Eve of Man (The Harvest Book 2)

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Eve of Man (The Harvest Book 2) Page 16

by Ferretti, Anne

  Austin looked away from her. “Wyoming. When did you go to Wyoming?”

  “It’s ok dear.” Roxanne placed her hand on Austin’s arm. “Luke can take care of himself.”

  Austin looked into her eyes, now green and lively. It was more than he could take and he looked away. Her hand tightened on his arm and a familiar rush of energy passed through his body, washing away his sadness, replacing it with tranquility. Luke watched them, guilt rising up over his awful thoughts and accusations. Seeing the two of them together, and Austin being awake and healthy, made him question his instincts. How could he have doubted she was Roxanne? He absently scratched his head wishing the ants would go away.

  “When did you wake up?” Luke asked.

  “Um, I guess about thirty minutes ago,” Austin replied, sounding dazed as Luke would expect, but not for the reasons Luke assumed.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t come for you right away Luke,” Roxanne apologized. “It happened so sudden and we had so much to catch up on.” She smiled, charming and warm.

  “Oh no ma’am that’s perfectly ok with me. He’s your husband, not mine. I mean he’s not my husband, obviously right. He’s my friend, you know. Anyway, I’ll leave you two alone,” Luke stammered.

  “Don’t go man. I want to hear about Wyoming and everything else I’ve missed in the past month.”

  “You sure?” Luke glanced at Roxanne.

  “Don’t worry about me. Caleb and I are going to get something to eat. You two catch up. And be sure to tell him about Jenny’s return.”

  Austin was stunned. She sounded so much like Roxanne in the way she talked and moved and her expressions. Knowing that it was Eve didn’t change the impact it had on him. He watched her gather Caleb and head for the door. Before leaving she turned back.

  “Can I bring you anything dear?”

  Unable to form a coherent sentence, Austin shook his head.


  “No ma’am. I’m good.”

  “We’ll be back in a little while.” They disappeared out the door, leaving behind a bewildered Austin.

  Roxanne walked slowly down the corridor while Caleb ran ahead. She was fully aware of the cameras and the many eyes watching her on the video screens. One set of eyes watched her movements with great interest. Roxanne’s brow creased and the hair rose on the back of her neck. Although not a worthy adversary, Madison was a prime specimen of her race, thus eradicating her would be wasteful, but if necessary she would not hesitate.

  15 Christmas

  Zack walked the corridors of the bunker enjoying the quiet. With Christmas only a couple of days away, the bunker was a constant buzz of excitement. Not the usual holiday glitz and glam, but as close to festive as the residents could manage. Colin and Ed had scavenged decorations from stores in Pueblo and most everyone pitched in to put them up. They could have found more in Colorado Springs, but Austin had been adamant they stay close to the bunker and Zack had seconded that motion.

  Adding to the holiday spirit was the early arrival of Anne’s twin girls. The delivery had proceeded without a hitch or a hiccup, but Zack for one was relieved the ordeal was over. The idea of birth control was even more prevalent now that the actuality of having to care for babies was smacking him in the face. He made a note to discuss contraceptives once more with Colin, who had laughed at him the first time he’d broached the subject. Maybe he would fill everyone’s stockings with condoms.

  Although the newborns were welcomed with open arms, Zack felt a certain amount of unease. Zoe was the youngest member of their group and if need be could defend herself. How long would they have to wait for the babies to do the same? Five years? Six maybe? Zack didn’t have the answer. A child wielding a weapon might seem insane to most, but ole Bobby had taught him to handle a revolver when he was seven and a shotgun not long after. Unconventional as that might have been at the time, Zack didn’t think the same standards existed in the world they lived in now. As far as he could tell or was concerned, convention had flown out the window after the Sundogs arrived.

  “Couldn’t sleep?”

  Zack turned to see Madison catching up to him. She looked beautiful in the green dress she was wearing, but he stopped short of saying so. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable and cause her to run off.

  “No. You?”

  Madison shook her head. “Mind if I walk with you?”

  Zack stuck out his arm and Madison looped hers through his. “So what do you think of Austin’s sudden recovery?” Zack asked.

