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Daydreams Page 5

by Marcia Lynn McClure

  “Yes, I did,” he said. He smiled and chuckled. Sayler’s carefree comfort in being with him lessened a bit as she felt his free hand at her waist, his hand holding hers tightening as he began to move with her. Indeed, in the next moment she was no longer leading him as he quickly stepped into the dominant role, and Sayler was nearly undone. She was dancing with Bo Booker! Slow-dancing with Bo Booker! He held one of her hands, his other held her waist, and she felt goose bumps rippling over her flesh at the realization.

  Sayler forced a smile, trying to appear unruffled and following his lead. He shifted their steps from one count on each foot to two. They fell easily into a smooth, rhythmic sway as the song continued.

  “Ooh baby, baby…ooh baby, baby,” Sayler sang. Even though she was nervous, she couldn’t help singing along with the song. It was one of her favorites. The smooth, romantic feel of the song could not be ignored.

  She looked up to find Bo Booker smiling down at her. The expression on his face was that of pure amusement, but amusement borne of pleasure and enjoyment, not of ridicule. He raised their arms and pushed lightly at her waist to lead her into turning under his arm as his hand held hers loosely. Sayler giggled, delighted when he took her waist again, holding her hand more tightly.

  “It’s ending,” he said.

  “I put it on repeat,” Sayler said. “With this song, once is never enough.”

  He laughed out loud. As the song started again, he pulled her more snuggly against his body. As he began leading her in a slow, smooth box-step waltz, Sayler matched his steps easily, but also anxiously. Suddenly she was very grateful her mother had made her take ballroom dance as a younger teen. This guy knew what he was doing.

  “So you’re a ballroom dancer,” she teased.

  He smiled. “No. But I am a bachelor,” he said, winking at her.

  “Oh,” Sayler said, all at once feeling very young and silly.

  “Whose mother tried to instill a little class in him as a teenager,” he added.

  “Same here,” Sayler mumbled. “Um, I mean, my mother tried to refine me—not that I’m a bachelor,” she stammered, feeling even more ridiculous.

  He chuckled and slowed their steps to the left, left, right, right swaying version with which they had begun. “Still,” he began, “with this song, I think I like the dumb high-school-boy version better.”

  “I didn’t mean that to sound so…critical,” Sayler said.

  “It’s not critical,” he said. “It’s true.” He was quiet for a moment, and she felt him relax. He was no longer worried about the big shindig scheduled for the next week. “But there is a method to their stupidity, you know,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” Sayler asked.

  “Guys…and their back-and-forth, back-and-forth slow-dance thing,” he said. “If they’re concentrating really hard on leading a girl in a perfect dance step, they can’t concentrate on other things. Do you know what I mean?”

  Sayler frowned and shook her head. “Like what?” she asked.

  His smile broadened, and he looked away for a moment. As the chorus repeated, he looked down at her and asked, “You’re eighteen for sure, right?”

  “Yeah. You saw my driver’s license. Why?” Sayler didn’t understand the relevance of his question.

  “Did you clock out already?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she answered, still puzzled by his questions.

  “Okay, then,” he said. “Here we go.” Stiffening their stance a bit, he began to lead her in the box step again. “We’re just dancing…right? Just talking…” he said.

  “Yeah,” Sayler said, smiling. She still didn’t understand his train of thought, but she loved being in his arms, being led by him.

  “The song is good…but you’re thinking, ‘one…two…three,’ aren’t you?”


  “It’s nice, right?” he asked.

  “Well…well, yeah,” Sayler stammered. She felt the blush rising to her cheeks. It was more than nice. It was fantastic! She could smell his cologne. The warmth of his body so near to hers caused her flesh to erupt into more and more goose bumps. She couldn’t think of any place she’d rather be. Yes! It was fantastic!

  “But now,” he said, as he pulled her closer and slowed their progress to the back-and-forth method that annoyed Sayler when boys at school dances implemented it. “Now,” he continued, taking her hands and placing them at the back of his neck as he pressed his chin against her temple, “now it’s totally different…an entirely different mood. Am I right? ” Both his hands rested on her waist for a moment before he enfolded her in his arms and drew her against him. “Ooh baby, baby,” he sang, his voice low and alluring.

