Stolen Relics

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Stolen Relics Page 6

by Karina Espinosa

  What happened was that I was head-butted by Úlfur and his head was like a boulder. It was beyond supernatural for him to knock me out with that blow and leave him standing. What the hell was he?

  “I was attacked, but I didn’t see who it was,” I lied.

  “I guess a lot of that is going around,” Cas sighed. “The security footage was stolen. We got nothing.”

  Was that why Úlfur was here? Did he have something to do with this? I must not have reacted the way Cas expected, because he raised a suspicious brow and I shook my head.

  “Sorry.” I rubbed my head. “I think I’m concussed.”

  “Of course. Shit. Sorry, Grey. Let’s head back to the station and get you looked at,” he said as he helped me stand.

  Cassidy took Ann’s information down in case we needed to follow up and we told Maximos to go home. There was nothing we could do until we got another lead.

  I hobbled my way back to the car, leaning on Cas, and then we paid for parking and drove back to the SIU. Throughout the ride, Cas peppered me with as many questions as he would a witness to a homicide, but I couldn’t answer any of them. When we walked into the squad room, I squinted against the fluorescent lights and aimed straight for my desk.

  “What happened to you?” Michaels shot up and came around my desk. His calloused fingers brushed against my forehead. “Who did this?” he asked in his gruff New York accent.

  “I didn’t get a good look,” I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

  “Well, you might want to rethink that answer,” Michaels whispered, leaning forward. “Your father is in Briggs’s office with his guard.”

  My head snapped up and I flinched from the pain. “And you’re just now telling me?”

  Michaels shrugged. “I thought you’d have a better answer than I didn’t get a good look,” he deadpanned. “Go see the witches and get yourself cleaned up before they come out.”

  I grimaced as I tried to stand, and Cas and Michaels helped me as I wobbled on my feet. Just as I was about to take my first step, Briggs’s office door opened.

  “Shit,” I murmured. “Turn me around.” We shuffled around, presenting them with my back, and the two of them covered by hiding me behind them.

  “Wonderful talking to ye, Lieutenant. Please stay in contact—ah, Cassidy, my boy! How are ye?” Alexander shouted from a distance. I could hear his footsteps getting closer.

  “Your Highness,” Cas’s voice boomed with pride and I imagined him straightening before Alexander.

  There was a pregnant pause before someone cleared their throat.

  “Bow before yer King!” Ranulf yelled, and I realized Cas hadn’t taken a knee to keep me hidden behind him.

  Shit. I couldn’t keep hiding behind him and getting him in trouble. That was just selfish. I turned around just as Cas was about to say something and placed a hand on his arm.

  “Bow,” I whispered.

  Cassidy relaxed in my hold and dropped to a knee, placing a fist over his heart and bowing his head before his King, exposing me in front of Alexander.

  “Mackenzie!” Alexander gasped. “What happened, darling?” I nodded toward Cassidy and he did a double take. “Rise,” he said, his gray eyes trailing back to me.

  Cas stood and stepped aside to stand beside me, Michaels standing sentinel on my other side.

  “We were out in the field and I was attacked. No big deal.” I motioned at my head. “Just a little bump on the noggin.” I grinned lazily.

  Alexander’s eyes silvered and he took a step forward, but Ranulf held him back. “I want to know who did this,” he demanded coldly.

  “I didn’t get a good look,” I repeated with a sigh. “It’s all part of the job, Alexander. Let’s not make a fuss.”

  “Kenz was on her way to see one of the witches,” Cassidy said. “She mentioned she might be concussed.”

  I wanted to choke him in that moment. Let’s not add to the drama!

  “No! We’ll take her home,” Alexander said, looking back at Ranulf and motioning him toward me.

  “Come now, Princess,” Ranulf said as he came to grab my arm.

  “You gotta be kidding me,” I muttered. “Alexander, I’m a grown woman. You can’t do this. I have work to do.”

  “Mackenzie,” he growled. “Do nae argue with me. Yer injured. Ye need to shift, and we’re taking ye home. End of discussion.”

