Microsoft Word - TheEx-FactorFinal.docx

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by Unknown

  “I think three months. I’ll return her to you before Christmas.” Scott added. “I also want Mariana’s first lesbian experience to be with Dove.”

  “Hmm…” Sanora thought aloud. “…she’ll do it but it’ll take some time. Last time I checked, she royally hated her and it’ll be a hard sell.”

  “So, I shouldn’t expect it?” He asked.

  “I didn’t say that. I just said it’ll be a hard sell to Mariana. While Dove is very experienced and I must say, would be the perfect woman to make Mariana have her first lesbian encounter, Mariana needs to get over her feelings towards her. It’ll a trying process but if you play your cards right, it’ll be a successful one.”

  “So you think I’ll need more than three months?” He asked.

  “No, I think three months is more than sufficient.” Sanora stated. “But I wonder if setting is the key.”

  Scott had an idea what Sanora was suggesting but needed to be clear. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Play party,” she stated, “it might be beneficial for everyone involved, including you. I know you just don’t want to watch.”

  Sanora was a mind reader. “That obvious?”

  “You’re a man, so yes,” Sanora replied. “I’ll arrange to have it done.”

  “Thank you,” Scott paused before he continued, “there was something else I wanted to thank you for. I know it was more for you than for us but I want to say thank you.”

  Sanora grinned. The demise of her nemesis was everything and more. “You’re welcome.

  Anything for you. We’ll be in touch, Scott.” The line went dead.


  She really forgot how daunting a sex toyshop could be.

  As Mariana stood in the Sinsenational Toy and Lingerie shop, she wondered if she were a bit over her head. A bit? No, a lot.

  Every kind of porn to every kind of fetish was available. Every sex toy there was, including some that made Mariana question how were they even legal. And then, there were the dildos.

  Black ones. Brown ones. White ones. Rainbow ones. Small ones. Big ones. Enormous ones. Thick ones. Thin ones. Public ones. Concealed ones.

  Everything made Mariana think her foray into BDSM wasn’t that kinky after all.

  She remembered her first visit to one when she was 20. She was in awe. She was

  terrified. She was confused. Once the giggles subsided, Mariana was both amused and disgusted by everything. Now, several years later, she couldn’t help but to have a few of the same feelings.

  It seemed things remained the same. It seemed some things had drastically changed.

  Some toys were more advanced. Some others were old faithfuls.

  She swallowed and began to slowly walk through the store, stopping to look at things out of curiosity and maybe, if she were truly honest with herself, a bit of disgust. It had been a couple of days since their last encounter and Mariana finally felt better where she could walk without wincing.

  It was a good pain, though. It was a delicious pain.

  She desperately wanted to call Scott but she remembered he was participating in Kappa events all day and would be unavailable. Well, no, that wasn’t completely true. He would be available to her if she needed him. Even Mariana had a hard time summoning the nerve to ask her boyfriend to drop everything so he could meet her a sex toy shop.

  As her phone rang, Mariana gave a silent prayer to the Lord for best friends. “Hey bestie!” Mariana cheered. “How are you?”

  “Tired and beat,” Sarah Whitmore yawned over the phone, “a toddler and a newborn is hard work, let me tell you. Jordan is fine but Russell is punishing me for my sins.”

  “Awe, how’s my little Russell? Is he keeping you up?” Mariana asked. “I can’t wait to give him a big kiss and a hug once I return to L.A.!”

  “Good because then maybe he’ll go to sleep!” Sarah yawned again. “How’s your trip?

  Anything good happen?”

  “Um, yeah, actually,” Mariana looked around to see if anyone was listening, “I hooked up with Scott.”

  “Scott?” Sarah asked. “That’s a surprise.”

  “Tell me about it,” Mariana reminisced over the last several days. They both

  acknowledged they needed to work on their relationship but the important part was they were willing to try. “Everything’s been great. No hiccups or hangups.”

