The Scandalous Lord Lanchester

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The Scandalous Lord Lanchester Page 19

by Michelle Styles

  ‘Tomorrow I shall visit and we will look at the gifts together—and I shall write the letters if you wish it.’ She shook her head at him, a smile in her eyes. ‘Shame on you, sir. People are so kind. We must thank them all properly.’

  Andrew accepted the scolding with good heart and they were joined by another gentleman and then two ladies.

  * * *

  There had been no chance for a further private conversation that evening, though Mariah did snatch a moment to say goodnight at the foot of the stairs before she and Sylvia and most of the other ladies went up.

  ‘Sleep well and do not worry, my love. You are safe in our care.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she said, and then in a whisper he might not hear, ‘I love you so…’

  She left him to make his own farewells and went upstairs, a little smile on her lips. The future seemed brighter all at once and she was anticipating all the happy times to come.

  Alone in her room, Mariah accepted her maid’s help to dress for bed, brushed her hair and then slipped between the sheets. She was sleepy and thought that she would rest well that night.

  * * *

  Mariah was not certain what had disturbed her, but she was suddenly wide awake and tingling. A trickle of fear crawled along her spine as she tensed, listening. She could hear something…The door to her dressing room was opening. No one but her maid would ever enter that way and her nerves prickled, because none of the servants would dream of disturbing her at this hour. She could feel the pounding of her heart as she caught the sound of a footstep—bare feet made only the slightest of sounds, as whoever it was approached her bed. Her eyes were closed as she waited, holding her breath, and then someone snatched away her covering.

  Mariah was tensed and ready. She rolled to one side and jumped out of bed, snatching up the brass candlestick from beside the bed. Through her curtains the light was barely strong enough to see more than the dark shape of a man, but her instincts warned her that only one man would dare to do such a thing, and the sweet smell of his hair oil told her that it was indeed the man she feared.

  ‘Stay away from me, Count,’ she hissed. ‘I do not know how you managed to get in here, but you have broken all the rules of society. You will never be admitted to a decent house again.’

  ‘Witch! I care nothing for other people’s opinions or your stupid rules. You English think you are so clever, but you are the fools. You thought to escape me, madame, but you are mine. I shall have you—and I will make you give me what belongs to me. Before I have done you will beg me to…’

  Mariah lashed out as he lunged at her. Her weapon struck against his shoulder and he shouted, but more in anger than in pain. In the half-light she was hampered and he seemed to be able to see like a cat. He grabbed her wrist, twisting it so that she gave a cry of pain and the candlestick fell to the floor with a bump, rolling away. In that moment Mariah screamed. The count grabbed her by the waist, forcing her backwards towards the bed. She struggled as he thrust her down on to the mattress, hitting at him with her fists, kicking and biting, spitting in his face, and then she screamed again as his weight came on her and she could feel him pulling at her nightgown, wrenching it up, his intention to rape her clear.

  Suddenly, there was light in the room. She heard a shout and then someone took hold of the count and yanked him off her. Now Mariah could see that Andrew was in the room; he was her rescuer. He grabbed the count by the throat, seeming as if he would break his neck with his bare hands, but the count brought his arms up and broke the hold. The men struggled furiously, then the two of them were on the floor, thrashing and yelling as they fought.

  ‘This way, Mariah,’ Justin cried and she fled towards the open door leading into the hall. He was holding a pistol and she could see from the look on his face that he meant business. ‘Go to Lucinda and stay there until we tell you.’ He flung a wrap over her shoulders and gave her a little push. ‘She is in her room and awake, waiting for you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Mariah said on a rising sob. ‘You were watching for him, of course.’

  ‘Andrew was close by, but the cunning devil came the servants’ way and we did not realise he was in your room until you cried out. Go now. I promise you that this will be over very soon now.’

  Mariah nodded and ran on bare feet along the landing with its soft Persian carpet to Lucinda’s apartments. As she tapped the door it was opened instantly and she was drawn inside. To her dismay she was trembling and, when wrapped in her friend’s arms, she found herself weeping.