  I could have thrown a tantrum, but honestly my head was throwing the biggest house party known to man and I could barely keep my eyes open. If I tried to argue, I’d probably pass out. Damn Úlfur and his steel forehead. Instead, I shuffled out of the squad room, escorted out by Ranulf and Alexander like a scolded child with my head ducked down in shame. They had a town car idling in front of the SIU building, parked in front of a fire hydrant. Ranulf slid into the passenger seat as Alexander and I sat in the back.

  I rested my head against the cool window, grateful for the A/C blasting through the vents. I couldn’t take this summer heat any longer.

  “What’s going on, lass?” Alexander murmured once we pulled into traffic.

  “Nothing.” I shrugged. “Just working a case.”

  “Yer mind is someplace else. Ye know more than yer telling.”

  I swallowed loudly. How could he read me so easily? Was I that predictable?

  I turned my head to stare at Alexander. “Do you know someone named Úlfur?” I asked, throwing caution to the wind.

  He frowned. “Never heard of that name. Is that who attacked ye?”

  I nodded. “This isn’t the first time I’ve met him, but this is the first time I learned his name. The warlock I was bound to used to take me to see him. Úlfur seemed to know a lot about me when we visited him.”

  Alexander ran a hand across his mouth. “I don like this, darling. If this involves the warlock, it is nae good news.”

  “But Bobby is gone,” I said. “We don’t have anything to worry about. I think Úlfur knocked me out so I wouldn’t follow him.”

  “How did he get the jump on ye, Princess?” Ranulf asked from the front seat. “Yer usually quicker on yer feet.”

  My expression tightened. My ego had taken a substantial hit today. Then again, this guy seemed to be extremely strong. “Truthfully, I didn’t see it coming.”

  We drove the rest of the way to Brooklyn in relative silence with Alexander taking the occasional call from the King’s Council that was in the castle to talk business. I couldn’t believe what I was listening to. They were already talking about preparing for his departure, and he still had six months left. I was biting my tongue so damn hard I tasted blood. It only made my head hurt more.

  When we arrived at the house, instead of going inside, I sat on the steps leading to the front door and told them I’d be inside shortly. Once Ranulf and Alexander were gone, I pulled out my phone and texted Bash.

  Less than ten minutes later, he was rounding the corner from the Compound and coming towards me.

  “What happened?” he asked as he got closer. I was getting really tired of that question.

  “I got a little boo-boo at work. Wanna go shift?”

  Bash caressed my face so tenderly, I barely felt his touch. “Of course, Mackenzie.”

  He didn’t ask any more questions as we walked hand-in-hand to Prospect Park, even though I knew he was dying to. He filled me in on his day to avoid the subject of the huge lump on my head and how I got it, and I listened avidly about what had been going on in the Pack.

  “I think she has a good chance,” Bash said. “Sterling has some of the guys nervous.”

  I chuckled. “Hell yeah, she does. She’s totally going to get that Captain position and make history.”

  Bash peered down and gave me a small smile. “You’re going to revolutionize the Lycans once you take the throne.”

  I shrugged. “I just want equal rights for the Lunas. It’s not really a hard concept to grasp. And the Lycans will learn it, whether they like it or not.”

  We entered th
e park and headed for the woods where we normally went on occasions like these. When we found a well-hidden spot away from the public, we started to strip.

  “I want to be there for Sterling’s fight. Let me know when it is,” I said as I pulled my shirt over my head.

  “I’m sure she’ll tell you herself, but I’ll let you know.” He unbuttoned his pants and shucked them off.

  When we were fully naked, I took our clothes and tucked them somewhere away from prying eyes and met Bash in a clearing where we had space to move. He reached for the back of my head and pulled me toward him, bringing his lips to mine.

  “I love you, Mackenzie,” he whispered sweetly.

  I grinned. “I love you too.”

  We pulled away and started to shift. It was easy and painless, and within seconds I was on all fours shaking my black coat. My silver eyes narrowed and searched for Bash and I found him behind me, his slate coat bristling and those sapphire eyes glowing as they stared into mine. He strolled toward me, brushing against my side and rubbing his muzzle behind my ear. I turned my head toward him and nudged him back, then I darted for the woods, starting the chase. My paws dug into the soil and I felt the warm breeze ripple against my fur. Pounding steps sounded behind me and I knew Bash was right behind me. I loved it when we played.

