The Greatest Knight

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The Greatest Knight Page 46

by Thomas Asbridge

  David de la Roche, 299, 301

  shaming of, 310

  David of Scotland, 260

  Deheubarth, 290

  Devizes Castle, 17, 18, 336, 350

  Devon, 215

  Dome of the Rock, 165

  Domesday Book, 5

  Dorset, 215

  Dover Castle, 177, 336, 348, 350, 351, 361

  Dreyfuss, Alfred, trial of, xiii

  Dublin, 292, 314

  Duiske Abbey, 296

  Dunamase Castle, 300, 310, 315

  Durendal, 80

  École des Chartes, xiv

  Edith of Scotland, Henry I’s union with, 9

  Edward I of England, 380

  Edward III of England, 380

  Edward the Black Prince, 380

  Ela of Salisbury, 260, 336

  Eleanor of Aquitaine, xv, 75–6, 92–3

  Barfleur departure of, for England, 110

  besieged at Mirebeau, 274

  continuing captivity of, 186

  death of, 280

  desire of, to advance sons’ careers, 102

  Henry II confines, 112

  Henry II marries, 75, 76

  Henry II’s authority challenged by, 102

  and Henry II’s infidelities, 102

  as Henry II’s hostage, 109

  Holy Land visited by, 75

  incest accusation against, 144

  installed in Poitiers, 82

  issue of, listed, 76

  John summoned to councils by, 229

  John’s strongholds surrender to, 235

  and Louis VII, previous marriage to, 75

  Lusignans attack, 82–4

  permanent retirement of, 274

  persistent diplomacy of, 235

  and rebellion against husband, 100

  release of, 207–8

  return of, to political stage, 271–2

  Richard entrusts England’s interests to, 215

  and Richard–John reconciliation, 241n Richard released into care of, 236

  unforgiven by Henry II, 111–12

  WM ransomed by, 86–7

  WM received into military retinue of, 87

  Young King’s appeal to Henry II to deal mercifully with, 156

  and Young King’s coronation, 88

  Eleanor of England, countess of Pembroke, 377

  Eleanor, Queen of Castile:

  betrothal of, to Alfonso VIII, 90

  birth of, 76

  Engelrand of Stoke d’Aubernon, 220


  barons’ rebellion in, 326–63 passim; see also Magna Carta

  fracturing of, 361

  and Kingston treaty, 362

  Lincoln battle, 351–60

  lull in hostilities, 350 reversi among, 361

  and Sandwich battle, 362

  truce agreed during, 350

  barons’ subsequent rebellion in, 378

  civil war (the ‘Anarchy’) in:

  beginning of, 14

  end of, 29

  John Marshal angles for advantage throughout, 18

  last gasp of, 25

  consultative parliamentary government imposed in, 378

  cultivated farmland in, 6

  cultural, ethnic and linguistic identity of, 5

  fatally prone to invasion, 5

  Louis VIII’s claim to crown of, 319, 335–6

  middle, vineyards in, 6

  Norman conquest and colonisation of, 4–6

  under papal interdict, 318

  papal overlordship of, 323

  post-Bouvines unrest in, 325

  Viking incursions into, 5

  William I assumes crown of, 4–5

  see also Henry II of England; Henry III of England; John, king of England; Richard I of England; Stephen, king of England; individual places and events

  equites (horsemen), 37

  see also knighthood

  Essex, 216

  Eustace the Monk, 361–2

  Eustace of St-Georges, 220

  Eustace of Vesci, 266, 320, 324, 326, 329, 348 Évreux, 235, 240, 242, 270

  Excalibur, 43

  Exeter Castle, 13

  fabliaux (humorous poems), 143

  Falaise, 276

  Farci, Ralph, 141

  Faulkes of Bréauté, 317, 328, 348

  at Lincoln battle, 352, 357, 358

  FitzGilbert, Baldric, 178

  FitzGodfrey, Ralph, 149, 154–5

  FitzGuy, Peter, 141

  FitzHenry, Meiler, 300–1, 303–10 passim

  punishment of, 310

  FitzHubert, Robert:

