Extraterrestrial DP1

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Extraterrestrial DP1 Page 4

by V Bertolaccini

  The DP1 world now looked little. It was nothing to what they could do and they now intended to explore the depths of deep space and the universe far further than ever and to find what they wanted, and Ripley was happy with that and intended to one day give accounts of their explorations of the cosmos.

  Chapter 10


  The bright blue sky outside the planetary shuttle was so celestial and peculiar and the sun on the horizon so large Ripley was sure that it was somehow outside the normal universe, or at least at the edge of it, and somehow in some form of warp in space.

  He slowed the shuttle vehicle speed and saw Starship S1 in the distant horizon, with its huge shape, and checked the interior about him, and he watched the other passenger staring out the windows behind him at the surrounding desert landscape and he was surprised to see sand being blowing up in gusts of warm air, realizing the world actually had air, which was in fact the first world with air they had been on, even though it had a desert and sea landscape all over it and had its extra large sun blazing out, which he had been sure would have made it too warm to go on.

  They had to check it to see what was there! They had seen signs of something massive and unusual from the starship, which they were going to investigate, beside the coast in front of them, and he wondered if it was a life form why they could not detect such creatures under the water, where they believe they spotted it, as surely radar and other stuff from the starship could penetrate water and large regions of sea, and check what was in its depths.

  The world was so strange after going to the Earth and visiting the Vega star, which was so large and strange, and he looked behind him at its massive star shape on the opposite horizon, and its strangeness made them expect to see many strange things there, and signs of extraterrestrial intelligence.

  The planetary cartographer shuttle automatically carried out its programming and functions floating over the surface of the desert world, increasing its speed as it moved over a flat region, and he spotted the sea ahead, and he checked the shuttle analyzing everything it could detect, while searching for anything of interest, and any abnormalities, and he wondered what it could detect going over the water, and if it would even detect something there before they reached the sea.

  Ripley watched Dan, sitting beside him, lowering the vehicle’s temperature further and Ripley breathed in the cooler air the vehicle gave out, and he watched the slightly different abnormal makeup the landscape took and he wondered if there was any real difference in the world, other than it’s obvious differences.

  The DP1 world had been the most unusual, and was far different from the others, but he was sure they would not have even gone near it and wasted their time at it, and he decided to check the main files on it on the computer and was surprised to discover many of its recorded features had been altered, and he discovered new information had been recently added, as though someone had been at work analyzing it and carrying out some research for some reason.

  Some of the others in the shuttle behind him gave reactions to his discovery, and he wondered why, and if he had missed something, and he tried to recall when it could have occurred, and he examined Dan for anything, but he saw nothing, except that he was less secretive and more carefree than before, which was surely their new environment.

  They were the first explorers of deep space and had no idea what they would be up against.

  There could valuable alien life forms on this and other worlds that could be traded back on the Earth and he knew that they would be very keen to stop anything unlawfully getting aboard the starship, and he wondered if any of them were up to something.

  Yet it could be a serious situation if they were as if anything seriously dangerous got on the Earth they would have serious future problems. Dangerous creatures could breed in vast amounts and could kill vast amounts of people!

  What was also abnormal was the new crew members they had put aboard the starship, originally only put there to check the DP1 world and extraterrestrial signal, were still aboard the starship and had not been removed.

  He watched Colman and Gates, two of the scientists, at back of the giant shuttle, and Rickman and Carter the two DP1 military backup, he watched their strange reactions and noticed that they had started to react again to the DP1 world, and he considered if it was actually just the world they were on or another world near there, but realized it had to be the DP1 world and he could not grasp why.

  There had been nothing there and all they found was a few strange encounters!

  It was a strange situation and he sensed something was there and would happen in the future.

  Yet what the hell was it and what could happen?

  “Do think there is anything of value?” Dan asked, looking about at the strange seashore they were arriving at.

  He laughed, and replied, “I have checked a few times. None of the instruments indicate anything! That is what they saw from up in orbit!”

  Suddenly he gasped as he spotted a massive perfectly made ditch going across an area at the front of the sea, which definitely looked like some form of colossal snake or white worm sea creature had passed along there and entered the sea further along.

  Once at it the vehicle landed on the beach sand, at the edge of it and the calm flat sea, and they started getting ready to leave the vehicle, and Ripley checked one last time for any hidden signs of anything around them, and left it again.

  Once outside in their spacesuits, with their helmets off, the scientists started checking it, and the air and seawater and taking samples, and digging through the rocks and sand.

  “There could be things of value!” Dan announced, as he and Ripley walked along the edge of the strange ditch, examining it and trying to work out what had made it, along the shore.

