Texas and Tiaras (The Book Cellar Mysteries 2)

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Texas and Tiaras (The Book Cellar Mysteries 2) Page 19

by Melissa Storm

  Annabeth unbuckled and glanced quickly at them both. “Stay here and tell the cops I’ve gone inside.” She didn’t bother to stick around to discuss it. She bounded from the car and across the street.

  “I can’t just let her go in there alone.” Jesse left the car in idle and ran out after Annabeth, leaving Vi to feel like the child asked to stay in the car while their parents went in to get a six pack and some smokes.

  “Forget that!” She snatched the keys out of the ignition and jumped out of the car, ready to run into the fray with them, for Brooke’s sake and the sake of all the young girls who suffered under the hands of these hateful people. But just as she crossed the lot, cop cars pulled up to the front of the building and police jumped out. One of them made a beeline for her.

  “Ma’am, I’m sorry. You can’t go in there.” An officer held up his hands, blocking her from going any farther.

  Of course, it just had to be the cop that had caught her and Brooke illegally entering Annabeth’s house. And of course he didn’t recognize her. Why would he have when Brooke’s giant chest had hypnotized him like a watch swaying back and forth. The creep still called her number a couple times a week. He didn't know when to quit, apparently. What would Brooke do in this situation?

  “My friends are in there!” Vi stared up at him with her eyes wide and her lip pushed out in a girly pout.

  The cop sighed “Wait…do I know you?”

  Vi nodded. “Yes, you were the officer sent out when my friend and I accidentally set off our neighbor’s security system.”

  A smile snaked across his thin lips. “Yeah, I remember now. Your hot friend hasn’t returned any of my calls.”

  Vi cleared her throat and tried to temper her frustration at the ridiculousness of the situation. “I’m sorry to hear that, but right now I am really worried about my friends who are inside this building. They could be in danger.”

  The officer guided her off to the side. “How many of your friends are inside?”

  Vi went on to tell him the whole of it as quickly as she possibly could. They were all wasting time just standing around talking about it. “Please, officer.”

  “Dobbs. Call me Dobbs, sweetheart.” He patted her hand. “My men are already breaking in to save your friend. Your other friends should have waited for us to get here, though. I could charge the lot of them for interfering.” He pointed to the side of the road. “Just sit tight and wait for us.”

  Her hands shook and shiver went through her. Even though the temps were in the nineties, she was freezing cold. A part of her wanted to charge right into the building and help her friends, but the last time she’d tried to be the hero she had ended up in the hospital with a gunshot wound. She managed to sit down on the curb outside the building and hug herself in an attempt to stay warm. Her shoulder throbbed and she wished again that she had thought to bring her pills.

  Vi’s phone buzzed in her purse and she pulled it out to see Ligia was calling her,

  “Vi! Do you know where Brooke or Annabeth are? Anna called a little a bit ago asking about Brooke but I didn’t think they both would flake on me like this. The event is in just a few hours and no one’s answering their phones.”

  Vi took a deep breath. Liggy should know the truth. “Brooke was kidnapped—”

  “What? She was kidnapped!”

  Vi ran her hand through her hair. “The cops know where she is and they are working to get her back safely.”

  Ligia started to cry. “My mom’s right. I should go back to Brazil.”


  A loud crack and whine sound startled her. What in the world was that? She glanced around and watched as the officers scrambled together in a flurry of activity. That was when it hit her what the sound had been.

  “Shots fired. Shots fired.” Officer Dobbs led the charge inside the building.

  “What’s happening? Are you still there? Vi?”

  Vi dropped the phone.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Brooke’s head hurt even worse than the stitches on her stomach. Her neck hurt, her hands and feet hurt. It all hurt.

  “Buenos dias, Senora Fischer,” Emilio said the moment she opened her eyes. Behind him stood two muscled watchmen who also stared at her. “I was hoping you’d wake up soon. It’s no fun making love to a corpse.”

  Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no. If he… then she’d…

  She attempted to scamper away as he drew closer, but her hands and feet were bound together with zip ties and she was dizzy from… Oh, yes. He had knocked her out once they’d arrived at whatever this place was. She’d tried to scream, and he’d clonked her over the head and dragged her in. How long had it been? And had he already taken advantage of her, or was that next on the agenda?

  “I’ve watched you a long time, Mrs. Fischer.” Emilio studied his knife, which captured the lighting overhead as he twirled it in delicate circles. “You are not a very nice person, you know. You treat your friends like garbage. You don’t respect your husband, and you never even thanked me for my gifts.”

  “The flowers were from you,” she said flatly. Perhaps if she could keep him talking, he wouldn’t hurt her anymore. She needed to buy enough time for the cops, for Anna, for somebody to come and rescue her.

  “The roses and so many other things. The food for your dog, the emails, and a few surprises you didn’t even manage to uncover. Pity.”

  “I don’t understand. Why are you doing this?”

  His face contorted in anger. “No, you don’t get to ask any more questions. You don’t deserve any more explaining. You only deserve what you’ve had coming to you for a long time now.” He leaned in with his knife, and Brooke was sure this was it, the final moment before all the life drained from her body and Brooke Fischer was no more. But instead, he used the blade to cut away the straps of her tank top, exposing her bra underneath.

  A flash glinted in his eye, and he licked his lips hungrily. “I have worked very hard to bring you in. I told my brother that I would make the puta that killed him suffer. Doesn’t mean I have to suffer, eh?”

  Brooke debated holding her breath until she passed out again or snatching the knife and ending her own life before he could disgrace her any further, but she felt hopelessly stuck. She had no fight left, and her bindings made flight impossible. That only left either ignoring her attacker or playing along with him. Neither seemed like a winning possibility.

  That was when a shock of red frizz in the corner of the room caught her eye. Annabeth! Oh, thank God!

  She must have done something to acknowledge her rescuer, because Anna lifted a finger to her mouth to silence her then crept closer. Jesse appeared behind her, focused on something across the room. He’d come for her! Maybe he did love her, after all. Maybe despite everything, they could find a way to make their lives fit together. But first there was that pesky business of making sure Brooke still had a life left to offer. The time had come to take an active role in her own rescue. She needed to keep Emilio distracted by...

  No, don’t think. Just do.

  “If you’ve been watching me all this time, then I’m sure you know I like a little roleplay, and I love it rough. If you must kill me, then at least show me a good time first.” She jutted her chest toward Emilio since she wasn’t strong enough to do anything else, but he got her message. Men were so, so easy—especially arrogant ones like this.

  “Now, that I can do. Turn around,” he shouted back at his two accomplices. “You’ll get your turn once I’m finished.” She winced as his mouth connected with her breast through the thin fabric of her brassiere and he made quick work of his belt.

  Oh, God. I know I haven’t been the best Christian, but please, please protect me now.

  “Not today, asshole.” Jesse appeared from behind and pulled Emilio off Brooke. He dragged him to his feet, then hit him over the head with something Brooke couldn’t see. Emilio sank to the ground, instantly losing consciousness.

two guards were on him like white on rice. One of them had a gun—her gun!

  Somebody grabbed Brooke from behind and she panicked, but then a familiar face popped over her shoulder and said, “I’m going to get you out of here. It’s going to be okay. Now hold still while I cut your bindings.” Once again it would be Annabeth King who saved her life. She should really at least get her a thank you card or something.

  Brooke began to sob uncontrollably, relief washing over her.

  A shot blasted overhead and debris from the cheap foam ceiling rained down onto…

  Jesse, oh no! Jesse!

  Brooke couldn’t see what had happened or who—if anyone—had been shot because of all the mess clouding the air. Then the door swung open and brought in the bright daylight from outside. Several police officers rushed in, but Brooke still couldn’t see what had happened to Jesse.

  “You’re free now,” Anna whispered. “We need to get out of here.” The two women crawled across the room and broke through the service exit.

