Girl with Guitar

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Girl with Guitar Page 20

by Caisey Quinn

  “The morning of my birthday, you left before…” she took a deep breath, hoping she’d suck in some of his courage along with it.

  “Before?” Trace prompted, lowering himself back onto the couch across from her.

  “Before I could tell you that I care about you, too.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Trace went completely still. For a full minute he stared long and hard at her. Kylie sat up straight and braced herself for whatever was coming.

  “I’m seeing someone,” he said quietly.

  Her shoulders sagged and she fought with everything she had to keep the corners of her mouth from turning down. Why did she have to be so damn stupid? Mia Montgomery. He was seeing her now. His declaration stole the air from her lungs so she inhaled deeply before speaking.

  “Okay,” Kylie said swallowing and nodding. This was it. She’d given it everything she had. And it was just over. Men like Trace didn’t sit around and wait for girls like her to figure out what they wanted. She stifled a shiver as reality crashed cold and hard all over her. “Well, I’m happy for you,” she choked out. The walls closed in and she just wanted to get the hell out of there. Her mind began plotting the best escape route. Hold on a damn minute, hothead, she scolded herself. “We can still record the song, right? As friends?”

  “About my drinking,” Trace added slowly. “I don’t want to be my father, so I’ve been talking to an addiction specialist that’s a friend of Pauly’s. And you were right. Claire Ann, Rae, and you, Kylie—you all deserve better.”

  She waited for the punch line but he didn’t say anything else. “So you are or you aren’t dating Mia Montgomery?” she asked, side-eying him with a glare.

  “No, I’m not dating anyone. But see how it feels to be lied to and toyed with?” he laughed. And the fist gripping Kylie’s heart finally let go. So she chucked a square throw pillow at his head.

  “You are not a nice boy,” she said pointing a finger at him.

  “Never said I was,” he told her as he leaned in dangerously close. Kylie breathed in the clean familiar scent of cologne and Trace.

  “No more lies,” she mumbled against his lips as they brushed hers.

  “Uh huh,” Trace murmured against hers before leaning back, denying her the kiss she wanted more than air. “So you’re telling me Claire Ann really thinks someone broke in here?”

  “No. She knows someone did…because I told her I was going to.” Kylie laughed and pulled him back to her. “Wait, I’m doing it again. Feeling first and thinking second. There’s no time for kissing! We have a song to record because, if Chaz can forgive me and the Vitamin Water people agree, I’m leaving for my tour Friday morning.”

  “I feel so cheap and used.” He laughed again, his real laugh, the deep throaty one that sent chills racing up her spine and filled her with warmth all at once. It was the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard. It filled her with the same intoxicating mixture of contentment and excitement that hearing her dad play guitar always had.

  “Good, I plan to use you up every chance I get,” she teased just before placing a lingering kiss firmly on his lips.

  “This is really what you want then? To be with a burned out has-been even though you’re going on tour and about to become a huge star?” His hands slid up the sides of her shirt as he pulled her into his lap.

  “More than anything,” she told him, resting her forehead on his. And it was the truth.

  “Good, because I wasn’t going to let you leave this room if you said no, and there is always time for kissing.” He twisted a hand into her hair and claimed her mouth with the deepest kiss of her life. When his warm, wet tongue lashed against hers, Kylie whimpered and bit down gently on his bottom lip.

  Trace pulled back from their kiss again just as she was losing herself in it completely. “Wait, now we need to talk about something really important.”

  “What?” She groaned, praying this wasn’t going to be something that ruined the euphoric high about to carry her away.

  “About those sexy shirt-earning mechanical bull riding skills of yours…”

  “Down, boy,” Kylie told him, brushing her nose playfully against his and kissing him once more as her heart swelled with happiness. “We have a song to record.”


