The Hunt for Summer (NSC Industries)

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The Hunt for Summer (NSC Industries) Page 5

by Sidebottom, D H

  “Shit, Red. I need to fuck you.”

  I looked down at him through heavy eyelids and bit my lower lip “As long as you promise to fuck me hard.”

  His eyes darkened to black pits as he yanked his jeans off and rolled on a condom from his pocket. He gripped my wrists and held my hands over my head and then pulled me to the edge of the sofa and thrust in deep.

  “Jesus Fuckkkkk” he snarled.

  “Oh fuck, yes” I groaned along with him.

  His hands released my wrists and grabbed my hips as he pummelled me into complete and utter nirvana. My lust surged and I sat up and swung my legs around his hips as he pulled me down onto him with a deep hard drive.

  We both moaned loudly and then I moved on him, working us both towards ecstasy as he yanked me down forcefully onto each of his deep upward thrusts.

  “Fuck, Red, never… shit baby, you need to come quick…” he muttered as he banged me harder.

  His teeth sank into the side of my breast and I shouted out loudly as I came hard and ferociously over him.

  “Thank fuck” he growled as he jerked inside me and filled the condom to the max as he bared his teeth and flung his head back, pulling me down onto him as far as he could go inside me.

  We both puffed and panted for a long while, my head rested on his shoulder as his own rested against mine.

  “Sweet Jesus. Not had vanilla in a while but that was… Christ that was fucking fantastic, Red.”

  “I haven’t had any sex in a while and Christ, that was excellent Lucas” I retorted cheekily.

  He lifted his head and smiled widely at me.

  Bloody hell, he was extremely handsome when he smiled like that, and I frowned at my reaction to him.

  I lifted myself off him as I pinched the base of his cock to keep the condom in place, then I picked up my clothes and attempted to actually put them all on this time.

  I smiled at Lucas as I slipped into my shoes “I guess I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

  He frowned deeply as he rolled off the condom and then reared back a little and regarded me, as I pulled out my phone and dialled the local taxi service.

  “Whoa, Red. You fuck me then fuck off?”

  He seemed a little pissed off and my eyes widened at him. “Well… isn’t that how fucking usually works?”

  He barked out a humourless laugh and then seemed to argue with himself as many expressions filtered through his face, but eventually he shrugged and nodded in surrender “Yeah.”

  I laughed and shook my head in bewilderment before I leant into him and kissed his cheek “Thank you, it was… great.”

  He barked out a humour filled laugh this time “Yeah Red, great.”

  I winked and walked the length of his huge apartment to the main doors. “6 O’clock Red” He shouted after me.

  “I’ll be there with coffee, Mr Hunt.”


  I practically ran from the taxi into my flat and locked the door quickly behind me and proceeded to turn on each and every light in the place as I went through it meticulously, opening every cupboard and door in the whole place.

  I swore when I realised Sara wasn’t home and I rang her mobile to find out where she was. “Hey, babe” she answered.

  “Sara where are you, love?”

  “Rob’s Lay, why? You okay?”

  “No,” I answered quickly “he’s fucking here, Sara. He’s found me” I stuttered out.

  I heard her sharp inhalation and then whisper something to Rob. “I’m on my way home babe. Ten minutes” she soothed and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem, babe. Hang tight.”

  I made my hot chocolate and curled up in the window to watch for Sara. My only consolation was that I didn’t think he knew where I lived. If he knew that, then last night he wouldn’t have just stood outside, he’d have battered the bloody door down.

  “You have been really fucking bad this time, Kayla. You’re punishment is going to be extremely severe!”

  I closed my eyes against his sinister voice in my head and then shivered violently as his last punishment filtered through my already terrified brain.

  How the hell had he found me after all this time?

  It didn’t make sense.

  “Lay” Sara shouted through the flat as she came barrelling in, “Fuck, babe.”

  She huddled me up and held me tight to her, as if she could protect me from the world; and knowing Sara, she would definitely try for me.

  “How do you know he’s back?” she asked as she pulled away and swept her eyes over my body as if to check for any injuries.

  I sighed and looked at her as my eyes welled “He… he was in the club.”

  “Shit!” she cursed and I nodded. “William was supposed to increase my security but he must’ve… snuck in somehow, it was open night after all.”

  “Did he say anything to you?”

  I laughed slightly manically “Oh yeah. He said I was gonna be severely punished.”

  She closed her eyes in distress and took a large breath as she raked her hands through her hair “Shit, Lay.”

  “Something really strange happened though” I told her quietly, still trying to get my head around it myself.

  She looked at me expectantly and a small smile crept up my lips as I remembered the after effects of Diablo’s appearance.

  “Hunter subjugated me.”

  She took a small step back and pierced me with her wide eyes as her lips parted to take a breath “Hottie Hunter from the club?”

  I smirked and nodded “Turns out he’s my boss at NSC too.”

  She scowled at me “You lucky fucking bitch.”

  I winked as I stood up and swung my hips at her as I went to rinse my mug. “Well?” she asked from behind me.

