Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 199

by Mandy M. Roth

  Kingsley brusquely entered the room holding onto a newspaper. He braked abruptly, rooted to the spot. His eyes widened in surprise. “Miss Winterborne, I had no—”

  “What is it?” Lux asked crossly.

  Kingsley glanced from one person to the other before speaking. “There are matters I need to discuss with you privately, sir.”

  “It’s that urgent?”

  Kingsley handed Lux the newspaper. He glared at the headlines and let out a curse. His face returned to the familiar brooding one that she was accustomed to. “Let’s go to the office.”

  Lux didn’t look at her as he left. Didn’t say a single word. He simply dismissed the whole incident as if it never happened. As though it didn’t affect him. Had this experience been a game he was playing with her? She didn’t want to believe it. What they had shared between them was something indescribable. There was definitely a shift and whatever it was, it transformed her in the process. Personally and energetically.

  If Arabella hadn’t been so preoccupied with replaying the passionate kisses in her mind, she could’ve tapped into Kingsley’s head to see what the urgency was all about. For that matter, she would know what was written in the newspaper.

  Chapter 7

  Lux threw the newspaper on the bar. “When are they to be expected?”

  Kingsley handed him a glass of whiskey and poured one for himself. He knew it was the man’s drink of choice when all hell broke loose. This was such an occasion.

  They clinked glasses and drank in silence.

  Kingsley stated, “It will be at least two weeks before anything will happen. I’ve already called your legal counsel and made sure to shut down all the media gossip. That should delay us for a bit.” Kingsley never lowered his guard, but today he was speaking to Lux as a good friend and confidante. Someone who single-handedly raised him to adulthood.

  “The whole thing is rubbish!” Lux roared.

  Kingsley refilled his glass. “We both know it’s Arabella’s stepfather. He’s trying to extort more money and make your life a living hell even though you spared him.”

  “Perhaps it’s time you let Miss Arabella go home,” Kingsley suggested.

  “I’ll do no such thing! She’s better off here than returning home to that monster!”

  “Granted,” Kingsley said evenly. “It’s beneficial for you to see reason. He’s all over the news calling you out as a beast who’s holding his stepdaughter hostage. There’s not much we can do except be prepared for a battle. This may damage your reputation further.”

  “I can give a damn about my reputation! Randall won’t win. Let him have his fun. He’s giving me a reason to re-emerge.” He drained his drink. “Come out of hiding, if you will—much earlier than expected.”

  Kingsley didn’t disguise his emotions. “You know I’m fond of Arabella. However, I made a promise to your parents that I’d do whatever it takes to protect you. I’ve seen what you’ve gone through once, and I don’t want to see you reliving the nightmare a second time.”

  Lux’s anger subsided. He clamped his hand on Kingsley’s shoulder to reassure him. “I know. I won’t let that happen. Just give me a few days to figure things out. Believe me; I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.”

  “I’m well aware of your ‘tricks,’ sir. I will step aside until you provide a definitive plan.” Kingsley returned to his old butler self. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to make sure Mrs. Potter hasn’t collapsed of a heart attack after seeing the paper.”

  Lux nodded. “Good idea.”

  “Will you be dining with Miss Winterborne tonight?” The butler inquired with a knowing smile.

  “Yes. I think I shall.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  Lux raised his finger to stop him. “Before you go. Please don’t reveal anything to Arabella. Not yet.” He added, “Also, if you could have Mrs. Potter and Lucy order in a few outfits for her—”

  He knew the man understood his wishes.

  Kingsley let out a half-snort laugh, recovering quickly. “Certainly, sir. She will need to be presentable when dining with you. It has gotten colder, and I believe she may wish to have a change of wardrobe, especially clothes of her own.”

  Lux closed the thick file on his desk. He had reviewed the confidential information until he couldn’t stomach the details anymore. The butler had gone a few hours ago, which left him plenty of time to make arrangements. Lux stared down at the nearly empty glass. He swirled the liquid and the golden hues took on different shapes. How interesting it was to see things so clearly when he actually gave them a chance.