  “Jesse! We have to go back in,” Brooke sobbed. She turned back toward the abandoned building which had very nearly become her tomb.

  “Brooke, oh thank God!” Vi came tearing toward them with her arms outstretched, then fell upon Brooke and squeezed her so tight she couldn’t breathe.

  “Where’s Jesse?” Brooke demanded.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know…” Vi choked.

  “Ma’am, you need to come with us,” said a man wearing a blue uniform as he attempted to help her to her feet.

  “No!” Brooke screamed. “I won’t go until I know Jesse is okay.”

  “You were banged up pretty bad,” Vi said. “Go with the paramedics. I’ll stay and see about Jesse. But you’re losing a lot of blood, and…” Vi’s voice broke. “I can’t lose you again, Brooke. I just can’t.”

  She looked down at her lap and noticed for the first time that the top of her pants were covered with blood from her reopened surgery incision. She also wasn’t wearing a shirt.

  “If you stay, you’ll die,” Anna said clearly. “And I was just beginning to like you.”

  “But my phone... How will I know if…?”

  “Here, take my phone,” Vi offered. “I’ll call you from Anna’s or Jesse’s or the cops’ or a payphone. I’ll find a way to let you know, Brooke.”

  “Fine, I’ll go.” Brooke allowed the medic to lift her up onto a wheeled stretcher.

  As the EMTs rolled her back toward the ambulance, she watched Vi break down into a sobbing heap on the ground. Anna sank to her haunches and hugged Vi, but they had all been through so much. Too much. How would they ever be the same again? Especially if Jesse…? No, she couldn’t even think it. She refused to accept a world where she had finally found a true, perfect love, only to have it snatched away.

  A weird tingling sensation crept over her hand, and it took her a moment to realize it was the buzzing of the phone Vi had entrusted to her. Did that mean there was an update on Jesse?

  “Hello?” her voice broke.

  But it wasn’t Vi’s voice who answered her. No, it was Ricky’s.

  “Vi? Thank God, you finally answered my calls. I’ve missed you.”

  “This isn’t Vi. It’s Brooke.”

  “What? Is she okay?”

  Brooke faltered. She hardly had any strength left, but she needed to make sure that Ricky understood.

  When Brooke failed to form a cohesive sentence, Ricky’s voice rose in panic. “Brooke? Brooke? Are you still there? Is Vi okay?”

  “Ricky…” she started.

  “Yes, yes, what’s going on?”

  “Vi needs you.”

  “Does she need money? Does she need help with Joy? What does she need, Brooke? Tell me, I’ll do anything.”

  “Come home.”

  He sighed heavily into the phone. “But don't you understand? That’s the one thing I can’t do. My contract—”

  “Love always finds a way,” she said before dropping the phone to the floor of the ambulance and hoping against all hope that love would find a way for her and Jesse, too.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  The antiseptic smell of the hospital made Annabeth anxious. She and Vi walked wordlessly down the third floor corridor toward Brooke’s private room. They peeked inside, and saw Brooke sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “I’m fine. Really. I don’t see why I can’t just go home.”

  The nurse sighed and walked away without even bothering to argue back.

  “Brooke!” Vi ran over and hugged her tightly until Brooke yelped.

  “Ow! You’re hurting me, Vi.”

  Vi turned bright red and backed off.

  “I’m sorry! I’m just so glad you’re okay. I was so worried. I prayed. I prayed a lot.”

  Brooke gave Vi a tender-hearted smile. “I’m okay. Takes a lot more than a crazed gardener to take me out.” She laughed.

  Vi rested her hands on her hips and looked down with a motherly sternness. “What’s this about leaving? You need to listen to your doctors and nurses, Brooke.”

  They chatted back and forth but Annabeth stopped listening. As she turned to walk out, Brooke called, “Annabeth!”

  Annabeth turned to face her.

  “Thank you. For everything.” Brooke gave her a shy smile.

  Annabeth nodded, not sure how to react to the new Queen B. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Brooke swallowed hard and looked off to the side. “Have you...have you heard anything about Jesse?” The rawness of Brooke’s request stung her.