  “I’m so happy for you! You two belong together.” Sarah mentioned. “I was a fool thinking otherwise. Eric is everything I want and more.”

  “Hey, the past is the past. Besides, you’re pretty happy with Eric with your spectacular year.” Eric was Sarah’s husband and one of the NBA’s hottest players. After a Cinderella season, culminating in a spectacular finish with a championship, Eric and Sarah tied the knot in front 500 of their closest friends. Scott and Mariana were a part of the wedding party. They were also named godparents of their sons, Jordan and Russell, named after the famed NBA players.

  “So now that you two are official, is there going to be wedding bells in your future?”

  Sarah inquired. “Curious minds want to know.”

  “I don’t know,” Mariana honestly answered, “here’s hoping. We’re taking things much slower now. I won’t be moving in so soon like I did last time. I think we might actually date for a while before we get to that point, if we get to that point.”

  “Girl, please,” Sarah dismissed her, “you know you’re going to get married and have lots of babies so I don’t know why you’re even trippin’.”

  “Everyone keeps saying that,” Mariana shook her head, “are all of you in some

  conspiracy to see me married and impregnated with Scott’s children?”

  “If everyone keeps saying it, then it’s true,” Sarah received a notification on her phone.

  Eric was calling her. “Mari, I need to go. Talk to me when you’re back in L.A.”

  “Will do! Give Eric my love! Talk to you later, bestie!” She hung up. Talking to her best friend took her attention away from the task for a short time but she still had stuff to do.

  Armed with Scott’s Black AMEX, Mariana swallowed her nerve. She was not a giggling teenager experimenting with sex for the first time. She was a grown woman with needs.

  Gathered by her reaction the other night to anal stimulation, it was clear she enjoyed it. It was time to get serious.

  “You look nervous,” A young Black woman approached Mariana. She was curvy with

  long braids and a septum piercing. “Do you need help?”

  Mariana hesitated before she finally conceded she needed all the help she could get. “I’m about to do anal play with my boyfriend and I have no idea where to start.”

  “Ah, you’ve come to the right place! I’m Ashia and glad to assist you.” The ladies shook hands and Mariana introduced herself. “So, let’s start with the basics. Have you done any anal stimulation?”

  “Yes,” Mariana answered, “he’s played with my ass with his finger and tongue.”

  “Great! Now you’re ready for a bit more, I take it?” Ashia asked and Mariana nodded.

  “Since it’s your first time, you need to start small. Always, always, always use lube. KY

  is the best since it’s thick, however, silicone lubricant lasts a long time and it’s also really great for anal play. Preferably use a condom. If you’re going to do anal, make it the last activity. You can go from vagina to rectum but never vice-versa. You don’t want to risk bacteria transfer and infection no matter how clean you are.”

  It was a lot of information but easy to remember. “Got it.”

  “Now, let’s introduce to you to some toys. Do you have a budget in mind?”Ashia asked.

  “Unlimited but I’m on trip so I can’t bring back too much,” Mariana replied. “Only a few things.”

  “Not a problem,” Ashia lead Mariana to the anal toys. “So, how big is your lover?”

  “Um…” Mariana glanced around the shop until she saw the dildos. She
walked over to them and studied them until she found one that resembled Scott. “That one,” she pointed up.

  “Oh.” Ashia’s eyes widened. “I don’t know if I should be jealous of you or keep you in prayer.”

  “Both,” Mariana nodded.

  “Some advice, if I may? Start with a side position because it’ll be less pressure on your rectum. Then ease being on top because you’ll be able to control how much you take in, followed by doggystyle. The worst position you could do with anal is missionary because that puts a lot of pressure on your rectum and if your lover is sizable, it’ll really hurt.”

  Ashia suggested.

  “Got it. Thank you so much!” Mariana breathed a sigh of relief. “I want to do anal with him but his size is very daunting.”

  “I understand. It seems like the men with the bigger dicks are always the ones who want to do anal the most,” Ashia chuckled, “now, have you started anal training? You’ll definitely need to do that.”

