Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 168

by Mandy M. Roth

  Lie down, I told him.

  He did that too.

  I straddled his waist, maneuvering him inside me before he could get turned on enough to extend, which would have made things more difficult for both of us. Being seer, he had an extra part on his cock, what they called a hirik, or “thorn” in his language. When he got turned on enough, it came out, and while that worked for me, being a seer myself––and in more ways than I can possibly explain to anyone who’s never felt anything so mind-blowingly, unbelievably good––it only worked if it happened after he was already inside me.

  Otherwise, it could really hurt.

  So when I angled my body, moving over him and in so that he was pressed up into that deepest part inside me, I groaned. When he felt me there, he groaned too.

  Then he extended all the way, pretty much in that same set of seconds.

  “Miri...” he gasped.

  He arched up into me, aiming with a precision that made me cry out.

  For someone who’d never had sex with a female seer before we met, he was getting scarily good at it already. He groaned when he did it again, and I felt myself going away in seconds, going back into that dreamlike, fugue space, where nothing else existed but him.

  I felt that other pain on him still.

  I fought to open it, to try and understand what it meant now that I had him alone. I knew he’d had a rough childhood. More rough than I could imagine really. Some flavor of that flickered around whatever bothered him now, but I couldn’t get any specifics. The confusion of things that reached me in those few seconds didn’t really help. I felt that fear in him worsen, even as he gripped my hips in his hands, arching up into me again, violently that time.

  “Gaos,” he groaned. “You’re not going to tell me, are you...? You’re not going to fucking tell me anything...”

  Pulling his hands off my hips, I leaned over him, pinning his wrists. He arched up into me again, harder that time, closing his gold eyes as he broke out in a sweat. The lean muscles of his body grew taut as he arched into me again, bringing a hard pain to my chest.

  I let out a low cry when he did it again, and he gasped.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Black...” I managed, still watching his face. “I promise you, I’m not. I don’t know what else to say... I don’t know what’s wrong, why you’re asking me this...”

  I gripped his wrists tighter when he wouldn’t meet my gaze, writhing over and onto him in a way I’d already figured out he liked. He closed his eyes, his face tightening just before he let out a heavier groan, briefly struggling against where I had him pinned.

  I gripped him tighter though, trying to get him to look at me.

  “Why are you asking me this?” I said. “What’s wrong, baby? Tell me...”

  The pain coming off him worsened. I felt him wanting to tell me something. I felt it pulling at him, even as he turned it over in his mind.

  Something to do with what he’d said to Cal.

  When I understood, the answer stunned me.

  “You want to get married?” My words reflected that shock. “Why?”

  He groaned again, arching up into me. “Why the fuck do people normally want to get married, Miriam?”

  I bit the inside of my check, fighting pain as I watched his face.

  Truthfully... his words turned me on.

  I also couldn’t make myself believe them.

  It had to be something to do with this seer thing... with whatever the hell was going on with us right now. He wasn’t thinking clearly. He couldn’t be. What he’d said made absolutely no sense otherwise, given how new this thing was between us. Even though in some ways I felt he knew me better than anyone, in reality, we’d only known one another a short time.

  We’d been sleeping together for a week.

  Somehow, thinking about that, remembering that, my mind cleared.

  We didn’t know one another that well... not really.

  Meaning in the normal, couple-sense of things.

  No rational thought lived there for me yet, either, but I found myself doing everything in my power to hide my reactions from him, to keep him from feeling any part of them. I must have succeeded, because seconds later, he’d shut down on the subject, too.

  I felt sex on him alone after that, along with zero willingness to talk, or to think... or to feel any of what had bothered him earlier.

  A part of me wanted to do as he asked in that, too.

  Another part of me hurt, feeling him close.

  The fact that he was lying under me, sweating as he slammed up into me, definitely didn’t help with either thing. I stared down at his face, trying to make sense of his expression, but all I saw was sex-pain there now. I tried one last time.

  “Black... maybe we should talk about this...?”

  He arched up into me again, harder, gasping.

  Pleasure exploded through him, and then through me––so much of it that my mind blanked. Then he was pulling on me in that way he had, enveloping me in that more heated wanting. He dragged me out of myself, into some part of him, out of any last semblance of rationality.

  I lost myself there, and after awhile, I forgot what I’d been holding onto so tightly.

  I forgot what I’d so badly wanted to ask him.

  At least a few hours passed before my mind would return to the question again.

  The End

  About JC Andrijeski

  JC Andrijeski is a USA TODAY bestselling author who writes paranormal mysteries, urban fantasy and apocalyptic fiction, often with a sexy, romantic and metaphysical bent. She has a background in journalism, history and politics, travels extensively and has lived abroad in Europe, Australia and Asia, and from coast to coast in the United States. She currently lives and writes full-time in Bangkok, Thailand.

  Kitchen Witch by Dawn Montgomery

  Kitchen Witch by Dawn Montgomery

  Combine one sexy celebrity chef, a too-hot-to-handle kitchen witch, a wise-ass familiar, as well as some good ol’ Christmas magic and you have a wicked combination of fun.

