Passion, Vows & Babies: Raising Veeta (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Corday Peach Family Book 1)

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Passion, Vows & Babies: Raising Veeta (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Corday Peach Family Book 1) Page 4

by Fifi Flowers

  Other people told me that Skeet had cheated on me. He told me he didn’t to his knowledge. That he would never knowingly do anything to harm me and being with anyone other than me was not even something he would ever desire. He did say that he woke up without clothes on in a room with several other naked people.

  We had gone to a crazy “turning twenty-one” birthday bash at an old Georgia plantation. There were a variety of bands and food trucks providing entertainment and food. Drinks were “on the house” and flowing freely. The place was filled with wall to wall people, inside and outside of the huge mansion on the property.

  It was easy to get lost in the crowd. That’s exactly what happened. Conrad found me totally out of my mind and when I made no sense and nearly passed out in his arms, he carted me home. I couldn’t have protested even if I wanted to.

  The following morning I felt terrible. It was the worst hangover I had ever experienced. Skeet came to see me that afternoon and I couldn’t even get out of bed. I told my mother to tell him I would call him when I felt better. That was so unlike me. We didn’t spend many days apart, ever. I’m sure that was the reason why rumors escalated.

  “Skeet was at the diner without Celeste.”

  The next time we were in the diner together sitting next to each other in a booth, all eyes were on us. It was our last time in there together and our last day as a couple. By the time evening rolled around, there were photos floating around the internet—and the town—of Skeet kissing someone else. It was probably the other information that hit me the hardest when the full details were given to me by my best friend.

  Fast forward six years, I had even more information and I was the one not giving out details that Skeet needed to know...but only when the time was right. I didn’t know who was watching us or if anyone was watching us. The note had been vague. The only thing I knew was that until a locket arrived Veeta wasn’t safe.

  So though I wanted to open myself to love and rekindling our old romance, I had to slow things down a bit. Even if I wanted to feel him all over every part of me... I had to think with my head instead of my heart.

  “Hey Skeet,” My words were breathless with his lips and tongue brushing along my neck. “...can we just enjoy the stars and not...” His head came up and his eyes met mine about the same time his fingertip touched my lips, stilling my words.

  “We don’t have to go all the way.” He smirked at me.

  I felt like the biggest tease ever. Only a few weeks ago I let him into my panties. Maybe I could just offer a reciprocation... “I’m sorry. Maybe I could just...”

  He was shaking his head and moved his body away from mine, allowing us a better view of each other’s face. “Let’s just be together. Tell me about something I missed over the last few years.” Oh, no. That was not the direction I wanted the night to go at all. I’d have much preferred to give myself to him all over again.

  “You know what life is like here. Nothing changes much.” I was quick on my feet—metaphorically—turning things around and putting him on the spot. He was the one that had left and started a new life. He had to be far more interesting. “Tell me about your adventures from here to California.”

  “I have a better idea. Let’s plan a trip together.” I looked at him a bit confused but interested. “I have to go out of town for a week, but as soon as I return have a bag packed for a road trip. I’ll have a vintage bike ready for us.” I smiled and nodded.

  I could do that. Away from everyone, I could be someone else. I hoped.

  Chapter Ten


  The date with Celeste was damn near perfect. The food, the wine, the location with so many old memories—all of them good—and the company. Being alone with her out there had some kind of magical feel, like time had reverted to the past before the mess or... Or it had skipped ahead to a new beginning. I had no complaints about our date at all... Of course, if I had been able to completely claim her as mine again... That would’ve put things over the moon. But, I was happy with the way everything went along smoothly. And there was a bit of making out with her in my arms mixed in with looking up at the massive amount of stars up in the sky—that made the night pretty amazing.

  Getting Celeste home on time—before daybreak—probably amazed her family.

  I hated to tell her goodnight... The kissing part was great. But I really hated that I had to tell her goodbye for a few days since I had to get back out on the road. The life of a traveling wine salesman. I didn’t really like what I was doing at all. I couldn’t see what Zelda loved about living out of suitcases, staying in hotels and eating takeout or room service. The thrill of it only lasted for about five months. Seeing new places was about the best perk. I had been at it for almost a year as I made my way across the country to Georgia.

  Being several miles away, I missed Celeste and I found myself daydreaming and imagining life with her. The idea of coming home to a house I shared with her every night sounded like something I would love. Being a realist, I wondered how things would ever work out with us since I worked days and she worked nights. Maybe her dream of a dress shop was still there in the back of her mind... I needed to ask her if she really loved what she was doing, being a sommelier. Then the thought of us working a wine business together popped into my head. How could we do that... open a wine shop? A wine boutique? I was thinking of ways to combine her resort clothing line with a wine collection. Maybe another option was to have side by side shops.

  Somehow it could all work. I was sure of it. I just needed to do some research.

  For sure I had to hang up my traveling salesman gig.

  I wanted some kind of stability in my life and I wanted to leave the travel part behind. I did love the wine business, but I preferred being in one place. Working at the vineyard was incredibly hard work; learning every aspect from growing to harvesting to actually making the wine to marketing to selling and distributing. I would be happy if I could find a niche where I could have a home not far from my work like my pop.

