Extraterrestrial DP1

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Extraterrestrial DP1 Page 8

by V Bertolaccini

  He tried to theorize over it but there was nothing to grasp! All he saw was strange dark shapes shooting by!

  Was it of military origins? It could be to camouflage the technology and confuse observers!

  Everything changed! Thick endless blackness filled his vision and he felt sensations like he was floating through space, and something emerged and opened at his front like an energy curtain, and he felt as if he had entered something strange.

  A strange white radiance glowed so dimly that he could not properly see the source.

  The floor beneath his boots was not there and an eerie sensation about the place gripped him. Something was not right! He sensed a weird presence, which he had never encountered.

  Space formed around him in stages as though he was floating out in deep space, and he was staggered at how it was there, and he watched a bright light floating through the darkness and pass him, and he realized that it had to be telepathically induced or he had been teleported into some region of deep space.

  Visions and sounds altered and vanished and visions of space appeared and vanished like something was searching through memories of something, and he was sure something was trying to adapt to him, for him to understand, and some of the sights gave him artificial sensations, which he could not entirely grasp.

  He was sure it was trying to give him knowledge of things but he could not understand what, and he watched solar systems flickering by and he realized the black object he was in was a form of starship, with a far different form of propulsion, with mind-boggling technology and powers, with an accuracy and capacity inconceivable, and could travel through deep space in vast leaps, and he watched it voyage across star quadrants and through clusters of stars.

  He wondered what they did with it. Why were they on the DP1 world lost out in space? Who had the signal been sent out to, through the depths of space for thousands of years?

  He wondered if it was in even a probe of immense proportions, as there was no mention of any life forms.

  There were sights of it exploring worlds but nothing showing why. He knew that it had to be for more than what normal probes did. Was it for alien contact situations and or just deep space exploration? Had something made contact with it and that was why the signal was put there, and replying to?

  Why had it ended up there, buried deep in the depths of an empty desolate world?

  He watched as it all vanished and the normal surroundings there emerged, and he gasped and saw two beings wearing forms of spacesuits, and he froze, and tried to see through their forms of helmets, and watched them remove them, and stood with his mouth wide open, and they stood staring at him, and he was so shocked by the encounter, and deadliness, that it took him almost a minute to realize they were humans, and he tried to identify them, but could not, and the woman definitely was not aboard the starship, and he realized, from the information it gave him telepathically, that they were the inhabitants of the DP1 world and creators of the technology, and they had sent the DP1 signal.



  From the colossal discoveries gathered from the extraterrestrial DP1 starship, investigators and scientists accumulated what they could of the DP1 starship hyperdrive engine and began work on creating a Starship S1 hyperdrive.

  The technology was unheard of, and it was thought it would take decades before it was all entirely grasped, especially by the methods most of it was telepathically given, and scientists disputed what was given.

  NASA and the SETI institute and the world’s most advanced institutes, companies, and groups with the world’s most advanced technology, researched the ancient extraterrestrial technology, knowledge, civilization, language, and information and recordings from what Starship S1 accumulated, and expanded and advanced their knowledge of technology beyond what was thought impossible, and NASA began the construction of the technology of the hyperdrive engine.

  All the Starship S1 investigators from the Earth got vast amounts of information, left for them, and from the buried away cities, and remains of the technology, but most of it had deteriorated and had even been buried in the ground, and the source of the DP1 signal was examined in the DP1 starship and it was basically a message to the Earth DP1 humans, for them to discover, with coordinates of where the other DP1 starships went.

  The extraterrestrial robot life form and chamber was repeatedly examined, from after it was discovered on the surface, and was eventually taken to the Earth, but the DP1 extraterrestrial vanished and was unheard of again, and nothing was discovered to explain its appearance and existence on the DP1 world.

  The coordinates of where the DP1 starships went were repeatedly scrutinized by the most advanced specialists and technology, and the technology to decipher it and other findings was developed, and they examined the extraterrestrial star maps and records, and searched far deeper into the depths of space with the DP1 starship’s technology than they had ever done before, expanding knowledge of the cosmos.

  They found ways to scan its vast depths of information thousands of times faster and in greater detail than thought possible, while repetitively advancing their technology.

  Many habitable worlds were found throughout space, which they believed to have advanced extraterrestrial life and civilizations, but could not be entirely proven until properly physically confirmed by their starship, and what was detected was not caused by unknown phenomena, which preceding encounters had confirmed.

  The hyperdrive for explorations of the stars and worlds had to be developed, and NASA consequently manufactured the starship hyperdrive engine, and a hyperdrive Starship S1 was created, and improved with technology advances from numerous highly advanced technologies.