  Although he’d been busy making tough decisions, it didn’t prevent him from remembering the heated kisses between him and Arabella. It was as if the woman had flipped a switch from headstrong, smart-ass psychic to a brazen seductress. He shook his head but the sensation of her lips against his made his groin tighten.

  He pushed the glass away and refocused on what he wanted to do with Arabella.

  Seduce her. Undress her. Taste her lips again.

  “Focus, man!” he chastised himself.

  There was definitely something growing between them. Whether it was attraction or a momentary distraction, he had promised to protect her. He’d never go back on his word. After knowing how much Arabella had suffered, Lux made a decision to bring her some sort of joy before the avalanche came tumbling down.

  “Tell me again where you’re taking me?” Arabella tried to scream over the wind. She clung onto Lux, tightening her hold around his waist as she hung on for dear life. She’d never been on a horse before so she was completely terrified.

  “So many questions! I never thought you’d be so unadventurous,” he taunted. He pulled on the reins and the horse slowed to a steady gallop. Lux directed Devil, the magnificent yet temperamental stallion, to a clearing hidden deep between the row of trees. “We’re almost there.”

  They stopped at the edge of a lake and he helped her off after securing the horse. She watched as Lux pulled a handful of baby carrots from his bag. Petting the animal as he spoke softly to him. Almost as if it was a secret conversation between friends.

  Arabella rubbed her cheeks with the plush gloves to bring back sensation to the stiff, wind-blown area. It reminded her of the first day she’d arrived at Beastly Estates. That was almost two weeks ago.

  A few feet away stood a not-so-modest cabin with a contemporary and rustic flair that seemed to be a newer construction in comparison to Lux’s home. Big bay windows surrounded the home with vintage French doors and a wraparound deck that led to a cozy outside living space, including a prominent outdoor fireplace. Nothing surprised her when it came to personal comforts. The Beastly’s knew how to live in style.

  Arabella pivoted around to soak in the breathtaking view. The frozen lake was stunning against the backdrop of majestic trees of all shapes and sizes, sun streaming through to showcase the glittery ice. Although she could stare at the serene surroundings all day, she could not help but sneak a peek at another view.

  Lux’s menacing, ruggedness would be off-putting to most women, but she saw something deeper, something extraordinary about him. He’d become a different man ever since that day they’d kissed in the library. She let out a frustrated breath. Of course, he hadn’t tried to repeat the lip-locking session either.

  “What are we doing out here?” She finally asked.

  He showed the lopsided fang-bearing smile again that she was growing to love. “Have you ever ice skated on a lake before?”

  Arabella shook her head. “Seriously? Are you sure it’s safe? I’ve heard about people falling through the ice.”

  “I’m certain it rarely happens.” He stood beside her.

  The sound of horse hooves, en route, echoed loudly from the distance. She glanced up just as Lucy and Renaldo arrived. They dismounted and tied their horses before removing the items strapped to their saddles. Kingsley and Mrs. Potter followed, their horses trotting at a snail’s pace to join the group. Th
e men helped her dismount with some level of difficulty and Arabella hid her laugh by feigning a cough.

  “My dear, are you still ill?” Mrs. Potter waddled over in alarm. She placed her hand on Arabella’s forehead. “You are a bit warm even in this weather. Renaldo, fetch the extra scarf, would you dear?”

  “It’s fine. I’m doing much better. No need for more layers,” she protested. “Besides, Lux was about to help me with my ice skates.” She wagged her brows to get him to agree with her.

  Lux snorted, “Yes. That’s exactly what we were about to do.”

  “I suppose Kingsley and I can head on in and get the place ready,” Mrs. Potter announced.

  How did you know I have skates for you? Lux mouthed as he passed Arabella, who rolled her eyes as he frowned in awareness.

  Kingsley untied both the horses and held onto the reigns as he escorted Mrs. Potter away.

