. “Don’t rush what you’re doin’. I’ll go, text or call and let you know what’s goin’ on. Then you’ll see me later, yeah?”

  Shayla had one hand in Jenna’s hai
r but with her other she squeezed my side. “Yeah. That’s perfect.”

  “Good.” I leaned back, my hand on her neck tensed, and when it did, Shayla tipped her chin way up to look at me, granting access to her mouth. Getting that, I kissed her.

  Someone gasped.

  Someone shushed.

  Jenna started laughing, and I knew that only because she was closest to me, and there was no mistaking it.

  Brian commented with, “Jesus, babe, you cryin’ ’cause they’re kissing?”

  Jamie threw out, “Big fuckin’ surprise there,” which got Shayla giggling against my mouth.

  I pulled back and smiled at her. “Later.”

  She winked. “Later.”

  Then I said my goodbyes and thanked everyone for the invite, stood there while Syd, Tori, and Jenna took turns hugging me (I guess that was becoming a thing), shook Brian and Jamie’s hands while promising I’d stop by soon to get a board, and finally, I took off.

  PromptCare wasn’t far from the house. I got there in fifteen minutes and was immediately taken back to the exam room once I showed my ID.

  “Daddy!” Caroline was lying on the table with a rag on her mouth, and seeing me, she burst into tears.

  I went to her.

  “Oh, Caroline, you were fine until Daddy walked in the room,” Val shared. She was holding a sleeping Fiona, who began to stir, hearing her sister.

  “Let me see, baby girl.” I pulled the rag away and examined Caroline’s mouth.

  There was a tiny cut in the corner of her bottom lip she was bleeding from.

  “The doctor will be in soon to stitch it up. I asked him to wait for you.”

  I smiled at Caroline, then looked over at Val. “Thanks for lettin’ me know.”

  Val frowned. “Of course. Thank you for coming.” She moved over to stand beside me. “I would’ve sent that text whether Caroline insisted you be here or not, Sean. I hope you know that.”

  I stared at her, wondering what I had done to deserve the good she was showing me, but then I shut that thought down.

  Thanks to Shayla, I knew.

  “Daddy,” Caroline whined again.

  I put my attention on my oldest, bending down and speaking to her gently, trying to calm her, and staying there even after the doctor came in and informed everyone on what he’d be doing.

  Caroline tensed up and started kicking when the doctor approached her.

  It took three nurses to hold my baby girl down, but once I moved to the head of the table so she could look up and see nothing but me, Caroline went calm and let the doctor stitch her up. She kept crying, but it was silent. Nothing but little sniffles escaping her. It took two stitches to get the wound closed, and the doctor was quick.

  He was also a plastic surgeon, so there wouldn’t be a scar.

  That had been a worry, but I kept that to myself, not wanting to put it on Val and add to her concern.

  While things were getting settled at the reception desk, I pulled out my phone.

  Caroline is good. Got 2 stitches. Should be leaving soon. You still there or home?

  Shayla’s text back was quick.

  Just got home. Glad she’s ok!

  Same. Heading over soon.

  Can’t wait. xoxo

  Exactly twelve minutes after saying goodbye to Val and the girls, I was knocking on Shayla’s door, and exactly thirteen seconds after that, I was grabbing her up, guiding her legs around me, and kissing her hard and hurried while kicking the door closed.

  Her hands were in my hair. She was tugging, moaning. “She’s okay?” she asked breathlessly inside our kiss.

  “Yeah. Cried, but she calmed enough for them to stitch her up.”

  I carried Shayla through her apartment and into the bedroom.

  “She wanted you there. You went. You got her calm,” Shayla said, smiling up at me when I laid her on the bed.

  The shirt she was wearing was unbuttoned at the top, revealing enough skin I’d have to be a fucking god to keep my mouth from it.

  Shayla arched her neck and gave me access, then she moaned, “Sean,” when I sucked and licked her cleavage.

  “We go fast a lot, a little rough,” I said, pulling back but looming over her still. “Every time, it’s like that.”

  I was talking about how we fucked, and she picked up on that right away.

  Shayla started nodding before I finished, her fingers staying in my hair. “I can only speak for myself, but I think it’s that way because I’ve wanted this for so long,” she confessed. “I feel like this has been building forever, and when something builds up that much, there is no easy release. It’s chaos.”

  “I feel the same. Couldn’t get over here fast enough just now. I never can.”

  Hearing that, she smiled. “Okay. Then it’s ’cause we’re both crazy and hard up, and coming together after waiting for so long…I think it’ll always be like this. At least for a while.”

  “You good with that?”