  Back in my hometown, I headed for the local watering hole in my old neighborhood with a friendly bartender I knew well. I had thought about stopping in at Saphyre for a drink and to catch a glimpse of Celeste, but thought it might not be wise to rattle her while she was working. Besides, just looking at her wouldn’t be enough.

  Instead, I grabbed a seat on a familiar bar stool. “Hey Dean.”

  “Haven’t see you in a while.” That was true. I hadn’t been back in the bar since the day I saw Dale in there with his dad after I had followed Celeste with him to the ballpark. It was strange to see them in that part of town. Not sure why they would be hanging out in there. It wasn’t exactly their kind of neighborhood.

  “How was the date in the old truck up to the ridge?”

  “Unbelievable.” I shook my head. “Word sure travels fast... Was my pop in here telling stories?” He set me up with the old truck. He had to be the one blabbing.

  “He was but it was actually Clancy who had the most to say about you dating her sister again.” Wow! The bar had gotten quite popular. Conrad—not the most surprising—had been in the bar. Then the-girl-stealer Dale and his bigwig father, the famous Mr. Baseball Kensmore. But Clancy hanging out... Hmm... Maybe I needed to rethink my observation of her. She might be the least surprising, after all, when I thought about it. She was known for being the rebel of the Archer Family.

  “Were they here together?” I wasn’t sure what made me ask that question.

  “They’ve been hanging out a lot lately.” Be careful what you ask!

  Then I thought back to my pop’s attitude. “No! My pop can’t be grinning because of her...” I grimaced a bit picturing them together...and Clancy as my new stepmother? “He’s way too old for Clancy.”

  Dean laughed at me. “I don’t know what their relationship is but she did go off on a motorcycle ride with him not long ago down to the Florida Keys.”

  Holy shit I was saying inside. “Interesting” came out of my
mouth. I was trying to picture my pop and Clancy riding bitch on his bike with all of his biker buddies. She was somewhat of a tough, jean-wearing farm girl... I guess she could’ve transitioned into a tough biker chick. It was the age thing that threw me even if my pop was fit and youthful looking.

  “Seems to me, you’re avoiding my question.” Dean was wiping the counter and giving me another beer. I hadn’t even realized that I had finished the first one so quickly.

  He was right. I was skipping right over his questions about Celeste. Everyone always seemed interested in our business. That was why I wanted so badly to take her someplace for us. Time away to talk. She asked what I did when I went away but we hadn’t gotten back to what happened before I left and why...

  Before we moved forward, we had to go back. But, would she be willing?

  I’d find out soon enough since Celeste had agreed to go away with me for the weekend.

  Chapter Eleven


  I really missed Skeet. Not that I even saw him much but after our date I thought about him more than usual. Good thing I had Veeta to keep me grounded. She was just finishing up the regular school year in her pre-K classroom and they were getting ready to transition into a summer school program. Veeta begged me to enroll her but I wasn’t sure since it was every day of the week. I wasn’t sure I was ready to give her over to the school system every day, all day yet. I couldn’t believe how fast she had grown up.

  She wasn’t a little baby anymore and was already wanting her independence.

  Veeta worked really hard trying to convince me the night of her open house that she needed the summer program. She pointed out every item she created in her class. Artwork of hers for different subjects and various themes decorated the walls along with her fellow students’ work. On her desk she had a catalog of her paperwork. I was amazed looking at her penmanship. Her folder was so cute filled with pictures of her alone and with her friends throughout the school year. She looked so happy.

  “Look at this, Mommy! I got so many stars!” She pulled me to a wall that showed each child's name and the duties they had done on different days of the week for each month of the year. “We should do this at home. You could give me tasks. Jobs are important.”

  “You’re right. We can make something up at home.”

  “Or...” I knew it was coming. “I could just keep coming to school and getting stars.” Smart little cookie knew how to work the system to get what she wanted. “Mommy, since I have so many stars...” She paused and looked around the room, making me wonder what was going on in her pretty little head. “Can we go get dessert at your restaurant now?”

  That was not what I thought she was going to ask for. I had pictured her asking me for something far maybe a pony. That reward was far too easy.

  “Of course. Do you have something in mind for your treat?”

  “I was thinking maybe Chef Andy or Chef Owen could make me something special... Maybe they could even name the dessert after me once they invent it.”

  I thoroughly enjoyed the way she thought and spoke. I wish I could describe her speech perfectly. She didn’t baby talk. Sometimes she used words way too big. Often they were correct usage and then sometimes not. She made me laugh when she pronounced things phonetically so that they came out right. But some letters were off from time to time and especially when she was overly excited to tell me something.

  She sometimes reminded me of Martina and that made me a bit sad.

  But there was no time for sadness on that open house night, we had too much to celebrate. So we, along with my parents, made the trek to Saphyre for a grand dessert.

  “I got the most stars like that!” Veeta exclaimed when a mini peach pie pocket arrived with the shape of a star cut out of the center, drizzled with caramel sauce. Alongside of it was a scoop of French vanilla bean ice cream with the pie dough cut out star on top of it.