  ‘Do not cry, my love,’ Lucinda said. ‘It will all be over very soon now. Justin has the house surrounded and footmen are everywhere. Even if the count escapes from them he will not get far.’

  ‘I am so stupid,’ Mariah sobbed and wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. ‘I thought he had gone, given up—but…he tried to…he is mad. I am sure his obsession has turned his mind.’

  ‘Hush, my dearest. Justin would not let me tell you what was planned. It seems they thought the only way to catch him was to allow him to try whatever he intended, but it was not fair to you. Had you known what was going on, you would not have been so frightened.’

  ‘I was startled and shocked, but I fought him,’ Mariah said. ‘It is only now that I am being foolish.’ She wiped her cheeks on the wrap Justin had provided. ‘I came here when Justin told me to, but I should have stayed to see what happened. Andrew was fighting him, but Justin was there and he had a pistol.’ She caught back a sob of fear. ‘What do you think they will do to him?’

  ‘Justin will tell us when he returns,’ Lucinda told her. ‘I have some wine here. Will you take a glass to soothe you?’

  ‘Yes, perhaps a sip or two,’ Mariah said. Her hand trembled as she took the glass from Lucinda, but she held it with two hands and willed herself to stop shaking. ‘For a moment I thought he would have his way, for he was so much stronger than me, but then Andrew came and…he saved me.’ Tears trickled down her cheeks. ‘I thought—hoped—he might be nearby, but I did not realise that he was so close.’

  ‘He guarded your door all night—and has done since the count came here. I know you thought he went home with Jane and her husband, but each night he doubled back and stayed until you stirred.’

  ‘Andrew did that for me?’ Mariah looked at her in awe. ‘Why did he not tell me before?’

  ‘Because he did not wish you to know how concerned he was, dearest. Andrew loves you very much and he wanted you to be happy. It will soon be your wedding and he did not wish you to feel afraid.’

  ‘He told me earlier that he might stay this evening, but when the count left so abruptly I thought he would consider the need was over.’

  ‘Andrew suspects the count may be a murderer,’ Lucinda said. ‘He has had agents watching him since you were in Paris. He says the count’s wife died in suspicious circumstances soon after Winston died…Oh, I wasn’t supposed to tell you. Justin will be cross with me.’

  ‘Do you think…did he have her murdered so that he could…?’ Mariah sat down in a chair as her legs went weak. ‘He couldn’t have done such a wicked thing. Oh, Lucinda. If he killed his wife so that he would be free to marry me…that poor woman! It is true that for a brief time I did flirt with him in Milan. I feel so guilty…’

  ‘No, Mariah. It is not your fault. How could it be? You did not even know him when his wife had the fall down stairs that killed her. She would not divorce him, because she was a Catholic, and he wanted sons. He may have other reasons for what he did. Besides, we do not know for certain that he murdered her—only that she died in a suspicious fall down some steep steps at her home. It was whispered that he had her murdered, but nothing was proven.’

  ‘He had her murdered and it is my fault. He saw me and wanted me for his wife, so he killed her. He is evil beyond imagining. How could any man do such a terrible thing?’

  ‘He must be insane, Mariah. No sane man would do the things he has.’

  Mariah felt devastated. She had t
hought nothing of her brief encounter with the count in Milan and had not considered what feelings or hopes she might have aroused when she rejected him. What a selfish, careless fool she had been. She should not have let him think she might marry him even for a moment. At the time she had not wanted to cause offence, but she might have caused something much worse.

  ‘I have caused so much upset and trouble,’ Mariah said, feeling chastened. ‘Andrew must blame me for all this…’ She shook her head as Lucinda tried to deny it. ‘No, you would exonerate me of all blame, but I was contrary and careless, Lucinda. I must bear some of the blame. Something about me seems to encourage men to wicked acts.…’

  * * *

  It seemed a long time before Justin came to tell her that the count had been captured and taken away.

  ‘What will you do to him?’ Mariah asked. ‘Must I bear witness at his trial?’

  ‘Do not concern yourself about the count,’ Justin told her. ‘He is being confined in a place away from this house. Tomorrow he will be brought before a magistrate, a friend of mine, and, depending on the sentence, confined to prison for a long time. I do not think your testimony will be necessary.’