  “I wonder how much diamonds from here would be worth back on the Earth?” Dan asked.

  He looked over at him, amused, and started checking the sand and rocks, and replied, “It is pretty hard to tell! We could find one of the scientists that has experience in them and similar stuff, and finding them. Though I don’t think this is the right place, as it does not look like it, and they surely only came here to see this giant mark.”

  “I heard one of them believes it belongs to a serpent creature!”

  It looked far different than it had on the satellite image Ripley had checked before he left the vehicle, and were no signs of any evidence it could be what they claimed, and he knew they would have problems explaining it was if they claimed it was in their accounts of what was found.

  They examined it with everything they had and tried to discover what had created it but could not, and he considered if it could have been made by some cyclone phenomenon or water course forcing its way through there from somewhere, and marched along it until he reached the end and searched around it and found nothing, and put it down to some form of weather phenomenon, but as they left they spotted something massive shifting under the water away out in the sea, which looked as though it had been watching them, and vanished deep below the water.

  Chapter 11

  Return to DP1

  Something startled Ripley and he sat in the shuttle and struggled to grasp what was going on and he focused on the deformed miniature DP1 sun in the sky, which he could barely recognize, and at angles barely resembled any normal star, and he gasped as he studied the worn out landscape!

  It was incredible! The whole starship crew had suddenly altered, as they had prepared themselves for the return visit to the DP1 sun, without being told why, and they had left and swiftly shifted into orbit around the small world.

  They had to land and check the miniature world again, at a region that looked as though some form of disaster had hit it a long time ago, and he had a hard time grasping why they insisted they had found something!

  Yet they knew they would soon discover something!

  The world was airless and desolate and he piloted the shuttle, going low over the ground with the other shuttles, clos
er together now, scanning the area they had been given, mapping and analyzing everything, heading towards something they refused to give them anything about, or even why they were back there, and he gasped at the way they reacted, and why they were so secretive.

  Something staggered him about the mission and he sensed something was going to occur, and when he saw something away in the distance he saw Dan instantly react, and all the other members, of their original crew, in the back react one after another, and all he could now do was stare as they directly approached it, realizing someone had put them on the exact route it was located in, and he began to wonder why the nearest two shuttles were visibly away over to the side of it.

  He knew he could not avoid it. He had to go through with it! He believed he could survive if he did everything he could and avoided any deadly mistakes!

  How the hell did he get there and back in this hellhole? He had considered staying on the Earth when they had returned there, and had only returned to the starship as it was not going to the DP1 location.

  Surely it was just another world though! But were there any new dangers? Yet they were exploring where nobody had been, and the deadly environment and hidden dangers! They had hardly explored anything of the universe and its great mysteries and colossal dangers!

  Again he suddenly sensed something strange! Something he had not encountered! Something that could only exist in such a place, in such a desolate place, in the depths of space, which might not be able exist near worlds like the Earth, and it gave him chilling sensations, and he sat frozen to his seat watching the area ahead increase in size and he was staggered that he still never recognized anything, and he wondered why they had not just landed them all at it, and eventually realized they surely wanted to check that area as well.

  As the shuttle decelerated he increasingly felt a presence of something powerful, somewhere, out in the chilling extraterrestrial landscape ahead, where there was a strange artificial looking hill formation, which he could not grasp the identity of.

  In a screen at his front he watched the starship up in the sky in orbit and it looking like the highly advanced starship it was supposed to, and far larger, and what it was designed for, and for the exploration of worlds, and many future explorations of the solar systems.

  What was amazing was a large object was buried away in the rubble of rocks and dust and was visible close up if looking for it, with no recognizable features, but he was sure if he had not known there was something at the exact place he would not have recognized anything.

  After a long time of observing it they all admitted it had no known recognizable features, and they had little on what it was doing buried away there.

  When the astronauts shifted out the shuttle and onto the world’s surface Ripley wondered why they had not found another way of checking it out after their last encounter with the DP1 extraterrestrial at the DP1 Antarctica.

  He shifted away from the shuttle in front of the others, marching towards it, still having strange sensations, and as though he was somewhere far more different than he thought, and that it was not just an uncharted desolate region.

  It was as though they were entering somewhere else, and making the first step for mankind to something.

  Yet he did not know what, and what their next biggest problem would be!

  Was there something there after all, which had brought them there, which was ready to kill them all?

  Ripley looked back at the shuttle, which now resembled some form of strange vehicle.

  His spacesuit’s high temperature and the surrounding view combined to give the impression of it being incredibly hot, instead of incredible cold, and he considered if he was capable of making some form of serious mistake.

  All around them they examined things like they were strange new phenomena, and he wondered what the others thought they were discovering.