  It was too much! Sayler thought she might scream or fly apart at the seams from the delight washing over her at being held by him. She was sure she would melt at the very least! Melt into a puddle of sweet honey-butter right at his feet.

  “Ooh baby, baby. Ooh baby, baby,” he repeated, pressing his cheek to hers. She could have sworn his lips brushed her ear as he sang the chorus to her. She was going to faint! She was sure of it. She was also sure she hadn’t drawn a breath for two verses.

  Suddenly, he drew back, turning her under his arm and pulling her into a more waltz-like position. She was trembling, praying he wouldn’t notice.

  “You see what I mean?” he asked. “It’s different. That’s why guys do it. That…and the fact they usually really don’t know how to dance any other way.”

  “I get it,” Sayler said.

  He chuckled and then said, “I do like this song, though. Guess I never really listened to it before.”

  At that moment, Sayler considered bolting out of the room in an effort to save herself. He was a perfect dream! Perfect and completely out of reach. Perhaps if she had been out of high school longer, if she’d already started her freshman year in college, maybe she could afford to daydream about Bo Booker and his entirely alluring and dangerous magnetism. Maybe then she could reach up, slip her hands around his neck, and try to lure him into kissing her.

  She tightly squeezed her eyes closed for a moment, willing herself to quit imagining such unobtainable daydreams.

  “It…it is a good song. One of my favorites,” she stammered.

  “Do you come in here and play it for all the old geezers? Try to cheer them up with a little slow-dancing?” he asked, smiling at her. She nearly fainted when he reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

  She smiled and shook her head. “No,” she said. “I don’t even know how this CD ended up in here. I just thought…I thought you wouldn’t worry so much about your party if we took your mind off it for a minute.”

  His smile broadened as he looked at her. “Well, you certainly took my mind off it,” he said. “And besides…I guess I haven’t lost all my moves, have I?”

  Sayler shook her head. She smiled and said, “No. I’d say your ‘moves’ are just fine.” She felt her blush increase. In an effort to distract him, she added, “You just need your brain to accept that your legs are fine. They aren’t as fragile as you imagine.”

  “Okay,” he said, pulling her closer but maintaining the waltz position of their arms. “One more repeat and I’ll let you go. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she sighed. She didn’t want to leave him—ever! Yet she didn’t want to linger for one more chorus either. She was afraid she might burst into tears, be overcome with breathless enchantment in his arms.

  “But sing it again this time,” he added. “I like when you sing it.” She really, truly thought she might cry in that moment. He was wonderful! So handsome, so romantic, so…so everything! And in a few days he would be gone, lost to her, out of her life forever.

  He spun her out away from him and back then. Somehow it worked to slightly ease the anxiety she was feeling.

  “Ooh baby, baby,” he sang, nodding at her.

  Forcing a smile, Sayler joined him in a breathless repeat of the chorus. “Ooh baby, baby. O
oh baby, baby.”

  Dang, she was adorable! Bo scolded himself for unnerving her the way he had. He could feel her trembling, had seen the hot pink rise to her cheeks, knew she was self-conscious. But he couldn’t help himself. After all, she had started it. She was the one who had come into his room after hours, all cute and sexy in her little flat shoes, khaki capris, pink shirt, and ponytail. Add to it the way she’d begun breathlessly singing a very alluring song, pulled him up from his bed, begun dancing with him. Who could blame him? And anyway, he’d covered all his bases—she was eighteen and off the clock. He couldn’t see what harm a little flirting between them could do.

  Still, as he looked down at her, her pretty pink lips curving into a smile as she looked up at him, he wished she were just a bit older. Even a year or two would do. Then he would take her out and really do some dancing. Some kissing too! As her lips puckered slightly as she sang the chorus to the song, he thought how easy it would be to simply lean down and kiss her. But his train of thought had veered out of line, and he knew it.

