Dirty Lady Katherine

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Dirty Lady Katherine Page 11

by Alexis Shore

  Charlotte’s eyes looked his way, then slowly came back to Katherine, who was teasing herself a little more enthusiastically. Now she’d shut her up, this was beginning to feel delectable.

  Katherine looked into her eyes, pleased to see them moist and dilated. Charlotte’s throat twitched as she swallowed softly, and then her tongue made another sweep around her lips.

  Pushing two fingers into herself with a little gasp, Katherine whispered, “You were saying?”

  Charlotte remained silent, intently watching as the extended digits worked in and out, coating themselves in Lady Katherine’s musky juices. Only when they heard the sound of a zipper descending, did she look away to see Tom taking his cock out.

  Now Katherine was hoping this display would make her stay, not leave.

  “Open your blouse,” Lady Katherine instructed almost inaudibly through heavier breathing.

  Charlotte hesitated for a moment, but then her fingers snaked to her buttons, and she began to slowly undo them, almost teasing Katherine. It opened to reveal a lacy white bra, and Katherine could see her nipples through the embroidery. They were brown, surrounded by massive areolas, but they didn’t seem stiff.


  Her breasts were a little bigger than Katherine’s, and not quite as supple, though the bra did a good job of sculpting an alluring cleavage. Katherine began to imagine pushing her face into the valley between them, feeling their heat against her cheeks, and her fingers responded to the fantasy with an increased urgency.

  Lady Katherine began to wonder how far she could take this.

  Before she could give another instruction, Charlotte did what she was about to be asked to do. Her fingers slid inside a lacy cup and sought out her nipple. Katherine enjoyed the site of it expanding to her touch, and when her fingers slipped away, the nipple was huge and poked urgently through the lace.

  Katherine sank down in her seat, and lifted one foot on to the low table, feeling yummy as her pussy sucked her fingers in deeper. The sound of her wetness mingled with her heavier breaths and the rhythmic pumping from Tom behind her.

  She was enjoying the look on Charlotte’s face immensely. Her cheeks were flushed, her mouth engorged and moist, and she was blinking with appetizingly heavy eyelids. With the fringe of her closely cropped tawny hair flicking down over her eye, the woman looked positively fuckable.

  But her hands seemed unoccupied.

  “Open your legs,” Katherine whimpered tremulously.

  Her knees came apart the moment she said it. Charlotte slowly worked the hem of her skirt up her thighs, and Katherine let out a soft vibrato moan when she saw the lace tops of her tan stockings.

  “Higher,” she said timorously.

  Charlotte obliged, slipping it up to reveal the straps of her garter belt and the crotch of her matching white knickers. She was so swollen Katherine could see her folds pressing into the cotton. Her next instruction remained unspoken, as Charlotte pressed two fingers into her lotus, and her juices began to seep out into the material.

  That did it for Katherine, and she pulled her fingers free from her own cooch, sucking them greedily into her mouth. She fell forward to the floor, and crawled across and knelt between the politician’s wide open legs. The cool exposed flesh at the top of the thigh felt silky smooth as she sucked into it.

  The Lady Katherine left her mark with her mouth.

  Wonder how she’d explain that to her husband, she thought, as she turned to her pouting pussy and pushed her face into its warmth. Her smell was fantastic, and the way the material moved under her tongue was delightful. She could taste her on the cotton.

  Katherine snaked her hands under Charlotte and cupped into her buttocks, pulling her tighter onto her mouth. Above her, the Member of Parliament pushed her bra up, freeing her tits and groping at them with eager fingers. Katherine’s tongue massaged at her hooded clit, rubbing it roughly with the damp cotton, and Charlotte found and pinched her nipples hard, twisting them so as to make herself wince.

  The Lady Katherine needed direct access to her quim.

  But her garter belt had her underwear trapped, and she didn’t want to merely push it out of the way. She gripped the material in her hand and was about to attempt tearing it away when she noticed it laced at the sides.

  It occurred to her then that this outfit had been carefully calculated. And what with being certain the camera was off, it was clear this is what Charlotte had come here seeking.

  The knots disintegrated and the cotton fell away, sending a waft of her musky sex into Katherine’s nose. Her peach was so creamy, and Katherine couldn’t stop herself from easing two fingers into it immediately.

  “Oh yeah,” Charlotte bucked against the digits, and reached down to cup Katherine’s head as she pressed her mouth to her clitoris, sucking it hard between her lips.

  The silver bracelets on her wrist began to rattle together as Katherine stimulated her g-spot vigorously. But every time she bought her to the brink, Charlotte tensed up and pushed the moment away.