  I stared up at the canopy of trees as we laid on the grass, mesmerized by the slivers of blue sky that peeked through the leaves. We’d shifted back about a half hour ago but were too exhausted to move. Several hours had passed as we ran through the woods and I’d already healed. Now we were covered in dirt and leaves and probably a good distance away from our clothes.

  I reached for Bash’s hand and interlocked our fingers. He sighed.

  “Bash?” I said as I watched the trees. There was no breeze, so they weren’t moving whatsoever.

  “Yes?” I heard the rustle of his head turning to look at me.

  I gulped. What I was about to say would change everything, but there was no reason to hold back. It was my own paranoid reservations that kept me from happiness, that kept me from making Bash happy. What did I really have to fear? It wasn’t like I never wanted to do it. Eventually I would, so why not now? I found my forever, so why hold back? I shouldn’t. I loved him. That was all the reason I needed.

  “Mackenzie?” Bash squeezed my hand.

  I turned my head to face him. “Will you mate with me?”

  His ocean blue eyes widened in a very uncharacteristic way that startled me a bit. Bash wasn’t a very animated person.

  “What did you say?” He slowly sat up, running a hand through his pitch-black hair, tossing leaves out of it.

  “Mate with me,” I repeated. “Marry me. Let’s do it all.” I sat up with him and ran my hand through his hair.

  “Mackenzie,” he said, slightly out of breath.

  “Just say yes, Bash!” I laughed and bit my lower lip.

  “Yes,” he said mindlessly and pushed me back down on the ground, climbing over me.

  His lips crashed onto mine with a ferocity unlike I’d felt before. He wanted to devour me, and I let him. Sebastian’s hands roamed my body as if he wanted to touch me all over, all at once. He nestled himself between my legs and slammed inside, and I had to bite down on a moan. This wasn’t sweet, it was hungry and rough, and I held onto him as I let him take what he wanted.

  “Bash!” I yelled as I dug my nails into his back. I came and the force hit me in waves that left me beyond sensitive. I cried out just as he put his face in the crook of my neck and went over the edge, shuddering above me.

  My arms were wrapped around his neck and his chest rose and fell rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. I rubbed soothing circles on his back as I tried to calm my racing heart.

  “Mackenzie,” his voice cracked. “Don’t play with my emotions.”

  I tightened my hold on him. “I swear I’m not, Sebastian. I promise I want to do this, and for all the right reasons. Not because of some political bullshit, but because I love you and I just don’t see any reason not to. And if you want this—”

  “I do,” he interrupted. “I really do.”

  “Then we’ll do it. Little ceremony, big, I don’t care. However you want, it’ll happen, but it’s about you and me, okay?”

  Bash lifted his head and kissed me softly. “You and me.”


  Bash and I were deliriously happy as we walked back to the Compound. I hadn’t seen him smile so much since I met him. It was a little concerning, to be honest. I was used to the serious, broody Sebastian Steel. Did I break him?

  We entered the Compound and many of the Lycan watched us warily as we walked in. I made a beeline for the kitchen and let Bash go to his office on his own.

  “What did you do to him?” Amy marveled as she came up to me from the living room. Her flaming red hair was in a high ponytail with curls that trailed down along her neck. All her tattoos were on full display in her tank top.

  “Nothing,” I mumbled. “Why would it be my fault?” I said, offended.

  “Because you have a matching goofy smile, dumbass.” She smacked me in the back of the head.

  “Ouch!” I rubbed my head. “That was not necessary. Nothing happened, we’re just happy.”

  “Uh huh.” She eyed me, not convinced at all. “You can’t lie to me, Mackenzie Grey, but I’ll allow it since you look so happy.” Amy walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a bag of potato chips.

  “Enough about me.” I snatched the bag from her and grabbed a few chips. “Shouldn’t you be shackled to Jackson’s bed? I haven’t seen you in days.”