  “Renaldo. Lucy. Why don’t you help the others prep for lunch at the cabin?” He instructed. “Then, you can join us for some ice skating after you’re through. You both brought your gear, correct?”

  The young staff members beamed, not able to contain their excitement as they rushed to gather their horses and catch up with Mrs. Potter and Kingsley who were almost to the cabin.

  Lux continued with his task of extracting the bags that held their skates from the saddle. When he was finished, he led her to a fallen log that worked as a makeshift bench and prepared her ice skates for her. Lacing them tightly while frequently checking that they were comfortable on her feet.

  “You realize I’ve never ice skated before,” she made conversation as he pulled on his skates.

  He yanked hard to tighten the laces of his right foot. “I had a hunch.”

  She watched him carefully adjust and inspect everything and then he stood and held out his hand. His eyes twinkled and she caught her breath upon seeing the iridescent blue shade. The gray seemed to have faded and the unique color revealed itself in the daylight.

  His eyes never leaving hers as he asked, “Are you ready for an adventure?”

  She didn’t know where things were headed for them. She also didn’t want to take for granted any time spent in Lux’s company. Even if she was forewarned, she’d been prepared for the storm since the first day. She wouldn’t deny herself any happiness before the dream ended. She knew the premonitions from the past few nights were a prequel to what was to come. Yet, with every path, there was free will, and a chance to change the course of life.

  Arabella grabbed his hand and he pulled her up. “I’m always up for a challenge,” she assured confidently.

  Whatever it takes, she’d make damn sure to steer fate in the right direction.

  Chapter 8

  Round and round and round she twirled, until she was dizzy from Lux’s antics.

  Arabella laughed and pulled out of his grasp. “I’m going to try to make it around the entire lake by myself.”

  “Remember to avoid the spots I pointed out to you. We haven’t had a chance to go through and set markers yet,” he warned.

  She saluted. “Aye, aye, sir!”

  Lux was impressed Arabella had mastered the ice skating basics in a few short hours. He was laughing with her as she took off in a drunken manner. Zig-zagging along without any care in the world. She stumbled a bit but he wasn’t going to make her lose confidence by being overprotective. Tough love gave way to more courage.

  His face relaxed at how committed she was to experimenting and learning. Knowing he was able to surprise her each day with new activities made him try harder to please her. From impromptu snowball fights in the garden, carriage rides around his property, to simply reading with her in the library was enough. He’d carved all those memories in his soul. There was no doubt he laughed more the past few days than he had in years, especially when he never thought it was possible to laugh again.

  This woman may have been forced into his life, however, she was going to have the freedom to leave by her own choice. He was sure as hell going to provide whatever happiness for her that he could until then. Lux owed her that much. She managed to slowly melt his frozen heart, giving him a reason to feel again. Made him believe that love still existed.

  Lux gave her a head start before he would wrangle her back to the starting point in time for dinner. Arabella had begged him to stay past lunchtime. She was determined to perfect her newfound skills. How could he deny her anything when she looked like that?

  “Absolutely radiant,” he expelled softly. His eyes never losing sight of her while she did minor spins and skated backward with ease.

  After a few productive minutes, Arabella pivoted around to face him. “Come and rescue me,” she teased. “I’m too exhausted to skate back.”

  “I knew you wouldn’t have the stamina without a hearty meal. I’ve seen you eat!” He grinned when she gave him an exaggerated pout. He acted unaffected. “You’ll have no sympathy from me.”

  “Fine, I’ll just camp out in this spot until you rescue me!” She crossed her hands and tapped her foot.

  He skated toward her at rapid speed while enjoying their silly banter. One minute they were laughing and the next, a faint crack startled them as Arabella glanced down, and then the floor caved in. He yelled for her but it was too late. She had fallen in. Sinking deeper and deeper.

  Lux didn’t think, just reacted as he dropped to his knees and dunked his upper half into the icy water to reach for her. Miraculously, he was able to seize the bulky material connected to the collar of her coat. He yanked with all his might and dragged her up over the solid surface. Her wet and ice-cold body collapsed against his.