  “I’m good with any sex involving you,” she answered. “Fast or slow. Although slow might be fun…” She wiggled her brows.

  I grinned, then bent lower and kissed her jaw, her lips. “I’m gonna drag it out then,” I promised, feeling her body shudder. “Start with your taste filling my mouth, then I’ll work you up with my cock. Might go between the two. I don’t know.” I straightened up and got to work on her jeans, unbuttoning them and getting at the zipper. I ran my thumb over the small scissor tattoo she had on her hip bone when it came into view.

  “Go to town. I won’t stop you,” she said.

  I looked at her.

  She was grinning now too, and she giggled when she had my eyes. “I’m excited for slowed-down Sean,” she revealed. “Taking-me-on-the-floor Sean is amazing. Banging-my-back-out-on-the-couch Sean—fantastic. Slowed-down Sean might top the list. You’re always giving me better than the last time, and I’m not just talking about sex, so I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  I’d gotten her jeans off but paused at her panties. “You’re not just talkin’ about sex?” I questioned.


  “Explain that.”

  She cocked her head cutely. “Mm? I’m sorry, are explanations a part of this slowed-down Sean? Less talking, more stripping.” She wiggled her butt against the bed.

  Shayla was trying to hurry me along and keep that shit to herself. She forgot who controlled what was happening here. I was prepared to take this shit slow.

  Tugging her panties down her legs and tossing them, I kneeled beside the bed and bent her legs up, pushing her thighs open. My head lowered, I got as close as I could get to her bare pussy without burying my face in it.

  That was a fucking challenge, but I was getting this out of her. I needed to know.

  Because I knew it was something big, something that held meaning, and something I’d feel for fuckin’ ever.

  I wanted that.

  “Um…is everything okay?” she asked shyly, pushing up to her elbows when I didn’t move.

  Our eyes locked across her body. “Got your pussy in my face—everything’s great on my end. You?”

  She frowned. “Considering your tongue is still in your mouth, I’m not doing too hot.”

  I smirked.

  Her stare became intense, then she gestured with it between her legs, urging me on.

  “You want my tongue? Explain,” I ordered.

  Her mouth dropped open. “You’re willing to keep your head that close to me and not taste until I share?”


  “That could be minutes.”



  “I’m comfortable.”

  Steel determination flared in her eyes, and she tried wiggling out of my hold and scooting back, but I kept my grip on her legs and held her captive.

  She grunted in frustration and flattened on the bed. “Fine. It’s not even that big of a deal, I’m just really wanting your mouth on me.”

  “You’ll get it,”
I promised. “Pretty sure I want it more than you do.”

  Her head came up again and a second later, she was back on her elbows. “That’s impossible,” she spat.

  “Mouth is waterin’, baby, you got no idea.” I bent lower so my lips brushed against her flesh.

  Fuck, did I want a taste.

  Shayla gasped. “Okay…okay, you win. God, that’s so fucking sexy. This is my new favorite game.”

  I chuckled.

  Then Shayla smiled at me, all soft and sweet, and gave me what I wanted.

  “I refer to certain things about you as my kryptonite,” she began. “All of this happening in my head, obviously. I don’t tell people. That would be weird. But, like, for example, your chest—the first time I saw it when my brothers and I brought you dinner, I nearly passed out. The list I have is huge. It’s physical things and it’s things you do you don’t realize you do, like the way you flirt. I don’t think you do it on purpose—it’s so subtle and surprising. How you listen to me when I speak…that got me last year. It was one of the reasons I liked sticking my head in that window and talking to you so much. You listened like I was telling you stuff you needed to hear.”

  “’Cause I did,” I said.

  She shook her head, disagreeing. “How could you need to know about my dad getting diagnosed with Parkinson’s? Or about how much I wanted my own salon?”

  “Wasn’t what you said, it was you putting it on me. Sharin’ it. Like I was deservin’ of the stuff you thought about.”

  Her eyes softened. “Holy shit, see! Right there, prime example. You just topped the list again!”

  I grinned. “Just tellin’ you how it is.”

  “Well, this is why I have a list in the first place,” she said, laughing. “You say stuff like that, Sean, or you squeeze my neck or do something sweet with your girls, just you being you, and I’m weak.”

  I pulled in a breath. Just me being me. I was someone to her, and fuck, did that mean everything.

  I was right. That was worth the torturous wait having my mouth this close to her was.

  “And I—oh…oh, God,” Shayla groaned when I dove in, eating her roughly because I was a starving man at this point, but going at her slowly because I’d promised I would.

  “Your cunt is so fuckin’ good,” I said between licks and sucks on her clit that made the fingers in my hair pull.


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