  “Har har.” She snatched the bag back. “We’ve been busy,” she said suspiciously, but it was the kind of suspicion I didn’t care to find out about. They made their sex life so public, if this was related, God, I didn’t want to know!

  “Right, you freaks. Well, I gotta go, but we’re doing a Netflix night soon!” I said, backing away from the kitchen and taking a water bottle from the fridge.

  “I’m counting on it!” she yelled back.

  I disappeared from the kitchen and made my way to Bash’s office. I passed the living room, walked down the hallway, and knocked twice on the office door before letting myself in. I didn’t expect to find Alexander and Ranulf inside.

  Alexander was sitting at Bash’s desk, Ranulf stood protectively behind him, and Bash was poised on the other side of his desk, his hands clasped behind him like he was being reprimanded.

  “What’s going on here?” I said as I shut the door behind me.

  “Darling, why did ye nae tell me where ye were going?” Alexander said as he leaned on the desk. “After yer attack, I was worried.”

  I frowned. “I was fine, Alexander. I just went to shift so I could heal. It’s not a big deal. I shouldn’t have to report my comings and goings.”

  Alexander’s brows furrowed, and it appeared as if he had to think about that for a moment. He couldn’t barge into my life and uproot it, no matter how good his intentions were.

  His shoulders relaxed. “My apologies, lass. I’m just nae used to this. Having ye so close makes me very protective.”

  I sighed. “It’s okay, Alexander, but remember, I’m an adult. I don’t need daddy’s permission to do things.”

  He perked up when I said daddy, and I realized that was probably a poor choice of words. We still weren’t there yet. I knew he was waiting for it, but I just wasn’t ready. Someday, just not today.

  “Did ye have a good shift, at least?” Ranulf interrupted the awkwardness.

  I nodded. “I’m all healed up.” I walked closer to Bash and looked his way before turning back to Alexander. “There’s something we want to tell you.”

  Bash tensed beside me. I didn’t know if he wanted to be the one to tell him or not; we hadn’t really talked about sharing the news with anyone, but if there was one person who needed to know, it was Alexander.

  “What is it, lass?”

  I cleared my throat. “I asked Sebasti
an to mate with me.”

  Ranulf choked and I glared at him.

  Alexander’s gray eyes widened. “Ye did?”

  “I did.” There was silence as everyone avoided looking at one another. It was kind of a weird reaction, considering how Alexander was practically pushing the issue last night. “What’s the problem?”

  “Ye do everything so backwards, Princess,” Ranulf chuckled. “Sebastian was supposed to ask ye.”

  I threw my hands in the air. “Are you fucking kidding me?” They couldn’t possibly be disgruntled because of some twisted manly tradition. So what if I asked? I had every right to!

  “Calm down, darling.” Alexander waved his hand for me to lower my voice. “It’s okay. I don expect anything less from ye.”

  Sebastian smirked. “It doesn’t bother me.”

  My upper lip twitched, and I had to forcibly stop myself from smiling like a goofy idiot. After our excursion in the park, we were still in a blissful state and it was terribly obvious. I felt the connection between us more intensely, like our bond was getting stronger. I could only imagine how solid it would be after the ceremony.

  “I’m very happy for the both of ye,” Alexander said with a broad smile. “We’ll have the ceremony in Scotland—”

  “Say what now?” I interrupted, doing a double take. “Why can’t we just do it here where our friends and family are?”

  “Yer going to be Queen, Mackenzie. Yer rightful place is in Scotland. It is non-negotiable. Sebastian understands, don’t ye boy?”

  Bash bowed his head respectfully. “Yes, Alexander.”

  “Excellent! We’ll do a beautiful ceremony in a couple of months when ye return,” he said, standing from Bash’s chair behind the desk.

  “I want a wedding!” I blurted as everyone was moving to leave the room. They all stopped mid-step.

  “What?” Bash raised a brow.

  “If we’re doing it the Lycan way, we’ll do it the human way, too. I want a wedding.” I crossed my arms over my chest and stomped my foot.

  This was absolutely absurd. I never even wanted to get married before! A poufy white dress sounded like a damn nightmare.


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