Extraterrestrial DP1

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by V Bertolaccini

  Extraterrestrial DP1

  V Bertolaccini

  This edition published 2017 by CB

  This is a Smashwords edition 2017

  Copyright Victor Bertolaccini

  ISBN: 978-1-3709-3058-6

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright owner. Nor can it be circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without similar condition including this condition being imposed on a subsequent purchaser.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


  SETI Institute

  On its first detection in the early twentieth century the DP1 signal was proven to be of extraterrestrial origins and hidden by various advanced methods, over decades, as it was found to be one of a kind and its origins were not in other galaxies, or in the depths of the Milky Way, or vast solar systems away.

  After World War II it was proven be far nearer than previously thought, and its presence was hidden and examined far further than ever before, and checked for a false or parasite sources from terrestrial sources, from satellites, manmade or natural sources, and was the only signal to be classed as a positive artificial extraterrestrial source of unknown origins.

  It was hidden away into the twenty-first century, with scientists examining it continuously, and for any signs of alteration, and on the introduction of new technology, but its repetitive pulses never altered or gave anything away.

  The signal was detected by others continually and analyzed under the assumption it was an unidentified phenomenon as well as an extraterrestrial phenomenon, but its highly advanced perfectly symmetrical pulsations left them staggered the more they established its properties and significance, with its pulsations beating out through the depths of space.

  The commonest assumptions assumed it was a greeting signal/message to other races, and perhaps directly to the Earth, and perhaps put there for humans someday to find and trace its origins, to the world where it came from, which was only properly established in the decades before the creation of the Starship S1.

  While human technology created ultimate powerful telescopes they scrupulously searched the DP1 extraterrestrial world with them, and its region of space for signs of life, and for the advanced intelligence that created it.

  Astronomers searched the dark barely visible DP1 world with the most highly advanced technology and techniques scrupulously searching for anything, as it was not only the only proper signal found, it was almost at its closest location without being in this solar system, or out in interstellar space, and it was located near the Alpha Centauri suns, which astonished all the astronomers and scientists, and suggested it had been put there for a reason.


  Starship S1

  Throughout the twenty-first century the world’s biggest and most advanced searches for extraterrestrial civilizations expanded and advanced beyond what was once thought impossible, and even NASA and the SETI institute were superseded in the race to detect extraterrestrial intelligence.

  The world’s most advanced and powerful telescopes developed at an inconceivable rate and searched far deeper into the depths of space than ever before, expanding knowledge of the cosmos, anticipating breakthroughs.

  They scanned the depths of space thousands of times faster in greater detail than thought possible, while repetitively advancing technology to detect inhabited exoplanets, with highly advanced extraterrestrial life, and explored worlds in the depths of newly discovered galaxies, and sent out messages by new methods to the most compelling, and more frequently, and even into the invisible black depths of space where hidden worlds could exist.

  Many millions of worlds were detected, with many believed to have advanced extraterrestrial life and civilizations, but were never entirely proven, and could not be entirely proven until properly physically confirmed, and what was detected was not caused by unknown phenomena, which preceding encounters confirmed on numerous occasions, and even being created by phenomena not existent on the Earth.

  Proper methods of exploration of stars and worlds had to be found, and NASA consequently developed their starship engine, and Starship S1 was created from decades of vast technology advances from highly advanced technologies, and from space and scientific agencies, and corporation from all around the globe, investing in twenty-first century star exploration.

  The starship was colossal compared to previous space vehicles, and had the most advanced starship crew, engineers, technicians, scientists, specialists in numerous fields, and many needed to test and develop it.

  The first voyage to the Alpha Centauri suns tested voyaging to the stars – going from Proxima Centauri, the closest star, to the other Centauri suns – and with other voyages from the Earth to the Centauri suns perfecting star travel, and they were soon ready to start proper explorations of proper worlds, with normal crew members running the starship, and exploration teams made up of astrophysicists, celestial cartographers, planetary geologists, planetary cartographers teams, carrying out exo-cartography, and exo-biologists, and many forms of scientists and specialists, reporting findings and anything unusual back to NASA and the world, with the advanced extraterrestrial scientists and specialists and original crew to be brought in on the discovery of anything, with a military presence if needed, and Starship S1 voyaged out on the world’s first proper exploration of deep space.


  First Contact

  A Russian scientist stood staggered and dazzled in the shuttle’s interior lights, after he rushed in from the cold dark deadly outer world, breathing heavily in his spacesuit, and shaking as he attempted to seal the outer doors firmly behind him.

