Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 48

by Mandy M. Roth

  He took the bottle down and smelled it. Spicy-sweet with a hint of peppermint. Delicious, and not like the flowery smell of the intruder. A hairbrush was on the other side of the comb, so either the place between the bottle had been bare on purpose, or something was missing he couldn’t identify.

  He checked the en suite bathroom. The garbage can had a few scrapes and an empty toilet roll, but no feminine products. After checking the cabinets, he saw that she was low on them as it was. She must not be at her time of the month, or she’d most likely be more worried about the dwindling supply.

  Back in her room, he checked her drawers and poked through her clothes. Her drawers were a mess, shirts and pants pushed this way and that. Lacy silk items in her top drawer were pushed to one side, showing the wood of the bottom.

  Her closet, small, was orderly and color-coded, more anal than even he. He bet she’d be able to identify what was taken from her drawers, if anything.

  The room across the hall was a man’s room, with a familiar bear musk. Tim.

  Annoyed for reasons he couldn’t identify, he did the same check, finding a much messier room, denoting a messier mind. Tim’s bathroom needed a wipe-down and his closet was a sad state of affairs. If there was something missing off his dresser or out of his bathroom, Jameson couldn’t tell. He doubt Tim would be able to, either.

  “Can I help you with something?”

  Jameson started, snatched a knife, turned and threw all in one movement.

  Chapter 2

  Heart thumping, Addison struggled with a passive face as she straightened up, the blade having barely missed her shoulder. The large man had moved so fast, she’d barely had time to react. If it hadn’t been for the two different smells of intruders, she wouldn’t have been on guard at all, and would now be picking a knife out of her body.

  The man faced her, his face a telling sort of handsome, and his breadth of shoulder and large stature an equally telling sort of strength and power. “Did Sasha send you?” she asked, memorizing his unique and exotic smell so she didn’t confuse it with another intruder. Something deep in her core tingled with that smell, savory and delicious as it was.

  “Yes. You are?” he asked.

  She snatched his knife out of the wall and handed it back. “Addison Beckett. My friends call me Addy. I’m the beta of the pack.”

  He shook her hand and electricity bolted into her. She lost her breath for a moment, staring at his gorgeous face, confused as to why his lip was slightly curling into a grimace. “Jameson. Fill me in.”

  I hate my luck.

  Jameson. That explained the distaste on his face. He wasn’t a fan of shifters. He was the best for what they needed, so she should probably be ecstatic to have his help, but at the same time, he would view their needing help as another sign of shifter incompetence.

  To say he had a reputation was putting it mildly.

  Why were all the hot, strong, capable ones such dicks? Story of her life.

  “Sure,” she said, playing unaffected. “So far, it looks like they are only targeting females—”

  “Fill me in, starting at a higher level,” he interrupted, stoic as he stared down at her.

  A kernel of anger boiled within her at his tone. “Sure,” she said again, leading him into her room. “In fact, why don’t you just trail me as I figure out why I got a visit today.”

  “How often are your people being visited, and why aren’t you increasing your patrols?”

  “Someone is getting in once every couple days at this point, and we aren’t increasing the patrols for a couple of reasons. One, because we are being cautious. That lab in the hills had something that lured shifters. That put them to sleep. We want our people in close, just in case. For now. Besides, it’s Christmas. Everyone is with their families, and from what we’ve gathered, this is the only place being targeted. We also don’t want them to know that we know they are coming in.”

  “I found two separate human tracks, both male. Maybe it is less about being a shifter, and more about being a creep.” He waited in the doorway, his gaze tracking her every movement.

  “Is that your expert opinion?” Addison asked dryly.

  His jaw clenched, but he didn’t answer.

  She ran her finger over the spot where her lotion usually was. “What would he want with lotion?”

  “Possibly comparing it with lotions humans wear?” He didn’t sound certain.

  Her bed seemed fine, but she pulled back the duvet anyway, making sure. All clear, she checked her closet, and then her bathroom. Nothing had been touched.

  “Drawers,” Jameson said as she hesitated in the middle of her room, the word clipped and disapproving.

  She rolled her shoulders and faced him, staring into his hard, brown eyes. “Look, all due respect, but it isn’t your room that some creep went through, okay? It isn’t your sex and species someone is getting extremely personal information about. Give me some space. This shit gives me the heebie-jeebies.”

  He shifted and his eyes softened. His nod was small, but it was there.

  She faced the drawers, hesitating again. “Did you look through them?”

  “I looked into them.”

  “Are all of them messy?”

  “Yes. Including your underwear. You should identify what he took.”

  “I bet I know what he was looking for,” she muttered, opening her underwear drawer and analyzing the contents. She went through the others and shook her head. “I won’t be able to figure out if he took a piece of my wardrobe until I want a piece of clothing and can’t find it. I don’t catalog all my stuff.”

  “Then why did you say you knew what he was looking for?”

  She walked slowly to her nightstand’s top drawer, opened it, and found the empty space. “Another girl got her birth control taken from her dresser. She doesn’t have a drawer in her nightstand.”

  “And the others?”

  “Use different methods.”