  Recruiting for the Kitchen Witch Society has never been so sexy. Krista's got all the eye candy (and magic skill) she could ever hope for in the hard body of amateur chef sensation Chase Hamilton. A taste of his handiwork inside the bedroom creates one hot Holiday they’ll never forget.

  Chapter 1

  Kitchen Stage One housed some of Yum Network’s most experienced chefs. Chase Hamilton seemed perfectly at home behind the large island as he chatted up his guests and the camera.

  Chase was an unusual chef in that he only came out of hiding for the holidays. Studio executives, critics, and content mills all wondered what kind of Christmas magic brought him out of hiding.

  The celebrity chef was currently whipping up a scrumptious dessert that filled the room with delicious scents.

  From the fringes of the crowd, Krista watched the man work with a charisma that had the ladies at the tables panting with more than hunger.

  I’d like to lick the cream off his fingers. Sebastian, king of cats, was sunbathing in a rafter above the cooking exhibition. Her familiar was always interested in food. That’s what made them such a good pair.

  Krista eyed the broad expanse of Chase Hamilton’s chest and licked her lips. The polo stretched enticingly across muscles that bulged nicely with his efficient movements in the studio kitchen. There were other places she wanted to lick. And cream wasn’t the only thing on the menu. Her gaze slid down his strong legs and back up to the devilishly charming smile on his face.

  With a spread of her fingers, Krista put out a tentative test of the magic around her. Immediately, she was met with warmth, love, and more heat than the lights on the stage could account for.

  Hmm. That’s interesting. Bastian, do you sense any active magic?

  Her familiar seemed to yawn over their mental connection. She could almost see him stretching to his full slinky length
. Nope. Human smells. Food. Sugar. Lots of women in heat.

  Women in heat, huh?

  Bastian just chuckled.

  Krista frowned. A strange thrill ran through her body. Bastian was right. She wasn’t immune to Chase’s charms. And that, in itself, was unusual. One of the requirements of recruiting for the Kitchen Witch Society was the ability to block coercion. So either he was really, really good, or he was something altogether different.

  Do you think he’s what we’re looking for? Bastian’s amusement slid through the thought-speak.

  I hope so.

  Me too. You’re getting too low on magic.

  Krista brushed a stray lock of her bright copper tresses behind her ear. He was definitely what she was looking for. Her magic needed a little tune up. No doubt tall, dark, and kickass in the kitchen would do nicely for a little holiday treat. The moment he used his magic, she’d get a nice refill of her juices.

  Bastian’s chuckle echoed in her thoughts, and she shot a glare up to the rafters. With a gleam of his eyes he disappeared into the shadows. Coward.

  It is always better to retreat and fight another day than to suffer a redhead’s wrath. My mother was a calico. I know these things.

  Chase put the finishing flourishes on his festive dish and the crowd cheered. She had to admit, the sinful creation was definitely mouth-watering. Krista clapped along with the others, and then smoothed a hand over her fitted jacket. It wouldn’t do for her to look shabby. She was recruiting, after all.

  It was time for a taste test. Time to find out if Chase Hamilton was a good candidate for the Kitchen Witch Society. She reached down into the well of her magic where it settled in her core. A light tap, an invitation, was all she needed. A slow curl of magic slipped up from within her core. It was lethargic and annoyed at being pulled away from its energy reserving hibernation. The emotions and needs inside her would turn into a raging inferno before the night was out, no doubt about it. The lower her reserves became, the more it seemed to use her own emotions and body to amp it up.

  Krista let a sigh slip from her lips at the familiar lustful ache. Christmas time was her biggest recruiting season, and she’d been tapping into her resources way too often.

  Magic slipped from her in a soft caress through her skin, lingering, searching. She was a talent scout with passive magic. One touch and she’d know.

  The audience was directed off set and Chase hung around the kitchen.

  Krista made her way to the set. Her radar slid from her, questing for the taste of magic she needed. Her focus was so intent that she didn’t notice the drop-dead gorgeous brunette tilting her head flirtatiously toward Chase until the woman cut her eyes at Krista.

  Chase, huh? Already on a first name basis? This is going to be very fun.

  Krista shot venomous thoughts to Sebastian but got only light humor in response.

  “I would really like to discuss this. Over dinner perhaps?” Now the woman was touching his bare arm.

  Krista clenched her jaw. Chase looked down at her hand on his arm and looked up. “I’m already booked for the rest of the time I’m in town.” He pulled away and Krista’s eyebrows rose.

  “You do know who I work for, right?” Undeterred, her fingers slid across his shoulders to tuck under his collar. He gently extracted her fingers from his shirt. Krista couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips. This woman wasn’t used to being told no. “I know who you work for. I’ve told your representatives on several occasions that I’m not interested. My date for the evening should be here any moment.”

  He removed his apron, and Krista’s radar went off. Well that was new. She almost always had to touch the person for her magic to react. His head lifted, and Krista was pierced to the core by the intensity of his expression. Magic was in his soul. He was a candidate, all right. The part of her that did this for a living was smug. The woman part of her was star struck. Dammit.