  ‘Thank you.’ A shiver ran through Mariah. ‘I should return to my room now.’

  ‘Can you bear to?’ Lucinda asked her. ‘Would you not rather have a different room—or stay here with me tonight?’

  ‘No, I shall not let that man destroy me,’ Mariah said, lifting her head proudly. ‘Where is Andrew? I should like to speak to him…’ Her heart caught with sudden fear. ‘He is not injured?’

  ‘No. He had something to do, but he is around somewhere. Would you like me to tell him you wish to see him?’

  ‘Yes, please. If he could come to my room.’ Mariah blushed. ‘It may not be quite proper, but after what happened this evening it hardly seems to matter.’

  ‘Of course he will come,’ Lucinda said. ‘Shall I send a hot posset up to you, my love?’

  ‘No, I shall be perfectly comfortable once I have seen Andrew.’

  Mariah smiled and left her friends. Outside her room, she hesitated, took a deep breath and went in. She was carrying a lighted candle and she lit several others about the room before setting straight a chair and a stool that had been knocked over in the struggle. Some books had been dislodged from an occasional table and she was bending down to retrieve them when she heard a knock at the door. For a moment her heart caught, but she breathed deeply and went to answer it.

  ‘You asked for me?’ Andrew said, looking at her in concern. ‘Did that devil hurt you, Mariah?’

  ‘No, you were in time,’ she said on a shaky breath, and then to her utter dismay felt the tears trickle down her cheeks. ‘I am so sorry to have caused you so much trouble. This is all my fault. If I had not allowed him to think…but it would have been rude…’

  Andrew moved into the room, taking her into his arms. His mouth hushed her with a kiss and she subsided against his shoulder, her tears wetting his coat as she sobbed out her anguish.

  ‘The man was obsessed with you,’ he said. ‘You had no fault in this, Mariah. Besides, I think there is more than we yet know. He wanted you and your fortune and I was in the way—so the mystery of the attempts on my life are solved, but it does not end there. Where does Grainger come into it—and where is Lieutenant Gordon?’

  ‘I am such a fool. At this moment I can think only of his obsession with me. If that poor woman met her death because of me…’

  ‘Hush, my love,’ Andrew murmured, his fingers stroking at her nape. ‘If the count had his wife murdered, it was his fault and his alone. I believe that you were right when you said the balance of his mind was disturbed. You—and your fortune—obsessed him, and perhaps he was always of an unstable mind. If my agents are correct, he is deeply in debt. Your friend Lord Hubert has told me that he has lost thousands of pounds in the venture Count Paolo offered him. Fortunately, he drew back before committing himself to the last penny and he will recover, but it has made his situation awkward for the moment.’

  ‘I knew Lord Hubert was in trouble because he told Sylvia she must be careful what she spends and he has always spoiled her. When did he speak to you?’

  Mariah drew back, wiping her cheeks with the kerchief Andrew handed her. She smiled and blew her nose, her storm of emotion calming.

  ‘Lord Hubert arrived yesterday, but stayed at my house so that the count would not suspect he had been rumbled, but he must have guessed something was wrong. That is why he pretended to leave, but actually hid in the attics and crept to your room by way of the servants’ entrance. I am not sure what he hoped to achieve by his attack on you—perhaps blackmail.’

  ‘Yes.’ Mariah shuddered. ‘I should not have wanted anyone to know of my humiliation.’

  ‘Well, he will not harm you again. He is being kept under lock and key until the morning. He will be tried and I think there is enough evidence against him to have him sent to prison without using what happened here this night.’

  ‘Justin said as much.’ Mariah looked at him. ‘You were right when you said I have been contrary and proud. I was spoiled and I became heedless. I know that by flirting with the count even for a short time I brought this whole business on myself.’

  ‘I do not think that is true,’ Andrew told her, reaching out to touch her cheek. ‘You were not to know what kind of a man he really was. If I had spoken to you earlier at the lakes, it might not have happened. Yet, perhaps he would still have tried to kill me. Had you been grieving for my loss, he might have caught you on the rebound. I am sorry for the harsh things I said to you, Mariah. You are neither selfish nor heedless. I know that you care for people—and your proud manner often hides uncertainty.’