  “He did it manually with his tongue and fingers but he also suggested toys?” Mariana followed Ashia to the anal toy section.

  “As you can see, we have a wide variety of anal toys to tickle your fancy,” Ashia gesticulated. “I’ll explain a little about what each toy does and we’ll see if that’s something you might be interested in.”

  “Sounds good,” Mariana was up for the challenge, “I’m ready.”

  After an afternoon of learning too many anal toys to keep track of, Mariana purchased a few and headed back to the hotel. Upon entering her suite, she kicked off her shoes and collapsed on the bed. It’d been a successful week, both professionally and personally, and it seemed the stars finally aligned with her.

  Her life was perfect. Well, almost.

  A few key things were missing but they would all come in due time. One thing she missed was the D/s relationship she had with Scott. While the mainstream world looked at it as controlling, Mariana begged to differ. Scott guided her, facilitated her needs and wants, sometimes before she even knew what they were. He brought out the very best in her and as a result, she’d never felt so confident in her life.

  He was a great boyfriend and she could admit Scott was a good boss. But when he was a Dom, he brought out that extra…that extra umph to their relationship.

  She also knew it was too soon. They’d just barely reconciled only a few days ago and there were a lot of unresolved issues they still needed to address. She wondered if addressing the issues would actually bring closure or open fresh wounds and tear them apart once again.

  She’d thought about Scott dominating her more times than she was comfortably

  admitting. She wanted Scott to put a ball gag into her mouth, bound her hands and feet,

  and tie up her body like he’d used to. She wondered exactly when would it all occur.

  Scott was holding back something or rather, waiting for something to occur between them. Mariana thought about what it could’ve been since they’d been so open and honest with each other.

  She’d worry about it later. Now it was time to rest.


  Mariana woke up just after six p.m. and she realized how little sleep she had during the week. She slept for over four hours and somehow, felt more exhausted than refreshed.

  She began to move when she realized she couldn’t.

  During her nap, Scott snuck in and slept with her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  As Mariana struggled to collect her thoughts, she glanced to her left and saw Scott napping peacefully next to her. He’d stripped down to his tank top and boxer briefs, even removing his socks.

  It occurred to Mariana how much she used to be annoyed whenever Bernard or her other ex-boyfriend who shall not be named did it. With Scott, however, it was comforting. He didn’t lazily drape his arm around her but he pulled her in closely and wrapped his legs with hers. It was almost as if he was guarding her. Protecting from all harm.

  She loved it.

  “Good Morning, Sleeping Beauty,” Scott’s deep baritone graced Mariana’s ears and she felt her senses perk up. “How did you sleep?”

  “I slept great,” she yawned and turned over to face him. His eyes were still closed but he looked peaceful. He actually looked beautiful. “How did you sleep?”

  “Pretty well. Just resting up before tonight’s final celebrations. We’re going to do a little hotel-hopping between places, if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all.” Mariana thought about the night ahead. They had supper scheduled with his family, followed by an evening full of Kappa activities. “It sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

  “It will. At least the Kappa part will,” Scott’s eyes slowly opened and he eased up in bed.

  “We just have to get through supper.”

  The air in the room changed. It was clear Scott wasn’t looking forward seeing his family any more than Mariana was. “I don’t have to go with you if it’ll make things worse,” she stated. “I know how certain people in your family feel about me and I don’t want to cause any more drama.”

  “Mari, you’re my woman,” he declared, “if people have an issue with that, they have an issue with me. It’s a non-issue as far as I’m concerned.”

  Mariana loved his declaration. Scott was always protective of her but this upped the ante.

  It made her proud to be with him. “There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Oh?” Scott turned to her. “What is it, baby?”