  As the song ended, Bo twirled Sayler under his arm once more.

  “Can I keep the CD awhile?” he asked.

  Sayler smiled. “Sure. It was in here anyway,” she told him.

  “Is the rest of it any good?”

  He was finished flirting with her. Sayler could tell by the way he released her and went to the CD player, feigning interest in the other CDs lying there.

  “There are some really good tracks on it,” she said. “And some so-so ones.” She sighed and glanced at him once more. “Well, I’ll see you later,” she said.

  “Thanks for putting in the extra time, Sayler,” he said without looking at her. “I really do feel…better.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said, hoping he had meant what he said even a little bit. “You have a good night.”

  “You too,” he said, pressing the button to eject the CD. “See you on Monday.”

  Sayler sighed as she gazed at him, studied him from head to toe. He was so wonderful! Her hands, her arms, her entire body still tingled from his touch. She wished she could be his date to the Bennett Ball, wished she could be the one to eat the fancy diner with him, dance with him afterward.

  For a moment she imagined him turning toward her, winking, striding to her, and taking her in his arms. She imagined taking his face in her hands and kissing him.

  Shaking her head, Sayler turned and left Bo’s room. She was so deep in thought, she almost didn’t hear Fabiana speak to her as she passed the front desk.

  “You’re here late,” Fabiana said. Sayler looked up to see Fabiana sitting behind the desk.

  “Aren’t you the one who’s here a little late?” Sayler asked. She was surprised to see Fabiana there. She normally worked days.

  “My schedule has changed,” Fabiana admitted. “For some reason, they want me working nights.” Sayler smiled. The only person who made such big changes in staff schedules was her grandpa. Maybe he had wised up about the problems with Denay and Fabiana and figured splitting them up would help.

  “Well, have a good night,” Sayler said as she left the Center by way of the front doors.

  Once outside, she paused, taking a moment to gaze into the beautiful night sky. The stars were brilliant, and a warm, soft breeze tickled her face. She closed her eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply and letting in the sweet fragrance of a summer night. For a moment she imagined she could still hear Linda Ronstadt singing, “Ooh baby, baby.” She thought of Bo, of how handsome he had been only minutes before, holding her in his arms and smiling down at her as they danced.

  However, it was over, and real life stretched out before her. Sayler was tired from the effort of entertaining the children, emotionally tired from her wonderful moments with Bo. She sighed as she opened her eyes and retrieved the car keys from her back pocket.

  She started toward her car and then paused as she realized Linda Ronstadt was still singing, and not just in her mind. Turning back to face the Center, she identified the open window from which the music came. It was the window to Bo’s room. She looked around to ensure her privacy and crept to the window. Bo was walking from the CD player toward his bed. She smiled as she listened to the song playing and bit her lip as she watched him strip off his T-shirt and toss it onto a chair.

  Bo sat down on the edge of his bed and picked up the Bennett Ball invitation once again. He yawned and tossed it onto his food tray. Tucking his hands behind his head, he leaned back on the bed.

  Sayler sighed and turned away, heading for her car. What a perfect dream Bo Booker was! She knew she would never forget him or the two weeks of one summer when he was a part of her life. She smiled as she heard the chorus of the song drifting on the night breeze. Glancing back at the Center once more, she promised herself to remember every moment she had spent with Bo Booker. Every single moment!


  “He’s leaving today,” Sayler told Monica as Christian drove toward the Center.

  “He’s older than me, Sayler,” Christian reminded her. “Get real.”

  “I wasn’t talking to you, brat,” Sayler grumbled, trying to keep the tears wanting to well in her eyes from winning.

  Monica smiled a sympathetic smile and said, “At least you had him for two weeks. It’s better than never having him at all.” Monica’s eyes darted to Christian, and Sayler nodded. Upset as she was at Bo Booker’s impending exit from her life, she was irritated by her brother’s blind stupidity where her friend was concerned. How could Christian possibly not notice Monica? How could he think skanky Jill Hartman was a better choice?