  “Look at all this!” Dan gasped, picking up a strange rock, and none of them could recall seeing before, and he then looked as if he slightly recognized it.

  “What do you think is here now?” he asked, curiously. “There’s nothing out here! How the hell did it get here?”

  Ripley listened and watched the shuttle crew discussing it in their communicators as they got closer to it, and it became apparent none of them properly knew, and they started examining the region surrounding it and giving facts and their thoughts of it.

  It had resemblances to some form of volcanic region and some of the scientists started analyzing and taking soil samples about it, while he inspected what was there and found what looked like a block of perfectly cut black material buried deep in dust covering an area of the ground, and on a closer approach he saw most of it was buried in the ground, and was part of a vast structure below.

  They rushed around investigating everything, thoroughly, and started removing dust and rocks, checking out what was below, and some form of extraterrestrial structure, and Ripley realized they had actually found something artificial and at the DP1 world, and gasped silently, as it meant there was something there after all, of unknown origins, and a shiver ran through him as he considered if the source was still in existence, and then considered how long it had been there, and slowly realized it was not just in the rock below but rock was encrusting it like a fossil, and he wondered how many millions of years it had been there.

  When all the dust and rocks was cleared away they all stood in a circle around it examining it, silently grasping its deadliness and significance and Ripley felt as though it had some form of life or intelligence, and many hidden powers, and could carry out some form of function, which he wondered if they were even capable of understanding or even detecting.

  Many of the scientists believed it could have sent out the DP1 extraterrestrial signal, which the entire starship was built to investigate, and they discussed how to make contact with it.

  Chapter 12

  Second DP1 World

  The DP1 signal was later found being sent from the underground extraterrestrial structure but they were unable to enter it, or reply to the signal, and it was not even proven to be an extraterrestrial first contact signal, but another weaker signal was detected being transmitted from it to a specific region of space, and they traced it to the DP1 region of space and discovered a second DP1 world, it was being transmitted to, hidden away behind the DP1 sun, and by its miniature size.

  The world was small and resembled Mars in most regions, but barely had any rotation and a day was about a year long, and it also looked as if some form of calamity had hit it a long time ago.

  Ripley had a hard time grasping why they insisted they had found something on it, and he wondered why the discovery of the DP1 signal transmitter was not the conclusion to the voyage.

  Yet he had not been altogether disappointed in them when they had given reactions like it in the past, and he knew they would discover something there.

  The world was bright and glowing, but like the other world it was airless and desolate, and Ripley piloted the shuttle with his eyes wide open, with other shuttles nearby, scanning and mapping the second world at ground level, just above the ground, and analyzing everything, heading towards something they refused to give them anything on, and he gasped at the way they reacted and why they were so secretive, and that there had to be something the DP1 transmitter was connected with.

  Something staggered him about the mission and he sensed something was going to occur, and when he saw something away in the distance he saw Dan instantly react, and all the other members of their original crew in the back react one after another, and all he could now do was stare as they directly approached it, and he again began to wonder why the nearest shuttles were heading away over to the side of the object, but he then watched them slow, going behind him, and alter their course there, and he heard the other vehicles were also going there.

  He believed he could survive if he did everything he could and avoided any deadly mistakes!

  Surely it was just another world! But w
ere there new dangers they had not confronted? Yet they were exploring where nobody had been, and a deadly environment with hidden dangers!

  He suddenly sensed something strange there. Something he had not encountered! Something that could only exist in such places, in such a desolate place, and in the depths of space, and it gave him chilling sensations, and sat frozen to his seat watching a black object ahead increase in size and he was staggered that he still never recognized anything about it or anything, when it started to get closer.

  As the shuttle decelerated on its approach he increasingly felt a presence, somewhere, in the chilling alien landscape around them, where there were mounds of sand and golden rocks.

  In a screen at his front he the watched the starship up in the sky in orbit and it looking like an advanced starship it was supposed to, and doing what it was designed for and for the exploration of worlds, and many future explorations of solar systems.

  What was amazing was the black object, buried away in golden sand dunes, still had no recognizable features, and after a long time of observing it they all admitted it had no known recognizable features, and they had little on what it was doing there, buried away on the world.

  When the astronauts jumped out onto the world’s surface Ripley wondered why they had not found another way of checking it out after their encounter on the DP1 world with the extraterrestrial and he just copied the others lifting out oxygen tanks and he shifted away towards the object, and he had a strange sensation and thought that he was somewhere far more different than he thought, and it was not just an uncharted desolate region of space.

  It was as though they were entering somewhere else, and not on the world, and making the first step for mankind.

  Yet he did not know what would happen or what their next problems would be!


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