  “I want to submit to You again,” she admitted. “I miss being a submissive. I miss being Your submissive. I want to do a boot-blacking session. I want to learn how to do a chado tea ceremony. I miss you giving me assignments and disciplining me whenever I mess up. I want to be at your beck and call.” She kneeled in front of Scott. “I miss serving You, Sir.”

  There was something so sweet, yet sexy hearing Mariana call Scott Sir. Her voice was full of love and need, with the desire to whatever He wanted, at His bidding and pleasure.

  The timing was off. The universe had a funny way of putting them together for things to never quite pan out the way they should. He pushed her away due to his own issues, but once those were quickly resolved, another prominent one came in:

  She needed to learn her worth without his influence.

  He spoiled her endlessly and without care, treating her to the finest restaurants and lifestyle. He’d replaced her cubic zirconias with brilliantly cut diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. Her worn-out sneakers were thrown away as several pairs of Jordans claimed space. Her old car that gave her numerous problems was donated to charity when he purchased the stunning Mercedes.

  What did she do in return? Simply love him. No, it was more than that. She practically worshipped the ground he walked on. Serving him was her life’s calling and she would do it forever. His pleasures were bigger than hers. His needs were stronger than hers. She took care of him before she even took care of herself sometimes. He would never find another like her.

  And how he did he repay her? He treated her like that morning’s trash.

  Guilt plagued him and he poured all of his energy into work, creating brilliant campaigns and being on top of his game. A recent contract with NHL wunderkind Dean Winchester would solidify Scott’s legendary status.

  Everything was coming together for the two of them but Scott knew the timing was off.

  He wanted Mariana to submit to him but only when it was perfect. It was far from it.

  “I can’t have you do that,” he shook his head, “not yet.”

  Scott’s words shocked Mariana upright. Her brain went into various directions. Her body shook from sadness and hurt.

  Her heart was incredibly and possibly irrevocably broken.

  She couldn’t believe what was happening. After everything they’d experienced that week? After the promises he’d given her? “When?” She begged, her voice cracked with tears. “Why not now?”

  “You’re not ready,” he stated and
she shook her head in silent protest. Her eyes watered and her mouth quivered. Scott felt like shit but he needed to explain to her. “You’re not ready.” He repeated.

  “Okay,” she sat down on the bed and buried her face in her hands. She sniffled at first before she could no longer contain the emotions and profusely sobbed. Her chest burned with anger and humiliation. Her emotions choked her and she felt it difficult to breathe.

  Hot tears streamed down her cheeks and her cries echoed throughout the hotel room.

  All she wanted to do was to submit and please Him, Sir, and He denied her the privilege.

  Was there something wrong with her? Was she no longer worthy? Why did He have to do that to her? Why?

  “Mari,” Scott sat next to her and she turned away from him. He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. “Mari, I need to explain.” She violently shook her head.

  “No, I need to tell you why. It’s not that you’re not worthy of submission or I’m not into it anymore. We both know that’s not true. I want you to fully explore your sexuality and maybe, that means taking a backseat on the domination and submission aspect of our relationship for a while. The past three years of your life have been consumed with me and what I’m doing but very little about you and your needs. I’m doing this for you. I’m doing this for us.”

  “All I want is to serve You,” she cried.

  “And you will but not yet. This isn’t a punishment or some fuck you to get back at you.”

  He rubbed her back. “It’ll happen but not now. You have a major account you’re doing and I want your focus on that. I don’t want to impede in any way, shape, or form. After the campaign is done, then maybe, we’ll explore BDSM again. But for now, we need to keep this vanilla.” He rubbed her back as he felt her become limp against him. He hated seeing her so upset and really felt like a class-A asshole for making her feel horrible.

  “I want you to explore you, you got that? I know you want to submit to me, but I need you to get everything out of your system before you can do that. You said there was a lot more you wanted to explore and I want to help you with that before you return as a submissive.” He pulled away from her and thumbed away her tear-stained cheeks. He pressed his forehead against hers. “It doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you, baby. I love you with everything. But I want us to work up to the D/s relationship we had instead


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