  Devizes Castle assault of, 17

  hanged, 18, 28

  and John Marshal, 17–18

  FitzPatrick, William, 211, 222

  FitzPeter, Geoffrey, 181, 215–16, 222, 234, 239, 252, 261–2, 315n, 322

  becomes earl of Essex, 261

  death of, 324

  and John’s succession, 259, 260

  FitzReinier, Richard, 209

  FitzRobert, Geoffrey, 184, 296–7

  death of, 315

  in Striguil household, 219

  FitzStephen, Ranulf, 92

  FitzStephen, Thomas, 8

  FitzWalter, Robert, 262, 278, 320, 324, 326, 329, 331

  at Lincoln battle, 352–3, 356

  captured, 360

  Flanders, 62, 221

  and border skirmish of 1166, 54–6

  John severs alliance with, 270

  Fontevraud, 146–7, 204–5

  Forest of Dean, 217, 299


  and English barons’ rebellion, see England: barons’ rebellion in

  fracturing of, 76

  John orders strike against fleet of, 323

  as small kingdom, 62, 75

  see also Louis VII of France; Louis VIII of France; Normandy; Philip II of France; individual places and events

  Frederick I (Barbarossa), 190, 224

  ‘freelance’, etymology of, 62n

  Fulk V of Anjou, king of Jerusalem, 137, 164

  Galilee, 166, 170

  Galo, 144

  Gascony, 280

  Geoffrey II, duke of Brittany:

  birth of, 76

  designated as Brittany heir, 89

  devious and scheming, 152

  expected to oversee Aquitaine and Brittany, 98

  required to pay homage to Young King, 149–50

  support for Aquitainian cause declared by, 151

  thriving, 135

  tournament fall and death of, 186

  and Young King’s overlordship of Brittany, 150

  and Young King’s rebellion, 100, 102, 106

  Geoffrey V of Anjou (Plantagenet), 98

  knighting ritual of, 52–3

  Normandy invaded by, 25, 197

  Geoffrey (of Exmes), 8

  Geoffrey the Fair, count of Anjou, 10

  Geoffrey of Lusignan, 80–1, 81–3, 190

  continued freedom of, 87

  support offered to Young King by, 151

  Geoffrey of Mandeville, earl of Essex, 329, 347–8

  Geoffrey of Monmouth, 42

  Geoffrey (Templar), 323, 370

  Geoffrey of Vigeois, 157n

  Gerald of Wales, 22–4, 24–5, 203n, 290–2, 295, 300, 335

  Gervase of Tilbury, 113, 159

  Giffard, Gilbert (grandfather), 5

  Gilbert of Clare, 208n

  Gillingham, John, 206

  Gisors, 134, 207, 228, 235, 240, 246, 250–2

  Glanville, Ranulf, 184, 194, 208, 215

  death of, 225

  Gloucester, 215, 217, 299, 344

  Gloucester Castle, 217, 299

  WM takes custody of, 367

  Goodrich Castle, 370

  Gournay, 273

  Gower, 321, 334

  Grandmont Abbey, Young King loots, 155

  Guala of Bicchieri, 335–6, 343, 345–6, 348, 351, 361, 366

  Guinevere, Queen, 143

  supposed Glastonbury tomb of, 43

; Guy of la Bruyère, 249

  Guy of Lusignan, 81–3, 162–3, 166

  becomes king of Jerusalem, 170

  Bedouin campaign of, 167

  continued freedom of, 87

  Saladin annihilates army of, 189

  Gwent, 217

  Gwynedd, 290

  Hainault, 62

  Hallam, Henry, 383

  Hamstead Marshall, 6, 24

  in WM’s will, 370

  Harold Godwinson, King, 4

  Hasculf of St Hilaire, 98

  Hastings, Battle of, 4, 182

  Haverford, 294, 321

  Hay, 312

  Heloise of Lancaster, 183–4

  WM becomes guardian of, 183

  WM decides not to marry, 185

  Henry I of England:

  accession of, 6

  Coronation Charter of, 328, 332

  cruel punishments meted out by, 13

  death of, 9, 11

  Edith of Scotland’s union with, 9

  illegitimate issue of, 8–9

  Matilda declared heir by, 10

  and White Ship incident, 7, 8

  and William Ætheling’s death, 8

  and William II’s death, 47

  Henry II of England, 196

  accession of, 31

  and Alice of France, 144

  and Angevin–Capetian Le Mans stand-off, see Le Mans: defence of

  Aquitaine campaign of, 79–84

  Aquitaine cathedral commissioned by, 80

  arrow narrowly misses, 153

  astute, dynamic and unfailing ruler, 75

  and Becket, estrangement from, 79

  and Becket’s murder, 95–6

  public atonement for, 110

  Becket’s official rapprochement with, 93

  Brabançon (Flemish) mercenaries employed by, 108

  and Capetian offensive in Normandy, 191–2

  castles gifted to son John by, 99–100

  and chevauchées, 81

  Christmas Court of, 147, 194

  court of, 175–81

  danger and insecurity in, 178–9

  ‘a perilous whirl’, 179

  shifting alliances in, 181

  cross taken by, 189–90

  crusade wish of, 137

  daughters married off by, 90

  death of, 204

  duke of Normandy title conferred on, 25

  dwindling support for, 194

  Easter Court of, 129

  Eleanor marries, 75, 76

  equivocates over Empire, 135–6

  equivocates over succession, 187, 193

  escape of, from Le Mans encounter, 200, 201

  and family feud over Aquitaine, 153–6

  father–son diplomatic exchanges during, 154

  and La Ferté-Bernard abortive peace conference, 196

  Richard–Philip offensive follows, 196–7

  fever suffered by, 93

  final conference of, with Richard and Philip II, 202–3

  first decade of reign of, 75

  hairstyle favoured by, 46

  and heirs’ balance of power, 149–51

  as Henry FitzEmpress, 33

  and Heraclius’s plea for help, 168–9

  hereditary claim of, via Matilda’s bloodline, 25

  as hoarder of power, 98

  hunting skills of, 47

  illness of, 194, 201

  infidelities of, 102

  issue of, listed, 76

  John Marshal’s failure to find favour under, 34

  John Marshal’s false prediction concerning, 42n

  John’s betrayal of, 203, 214

  last days of, 202–4

  Limoges Angevin gathering convened by, 99

  Limoges siege of, 154, 155

  list of ‘diabolical’ traitors drawn up by, 101

  list of turncoats demanded by, 203

  Louis VII welcomed by, 130

  Louis VII’s peace conference with, 82, 89

  marriage of, to Marguerite of France, 88–9

  palaces of, 176–7

  and Philip II’s Berry incursion, 188–9

  Philip II’s suspicion of, 190

  physical description of, 31

  pockets of resistance in England quashed by, 111

  recovery of, from fever, 94

  and renewed amity between Richard and Philip II of France, 193–4

  Richard confirmed as successor of, 203

  Richard favoured by, in Aquitaine feud, 153

  and Richard’s switching of sides, 189

  ring of forgiveness sent to Young King by, 156

  under Robert of Gloucester’s tutelage, 33

  Rocamadour pilgrimage of, 94

  and Rosamund, 102, 144

  Rouen relieved by, 111

  rumoured plot to overthrow, 100

  rumours of death of, 93

  staff loot corpse of, 204

  successful first phase of reign of, 78

  succession agreed for, 29

  tournaments banned by, 73

  Warren’s biography of, 94

  whispering campaign against, 97–8

  will of, 93

  WM appointed to royal household by, 175

  WM promised reserved household place by, 161

  Young King swears loyalty to, 150

  Young King used as pawn by, 88–9

  Young King virtually caged by, 112

  and Young King’s death, 157

  and Young King’s education, 89

  Young King’s rebellion against, 100–11

  and Barfleur departure, for England, 110

  and capture of William, king of Scotland, 110

  deadlock during, 109

  failure of first phase of, 108

  faltering, 109

  invasion of Normandy during, 106–8

  mercenaries employed during, 108

  Paris assembly concerning, 102

  siege of Neufchâtel during, 106–8

  and Tours peace settlement, 111

  and urgent messages from England, 110

  Young King’s tournament career thought trivial by, 128

  see also Angevins

  Henry III of England:

