The Clover Siblings and the Evil of Desmal

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The Clover Siblings and the Evil of Desmal Page 13

by Michele Scott

  Izzy said, “Down.”

  The boys set her down and watched as their baby sister went to the goat-man. Izzy got onto her knees, leaned over him, and kissed him on the cheek. She then gave him a hug.

  Victor sat up and hugged her back. “Healed!” he exclaimed. “Healed by a true sorceress.”

  “Sorceress?” The boys said in unison.

  “Well, actually I should say goddess. You see, boys, there was more than one reason the queen wanted your sister’s soul. Unbeknownst to your family, little Isabella here is a great goddess who once lived here on our planet. She was sent to your earth to help heal all its troubles. The queen wanted to do everything in her power to keep that from happening. She even went so far as to send some of her dark minions to your planet to develop the game, in order for her to have a portal to come through. Interestingly enough, you two are also very powerful and have many abilities you aren’t even aware of. Look how far you’ve come, and what you’ve been through!”

  The boys were confused, but curious. “What about the queen? Where did she go? What will happen to her?” Carter asked.

  “Let us see.” Victor stood up and walked over to the window.

  Mason lifted Izzy up so she could see as well.

  She clapped her hands together and pointed out into the sky, “Balloon! Balloon!” she cried with glee as they watched the giant bubble of love travel higher up into the atmosphere.

  They continued to watch until the bubble disappeared out of sight.

  Then another magical thing happened. Light descended upon the island, so bright and powerful they shielded their eyes momentarily. The bright colors and sounds that had been taken from the Island of Desmal by the queen began to seep back across the landscape.

  A voice sounded behind them. They turned and there stood Seyem. “You have done well, children. You have saved us all,” he said. “But I never doubted you, and once you stopped doubting yourselves, there was no way you could not succeed. Do you see now, how you create? You create every day through your thoughts, words, and deeds. And do you see what you have created? You have brought light back to where nothing but darkness existed. You can do anything, be anything, and create anything you want. You have the power because you remained steadfast and you believed the rules of love—self-love, as well as brotherly and sisterly love.” He glanced at Izzy, picked her up, and laughed.

  She giggled back, as if she too had a greater knowledge of something far vaster than any of them had ever encountered.

  “Will she…can she—the queen—ever come back?” Carter asked.

  “That is a good question, Carter. There are always those who seek the worst, who look for fear and hatred. They do not want to go away. Why? I do not understand, nor perhaps will I ever. But for now, she is gone. Stay true to the power of love and she shall stay gone. Now, you have a journey to make back home. There is someone waiting outside to take you there. I have business to conduct here. I must let all who are still fearful know the queen really is gone.”

  They followed Seyem back down the staircase they’d come up, which only minutes ago had been dark and gloomy but was now filled with golden light. The black roses were alive again and had turned snow white.

  Victor followed behind. Isaac, the pegasus, stood in all his majestic wonder, waiting for them as they came through the palace gates.

  The boys hugged Seyem and Victor. Victor now sobbed because he would miss Isabella terribly.

  “I have something for you, Isabella, something magical to remind you of your power. You are a goddess, my child.” Victor took a necklace from his pocket and put it around her neck. She smiled and clapped her hands. The necklace was a gold strand connected by a tiny, red-purple stone.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it,” Mason said.

  “You haven’t,” Victor replied. “The queen kept it hidden away in her safe. It has been meant for your sister for many years. It is truly magical and special. For now, it is up to you to keep it safe. Isabella must never lose this stone. When she is old enough, you will tell her this story and about this adventure, and she will remember it all with clarity. You may then give her the stone to wear forever. But, once you arrive back home, you must take the necklace from her and place it in an important place. Do you understand?”

  The boys nodded.

  Victor picked Izzy up and held her tight, then set her atop the pegasus. Mason climbed up and sat behind Izzy, then Carter climbed on behind them. Izzy grabbed hold of Isaac’s silver mane and giggled.

  “Goodbye, friends,” Seyem said.

  “Goodbye,” the boys replied.

  Izzy in her sweet little voice said, “Bye-bye!”

  Isaac lifted off, and they all continued to wave as they ascended high into the air.

  “It’s really over. We did it, huh, Mason?”

  “We sure did, Carter. We sure did.”

  Flying through the air they could see the Enchanted Forest below and at the edge of the forest where the dragon once stood guard, a field of flowers spread out. Isaac took them in a little closer so they could have a good look, and they saw Claudia, Tim, Jemlock, and Emily standing in the field arm-in-arm. They waved down and could hear them whoop and holler shouts of praise and thanks. Neither boy had ever felt so filled with pride. For Mason it was better than winning any gymnastics competition. For Carter, it even topped winning the prized art award at his school.