  Christ, this bitch is so stiff she can’t let herself come.

  So Katherine sat up on her knees, still thrusting her digits into that bead of pleasure. “This is what you came here for isn’t it you filthy whore?”

  “Yesss,” Charlotte hissed, loving the debasement.

  Katherine flicked her head, calling Tom over to join them. He promptly arrived, wanking it in his hand and positioned himself beside the chair.

  “Suck his cock,” Katherine ordered, and watched as she opened her mouth and let him feed it all the way in.

  Witnessing him begin to fuck her orally, seeing her saliva coating his shaft as she moaned around it, Katherine suddenly felt jealous. Hopefully because she wasn’t the centre of attention; though she knew that unlikely.

  She found herself thrusting even harder up into the fleshy cavern, and leant down to leave another spiteful bite mark on her thigh. As her teeth sank in, Charlotte’s back arched and she gasped with her mouth full. Katherine bought her free hand up and pressed the ball of her thumb into the politician’s fluttering bud.

  She was approaching the brink once more, and Katherine wasn’t about to let her retreat this time.

  “You want his spunk on your face don’t you?”

  “Yess,” she hissed again, pulling it free from her mouth and grabbing at it with an eager hand. She began to pump it as frantically as she was being pumped, and Katherine watched at they both tensed in preparation for their own explosions.

  Tom’s seed gushed over Charlotte’s face and she began to come. Sticky ribbons flicked across her cheek and roped into her open mouth, as her tits heaved and her pussy twitched so hard it expelled Katherine’s fingers.

  She sucked them clean as she watched her Member of Parliament breathlessly undulating in the chair, licking at the spunk greedily.

  Katherine sat back on her chaise longue and waited for Charlotte’s composure to return. It was a while coming, but finally she opened her eyes and let out a final gasping moan.

  “You can go now,” Katherine said coolly.

  In no state to argue, Charlotte pulled her blouse around her, stood up and let her skirt fall back down. She scooped down to retrieve her underwear.

  “You can leave those,” Katherine instructed.

  Charlotte baulked, and dropped them back to the floor, before she hurried out of the room, buttoning her blouse.

  Katherine stood up and retrieved them. Tom was leaning against the chair, catching his breath still. She tossed them at him bitterly.

  “Mop yourself up,” she said frostily.

  The Lady Katherine left the room.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lady Katherine needs a damn good spanking.

  The weekend was going to be fun. Tom’s camera had been consigned to a cupboard, and the house was full with people. Lady Katherine needed something nice to keep her mind occupied.

  She was confusing attention with feelings, she was convinced of it.

  How could one not be flattered by the constant focus and interest of a friend? And it was only natural to be jealous when that attention shifted to someone else, albeit fleetingly. Surely? Katherine needed to remind herself too that his attention was professional. The whole point of his being here was to document her shenanigans. What right did she have to be annoyed when he had a little fun himself?

  And this is why Lady Katherine needed a diversion.

  Her mind was constantly swinging from irked jealousy to fantasising about being spanked. The more she imagined the stinging pleasure, the more she wanted to feel it.

  Another reason the weekend was a welcome change.

  Katherine sank deeper into the bath, letting the bubbles tease and pop around her moist skin. A few more minutes perhaps.

  Her mind began to drift again. Images of Sally’s flame red hair curled over Katherine’s midriff teased at her, the memory of her tongue doing that thing it does. So yummy. It began to dance and mingle with fleeting glimpses of other moments of pleasure. Takiyah’s lips pressing gently to hesr. The lace topped stockings that were such a lovely surprise beneath Charlotte’s dress. Claire’s delicious alabaster breasts. The moment her hand spanked down against her arse the first time. Tom’s hot spunk gushing over her wrist.

  The water splashed gently as Katherine realised her finger was working away between her legs. Ah well, why stop now?

  She began to picture vividly the shaft of Tom’s prick gliding in and out of Charlotte’s mouth, they way the skin moved against his stiff muscle, the way his balls gently bopped against her chin, the way she coated him with her saliva.

  Katherine heard her own voice whisper “Bitch” softly, as she arched her back beneath the water and penetrated her peach with two stiff fingers. In her mind, she snaked herself up Charlotte’s body and pulled her face from the cock, turning her mouth to hers and pushing her tongue into it wantonly. As her fingers continued to fuck the MP, she could feel Tom’s bouncing heat as he jerked it near their kiss.

  Beneath the water her self-abuse was reaching a feverous crescendo.