  barons defect to, 350; see also England: barons’ rebellion in

  and barons’ rebellion’s aftershocks, 376

  Bristol council of those loyal to, 347

  under close protection, 320, 336

  consultative parliamentary government imposed on, 378

  coronation of, 344

  distancing of, from father’s regime, 348

  increasingly unpopular regime of, 377

  lack of financial resources of, 349

  Peter des Roches assumes day-to-day care of, 346

  placed in Pandulf’s care, 368

  Reading residence of, 368

  second baronial revolt faced by, 378

  significant castles held by supporters of, 348

  tumultuous reign of, 375

  WM consolidates position of, 367

  WM supports claim of, 341–2, 343

  WM’s dilemma concerning, 339–41

  WM’s final advice to, 368

  Henry V of Germany, 10

  Henry of Blois, 11, 36

  Henry ‘li Norreis’, 141

  Henry the Lion, 232

  Matilda marries, 90

  Henry the Young King, 88–101

  allegiance reaffirmed by, 112

  Aquitaine nobles’ approach to, 139

  birth of, 76

  and brother John’s betrothal and gift of castles, 99–100

  chancellor’s treachery against, 113

  Christmas Court of, 96, 99, 114

  chroniclers scathing accounts of, 159

  at coronation of Philip II of France, 131–2

  crusade considered by, 137–8, 154

  cult of, after death, 158

  death of, 157–8

  declares war on Richard, 150

  demand for Normandy duchy issued by, 135

of knightly aristocracy, 129

  England governed by, 95, 96, 98

  and family feud over Aquitaine, 153–6

  father–son diplomatic exchanges during, 154

  ‘father of chivalry’, 126–7

  financial and social pressures faced by, 97

  first coronation of, 90–1

  at Fontevraud Abbey, 146–7

  funeral of, 158–9

  generous allowance paid to, 98

  Geoffrey of Lusignan offers support to, 151

  Henry II sends ring of forgiveness to, 156

  Henry II’s deepening respect for, 135

  household expanded by, 113

  illness strikes, 155–7

  impressive military household of, 127

  joint rule suggested to, 97

  largesse, patronage and generosity shown by, 126–7

  last testament dictated by, 156

  lavish spending of, 96

  Limoges visit of, 139

  loyalty to Henry II sworn by, 150

  Marguerite begins to live with, 96

  Marguerite removed from court of, 146

  mesnie of, 97, 113–14

  further rewards demanded by, 135

  WM’s pre-eminent status in, 116, 120

  monasteries looted by, 154, 155

  Philip of Flanders distances himself from, 134

  Poitiers move by, 113

  proclaimed Henry III, 102

  rebellion of (first), 100–11

  and capture of William, king of Scotland, 110

  deadlock during, 109

  England invasion called off, 111

  failure of first phase of, 108

  faltering, 109

  and Henry II’s Barfleur departure, 110

  Henry II’s use of mercenaries during, 108

  invasion of Normandy during, 106–8

  and proclamation of, as Henry III, 102

  and second Normandy invasion, 111

  siege of Neufchâtel during, 106–8

  and Tours peace settlement, 111

  represented as petulant figure, 97

  retinue incurs debts for, 127

  return to England by, after tournaments blitz, 129

  Rocamadour shrine looted by, 156

  Rouen resting place of, 159

  second coronation of, 96

  summons of, to estranged WM, 149

  and suppression of Angoulême, 113

  sympathy for predicament of, 104

  and tournaments, 115–21, 126–9

  ‘grand and excellent’ Norman–French border encounter, 120–1

  increasing success in, 119

  at Lagny, 132–4

  last attended with WM by, 146

  return to England from, 129

  traitors among mesnie of, list of, 101

  virtual caging of, 112

  virtual cult status of, 127–8

  William of Tancarville sides with, 106

  WM appointed tutor-in-arms of, 92

  WM knights, 105

  WM reputedly cuckolds, 139–40, 143, 145–6

  WM reunited with, 155

  WM withdraws from, 145–6

  WM’s attempt at reconciliation with, 147–8

  WM’s enduring loyalty to, 104

  WM’s estrangement from, 146–8


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