  I smirked to myself as her hunger for details permeated the air.

  “Fucking epic.”

  She gasped and came to stand beside me, resting her hip against the worktop as she glared at me and nudged me with her elbow. “That’s it? That’s all I get?” she scowled.

  “Well, let’s just say, he’s a professional Dom. Knows each and every fucking command like a pro.”

  She groaned in jealousy and held her hand dramatically to her chest. “How come you get the serious shit all the time, when I get… I get… Rob!”

  I snorted and shook my head in humour, “Yeah… Rob.”

  She snorted with me and then we both burst out laughing. “Does he seriously lead cos’ I just can’t see it in him?” I asked sceptically.

  She shrugged as she filled the kettle for tea and sighed heavily. “He’s… good, you know okay for a fill in but I just can’t seem to find any Dom’s that appeal to me at the mo; apart from Hunter, you bitch, so Rob does” she answered honestly.

  “Rob… does?” I echoed with pessimism. She slapped my arm lightly and scowled at me “It’s okay for you. The good ones always seem to hunt you down.”

  “Oh yeah, I get all the good ones. Even the ones that chain me to a wall for five days and let different men fuck me for a punishment!” I hissed.

  She cringed and looked at me apologetically “Shit, Lay. My mouths bigger than my brain, I didn’t mean…”

  I side hugged her and shook my head in forgiveness “No love, it’s me. I’m a tad sensitive tonight.”

  She frowned as she passed me my tea and I blew over the rim before taking a sip.

  “You have every right to be sensitive babe, but I would’ve thought after being hunted by The Hunter, you’d be passed out, sated and sore in lots of delicious places” she winked mischievously.

  I took a deep breath and scrunched up my nose “It’s a bit of a bugger though, love. I work for him, he’s an arrogant arse and I’m really not sure if I want another master at this point in my life.”

  She raised her eyebrows in incredulity “But he fucks well?”

  A smirk lifted the corners of my lips “Oh, he fucks extremely well.”
/>   Chapter 8


  I arrived at work at 5:45, determined to beat Red in, and I was slightly annoyed to find she was already in, brewing my morning coffee and arranging some long large white lily’s into a bright red glass vase.

  “Efficient” I stated bluntly as I came up behind her.

  She shot into the air, her red curls bobbing wildly on her head as she spun round with a glare, “Shit, Mr Hunt. Please don’t do that again. I’m really not good with shocks.”

  I frowned at her pale white face, she really did have a problem with frights and I smiled softly at her as my eyes skimmed over her pretty floral wrap dress and knee high cream boots.

  Christ, the boots had me imagining all sorts of erotica and I cleared my throat and raised my eyes back to hers.

  “I’ll have to remember that, Red.”

  She swallowed heavily as I took a step towards her and her plump lips parted slightly as she sucked in a delicate gasp of air.

  I could see the throb of her pulse on the side of her neck but the expression on her face halted my move towards her.

  “Mr Hunt,” she started as she straightened her shoulders in a confident manner “I…we shouldn’t have done what we did yesterday and I’m very sorry that I lost… work etiquette, and I need to let you know that it definitely won’t happen again.”

  Her eyes dropped to the floor as she reached the end of her statement and I pursed my lips in irritation and anger.

  I had been hoping for a swift, sharp shag over the desk this morning, her pretty little ass in my palms as I drove deep into her warmth and sank my teeth into the softness of her delicious neck.


  “That’s fine Red. You are absolutely right. You work for me, you don’t perform for me. We both got off on it but… well, it was nothing special, so we both need to move on.”

  What the hell Lucas? You piece of fucking shit! It had been fucking amazing, utterly bloody brilliant and the best you’ve ever had, so why the hell did you say that to her?

  Red blinked rapidly and I could see her push the hurt down her throat and swallow it swiftly before she forced out a trembling smile and nodded “I’ll make a start then.”

  She turned abruptly and walked with her back ramrod straight through my office door, quietly shutting it behind her and I hissed out a curse. “You total twat, Hunt!”

  I dropped into my chair and practically punched the keyboard with each of my fingers, my anger controlling each painful stab at the keys.

  The coffee machine spluttered some brown shit across the cabinet and I stared at it as though the bloody stuff was gonna come and savage me.

  “Red!” I shrieked loudly, this was her problem not mine.

  She came barging through the door as if she thought my arse was on fire and I held back a smile as her eyes scanned the room like an MI5 agent.

  “Coffee machine, Red!” I said bluntly as I trained my eyes on the monitor and attempted nonchalance.

  Her beautiful face morphed into a tight grimace as she spotted the sticky goo now seeping out of the machine like a monster from the 80’s film ‘The Blob’.

  This should be fun.

  She took hesitant steps towards it and I was sure she thought the stuff was gonna jump on her and eat her whole.

  Her face crumpled further as it spat a thick black tar at her and she jolted backwards when it made a groaning chug, coughed and died its final death.

  “Oh” She said quite simply as her wide eyes turned to mine.

  I shrugged and turned back to my screen, desperately trying to hold on to the bark of laughter that was threatening to erupt.