  Their tongues lapped, and Katherine felt that lovely sting as the MP gave her the spank she so craved, just as Tom pulled at Katherine’s hair, breaking them apart, and thrusting his cock roughly into her mouth. Charlotte bit into her neck, as Tom tensed up inside her, filling her with his boiling hot ribbons of cream.

  The Lady Katherine swore viciously as her orgasm burst forth.


  The air tickled at her cold skin as she wandered around her room, waiting to be dry. She was in no mood to pat herself down with a towel, and wanted to revel in the feeling of being so clean and naked. It made her downy bush so delightfully fluffy.

  For a moment she chastised herself for the fantasy that bought her off in the bath.

  Not healthy.

  She turned her back to the mirror and stuck out her arse. Looking over her shoulder she smacked her self with some vigour. It left a red hand-shaped mark on her taut buttock.

  Naughty girl.

  She spanked again, this time even harder, stinging another mark across the first. As she examined the welt, her door opened and Paul arrived with her evening wear.

  The Butler made no attempt to disguise the fact he was examining her ass too. A flicker of concern danced across his face microscopically as he noted the spank mark, but he said nothing.

  Katherine flirted with the idea of asking him to carry on the punishment; it was never as fun when one had to do it oneself. But common sense got the better of her, and she thanked him.

  “Has everyone arrived?” she asked instead.

  “Yes ma’am,” he gave a little nod, “They’ve been shown their dwellings and informed of proceedings.”

  “Jolly good,” she chirruped as she examined the gown he had laid out.

  “Is everything okay ma’am?” he asked, utterly uncharacteristically.

  She smiled softly, and he blinked in response. Nothing was said, but the moment was palpable; a flickering of fatherly concern noted with sincerity by an estranged daughter.

  “Dinner will be at eight,” he said, his professional façade firmly back in place.

  “Thank you Paul,” she said with a knot in her throat.

  As the door closed, Katherine slumped onto the bed, sitting on the edge of the mattress and staring at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were watery, and she blinked a few times too many. With a swallow, she wrinkled her nose childishly and tried to shake away the feeling. It didn’t work.

  “Oh do fuck off,” she said to her reflection, and flicked her fingers at it.

  That seemed to help, and she bounded to her feet with a little more vigour.

  The dress was stupendous.

  A black halter neck with an elegant fit. The hand embroidery around the midriff afforded a view of the flesh beneath, and the hem would lightly tease the middle of her thighs. She would wear her hair down, no make-up as always, and no extra adornments. Maybe not even shoes.

  For the briefest of moments she considered slipping her love egg in, but thought better of it immediately. It would be nice to spend an evening that wasn’t erotically charged.

  Besides, the girls were here.

  She’d not seen them for months, and hardly much at all since she dropped out of St Andrew’s. What’s more they had something to celebrate. The cousin to whom Katherine had introduced Sophia had proposed.

  It would be announced on the news on Monday evening, and thenceforth all the chatter would be about dress designers and whether it would be at the Abbey. Nothing like a Royal Wedding to set tongues wagging.

  So this meant it was their last chance to have a girlie weekend before the security became too tight.

  She’d miss Sophia, she was sure of that, but it was jolly exciting nonetheless.

  Lady Katherine settled down at her dresser and began to slowly stroke a brush through her long brown hair, wondering if it was time to hack it back to a more manageable length. No, she liked it like this, and after her dalliance with a wave, she much preferred her impeccably straight natural look.

  The sound of the ornamental gong echoed through the house, and Katherine was shaken from her reverie. She’d been brushing her hair for nearly an hour, and it was silky smooth with a shiny lustre. It had been a while since it looked so delightful.

  With a carefree bounce, she pulled the dress on, patted it around her buttocks, and headed down for dinner.

  They’d all spent the afternoon together of course, but it was nice to be back in their company nonetheless. Tilly with her infectious giggle and cute freckles, Ophelia who was so easily shocked it was good sport to tease her, Philomena with a bosom so matronly it made for scrummy cuddles, and obviously Sophia.

  She’d make a delightfully elegant Queen to her King to be.

  Katherine would think that, people would say. They were the spit of one another. Same height, same hair, same frame, same nose, same everything; close enough in resemblance to be mistaken for sisters. It made Katherine wonder if her cousin didn’t have some uncomfortable feelings around her. Or maybe the daft sod hadn’t even noticed.

  The meal was as wonderful as the company, with course after course of scrumptious morsels designed to tease the palette and tickle the senses. Moreover, there was no damn camera pointing her way, and she realised how much easier it was to relax without it. Gosh, maybe that was why she was constantly fingering herself when it was around, just to stave away the unerring mild tension.


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