  The other scientists studied his appearance, and occasionally gave strange tones, and he started to explain the horrors he had encountered outside on the deadly extraterrestrial DP1 world, and what had frantically chased him, and he removed his helmet revealing his pale white complexion and badly shaken appearance, showing them he had encountered something beyond his comprehension, of an immensely deadly diabolical nature, and he shook in terror, barely able to speak, and looked gravely ill.

  After the voyages to the Alpha Centauri suns they had finally been exploring other suns and had located the DP1 world, and they had returned to the Earth and brought in many new scientists and members of the original crew, with a military presence, and the exploration teams had started carrying out landings, with the scientists, and planetary cartographers teams, who were exploring their first exo-worlds, and were giving scans, and findings on the world, and of anything unusual, to send back to NASA.

  One of the scientists gasped out loud, in horror, searching the Russian scientist’s face, and muttered, “What did you see?”

  “I saw something!” he muttered. “It’s hideous! I sensed its existence goes far further back than ours! It’s trapped down here!”

  “You saw an extraterrestrial! Down on this desolate lifeless world? There has not been a plant or anything found anywhere! If it had not been for the new scientists we would never have landed, and perhaps even map it! It’s more like the moon …”

  “I saw something! I’m telling you! It’s an advanced form of life and highly deadly!”

  The other scientist was staggered by his reactions and shrugged.

  The Russian scientist bit his lower lip hard, and continued, “Its origins go beyond ours, and it has been undetected by our technology! Our detection methods are inferior and are mainly created and function to disco
ver normal objects, and our investigations are futile!”

  The whole crew remained silent considering if he was insane or if they were up against something of their worst nightmares, and capable of destroying them.


  DP1 Extraterrestrial

  It awoke from timeless dormant states screaming in agony and carrying out its ageless ritual and altering its composition as its tiny dim sun sat on the horizon of its cold dark desolate world and it tried to get energy from it as its formation glowed with powerful bright explosions of energy, blasting about its energy composition, while its fight for survival began.

  For the first time in countless centuries its proper existence revived, as it had done for many thousands of years, over and over again, keeping itself in existence, though gradually aging and decomposing, with its dormant states extending, and it felt pain and saw death, and its formation constantly altered as it controlled its individual parts to a degree of individual atoms, stopping itself being destroyed by the colossal environment of the DP1 world.

  Its destruction would one day occur and its fight for survival would be over, and it grasped the opportunity to avoid it with all it could muster and formed itself into a normal formation, and it shifted out of its energy chamber into the darkness of the world.

  The dead world was unrecognizable now and it was staggered by the dangers it held and as it monitored its formation’s fight to repair itself and it considered how the occurrence could possibly have occurred, and it felt trapped, but felt satisfaction as it repaired major regions of damage to it.

  Eventually it was able to alter and gain normal powers, and it managed to adapt more to the surrounding environment, and it shifted into the long black shadows of unknown rock formations like a meddlesome ghost creature lurking around, transforming its shape and appearance.

  For a moment it stopped, astounded by something, considering what had happened, and sensed it had been awoken by itself and something arriving on its world, and it was staggered and contemplated the dangers and that it was trapped on the desolate world, with nothing, without any way to leave, without anything else, and it began to contemplate the dangers to the remains of its eternal life and it began to consider how it could survive on the world with what now existed.

  It was so ancient it could not even believe it had a beginning, and it suddenly realized it had somehow been contacted by an unknown form of communications from somewhere unknown, and it realized it had not fully grasped the extraordinary outer universe, and that it was trapped on the world with something unknown and it realized it might have to fight to survive further than it had done before and it wondered if it could, and it realized it had been detected, and had to alter to stop it detecting it.

  The distant sun glowed as its monster shape shifted through rocks, and it took comfort in its past experiences and existence and its ability to survive, and it stopped to examine something nearby, and a small formation moving by.

  It could not explain its existence and it struggled to explain how it even functioned and its strangeness, and it altered its formation to adapt to it and it reformed its colossal energy formation.

  Its now extraordinary shaped shadows shifted in the vague sunlight, probing the cold hideous darkness, and it moved on as it studied everything in its surroundings, expecting encounters, as it fought to return its normal detection senses.

  It roamed about and it became apparent that the thing it had copied affected it far further than it realized, and it realized it was not just it but its damaged state.

  It propelled itself forward its body adapted further and repaired damage and formed more into the thing and its leg formations, and it shuddered frantically testing its senses, and searched for any reactions from the thing and any dangers.