  “No, I don’t know anything, but I promise you will be the first to know as soon as I do.”

  Brooke nodded. Her eyes had a glassy sheen to them, like she might cry at any moment.

  Vi fussed over her like a mother hen. Adjusting a pillow here and tucking in a loose strand of hair there. The loving friendship they’d so seemed to enjoy when she first moved to Herald Springs had obviously returned. For a moment, she felt a sting of jealousy, but then she remembered that she was a part of their world now. For the first time in a long time, Annabeth had friends—people that cared about her. Speaking of people that cared about her...poor Marcus must be worried sick by now.

  “Ladies, I’m going to go step outside and call Marcus. I’m sure he’s worried after the message I left him.” She glanced down at her phone. “And the fact that I haven’t answered any of his missed calls.”

  The women nodded and waved Anna away like it wasn’t a big deal. She quickly snuck outside so she could talk to him in private.

  “Babe! What the heck is going on? You leave me some frantic message to call you, but then you don’t call me back. What’s going on?”

  A tsunami of guilt crashed into her. She hadn’t wanted to make him worry. “I’m sorry! It’s a big giant mess. Can you pick me up at the hospital and I’ll tell you all about it?”

  “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  The call ended and the last of her strength washed away with the tears that had begun to fall. She walked her way down the long winding halls towards the ambulance bay where all the smokers congregated near the lone ash tray. She took in a deep inhalation of the secondhand smoke, because it wasn’t cheating if she wasn’t the one smoking.

  Before she knew it, Marcus pulled up to the curb and jumped out of the car—leaving it idle. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around him and let the tears fall in earnest.

  “Come on, babe. Let’s get you home.” He soothed, guiding her towards the car.

  “I need to stop by the Book Cellar first.”

  Marcus looked down at her like she had two heads. “What? Why?”

  “I need to talk to Ligia.”

  He didn’t seem pleased with her answer but he walked her over to the car and held open the door. On the way to the event, she filled him in on the evening.

  “I’m just glad you’re okay. I promise I’ll leave my ringer on next time. I was so worried when you didn’t ans
wer any of my calls.” He held onto her knee as he drove through the tail end of rush hour traffic. “Are you sure you don’t want to just go home?”

  Annabeth smiled, her head nestled against the headrest. “I’m sure.”

  As they drove down Main Street it became apparent that parking would be an issue. “I’ll just let you out here and I’ll try and find a spot and meet you inside.”

  Annabeth leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Thank you for humoring me.”

  She jumped out of the car and walked inside the bustling café, where the charity Costume Ball was being held.

  The impact of the night’s events hit her hard. Thankfully one of the officers had let her know that Emilio had been apprehended and would be charged with kidnapping and attempted rape. A big win in her column. Maybe now the police would listen to them about the sex ring.

  Her phone buzzed and she pulled it out. She had several text messages. The newest one of course was from Fin.

  I can still feel your hands on me. It’s all I can think about. I’ll chat with you soon, my love. <3 Fin.

  Her hatred of him knew no bounds. The look on his face when she finally caught him would be priceless. And she would catch him and make sure he paid for the crimes he committed. She slipped her phone into her back pocket and made her way through the crowds of party-goers to the welcome table where Ligia stood, dressed to the nines in a designer costume. She couldn’t for the life of her remember who Ligia was supposed to be, but she was stunning all the same. Once the young girl spotted Anna, she broke out into a run towards her.

  “How’s Brooke? Is she going to be okay? Did they catch the guys who took her?” The young woman’s rapid-fire questions overwhelmed Annabeth.

  Anna took a deep breath and held the girl’s hands in her own. “Vi called me on the way here and she said Brooke’s going to be okay. The doctors just want to hold her overnight for observation.”

  Ligia sighed and her shoulders dropped. “Oh, thank God. I’ve been so worried. I didn’t know if I should cancel or not and then it was too late to do anything, but go forward, but—”


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