  “I don’t know what to think. I mean he seemed so normal at dinner. Like he’d never been in a coma or whatever it was.”

  “I’ve been debating whether to ask him for another blood sample.”

  “Maybe he’ll offer and you won’t have to.”

  “Maybe so.”

  They walked through the bunker completing the entire loop talking about nothing in particular, wanting to say something specific but neither knowing where to begin. Upon reaching Madison’s door, Zack released her arm and bowed. “Goodnight Madame. It was a pleasure.”

  Madison swallowed hard. “Did you want to come inside?”

  Zack stood up slow. He looked her in the eyes. She stared back unwavering and he knew without having to ask that she was sure. Zack stepped closer to her, still no signs of hesitation. He reached around her and opened the door, being careful to not make any sudden movement. He held his breath expecting at any moment for Madison to bolt inside, slamming the door in his face, but she didn’t. She stepped aside allowing him to enter and gently closed the door behind him.


  Later that night, Zack lay awake listening to Madison sleep. He looked over at her again, confirming and reconfirming her presence, unable to believe this magnificent woman wanted to be with him. He wanted to ask why the change in heart, but once her lips touched his, talking had been put on hold. A sudden fear gripped his heart, a fear of this not being real, and a onetime deal, of her waking up hating herself for the things she whispered in the heat of the moment. Zack couldn’t live with that, not after being this close to her.

  “Do you ever sleep?”

  Madison’s voice startled him and he was relieved to hear nothing in her tone resembling regret. He turned over to look at her.

  “Not if I can help it.”

  “You must be super human, cuz you never seem tired,” she mumbled through the blankets. It had been eons since she’d woken up with a man in her bed and she’d forgotten how to act. However, Zack, who had plenty of practice, was perfectly at ease. The fact many had come before her didn’t make her feel any less awkward.

  “Not super human. Just don’t like wasting too much time sleeping. I did plenty of that before things went haywire.” And he’d missed out on too many opportunities, spending time with his mom being the main one. This round was most likely his last and he didn’t want to screw it up as well.

  “Do you want some coffee?” Madison asked.

  “I do, but let me get it. You stretch out and enjoy the quiet while it lasts.”

  Madison grimaced. “Ahg, today is shopping day.”

  “Yep.” Zack patted her on the leg before sliding out from under the covers as naked as the day he was born. He crossed the room and retrieved his jeans from the chair where he’d tossed them.

  Madison watched him move about the room, looking very much at home. She admired his lean figure, which, despite his claims of being allergic to anything healthy and all forms of exercise, was surprisingly muscular. Not the same as Austin’s, but... Shit! She swore in her head. Why’d you have to ruin a good thing by bringing him up? She placed her hands over her face blocking out the light coming from the other room.

  Last night had been wonderful. She’d bit the bullet by telling Zack she loved him and wanted to be with him. She’d assured him that although she cared deeply for Austin, she wasn’t in love with him. And that much was true. She hadn’t gone so far to share that she was still very much attracted to Aust
in, because it was on a weird unexplainable level she couldn’t talk about. The attraction was almost animalistic in nature and she’d finally concluded that what she felt wasn’t love. She knew not what to call it, but discussing this with Zack served no purpose. His confidence in her love was all that mattered.

  Madison removed her hands and smiled. Having someone to care about, to love that loved you back was an elated feeling, like being a teenager again. Her smile quickly faded when reminded of her duties for the day. She was taking the girls shopping for Christmas presents. The guys were going as well, but the plan was to split up once they reached the mall in Pueblo. As a side thought, Madison hoped Jenny would feel up to going out. She hadn’t come out of their suite much and Madison knew it wore on Ed.

  “Why the frown.” Zack returned with steaming cups of coffee, handing one to her.

  Madison sat up and took the cup. “I was thinking about today’s duties.”

  Zack sat on the bed, legs stretched out in front of him. “Seems kinda weird. The whole Christmas thing.”

  “I know, but the kids are happy and occupied.”

  “What happens afterwards?”

  “As in the future? You want to get into that now?” Madison looked over at the clock. “At four am?”