  The starship was colossal and the crew highly advanced, with new engineers, technicians, scientists, and specialists in numerous fields, with many to test and develop the hyperdrive.

  Yet, though the hyperdrive engine operated properly, swiftly taking them to nearby solar systems, nothing showed it could safely travel large distances, with calculated reentries into the universe, and properly detect objects in its reentry path.

  The voyages to the DP1 world tested voyaging to the stars and they were soon ready to start proper explorations of the newly discovered proper worlds.


  DP2 World

  The German starship engineer stood dazzled in the dim radiance from distant lights of the storage chamber, buried away at emptiest remotest region at the bottom of Starship S1, and he breathed heavily into the cold dark deadly environment, shaking as he attempted to see what was there, and had confronted him and cornered him at the end of the chamber.

  Long dark shadows viciously shifted about from something behind metal crates, where the scientific equipment he came for was stored.

  The mission was insane and nobody knew what they were up against, and if they were up against something of their worst nightmares, capable of destroying them, and the Earth.

  Occasionally gasping and giving strange tones, he started trying to explain the horrors he could have encountered, and that it could have emerged from the new planet, and DP2 world they had gone in orbit over, even though he could not grasp how it entered space and got through the starship’s advanced surveillance technology and defenses, and thick almost impenetrable shell.

  The deadly extraterrestrial DP2 world was hideous alone, and its hideous environment almost totally uninhabitable, and what had frantically chased him astonished him, and he kept considering if it could have survived in such hideous conditions and he realized he would have to get out of there and shifted out from the darkness revealing his pale white complexion and badly shaken appearance, and shuddered in terror, barely able to move.

  After the voyages to the DP1 sun, and perfecting hyperdrive space travel, they were exploring more distant suns, where they detected the DP2 signal, and had just located the DP2 world.

  They had many members of the original crew, with a military presence, and exploration teams had
started preparing to carry out landings on the world, after all their reply communications to the signal and search for a civilization failed, and the planetary cartographers teams were going to explore the world, and were taking scans from space searching for anything unusual, exploring what was below, and to send back to NASA.

  All attempts by the starship and NASA and others had failed to decipher the message, but they were still working on it, and were using new technology discovered on the DP1 world.


  DP1 Extraterrestrial

  The DP1 extraterrestrial screamed in agony as it carried out its final alterations to its composition as the DP2 sun exploded through the Starship S1 window, as it completely turned itself and its human host it had inhabited into not showing anything of its presence, and it knew it was entirely undetectable, and it could stop the host from knowing anything, even when caught, as it could control and alter its mind and memory.

  On the horizon of the cold dark ice world below the starship it tried to detect what was there and what the signal was from, and it tried to detect anything it could, and powerful energy surges blasted about its energy composition.

  For the first time in many thousands of years its proper original self had been revived, and it used the massive amount of energy it had consumed, keeping itself in what now seemed like a hyper existence, though still aged, and its formation properly controlled its individual parts to a degree of individual atoms, and it recalled memories of the colossal environment of the DP1 world.

  Surely its fight for survival was over already and its mission would be completed someday, and it grasped the opportunity to avoid destruction with all it could muster, and used the starship computers and vast amounts of information to discover everything it needed, and it constantly shifted through all the information searching everything it could.

  The dead world below was unrecognizable to it with its white snow and ice surface and it was even staggered by the dangers it could hold, as it monitored their surveys and it considered what could possibly exist there, and the dangers of it, and it realized what could happen if something happened there, and the dangers.

  For a moment it stopped searching through records, astounded by something else, and sensed something had been awoken by something arriving at the world, and it realized it had detected the spacecraft overhead, orbiting the world, and had detected its scans, and it was trapped on the desolate world like it had been on its world, with nothing, without any way to leave, without anything else, and it began to contemplate the dangers to its eternal life and it began to consider how it could survive.


  Lost World

  Once the DP1 world had been like the Earth, but the DP1 humans had an ultimate highly advanced civilization and technology, and their sun was hit by a colossal sun, which they could not avoid, but they had starships that took many to a new world.

  Observations of celestial objects, novas, and stars passing their region of space, showed the tremendous speeds stars could travel at and how dangerous they were and they built large starships, and the planet Earth was chosen as the best world to colonize and start a new civilization.

  The origins of the DP1 signal was proven to originate from the DP1 starship and it was investigated by the investigators of the Starship S1 and they found it had detected their arrival but had not fully detected their origins were the Earth, and it had stopped the DP1 signal and them discovering what existed beneath the surface of the DP1 world.

  Later their arrival was detected again and on the second DP1 world and both worlds detected their origins as human and it had allowed them to discover the surface chamber and robotic life form on the first DP1 world, and had made contact itself later.