  By Tammy Paxton

  Anyone who hasn’t heard that Nashville newcomer Kylie Ryans and fledgling superstar Trace Corbin did more on that tour bus than sleep must have been living under a rock. But while social media comments indicate that fans are pretty equally divided, torn when it comes to the Oklahoma native’s country music star status (starlet or harlot—be honest, how did you vote?) as well as her intentions.

  “Kylie would do anything for fame,” her estranged stepmother proclaims to anyone who will listen. “She’s developed a nasty habit of seducing older men to get what she wants.”

  While an interview with Ms. Ryans’ high school music teacher resulted in a much more heartfelt story.

  “Kylie is a tough girl who learned early on that she had a gift for music and that she could use that gift to cope with difficult situations in her life, such as losing her father unexpectedly less than a year ago,” Dan Molarity tells Country Weekly.

  Though both Corbin and Ryans are keeping quiet about their relationship status and have yet to make it Facebook official, there’s no denying that Ryans rode in on the superstar’s coattails, joining his tour after being discovered waitressing at the renowned Rum Room. Or maybe she was dragged in on them since Corbin’s career has taken a noticeable dive as of late.

  Rumors about Capital Letter Records possibly dropping the once platinum album-selling artist have plagued him steadily for the past year. So perhaps this new romance is mutually beneficial for both artists and the media attention will result in higher album sales and concert attendance. Or maybe fans will catch on that they’re being played by the publicity machine and boycott both artists altogether.

  Relationship status confirmation aside, Corbin, a well-known lover of attractive women and hard liquor, has definitely taken an interest in the previously unheard of Ryans. Reports have surfaced that he even took the stunning young blonde home to Macon to meet his family and friends. Which leaves some of us wondering if Corbin has been using, “Hey, there’s a spot open on my tour,” as a pick-up line or if Ryans in the real deal.

  Nineteen-year-old Ryans recently hired publicist Cora Loughlin, (smart move, kid) who only commented so far as to say, “Kylie went through a difficult period after losing her father where she found herself with nothing to lean on other than her musical talent, which she immediately put to good use.”

  Ryans was recently asked to join Vitamin Water’s Random Road Trip tour even though she has yet to commit to a label while Corbin is reportedly in talks to set dates for his No Apologies tour. The only way to determine whether or not Ryans has the chops to make it in Nashville is to see her perform, and once you do, you’ll likely agree that she’s more than a flash in the pan. However, the question remains: is there a real romance brewing between Corbin and Ryans or is this just a case of a young woman working out her daddy issues with a more than willing participant? Only time will tell. Well, time and maybe Twitter.


  “HAVE you seen it?” Kylie screeched at her boyfriend via Skype.

  “Yeah, Kylie Lou, I saw it,” his pixelated image told her. “But I mean, so what? We knew they would talk.” Trace shrugged his shoulders and glanced down at what Kylie knew was probably his iPhone in his hand.

  “She said I had ‘daddy issues,’ Trace, like I’m using you or something, and the woman talked to freaking Darla of all people.” Kylie leaned back in the tight booth on the bus, wishing she could reach out and let him put his arms around her. But she couldn’t, so she folded her arms across her chest, knowing it wasn’t attractive to pout but unable to help herself.

  “Babe, it’s
not as bad as you think.” He looked up and his warm hazel eyes stared into hers. “Actually, Tammy did a decent job of presenting both sides and she was honest for the most part. You know how it looks. There’s not a whole lot about us that makes sense.”

  Ouch, she thought to herself as she flinched back from his comment. “Oh-kay. So you want to just forget the whole thing now? Save ourselves the trouble of figuring out what everyone else obviously already knows?” Please say no.

  “Easy, hothead,” her boyfriend said with a grin. “If one little article sends you running for the hills, I’m not sure I believe you’re committed to this long-distance dating thing.”

  Kylie bit her lip to hold in the smile his words elicited. “You know I am, but my God, why is any of this anyone’s business?” She still couldn’t figure out why people cared what she did or what she ate for breakfast or whatever. No one back home in Pride, Oklahoma, had ever paid any attention to her, online or otherwise. Now she had a hit single and two hundred thousand people “following” her on Twitter.