  They approached the sea and could see Chelsea and a few other mermaids sitting on the rocks where they had met her and received the heart-song. Mason blushed at the site of her and wished they could stop to say good-bye. He did, however, have the strangest feeling he might see Chelsea again one day. He couldn’t explain it and maybe it was only wishful thinking, because she was by far the prettiest girl—well, mermaid—he’d ever seen.

  “Hey look!” Carter exclaimed. He was pointing to the pirate ship where it appeared festivities were taking place. Upon closer examination, they could see the skull and crossbones had been replaced with a gold and purple flag with a red heart in the middle.

  “The flag of the Boysen,” Isaac said, as if reading their thoughts. “Funny how a beacon of light can change the attitude of so many.”

  “What do you mean?” Mason asked.

  “Well, you met Doc and very astutely determined he was a light seeker. Once you two lifted the curse of Queen Zamora, the pirates aboard the ship realized it would be a good thing to have more pirates like Doc in the land. They no longer live in fear and so they no longer need to behave in such a ruthless manner. You see, fear is behind all negative or bad feelings. It is what leads to anger and eventually, to hatred. I believe on that boat of pirates, you will find a new type of crew, who will probably figure out much better things to do with their time than harass others. In fact, I believe you will find all those who once lived in fear under the queen’s duress will seek out their passions whether they be that of music, art, sports, math, science. With fear gone, they can do and be anything they desire.”

  “Wow! That’s so cool,” Mason replied.

  “Truly it is. You have learned much on this journey, children. Even Isabella, who is very young, has learned a great deal.” The boys chuckled at this. “No, it is so, and you will see how magical both you and your sister are in the years to come. You were chosen to save our land and your own because those of us in the light knew you were trustworthy and courageous. We are grateful to you.”

  The boys didn’t know how to reply. Neither of them had ever been good at receiving compliments. Suddenly, the volcano loomed before them, crystallized in all its splendor. The boys could see the prehistoric world of the dinosaurs to the left of it.

  “What about them?” Carter asked. “The dinosaurs—do they still live the way they did before we lifted the curse?”

  “The difference for dinosaurs is they can continue to exist here in Boysen. They can live as they once did on your planet without fear of extinction. Granted, their world has quite
a bit of violence, but it is their world and we respect that. Most of us in Boysen leave them well enough alone and they stay contained on their side of the land. I can, however, understand your question. Try to remember the brontosaurus and her kindness. They are not all dangerous predators.”

  “And what about the souls of the masters?” Mason asked. “What will happen to them? Or what has happened to them?”

  “They have been freed to continue what was always their passion, which they can now enjoy without fear that no one will ever love them for revealing those passions.”

  Isaac slowed down as the waterfalls of Boysen came into view, along with the lake they had first awakened next to when they’d started this adventure. He landed gently.

  “This is it, children. It’s time for you to get home and go back to your lives. We can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done.”

  “Can we ever come back?” Mason asked, sliding off his back and scooping Izzy down.

  “I’m certain if you find you’d like to visit us one day, there will be a way to get here,” Isaac replied.

  “But how?” Carter asked.

  “Carter, you are smart and resourceful, and know more than you still allow yourself to believe. Just always remember what you’ve learned here and you will find a way. Now I must go. My wife, Noreen, is having the entire family over for a feast of hay, molasses, and carrots. We are all celebrating your victory! But first come here, little one.”

  Izzy approached him. He nuzzled her cheek. “Remember you’re a goddess of the highest power. You are a true priestess. We love you.”

  “Love, too,” she said, giggling.

  Mason was confused. Izzy understood these creatures much better than he did.

  “We better get back,” Carter said. He was still not too sure about his sister being some great priestess, but what the heck…after what they’d been through, he guessed anything was a possibility. “How do we get home, Isaac?”

  “Simple. Take your sister and go back to the area where you awakened when you arrived. I’m sure all of you are very tired, so it won’t take long to drift off to sleep by listening to the sounds of the waterfalls. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself at home. Take care, children.”

  They watched Isaac fly away towards his home and family. They took Izzy by the hand and walked over to the area Isaac told them about and lay down together on the grass.

  “Okay, Izzy we have to go night-night,” Carter said.

  “Okay. Night-night,” she replied.

  Holding hands, the three soon drifted off to sleep, none of them too sure they wanted to leave, but at the same time wanting desperately to get back home, like the way you feel after a long vacation. When they awakened, they would be home again.



  “Mason James Clover and Carter Pierce Clover!”

  The brothers rubbed their eyes and woke to the sight of their mother and father standing above them. Mom’s arms were crossed over her chest, which was not a good sign, and Dad, well Dad just looked plain mad.

  Carter stood first and took in his surroundings. Mason stretched and yawned.

  “What do the two of you have to say for yourselves?” Dad asked. “Look at this mess.”