  “Arabella! Arabella! Open your eyes, Arabella!” He started to panic. Never letting go of her, he used another tactic in hopes of reaching her subconscious. “You owe me! You hear me, psychic? You made a deal with me, so you better pay up!” She was still unresponsive.

  Lux quickly performed CPR and began to strip some heavy, wet layers to make it easier to carry her back to the cabin. Lux let out an angry cry, “You’re not leaving me, dammit! STAY WITH ME!” He continued to repeat the resuscitation process but there seemed to be no headway.

  In his mind, he bartered with God and prayed for a miracle. The sensation came barreling back and he knew the feeling well. Helpless. He wasn’t in control, not now or even back then. The profound ache reached his heart. He was terribly afraid of losing her.

  Broken and defeated, he whispered into her ear, “I love you, Arabella…I love you. Please come back to me.”

  He could hear the voices of his staff rushing toward them but he didn’t want to face anyone knowing he hadn’t fulfilled his promise to Arabella. Feeling completely destroyed, Lux thought he’d lost her. There was no pain greater than this moment. Even when he’d lost his grandparents. Even more than when he’d lost his parents.

  Suddenly Arabella stirred, convulsed, spitting up the mouthful of water.

  Lux caressed Arabella’s hair as he held her sleeping form in his arms. It was a blessing that Kingsley and Mrs. Potter were well trained and prepared for these types of emergencies. They had provided excellent care for Arabella after the accident until his personal physician arrived. When Arabella showed significant signs of improvement, Lux never left her side.

  He caressed Arabella’s hair as he held her sleeping form in his arms. The staff had retired to bed around midnight. Not long after, he had enough of the uncomfortable chair he sat on for most of the day. He opted to slip into bed with her so he could feel closer to the woman he loved.

  God, he’d almost lost her. He’d broken the one promise he thought he’d be able to keep. The scare gave Lux a lot think about, especially now that he had to face the mess her stepfather had created.

  On the surface, he’d done everything in his power to make it appear as if everything was normal for Arabella’s sake. Behind the scenes he’d worked late nights to come up with a solution to protect his name and ensure Randall would receive the punishment that was long
overdue to him.

  Arabella deserved justice for everything she’d lost at the hands of the vile man. Where her stepfather was going, he’d make damn sure Randall would be reminded every single day of his life of his wrongdoing.

  As if she’d sensed his thoughts, Arabella stirred in his arms. Her hooded lids slowly opened and he managed a faint smile upon seeing him.

  He kissed her forehead. “You’re awake sleeping beauty?”

  “How long was I asleep?” she asked hoarsely.

  “A little over forty-eight hours.”

  Her eyes widened in panic as she recalled what had occurred on the lake. “It’s all in the past. You’re okay now.” Lux reassured in a calm tone. He stroked her arms to comfort her and she relaxed a fraction.

  His voice cracked as he replayed the incident in his head. “I’m so sorry, Arabella. I should have—”

  She placed a finger against his lips. “You saved me. That’s all that matters.”

  “I will never put you in harm’s way again.” He bent his head and kissed her softly. “I will make sure that all your dreams come true. That you live your life the way you always wanted to. I swear I’ll make it happen.”

  Those weren’t mere words. They were promises that he meant to keep. If it took a separation from her forever, Lux would sacrifice his soul to keep her safe and happy. The thought felt like a dagger through the heart but he would do what he’d always done to cope. Unleash the beast within.

  Lux was virtually locked into his office all morning. The legal team had been keeping him informed on all matters, but they couldn’t hold off the media or reporters any longer. He had weeks of preparations and it was finally time to make his move.

  “Are the arrangements ready?” He signed the last of the documents and handed them back to Kingsley.

  “Yes, sir. Everything was prepared to your specification.”

  “Have Arabella meet me in the greenhouse. I should be along shortly.”


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