  “I’m dropping you off first, Sayler,” Christian said. “The library’s closer to where I need to pick up some stuff for Dad.”

  “I can walk from the Center, Christian. Thanks for the ride,” Monica said. “I know it’s inconvenient.”

  “It’s not inconvenient. It’s no problem, and I’ll take you anywhere, anytime,” Christian said, smiling at Monica. Sayler smiled at Monica’s pink blush.

  Christian pulled into the Center’s parking lot. Sayler scooted out of the truck. As Monica started to slide across the seat toward the passenger’s door, none other than Jill Hartman pulled into the parking lot, breaking to an angry halt.

  Slamming her car door behind her as she got out of her vehicle, she growled, “I knew it! I knew you were two-timing me, Christian Christy!”

  “What?” Christian asked, stepping out of the truck to face her.

  “Who’s that?” the beautiful brunette said, pointing to Monica. Monica exited the truck and stood next to Sayler. “Who is she, Christian? You may as well come clean. I already know what a jerk you are.”

  “Jill, I—” Christian began.

  “Who is she, Christian?” Jill interrupted. Jill walked around the truck, stopping directly in front of Monica and Sayler. “Some stupid high school chick your sister set you up with?”

  “I’m…I’m just Sayler’s friend,” Monica stammered as the angry beauty glared at her.

  “Knock it off, Jill,” Christian said, as he came to stand next to her. “This is Monica. She’s Sayler’s—”

  “I don’t care who you are, you little tramp!” Jill shouted, slapping Monica hard across one cheek.

  “What the hell are you doing, Jill?” Christian said, taking her arm and pulling her away from Monica. Sayler watched as he stepped between Jill and Monica, taking Monica’s face in his hands. Finally! Finally he would see what an idiot Jill was. Further, the expression on his face as he studied Monica was that of pure and deep concern. Sayler was furious at Jill’s hitting Monica, but she was delighted by the look on her brother’s face.

  “Are you okay?” Christian asked Monica, caressing the red handprint on her cheek with the back of his hand. Monica nodded, and Christian released her, turning to face Jill again. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked.

  “I thought we had something special!” Jill spat. “I thought you understood how lucky you were to have m

  Christian’s jaw clenched with fury. His eyes smoldered with anger and self-loathing. Finally, Sayler thought.

  “So did I,” he said. “But now I can see how whacked out I’ve been.”

  “Are you telling me that you’re going to give me up for…for her?” Jill asked, pointing to Monica. “Me? Christian…you can’t be serious.”

  “Get in your car and leave,” Christian said.

  All at once, Jill’s demeanor pivoted. Her face softened, tears welling in her eyes as she reached out and placed her hands on Christian’s chest.

  “Oh, don’t be mad, baby,” she cooed. “You know how jealous I get. It’s only because I love you so much.”

  For one uneasy moment, Sayler feared Christian might actually buy her act. After all, she’d seen him buy it before.

  Christian pushed Jill’s hands from his chest, shaking his head.

  “Get in your car, Jill,” he said, “before I lose my cool.”

  “Christian, baby—” Jill began.

  “I don’t want to see you again,” Christian interrupted. He reached out and opened the passenger door of the truck. “Get in, Monica,” he instructed. “I’ll drive you to work.”

  “But it’s only a couple of—” Monica began.

  “I’ll drive you,” Christian said. Again, he reached out and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

  Monica was dumbfounded. It was obvious as she looked to Sayler with an expression of utter confusion. Sayler nodded, encouraging her that it was all right to get into the truck.

  As Jill glared and stood seething, Christian closed the truck door once Monica was inside.

  “I feel like I’ve just woken up from a bad dream,” Christian said to Jill. “What was I thinking being with you?”

  “You’ll regret this, Christian,” Jill threatened.

  “Nope,” Christian said, walking to the other side of the truck and getting in. “I’ll pick you up at five, Sayler. Now go on in to work.” Sayler nodded and glared at Jill as she turned and walked to the front doors of the Center.


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