  Her face was classic. A mixture of ‘What the hell?’ and ‘Holy Shit’ and I bit my bottom lip as she tiptoed quietly across the room in an attempt not to anger the machine further.

  “Oh” she repeated as she stood a foot away from the cabinet and leaned forward to peer at it as her face turned away in case it expelled something else at her.

  “‘Oh’ isn’t gonna fix it, Red” I said to her as she shuffled a little closer.

  She turned and frowned at me “Do you want me to go out and buy another or get the maintenance guy’s onto it?”

  I did bark out a laugh then and gave her a sardonic look “Have you met our maintenance guy’s, Red?”

  She shook her head faintly and then jumped back as the percolator decided to make one last attempt at existence and shot out a solid object through the spout.

  Red scrunched up her face and took a step closer to identify the item and I grimaced when I realised what it was.

  She picked it up and studied it with a confused expression before her head slowly turned towards me and her brows lifted excessively high.

  I coughed, straightened my back and returned her expression as I silently told her I was her boss and not to speak a single word.

  Her lips pursed now and she narrowed her eyes until I could only see a sliver of the blueness through her eyelids.

  “Mr Hunt?” she questioned and I gave her a blasé look.

  “Miss Summers, do you have a problem?”

  She ran her tongue over her top teeth as she flicked the item between her fingers. “Well Mr Hunt, I don’t necessarily have a problem, but the machine seems to have an adverse dislike to having a paperclip shoved up its important parts.”

  I steepled my fingers and rested my elbows on the desk as I regarded her, “We don’t all have a dislike at having something shoved up our important parts, do we Miss Summers?”

  She huffed heavily and bit severely into her bottom lip in an effort to hold back the feisty retort I knew was on the tip of her tongue, then she smiled with a wicked twinkle in her eyes and my stomach clenched in unease. “I’ll go and buy another then, Mr Hunt. By the way, a Miss Denver’s just rung. She didn’t want to talk to you personally but insisted on leaving a message” she taunted.

  I clamped my teeth together and closed my eyes as she continued, reading the message from where she had written it down on a notebook. “She said and I repeat ‘You are a fucking underdeveloped bastard and I have already found someone with a much bigger dick than yours, so go wank in a corner and smile at yourself in a mirror, you sad fucking twat’.”

  Her face held an elated expression as she smiled sweetly then tipped her head and exited the room and I could tell from the movement of her shoulders from behind that she was laughing.

  Revenge is sweet Lucas, and you will enjoy every second you deliver it!


  Red arrived back an hour later with a new coffeemaker and a hot chocolate from Starbucks and I glared at her when I realised she hadn’t bothered to purchase me a drink. She had just smirked and taken an exaggerated slurp of her bloody drink, before savagely biting a chunk out of a chocolate muffin as she closed her eyes in ecstasy and devoured the whole bloody cake.

  I had just closed my eyes and pictured her bent over my knee as I spanked the living daylights out of her!

  We had a meeting to attend with Nate and as we entered the elevator to ascend to the next floor a wicked idea began to arise in my head and I smirked to myself as we both exited the lift onto the 50th floor.

  “Red, before we go in I think there’s something you should be aware of” I said to her and she turned to look at me with those beautiful huge blue eyes and I nearly backed out… but only nearly.

  “What?” she asked innocently and I swallowed back the wicked grin I was dying to deliver.

  “Well, Mr Carter likes all the P.A’s to sit on his desk, legs crossed at the knee as they take notes” I told her seriously.

  She gave me a startled look, then sighed and nodded in resignation “Right… okay…”

  I smirked to myself as Leah smiled at us whilst she spoke on the phone to someone and gestured with her chin for us to just go down to Nate’s office.

  “Mrs Fox” I acknowledged Ava, Nate’s P.A and Mason’s wife, as we approached her desk. She smiled widely at us before she rose from her seat and
embraced Red in a tight hug.

  “Little Willow” She greeted Red as she pulled back slightly and cast an eye over her with a concerned gaze, “You’ve lost weight, Lay.”

  “Christ, you sound like your husband, love” Red scolded light-heartedly.

  Ava laughed and grabbed Red’s arm as she pulled her towards Nate’s office and they both gossiped like bloody fish wives.

  I entered the room behind them and my stomach bubbled in excitement as I awaited Red’s delivery of my lie.

  She was still bloody nagging with Ava as they both seated themselves in chairs beside each other and acted as though they were the only people in the room.

  I plonked myself disappointedly into the remaining chair as I looked at Nate and he rolled his eyes at the blathering women.

  “Never…” Ava gasped.

  Red nodded dramatically. “Yup, she says he has a huge penis but looking at him you wouldn’t think so. I mean he’s okay looking but, well the way she gushes about him you’d think he had a bloody 24 carat gold plated, 12 inch dick with an extra appendage for clitoral stimulation.”

  Nate spluttered out his coffee and my eyes widened but they seemed oblivious to us. “Well I heard he’s really good at oral… knows exactly what to do with his tongue and his little finger” Ava continued and they both sighed dreamily.


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