  Its monstrous mutated shape shadow silhouetted it as it shifted in the direction of the formation, and its senses and knowledge improved further and it detected other distant formations further away, and it realized the formations took their energy from the consumption of others.

  When it saw the thing close up it stopped, hidden in the darkness of a large pile of rocks, watching the strange glowing hills illuminating all around it, as it formed its eyes, and watched shadows stretching out over the world, and it saw it watch it emerging out of the darkness and pile of rocks and stand staggered, and it detected its intelligence as it escaped to survive.

  Part I

  First Deep Space Explorations

  Chapter 1

  Planetary Cartographers

  The extraterrestrial sky outside the planetary shuttle was so dark, peculiar, and empty Ripley was sure that the DP1 world was not in the normal universe, or at least on the edge of it, and somehow in some form of warp in space.

  He switched on a small light, avoiding putting the larger bright lights on, to see only the interior about his front, and he watched the other vehicle pilot staring out the windows at the surrounding darkness, and into the visible landscape.

  The world was so strange to them, and even though it was the first world they had been on the surface of it looked stranger than it should, and barely had a sun.

  The world about them was a flat stretch of barren ground full of nothing but space dust and rocks, with no atmosphere.

  The planetary cartographer shuttles automatically carried out their programming and functions floating high over the surface of the DP1 world at hundreds of miles an hour, mapping and analyzing everything they could detect, while searching for anything of interest, and any abnormalities, covering a low radius of about a hundred miles, at equal distances apart, with special shuttles flying over mountains and other difficult terrains, mapping the whole world.

  Ripley watched Dan, sitting beside him, in the two front pilot seats, and front cockpit, with the other eight members of the crew in the shuttle behind them, examining their equipment and all the readings, and checking the mapping, and he examined Dan for anything unusual, but he saw nothing, except that he was more secretive than he had originally noticed and that he was hiding something, and tried to figure it out.

  Normally he would ignore it but the mission was too dangerous, mysterious, and there were surprises everywhere, and he had even wondered if they would return alive to the Earth.

  They were the first explorers of deep space and had no idea what they would be up against.

  Yet there could valuable life forms on the worlds that could be traded back on the Earth, but he knew that they would be very keen to stop anything illegally getting aboard the starship, in orbit above, and he did see the point, and definitely never wanted anything from the DP1 running around the ship creating unknown dangers, as the world was dangerous, and nobody had even thought anything could survive there.

  If anything seriously dangerous got on the Earth, they would have serious problems. Such creatures could inhabit worlds!

  Though the encounter by the Russian scientist had been the only encounter, and nothing had been proven, and they had not found anything when they had searched where he had been, and nothing indicated how it could be on the world.

  The greatest mystery was why they were on the world, and why when it was discovered they returned to the Earth before arriving at it, and had basically only picked up new crew members, who insisted they had a mission, and why they had hidden backgrounds and careers and seemed to be specialists in extraterrestrials, and some were from the original scientists, who seemed excited at the exploration of the world, and seemed to be silenced and told not to give anything of their mission, and military backup was more surprising as they seemed to be ready to handle their biggest ever mission, and were always well armed on the world.

  Colman and Gates were two of the new scientists, at back of the large shuttle, and Rickman and Carter beside them were two of the military backup, and they refused to mix with the others, and stayed at a distance, and only spoke to the others for information.

  It was the strangest situation Ripley had encountered, and he sensed something was
would happen.

  Yet what the hell was there? There was no sign of anything!

  “Do think there is anything of value down there?” he asked Dan, trying to get his view.

  Dan laughed, and replied, “I have checked a few times. Nothing indicates anything! What do you think? Could there be anything valuable about?”

  “There could be diamonds! I wonder how much they would be worth back on Earth.”

  Dan looked at him, still amused, with his amused expression, and replied, “Out here! But how could you find anything?”

  He ignored him and wondered about what the Russian scientist had claimed he had seen!

  How the hell did it get out here in this hellhole? He wondered if it could capture one of the vehicles or sneak on the ship, which was thought to be just about impossible by some of the others.

  He realized it could hide in the back of the vehicle – where they kept the supplies. Yet could it get aboard at the speed they were going at?

  Suddenly he recalled something Colman had said to Gates, and something about what was there and the Russian scientist being questioned by them aboard the starship and that something about a signal they called the DP1 signal being traced, and he recalled something he had heard from the first voyages and one of the scientists mentioning it, and wondered what the hell it was, as the reaction they gave to it was colossal.

  “What is the main objective of us checking this world?” he silently asked the shuttle’s main computer, to see if it knew anything. |“And who ordered it? As I cannot recall hearing anything of it!”


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