  “You remember that day on the bus, the day you met Cora?” Trace asked, as he snuck another glance at his phone.

  “Yeah, and speaking of Cora, I’ve been meaning to ask—”

  “No, we didn’t,” Trace cut her off, shaking his head. “Focus, Kylie. Remember what I said about having a thick skin?”

  “Yeah, superhuman thick. I remember,” she told him, leaning closer towards the MacBook screen. “I thought you were an ass but I was actually listening, believe it or not.”

  “Well, now you know I’m an ass. But I’m glad you were listening because this is what I was talking about. Don’t stress about what they say Just be glad they’re talking about you, period. Look at it as free publicity.”

  “Trace—” she began to argue but her own phone buzzed on the table next to the computer. She glanced at the screen. A handsome face behind rectangular black frames appeared. “Um, it’s Chaz.”

  “Yeah, hey, I gotta get off here anyways. I have a meeting in a few minutes with Pauly and the band about the tour. Mike says hi by the way.” At the mention of his flirty bass player, Trace rolled his eyes but kept going. “Don’t stress. You look beautiful today. Miss you, babe,” he said in a rush.

  “Miss you, too.” And then he was gone. Kylie closed the computer and touched the accept button on her screen.

  “Hey there most awesomest, hardest working, handsomest manager ever,” she greeted her caller.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” he responded. “So, is Tammy Paxton a bitch or what?”

  Kylie’s gaze fell on the copy of Country Weekly lying open to her article on the table in front of her.

  “Ugh, I know, right? Trace didn’t think it was a big deal but the daddy issues thing was low.”

  “Yeah it was,” her manager agreed enthusiastically. See, he gets it. Kylie was extremely glad that he was still her manager. She’d almost lost him when she let her emotions get the better of her. Trace hadn’t nicknamed her “hothead” for nothing. “So I’m calling because I have news.”

  “About the cute guy from dinner last night? The one who flirted shamelessly with you over dessert and has already tweeted saying it was a pleasure to meet me and my manager?” she probed.

  “No, that news is none of your business, my dear,” her manager snapped with false snark.

  “Yeah well, don’t cut a country music album because then it will be everyone’s business,” Kylie informed him.

  “‘Kay, I’ll check that off my list of things to do then. Listen, so I know you’re probably enjoying having that big luxurious bus all to yourself right now but Lily Taite should be there within the hour so you can get going to Phoenix, and um…there’s been a last minute change.”

  Lily Taite was Trace’s younger sister Rae’s age and had a rich daddy who’d paid for her album of whiny break up songs and probably her spot on the tour. She also dotted the Is in her name with pink hearts. Kylie wasn’t all that enthusiastic about touring with her really, but it was Chaz’s tone when he’d brought up the last minute change that made her nervous.

  “What kind of change?”

  “Lauryn McCray backed out…and rumors are spreading that she’s pregnant.”

  Kylie was floored. Lauryn McCray was only a couple years older than her and had already written with some of country music’s biggest stars. Kylie had been super excited to work with her. And now she was pregnant? She stared blankly at Chaz’s image on her phone. He was clearly waiting for her to respond. “What?” Oh crap. That meant it was her and Princess Lily all alone. Awesome.

  “Yeah, so the Vitamin Water people had a few backups on standby and they chose one. She should be there any minute.” She opened her mouth to ask who but her manager rushed on. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. I was on a conference call and just got their message about the situation.”

  Okay, well that was good news as far as she was concerned. So why did he seem so stressed out about it? “So who’s going to be the third girl then?” she asked into the phone.

  “I am,” said an auburn-haired figure ascending the steps to the bus. “But just because I was added late doesn’t mean you get top billing over me or anything.”

  “I’ll call you back,” Kylie murmured before ending the call.