  The boys looked around the bedroom to see the makings of what had been their dinner scattered all over the floor, spilt milk lay on the rug, and the Beacon 850 System and its components were spread everywhere. The boys looked at each other, bewildered. They both knew where they had been, and knew what they had seen. Or did they?

  “Mess?! I could care less about the mess! What is troubling me here, young men, is the fact that your two-year old sister was climbing the kitchen ladder when we came in and grabbing cookies out of the cookie jar, which she knocked over when we walked in the door. She nearly fell off the ladder!”

  “Oh yes, that, too,” Dad said.

  “Yes, that too. I leave you guys for one hour—one hour!—and expect you to be responsible and watch over your sister. Well, that was obviously way too much responsibility for the two of you, wasn’t it?”

  The boys shook their head in shock.

  Carter spoke first, “Did you say Izzy?”

  “Yes, I said your sister Isabella. You know, the one I left in her crib asleep and the two of you in charge of? The one I expected you to take care of. You do remember her? It was for an hour boys. Ugh!”

  At that moment Izzy peeked around the corner of their door. Dad picked her up. “I thought we put you back to bed, little one.”

  “Yes we did,” Mom said. “She’s obviously had enough playtime for the entire family this evening.”

  Carter ran to her and wrapped his arms around both her and their dad; Mason leaped up and joined them.

  Mom remained steadfast with her arms crossed. “Oh no. I don’t think so. And daddy is not going to save the two of you this time. No, no, no. You two are in big, and I mean huge, trouble. In fact, in fact…” She reached down and picked up the Beacon 850 System, wrapping the cords around the system as she spoke, “I am taking the system away from you two for one week! And, that game. Where’s that game? Your favorite one?”

  “Queen Zamora’s Ultimate Challenge?” Mason interjected.

  “Yes, that one. Give it to me. You will not be allowed to play that game for one month. I am putting it away.”

  Mason handed the game to his mother and looked over at Carter. Carter smiled as his brother winked at him, both knowing neither one of them cared if they ever played that game again. Unless…unless it had all been some kind of dream and none of it really happened, and they had fallen asleep, allowing their sister to get into all sorts of trouble.

  Mason raised his eyebrows over his deep blue eyes as if to ask Carter, “Did what I think just happen, happen?”

  Carter nodded, understanding his brother’s unasked question, and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Hey, what’s this?” Dad asked as Izzy held open her palm. Inside her tiny hand was the necklace Victor had given her, shining brighter than ever.

  Mom walked over, looking down into her daughter’s hand. “I don’t know. Izzy where did you get this?”


  Wouldn’t you know she’d say his name clear as a bell?

  “Victor? Boys what in the world is she talking about?”

  Carter jumped in. “You know, Mom, I am so sorry we fell asleep on her. We were really stupid and we’ll clean up this mess and whatever else you want us to do.”

  “I know you will. But who is this Victor?”

  “Oh well, yeah, um, see…”

  Mason intervened, “See what happened is she woke up and so we brought her in here to watch us play. Yeah. And while Carter was taking his turn, I went down for some cereal and they had this in the box. You know like one of those toys, and I told her a story about a prince named Victor who gave the magical stone of love to every special boy and girl in the world. Since she’s probably at the top of the ‘special’ list, Prince Victor gave her the prettiest stone of all.”

  “Uh, huh.” Mom looked at him warily. She uncrossed her arms. Mason’s story had gotten to her, at least a little. The boys could tell. “Well, that was very sweet of you, Mason. But it doesn’t excuse what apparently happened next. The two of you forgot she was in the room and you were so zoned out on your game that you fell asleep. And let’s not forget, you weren’t allowed to play in the first place.”

  “You’re right, Mom.”

  Dad nodded. “She always is.”

  He set Izzy down and patted both Mason and Carter on the head. They each gave their mom another hug, so happy to see her and smell her rose perfume. They didn’t care at all that she was angrier with them than they’d ever seen. They trusted and knew she loved them no matter what.

  She kissed them goodnight and told them to clean up the mess and then go to bed. She carried Izzy out with her.

  Dad helped them clean up for a minute. He finally broke the sile
nce by saying, “I don’t know what really went on here tonight, but it was a nice recovery on both your parts.” He smiled at each of them. “Something tells me whatever it was, you had quite an experience. Maybe someday you’ll tell me about it.”

  The brothers looked at each other as Dad left the room. Mason walked over and put his arm around Carter. “So what do you think? Should we tell Dad?”

  Carter thought it over for a minute and slowly shook his head. “I’ve got a better idea.”

  “Oh yeah, and what’s that?”

  “Maybe someday we’ll show him instead.”

  Mason smiled. “Yeah, maybe someday we’ll do just that.”





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