  “Not really, but Luke was right. We can’t go on like this is permanent. It’s not.”

  “No it’s not permanent,” Madison agreed. “The Adita are coming back. And soon.”

  “So true. And how will they top the first show? Sequels never measure up to the first, especially in horror flicks. They’re usually pretty fucking bad. Pardon my French. But in this case, knowing who’s directing the picture and the main actors, I would say we can be certain the follow up will be a hell of a show for us captive movie goers.”

  They sipped their coffee in silence, neither of them wanting to attempt to answer the questions hovering over them like a thunderstorm brewing on the horizon in the middle of August. A thunderstorm packing an EF5 tornado. All hope of surviving had not yet been abandoned, but holding on was a delicate balance and easier to manage while the winds were calm. After seeing the camp in Wyoming and receiving Eve’s warning, Zack knew this better than Madison.

  “I always wondered what it would be like to shop like a rich person.” She glanced at him. “I guess you already know what that’s like huh?”

  Zack laughed, happy to talk about money, a much safer topic. “I can’t lie to you, having a shit load of money was nice. Living that life style. I had no complaints. I mean how many guys my age get invited to the White House to play chess with the president?” Zack laughed at the absurdity. “I’m not even going to tell you it got old. It was the best time of my life.” He sighed heavy and sad. “But none of it matters now right? It’s a level playing field. No rich. No poor.”

  “A silver lining?”

  “Nah. Breaking it down to the nuts and bolts is all. Faced with the condition of death, it’s the one thing that trumps everything else. Puts it all into perspective.”

  “You played chess with the president?”

  “Yeah. I even let him win.”

  He took Madison’s empty cup and set both on the side table. “If you aren’t in a hurry, I thought we could do something more constructive with our remaining moments of peace.”

  “I like your way of thinking Mr. Londergan.”


  At breakfast later, Madison tried to act normal, but felt her feelings must be written all over her face. She was an adult for goodness sakes, she thought, why was she acting like a teenager? The door to the dining room opened and worries over her behavior vanished when Roxanne walked in followed by Austin and Caleb. The moment of truth had arrived. Madison waited for her heart to betray her. Under the table Zack squeezed her hand and she squeezed back, letting her breath out at the same time. Right then she knew her world would never turn upside down again because of Austin.

  Roxanne took the chair opposite from Madison, while Caleb sat next to her and Austin on the other side of his son.

  Austin looked over at them. “Morning.”

  “Mornin. You’re looking good,” Zack replied.

  “I feel good.”

  “What can I get you for breakfast?” Zack shoved his chair back.

  Austin held up his hand. “Sit man. You don’t have to wait on us.”

  “Can I have some chocolate chip pancakes?” Caleb asked, jumping up from his chair. “With whipped cream?”

  “You most certainly can young man,” Madison answered, surprising Caleb.

  “Caleb, sit in your chair.” Roxanne touched his arm.

  “Yes ma’am.” Caleb slid back onto his chair and turned to Roxanne. “Can I have pancakes mother?”

  “Yes you may.” Roxanne smiled at her son, and turned to look across the table at Madison. “If you don’t mind.”

  Madison met her gaze. “Not at all.” She pushed away from the table.

  “You don’t have to Maddie. I can make pancakes,” Austin said.

  “Why don’t you help her dear? That way Zack and I can get to know each other,” Roxanne suggested.

  Austin paused, looking to Zack for approval. The two men stared at each other and in that moment Zack knew Austin knew his secret. Zack nodded, but he wasn’t thinking about Madison or pancakes. His mind was moving fast in another direction. Austin looked normal, but Zack suspected if he drew a blood sample those cells would be far from normal.

  “Maybe we can talk later if you’re not busy,” Austin offered.

  “Ten work for you?” Zack asked.

  Austin nodded and turned to Madison. “Now, how about we whip up some pancakes?”

  “I want to help.” Caleb sprung from his chair before Roxanne could get a hand on him.

  “It’s ok. He’ll be fine,” Madison said, laying her hand on Caleb’s head when he came to join them. She snatched her hand back. “Ow.”

  “You ok?” Zack asked.