  “Mia Montgomery,” the tall slender woman said, tossing Kylie a smirk as she held out her hand. “I don’t think we’ve officially met.”

  For an extended Sneak Peek of Girl on Tour, visit the author’s website at and sign up for News from Caisey Q.

  Caisey Quinn lives in a suburb outside of Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, daughter, and other assorted animals. She wears cowgirl boots most of the time, even to church. Girl with Guitar is her first novel. She can be found online at

  I could write a whole other book about everyone I have to thank for making this one possible. I’ll try to keep it brief. Warning: I suck at brief.

  First and foremost, thank you God for the gift of words, for blessing me with a passion for reading and writing, and for the wonderful people who allow me to do both.

  Thank you to my husband and daughter for putting up with me when I was living mostly in a world of fictional characters. For understanding, and for loving and supporting me always. Mama, thanks so much for all the voluntary babysitting so that I could write. And for believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Thank you to my daddy in Heaven, for encouraging me to always finish what I start. I know you’re watching over me. I hope you’re proud.

  My brother is the musical one in the family, bless his heart for helping his tone deaf sister with lyrics and explaining the mechanics of song writing. My in-laws are some pretty wonderful people who invested in me as an author and bought me my very first MacBook. Love y’all so much!

  Thank you to Amber and Kevin Adams for not only answering my questions about Nashville and music, but for keeping my kiddo so I could write. Your friendship means more to me than you know.

  From the bottom of my heart, thank you Emily Mah Tippetts. There aren’t even words. Without you, there would be no book. Only a sad little word document saved on my computer with nowhere to go. Thank you for reading that hot mess of a first draft and taking a chance on some chick in Alabama. If I live to be one hundred, I’ll never be able to repay you for the endless support and willingness to answer my every obsessive question. For letting me vent in emails that probably have a higher word count than this book. For working tirelessly on the cover design and embracing my brand of crazy. For reading my mind. For giving Kylie and Trace the ending they deserved. Thank you. A million times. Thank you. If I ever doubt God’s love for me, I remember that He led me to you!

  Much love, appreciation, and big “schmoopy” hugs to Diane Alberts, my other wonderful CP, who took the time to read Trace and Kylie’s story and remind me that dialogue tags are our friends, even though she was right in the middle of moving. I’m also very for
tunate that Mickey Reed offered to take me on at the last minute when I was in panic mode. You’re a lifesaver and you’re stuck with me now!

  Even though they don’t know it, I owe a huge thanks to some special people in Nashville. Thank you Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert for being such an amazing example of what it means to be in love. Your story is the foundation on which this one is built. Thank you Luke Bryan for the wild ride of a concert that inspired the musical stylings of Trace Corbin. And for wearing such tight jeans. I basically stalked Jana Kramer at the start of her career, telling myself it was “research” for the progression of Kylie’s. (If this book were a movie though, Jana would be Mia.) Thank you, Jana, for not pressing charges.

  Lots of love and eternal gratitude to my number one fan, Tessa, who some of you know as @bookswinefood. Thank you for reading that first advance copy and for your enthusiasm as you bullied others into reading it! You’re my soul sister!

  Big crazy obnoxious shout out to my #countrygirls and #guttergirls on Twitter. Y’all are something else and I heart you crazy chicks more than you’ll ever know!

  And lastly and most importantly, thank you to my readers. This book is my heart in words. Thank you for the support, the Follows on Twitter, Likes on Facebook, your comments, reviews, and love. I love you right back, I really do. I feel like I should pay you to read my books instead of the other way around. Thank you for taking a chance on an unknown author. This is my dream come true and without you it wouldn’t be possible. I hope you loved Trace and Kylie’s story as much as I do and that you’ll join them on the journey that is love on the road.

  Critique Partners & Writing Buddies

  E.M. Tippetts

  Diane Alberts

  Elizabeth Lee

  Rachel Harris

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One


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