  It told them what had occurred and of the destruction of the DP1 solar system and of the DP1 world being destroyed and thrown out into another orbit, and though billions had died some survived in underground cities, and the world’s entire surface was destroyed, and seas boiled away into space, and it was covered in the explosion from the combined sun.

  The last survivors built new ultimate hyperdrive starships, and left into the deepest depths of space, and the DP1 starship in the cavity had been left for them, as it had not been known if the humans that left had arrived and successfully colonized the Earth.

  The Starship S1 investigators found immeasurable quantities of information they left, and the source of the DP1 signal had been there for them to discover it, and the extraterrestrial robot life form in the chamber on the surface had been there to take them down to the DP1 starship below after investigating them, and they left them the coordinates of where the DP1 starships had gone.

  Part II

  Transcendent Space

  Chapter 1

  DP2 Surface

  The planetary cartographer shuttles automatically carried out their programming floating over the region where the DP2 signal was being detected on the DP2 world, at a hundreds of miles an hour, mapping and analyzing everything detectable, while searching for anything of interest, and any abnormalities, at equal distances apart, with shuttles above them monitoring the whole region.

  Everywhere about the shuttles was a mass of snowflakes, and deep snow below, and though with all their technology the surrounding world still had hidden dangers everywhere, and Ripley realized that aspects of the mission were worse than the DP1 world mission, which astounded him.

  The whole DP2 world had to be located in the wildest snowiest region he had encountered! Even the summer in its warmest regions had lower temperatures and higher snowfalls than anywhere on the Earth ever had.

  The place and thought of what was hidden away there and had been on the last world made Ripley cringe in his seat, as the shuttle shot through the endless storm, with an infinity of snowflakes flying straight at the shuttle windscreen, like stars, while they flew over the world and deep snow, and he took comfort in the fact that their speed would take them to where the weather formation ended.

  Some of the crew in Starship S1 above startled him at what they thought was there, and could survive there and attack them when they landed.

  In the other pilot seat Dan sat back and closed his eyes and rested and Ripley switched on the most powerful outer lights to see if it did anything before Dan went to sleep, and he switched them off disappointed, and checked about the interior, about the shuttle cockpit about his front, and as he piloted and checked their direction was correct, and the storm winds were not actually blowing them off course, and checked the positions of the other shuttles, and checked all the information given from the shuttles, and any messages sent out by the other pilots, as well as the scientists, and the scientific findings they gave, and for anything on the extraterrestrial signal and what was there.

  In the room and shuttle behind him he watched scientists looking out windows at the surrounding hideous storm raging by, and for anything visible, and any signs of the landscape.

  The howl of the winds and world was so strange and fearsome, and even though they had been on other worlds, it looked far more unfamiliar and deadlier than it should.

  A loud explosion blasted out making the vehicle violently shudder and making him jump upright, and he checked if the vehicle had been hit and if anything on the vehicle had exploded.

  Everyone in the shuttle stood or sat confused and started to look about for signs of an explosion, and Ripley tried to get the computer to give something on it, and when it never he searched through the recordings of the flight and watched outer footage of it and saw a flash and blast of some form of lightning and realized they had missed the occurrence could occur, and tried to recall occurrences occurring in snowstorms on the Earth but could not recall anything, and sat back realizing the vehicle was designed to handle it like all vehicles.

  Chapter 2


  Out in the howling snowstorm Ripley heard strange unearthly sounds he swore he had never heard before and he marched on with Dan, both searching the region where they lan
ded the shuttle.

  They had been unlucky once again! The weather formation had shifted into the region where the signal was detected, and when it looked as though it was clearing he and Dan had left in their spacesuits, with the equipment to try and pinpoint the exact location of the signal, and the snowstorm had increased.

  It was incredible! After all the precautions they had taken they were still taking major risks, and were not only open to attack they could get lost in the storm as their equipment was not picking up anything now, and even where the shuttle was.

  The fact was nobody knew or had any idea of what was on DP2 and there had not been structures or anything seen in the region of the signal, and he never knew how they would find anything with everything being buried deep beneath the ice.

  He had a reasonable idea of what the area looked like, and from satellite views, without the snowstorm being there, and it had an Antarctic look, even though the ice below was far deeper.

  He now knew the weather could turn far worse and deadly.

  Although there was air they had their spacesuits and helmets on as the temperature was dangerously low, and it could turn far deadlier than the Earth.

  Out of the darkness about them, created by thick black clouds above, an explosion sound blasted out making him and Dan stop and try to grasp the cause of it and he was surprised it sounded like a high-powered rifle blasting through the howling winds, and he was surprised that Dan actually thought it was, and he even assured him it was through his communicator, in his helmet.


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