  “Yeah.” Madison rubbed her hand. “Static electricity I guess.” But the sting felt more like she’d been zapped on an electric fence than static electricity. Sensing everyone watching her, Madison put on a smile. “I’m fine. It was nothing.”

  “Come on. I’m starving.” Caleb reached to grab Madison’s hand making her flinch, but this time no shock flowed from the boy.

  Roxanne watched the exchange with a straight face that didn’t belie the storm brewing behind her eyes. Killing had always been a matter of her life over another’s, nothing more. She didn’t want to kill Madison, but something about her brought out feelings Eve had little knowledge or experience in dealing with.

  Zack glanced at Roxanne and paused. Her eyes appeared to have changed from light to dark green, almost black.

  “Zack?” Madison repeated his name.

  Zack looked over at her. “Huh?”

  “Did you want pancakes?”


  Madison gave him a puzzled look before allowing Caleb to lead her into the kitchen. Zack watched them go, all the while wanting to look back at Roxanne.

  “Tell me about the bunker,” Roxanne said.

  This gave Zack permission to look at her. Light green eyes stared back at him and he felt stupid. “I’m sorry. What was that?”

  “The bunker. Tell me about the design. Austin said you’re the mastermind behind it all,” she said, using flattery and charm to distract him.

  Zack smiled back. He was probably imaging things. After all, the lighting in the dining room was set for mood, not for sight. Zack relaxed and began telling Roxanne about the bunker, a topic he could talk about for days. Roxanne turned out to be a good audience, asking intelligent questions and keeping up, even when Zack got too deep into the details. He found her fun to talk to and almost let himself think she was a beautiful woman. And she was, but the image of Austin exploding into the hulk and pounding him into the ground stopped cold that line of thinking.

  A half an hour flew by and the cooks returned with stacks of cho
colate chip pancakes, orange juice, hot coffee and cinnamon buns. The mouthwatering smell permeated throughout the bunker, and no sooner had Austin set the platter down when the door opened. Colin, Charlie and Jeremy were the first in, followed by Zoe and German. German, as was his habit of late, lay near Roxanne’s chair.

  Charlie took a seat next to Roxanne, while Zoe sat down next to Madison and hugged her arm. “When are we leaving?”

  “As soon as all of you girls are ready.”

  “Oh God, that’s like gonna take forever,” Zoe sighed.

  “Ok then, how about we leave at ten, ready or not?”

  “Awesome. I’ll let everyone know.” She stuffed a fork full of pancakes in her mouth, grabbed her plate and hustled from the room.

  “Bring that plate back when you’re through,” Madison hollered.

  “You’re sticking to Pueblo right?” Austin asked.

  “Right. We should be able to find everything we need there,” Madison answered

  “Pueblo? Why can’t we go to Colorado Springs?” Colin complained.

  “Because you can’t twerp,” Zack responded.

  “It’s not safe,” Roxanne added, which raised several eyebrows, since she rarely spoke and most of the bunker’s residents didn’t know what to make of her.

  “Why do you say that?” Madison asked.

  “It’s the truth,” Roxanne replied, offering little else. From behind Roxanne’s green eyes, Eve observed Madison with interest. Most human females Eve had encountered were silly creatures, but this one was different. “The Svan patrol often, and not only at night,” she added, wanting to say they shouldn’t leave the bunker at all, not now, not for a long time, but she kept silent. They would not listen and she felt no compulsion to act as their protector. As a species they were still very young and had yet to learn the most valuable lessons of survival.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” Madison pointed to Roxanne’s plate, where a stack of pancakes sat untouched.

  “Extremely, but I don’t usually eat this early in the morning.” Roxanne smiled at her.

  Roxanne’s smile held not an ounce of warmth and Madison could have sworn the room’s temperature dropped a few degrees. She turned her attention back to her food, which had turned from hot to cool. Stirring her pancakes around in the congealed syrup, she wished she hadn’t been born with a sixth sense, the one telling her to pay attention, to watch her back. Justification for this wasn’t within her grasp, not yet, but it was close. She knew this without a doubt, and knew, as in the past, that her intuition would prove to be right.


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