  The rugged lines of his face entranced her. Perfect for the camera. She dug her fingers into her jacket to keep from reaching out to touch him. Before she knew it, they were close enough for his heat to seep into her. His lips lifted in a conspirator’s smile. He was obviously looking for a stand-in date. Maybe she could save the day. Yeah right. She was probably reading this all wrong.

  “I’ve been waiting for you.” Chase turned his attention solely on her. And more than just her magic senses were tingling.

  She swallowed, wondering, for a moment if she could speak.

  He spoke first. Just smile. Bastian to the rescue as always.

  She smiled at him. “Sorry I’m late.” Her voice was breathless.

  Mischief lit his expression, and his charming smile made her knees weak. “You’re right on time, as always.” He set the apron down and held out his arms. It was the most natural thing to step in and let herself be surrounded by his strength. She breathed deeply and the scent of spices, warm male, and all the memories of holidays well spent flooded her. Her passive magic was also jumping off the charts.

  A soft throb began deep in her core. Heat flushed her cheeks, and she was thankful for the coat that covered the peaking of her suddenly hard nipples.

  She looked up. And up. He was a lot taller than she’d first thought.

  “I’ve missed you.” He gave her the lightest kiss she’d ever felt. Like the brush of wings on her lips. Her mouth opened on a sigh, and he pressed just enough to give her a taste of him. She tasted Chase… and sugar cookies.

  She pulled away and raised an eyebrow. Kissing complete strangers. This was going to complicate the hell out of her recruitment efforts. “You were tasting the goods while you were cooking.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “I suffer for my art.”

  “Excuse me.” The brunette was still smiling, but there was a frigid edge to her that hadn’t been there before. “Have you two been seeing each other long?”

  Krista knew the game. She was looking for an in, a way to get what she wanted.

  “Every day feels like the first time we’ve met.” Chase was openly smiling now, and Krista’s heart did a funny little trip.

  “If you’ll excuse us, we have reservations.” He folded Krista’s hand in the crook of his arm and led the way down the stage.


  I know. I’ll be fine. I won’t wait up.

  His humor was becoming a little too human. Krista sent thoughts of mini tortures to him, and the cat equivalent of laughter slid along his thought-speak.

  Chapter 2

  Chase waited until they were out of earshot of the brunette before he leaned down to talk. “Thank you for saving me.”

  “She seemed pretty aggressive.” Krista forced her body to move. Most magic users put out trickles of energy, Chase was like a solar storm of power. All she had to do was inhale and she’d be filled to the top.

  Which is why standing so close to him was making her shaky. She needed his permission to absorb his magic.

  “There is a nice place close by that serves the best sour dough and steak sandwiches. It’s not fancy, and it’s definitely low key. If you want something more uptown, we could—“

  “No, that would be fine. Actually, I’m ravenous.” It was true. Her earlier use of magic was tearing through her own energy. She made a mental note to contact her boss about taking time off after this assignment.

  “Great. It’s within walking distance.” He led her away from the small crowd of fans surging toward him. He glanced down at her and she smiled, stepping away so he could sign autographs. Chase Hamilton didn’t wear a coat or a scarf despite the biting wind. If anything, he seemed too hot.

  She put on her gloves and wrapped the scarf around her neck. After a moment’s hesitation she picked up her phone and called Draven. He answered up on the first ring.

  “Is he one of us?”

  Krista sighed at the impatience in her boss’s voice. Recruitment was down for the society so the pressure was on. Krista watched Chase make a young child laugh as he signed her mini-ch
ef hat. “I’m not sure yet.”

  “What do you mean you’re not sure? Is his magic that low?”

  A loud voice erupted in the background of the phone conversation. Draven stopped talking and then sighed.

  “My assistant tells me I’ve overworking you. How’s the drain? Do you need a recharge? I can send Michelle—“

  Krista’s heart stuttered. Her attraction to Chase was immediate and incredible. And suspicious. She needed to know if he was manipulating her on a magical level. Michelle was amazing at sniffing out frauds, but her ability to deflect charms were poor. “No, don’t send anyone. I can handle this assignment. You do realize that Jennifer is always right.”

  She could almost hear him wave his hand in dismissal. “So she keeps telling me. I’ll make this hectic season up to you both later, but I need a report by tomorrow. Don’t forget to pitch the cooking show.”

  She rolled her eyes. It was so much easier the rest of the year when Draven wasn’t so emotionally invested in the outcomes. She preferred working with Jennifer. “I won’t.”

  “And the book. Plus the tour. Don’t forget that either.”

  “Draven. I just called to tell you that I met him. Stop fussing.”

  “Krista, he’s the biggest chance we have at reinvigorating our notoriety. His grandmother was one of our greatest treasures. We thought her magic died. The pressure is on, so don’t screw this up.”

  A spark of anger lit inside her. “When have I ever let you down?”

  “You haven’t. But you also haven’t called without results. That tells me this one may be out of your league.”

  Chase’s gaze locked in on hers. The heat from his stare really made her second guess her senses. He was either feeling the same attraction she was or annoyed by something. She hoped it was the former. “Oh don’t worry, he’s not. I just called to let you know that I will be taking a two-week vacation once this one wraps up. Make sure Jennifer updates the information in my calendar.”


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