  His brow furrowed. “Different methods…of birth control? How many different methods are there?”

  She smirked. “Don’t know everything, do you?” Back at her dresser, she ripped the drawers out and dumped them on the ground. “In case you’re wondering, I’d rather just start over like it never happened, than put to rights the effects of someone violating my space. It might not make sense to you—”

  “I understand. Take your time.”

  A tightness in her middle at her personal space being violated by a stranger loosened. She exhaled, something like relief. “Thanks.”

  All her stuff on the floor, she quickly changed into sweats and stepped toward him. “Let’s go.”

  His gaze went to the heap of clothes. “You can put them back. I’ll wait.”

  “I don’t need you watching me fold my nighties.”

  “I’ll look away if it makes you feel more comfortable?”

  His gaze was so serious. So comforting and understanding. The depth in his eyes, and the warmth, alluded to a different person than the hard, cold man she’d heard about.

  A spark of intrigue unfurled within her. Unfortunately, now wasn’t the time for a soul-baring chat over coffee. The asshole that had been rifling through her things was getting away. “I’m good. Let’s get going.”

  She pushed past him but left the door open. Let everyone see that her clothes were rifled through by an intruder. It would make them madder. Meaner. Ready for war.

  “I can feel your anger,” Jameson said softly, keeping pace. “It is like a palpable thing.”

  “Do you blame me?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “What are your thoughts on this?”

  “The same as yours. Someone is trying to figure out how you breed. Correct?”

  “Something like that, yeah.” Her anger flared, tingling through her body.

  “This is the preliminary research,” he went on. “Next, it will be an abduction, I have no doubt.”

  “That’s what I was thinking.”

  “At that po
int, I imagine they won’t stop at a female subject. They will want a constant source of sperm. They will take at least one male, and I wonder if they will also kidnap a human male. There’s no way of knowing at this point.”

  Once outside, she followed the flowery fragrance while watching the ground, picking up his tracks right away. They led between two cabins and stopped, the toes digging into the ground. “He crouched here.” She pointed.

  “Yes.” He shifted in impatience or annoyance. Maybe both.

  “It amazes me that you can put so much derision and condescension into just one word,” she said as humor colored her tone. “Do you practice doing that, or is it natural?”


  She huffed out a laugh and threw a quick glance at him before continuing on. His brow furrow was more pronounced, but even more remarkable was the bud of a smile on his full lips. He had a sense of humor. Huh. She never would’ve guessed.

  They jogged to the edge of the perimeter and slipped into the trees. She was just about to give him directions while undressing, needing to change into her animal form, when she felt his large, warm hand on her shoulder. Electricity sizzled through her body and fused with her magic, speeding up her heart and making her animal within growl, now thrashing to get out. Clenching, she clamped down as magic swirled around her, feeling his heat, ingesting his exotic smell. It took everything she had not to explode into a ball of fur and go chasing the kill. Equally as tough was not ripping his clothes off and riding him until she blacked out. The man was having an unsettling effect on her, to say the least.

  “Wait,” he said, calmly looking at the ground. He hadn’t noticed the crazy effect his touch had had on her magic. That was probably a good thing. “The newly exposed mud is already freezing. The tracks must be a few hours old.” He looked back at the compound. “A fragrance that sticks that long isn’t usual.”

  “They always use it,” Addison said. “It clings for half a day.”

  “Interesting. What do you usually find by following this tracks?”

  “They park down the way. The tire tread is always the same, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the car is the same.”

  Jameson still stared at the compound.

  “Tell me your thoughts,” she said.

  He shook his head. “I am not here to figure out who is doing this.” His cool, logical gaze found hers again. That furrow was back before his gaze roamed over her face and landed on her lips. “Tim was concerned about surveillance…” His words drifted away, almost as though he’d forgotten he was speaking.

  The electricity was back, charging the air between them. Dangerous and exciting. Her hands tingled, wanting to touch him. The reason they were there drifted into the background as she stared at his shapely lips.

  In all the rumors, no one had mentioned his raw magnetism. His irresistible, primal gravity that made her core roar with need. She didn’t even know him, and she wanted to strip him down right then and there and have her way with him.

  This would be a very interesting mission, that was for sure. She just hoped she didn’t embarrass herself.

  Chapter 3

  Mind having gone blank, Jameson stared at the plump lips of an extremely beautiful woman. Her natural scent, rich and slightly spicy, with hints of clove, intoxicated him unlike anyone ever had. He kept thinking that the perfume in her room would blend perfectly, creating something decadent and mouthwatering. He wanted to taste her. To spread her legs and make her wriggle in desire.

  He tried to step back, to get his bearings, but suddenly he was so close to her, his body nearly touching hers. She was a tall woman, nearly the size of one of his people, and lithe. Graceful.

  “I have to check,” he said in a thick voice, watching her eyelashes flutter as his breath hit her face. Her eyes dilated and her gaze drifted to his lips. A moist, pink tongue glided across her bottom lip, wetting it. His cock throbbed, desperate to be inside her at all costs.

  But she is a shifter!