  Mariah smiled up at him. ‘You are coming to know me, Andrew. I am not always as confident as I seem, but my pride carries me through.’

  ‘If I hurt you by things I said in the past, please forgive me, dearest. I should never have been harsh to you.’

  ‘It is forgotten,’ she said. ‘All I want is for you to care for me—and for us to be happy together.’

  ‘You will make me the happiest of men when we marry.’ Andrew ran his thumb over her bottom lip, sending a tingle of desire spiralling through her. ‘It is our dance tomorrow evening, my love. You will be so tired. I should leave you to sleep now.’

  ‘No, please…’ Mariah caught his hand. ‘Stay with me, Andrew. Stay with me all night—in my bed. I do not want to sleep alone tonight.’

  ‘In your bed?’ Andrew questioned as she moved closer, gazing up at him. ‘What are you saying, my darling?’

  ‘I want you to love me,’ she whispered huskily. ‘I want you to make me forget all the horrid things that happened with the count—love me and take away the fear and humiliation.’

  ‘My precious love,’ he said and put his arms about her. ‘If you are sure, I shall stay. I want you so much, so very much.’

  Mariah surrendered herself to his arms. His kiss was hungry, more possessive and sure than ever before and she melded against him, giving herself up to the pleasure of being in his arms. She felt nothing but pleasure and sweet anticipation. No thought of the count’s attack on her was in her mind as she looked up at Andrew, her longing and need so plain that he must see.

  ‘I love you, Mariah,’ Andrew whispered as he joined her on the bed. ‘I think I always did, even when we were young and you followed me everywhere. I just did not know my heart. I was not sure we should suit, but now I know that without you my life would be empty.’

  Mariah’s throat was tight with emotion. She could say nothing because her heart was too full, but she opened her arms to him, allowing him to discard her nightgown by pulling it over her head and watching with a smile as he threw off his own clothes. He had such a beautiful, strong body, though the scars on his upper arms and chest told of wounds in war. Mariah wanted to touch them, to kiss his smooth flesh.

  Then he was lying beside her, the heat of his flesh against her
s as they came together, bodies straining to meet in sudden need and urgency. Andrew kissed her forehead, her nose, her eyelids and her throat. His hand caressed her breast and then he bent his head to stroke delicately at the rose-tinted nipples, licking at her and taking her into his mouth to suck gently. His teeth grazed her slightly and she moaned, her back arching towards him. She could feel the moisture between her thighs as his hand sought her intimate places, stroking the nub of her femininity with one finger as she breathed deeper and a little cry escaped her.

  He kissed her navel, lowering his attention to the dark blonde curls that smelled of her musk as she became wet for him. When his tongue touched her there, she cried out with pleasure, bucking and arching as the feeling intensified. The pleasure he gave her was beyond anything she had imagined. Then, when she thought she could bear no more, she felt his weight as he lay on her, his hand parting her thighs and the heat of his pulsing manhood thrusting at her moist opening.

  ‘Please…please…’ she begged, her body arching towards him, begging for something she hardly comprehended.

  As he thrust up into her she felt a sharp pain, but her cry was smothered beneath his kiss. He stilled for a moment, looking down at her as he felt the resistance, then he broke through her hymen and entered the warm silkiness of her sheath. She moaned and arched her hips to meet his thrust, giving herself up to the pleasure. There was a little pain, but Mariah wanted to enjoy the moment she had longed for and she ignored the slight soreness, panting, her hands raking at his shoulders as the intensity of their loving reached its height. Sweet and sensual, endless pleasure, and then he came in her at the moment that she felt the first wave of pleasure break over her.

  She cried out and clung to him, her long legs curling over his hips as she felt his weight slump on her and heard his moan of pleasure. ‘I never knew it would be so good.’

  Andrew held her for a little and then rolled to one side, turning towards her, gazing into her face. ‘You were a virgin,’ he said in a contrite tone. ‘Why did you not tell me, my love? I could have taken it slower the first time, tried not to hurt you. We might have enjoyed our pleasures without going so far.’


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