  “A star for a star,” Owen told her, giving her little sweet freckled cheek a kiss before walking off to a table of guests nearby.

  Andy and Sienna joined us not long after to fawn over Veeta wearing a new dress that I made for her. Sienna was first to ask me about getting the dress in a larger size and Andy commented that she wanted the skirt and top that I had on.

  My mother, of course, had to jump in. “You should see what she’s making for her weekend away. She really should open a boutique.”

  I was thankful the girls kept their responses vague about my trip and didn’t mention who I was going off with in front of my little one. Instead, they casually said they couldn’t wait to hear about it and then we all let Veeta talk about her pending weekend to Disney World with Coco and Grandpa to meet princesses while I was away.

  Alone in the big house for a change, I waited for Skeet to arrive with a black leather backpack that would fit into a saddlebag. I had been on the road with him once before and knew to pack light. Right on time, I heard the roar of the motorcycle pull up out front and then silence before the doorbell rang. Not wanting to seem too anxious, I took my time, gathered my bag, looked at myself in a full-length mirror in our foyer and then opened the door.

  “I’m ready.” There was no need for him to come inside and tempt me to let off a little steam before snuggling up next to his body for the ride to wherever we were going. “Let me set the alarm.” I handed him my bag and closed the door to put in the code, then I was back out on the porch within seconds.

  “It’s going to be a long ride, good thing you’re prepared.” I knew better than to wear something skimpy and had thrown on jeans, a t-shirt, boots, and put my hair in a braid.

  “Where are we going anyway?” I asked after I strapped a helmet on my head and situated myself up close to his hard body on the bike.

  “Tybee Island.”

  “Are you crazy?” I let go of him almost rethinking the trip. “That’s a longer than long ride...” I was calculating the miles and time in my head. “It will take us like four hours each way.”

  “A little more with stops to eat lunch and maybe shop in Savannah.” Skeet made it sound like it was no big deal. “Cuddle back up to me. It will be an adventure and...” I did as he said before he continued, “we’ll be flying back on a late afternoon flight on Sunday. I’m delivering this bike down to the place where we’re going to be staying.”

  Nothing more to say, Skeet brought the engine to life and we set out down the long driveway of my family’s farm to the highway. I felt like the hands of time had reverted as we passed the Corday Peach Corporation where our peach alcohol was manufactured on the outskirts of town. Back in the day, there had been a couple of abandoned warehouses on the property; one used for warehousing peach moonshine and one for consuming the hard liquor. Before the legalization of the Corday liqueur, peach preserves—as a cover—were made and distributed.

  Like I said, the real fortune had been made illegally.

  Operating legally, all of the warehouses were eventually used when my brother Conrad came on board full-time. He had expanded production to include more than just the liqueur, adding peach infused tequila, vodka, whiskey, and even a re-creation of our peach moonshine based on the original recipe was in the works.

  My fondest memories of the old warehouses had entirely nothing to do with any manufacturing or alcohol. Just pure love that included Skeet and his old motorcycle. Feeling his warm body against mine, pictures of him looking down at me with his green eyes popped into my head. I remembered reaching up with my fingers in his messy hair and pulling him down. His lips on mine always made me crazy.

  My head in the clouds was not what I needed as we went down the highway. I needed to stay on the back and be aware of my surroundings. Talking to each other with the help of Bluetooth technology was what brought me back and as promised, we took a few breaks.

  I had forgotten how uncomfortable a bike can be when you’re not used to it. Lunch was a real treat since I hadn’t eaten because I was so nervous and getting to Savannah w
as exciting. Not only were we a relatively short distance to my beloved Tybee, but I loved the charm of that city.

  I was finally feeling relaxed. We were a long way from Atlanta and the farm...

  It was as if I could finally breathe.

  Chapter Twelve


  “I can’t believe you talked me into buying all of those bolts of fabric.” I loved the smile on Celeste’s face. “I could end up with a room filled with clothes no one ever wears.” I had a feeling she wasn’t really complaining... I think she was excited for the most part. If she didn’t try, she would never know. She felt like the old Celeste before the unraveling of us. I had to push past that time.

  “Good thing they were willing to ship to you. I think there’s a baggage limit on the plane.” I laughed. There was no way of taking the stuff back with us without renting a van to lug it to her house. “Let’s get on the road. Only about a half hour to go and then we’ll have a seafood feast with a view of the ocean.”

  First things first, we needed to drop our things at the beach house.

  “Wow! This house is adorable!”

  We were, definitely, off on the right foot, I had selected wisely. I was well aware that it ticked off all of the boxes on her wish list. After years of being with Celeste and without her, I still remembered every single thing she ever said about her love of Tybee Island.

  I loved watching her move from room to room, checking everything out.

  I could hear her talking to herself or maybe me. “The pops of color with the grey exterior...turquoise, orange, navy, bright lime green... Amazing! I knew it had to be even better inside. Nautical stuff with beachy artwork... I love the cottage painting and beach chairs and... I adore it all! I never want to leave here!”


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