  “I have to check in,” he said, forcefully, regaining control. He turned away and ripped out his phone, breathing quickly. Sweating despite the chill.

  “You have no authority on your own, huh?” she said in her sexy, sultry hum. “I guess second in command means something different to your people as it does to mine.”

  He closed his eyes and clutched his phone, wanting to answer her taunting with a show of dominance. Wanting to make her submit, and hoping she wouldn’t at the same time.

  What is happening to me?

  “As I said earlier.” He paused and tapped the Boss’s name. “I was given the task of surveillance analysis. It’s the holidays. I have other things to do than wandering around in the wilderness, chasing a man that has had free rein of your facilities.” He clenched his teeth, not meaning to be so harsh. It was a wonder the males of this facility could let this go unchecked, however. If someone got into the mansion, for any reason, his people would be out for blood. If the intruders were also passive-aggressively attacking the females, there would be hell to pay.

  “What else would a loner like you be doing, if not your job?” she retorted.

  Wandering around the mansion, avoiding a giant family gathering at the Boss’s house.

  “Jameson,” came the Boss’s voice, relaxed and complacent, a tone only heard when he was knee-deep in family.

  “I’m at the compound,” Jameson said, not at all relaxed and complacent. “Their suspicions are most likely correct. In addition, an intruder was here not long ago. There is a lead that will undoubtedly end in nothing more than tire tracks.” He paused, unsure how to go on. Was he asking for permission to go, or permission not to?

  “Follow it and then write up your analysis for the compound,” the Boss said, his tone quickly turning commanding. “Let me know if anything comes of it.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jameson said, now not sure if he was relieved or irritated. He couldn’t get his head on straight.

  “And Jameson,” the Boss said.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Be on time tomorrow, will ya? We’ll be waiting on you to open presents, and the kids hate waiting.”

  Jameson sagged before he could stop himself. “Yes, sir.”

  “Based on the fallen expression, it looks like he’s forcing you to my side,” Addison said, squinting. Was it just him, or was there a little vulnerability lurking under the tough mask of kick-ass?

  “Yes,” he said, and before he could stop himself, continued, “But that wasn’t the reason for the expression.”

  She jerked, as though taken aback.

  Here came the questions.

  He launched forward before she got the first syllable out, keeping a fast pace. She didn’t move at first, making him wonder if she planned to go at all, until he heard ripping, and then fast but light feet. A moment later, a bundle of clothes were shoved at him.

  “Take this. Holy shit, it’s freezing!” she said.

  He caught sight of her perfect form with muscle, curves, and round, perky breasts. His mouth started to salivate before a fog of green enveloped her. Fur, claws and teeth took the beautiful woman’s place, and then a golden coat of a huge lioness, bigger than would exist on the African plains.

  She gave a distinct feline huff before loping away, following the lingering scent. He followed as quickly as he could with the pounding hardness in his pants, paying attention to the tracks, and noticing one more that was between the sizes of the other two. That made three people checking up on this compound.

  His mind went over Tim’s room. Then the items that were taken from the women. Everything was something they would miss, including the hairbrush. But what else had gone missing that no one thought of? Something from the kitchen? A pair of boxer shorts? There was no telling. Maybe it wasn’t just the females.

  Then again, that smell was a telling piece of evidence. They’d tracked which room the intruder went to, no problem. And because of the smell, they wouldn’t know what the intruder smelled like.

  The intruders knew what they were dealing with.

  He jogged through the trees and onto a plateau. Addison waited at a ledge before the hillside sloped down again. Her tail flicked as she looked downward, which probably meant something in the shifter body language. He hadn’t a clue.

  Instead of admitting that, he followed the tread, seeing the deeper areas that meant the intruder was hurrying, probably worried an animal would descend on him at any moment.

  Jameson wondered about various time frames. How had these guys not been caught by a group of people who should be able to smell an intruder? He needed to sit down with Addison and get more details so he could analyze the patterns.

  Or just get their surveillance up and running. That would likely solve most of their problems.

  Thinking on that, he hunched as another plateau below came into sight. A black Range Rover waited, no sound of a motor. Breathing even, he walked silently toward Addison, getting lower and lower until he was crawling forward, not wanting to be seen. She looked at him with her large lion eyes, like she was waiting for something.

  “You work around to the right, and I’ll go left,” Jameson whispered. “Let’s try to—”

  The SUV’s engine roared to life. Jameson elevated and then moved so he was somewhat obstructed by a brittle bush. Addison made a weird sort of sound before stepping forward, probably trying to get him to follow the SUV like a simpleton.

  He held up a hand to stop her distracting movements and waited, rewarded a moment later when the vehicle pulled forward. He took out his phone and copied the license plate number. Once done, and with Addison bristling, he stood and started walking briskly toward his SUV, probably about a mile to the east. Addison stayed where she was.

  “I’m going to find out where that license plate is registered, and pay the owner a visit,” he called. “Work smarter, not harder.”

  She loped up beside him, like he knew she would.

  “I hope you have enough power to change a few times tonight,” he said, pulling up the directory in his phone. “Because I can’t speak animal.” A moment later the phone rang on the other end.


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