Katie Consents (Ciaran O'Connor Book 3)

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Katie Consents (Ciaran O'Connor Book 3) Page 10

by Bailey, Alyssa

  "Well, you know I love Quinn but he is so, um, how do I say this, bossy. While I think you are one of the more laidback brothers, Quinn is the worst in the bossy category. That being said, I love him because he took very good care of me and didn't force me to go to the doctor when I hurt my ankle and because he is your brother. But man, he has that cop persona down pat."

  Ciarán smiled and said, "So, does that mean when they get here I won't have to worry about you breaking any rules?"

  "Well, I will certainly try harder, especially since you are back to normal again and won't walk away if I do. And Quinlan is a tattletale."

  Ciarán laughed while he leaned down to kiss Katie again and helped her up onto her horse for her ride that she promised wouldn't include trotting, galloping, and only walking until the baby was born.

  The bison were beginning to show signs of birthing soon and that meant that the birthing season for the ranch would begin. Liam brought out the gestation charts with the date of service record for all of the cattle and breeding times for the horses. July's horse breeding would be May to June, August's would be June-July, and September's would be July-August depending on the mare's particular pattern. The cattle were all year long, but Liam was as careful as he could be to rotate them if possible, only allowing them bull access July to Thanksgiving creating a better outcome for calving and the survival rate, having no calves from the end of September through the end of March.

  "Well, how'd we do in our calculations this year, Liam?" Ciarán asked as he examined a brood mare's distended belly for any signs of distress or trouble.

  "I was just pulling out our charting and trying to see how close we were to hitting our expected dates and I think we are right on target. The bison have eleven going to drop in the next month, I have forty-three cattle in some stage of pregnancy, and I see you have fourteen horses, which is what we want for this round since you had planned to go to the mustang roundup, right?" We can all get our quota if there is enough good stock. Are you bringing Katie this year?

  "I thought we would but the problem is we won't know how many are pregnant and I don't want too many because of the effort in breaking them. I wouldn't do it while they are carrying. If we hold off too long, we'll be training them when the new round appears the following year." Ciarán brought up another problem.

  "I don't know if we'll take Katie. She will kick a fit though and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to stop her from coming without significant deterrents. I'm hoping if I don't push much on the things I can overlook, then we can be calm for this second half of the pregnancy. However, as Shane happily keeps telling me, the moodiness hasn't started yet, wait until the last month, he keeps saying. Lord that is my busiest time."

  Liam laughed and rubbed his chin before slapping Ciarán on the shoulder. "But she has two women here and when she is really close, we could bring in mom and the girls from Sheridan. It will be a free for all, but you won't be so much in her line of fire because everyone will be pampering her. I'd think about it, it sure helped with Jos to have that wedding so close to her due date."

  "I can't believe she won't let us know whether it's a girl or boy, but she says that it's one of the truly happy surprises that we will get in life and so we should cherish the event not take all the surprise out of it.

  "I know it's hard, but just keep thinking it's going to be worth it because being a dad is the best and the sex of the baby is no big deal."

  Ciarán laughed. "Says the man with seven sons and one daughter. However, I know what you are saying. I can't wait. Anyway, back to the mares so I have the income to support our little one. I think, while I like us to get the mares, we may get a few stallions, maybe one to six mares. Do you say we are good doing that? I'm hesitant to put on more than two more workers for the stables this year because we are going to have to carry them through the year based on the expectation of the size of the herd growth. How do you think we should do the cattle? Are we good with what we have for them?"

  "Yeah, I'm pretty good about what we have so far. I don't think the added cattle we'll have this year will put us needing more hands, but next year will be different. We'll need to start our estimation for next year's herd size when we get back from the mustang run because I'll want to start the calculations. What about the pups?"

  "They are harder to cycle because they aren't pregnant for nine to eleven months. They are pregnant for two months and in heat for two to three weeks. These little guys are ready to cycle but not mate at six months but man, our search and rescue dog we just finished the second round of training still hasn't cycled at twelve months. Anyway, I'm trying to let them get through this next year before we worry about breeding the first set. They'll be two and a half and that is a good time to start on the breeding after that point. The ones we started with are ready to breed and so we are waiting for heats. I have already set the coupling designations so there are no mistakes. It took me all winter to decide on a couple of them because I want the best combinations."

  Liam laughed wryly and said, "I'm so glad our wives didn't sit down and work out a schedule of events and who would father their children, I think we would have been out of the running, son."

  Ciarán laughed, "Definitely."

  Just then, the men were going to start the checklist for equipment to make sure everything was in place for the first guide trip of the year for the Bureau of Land Management surveyors when they heard the screeching of gravel when Katie sped onto the county road from the ranch's main gate.

  "What the hell is she doing?" cursed Ciarán. "Toss me my phone."

  "Katherine what are you doing and where are you going. And slow down, diabhal é!"

  "Kie, a little girl fell out of the swing and hit her head at Haven House, I have to hurry," she said as she hung up.

  Ciarán jumped up telling Liam as they ran to the nearest pickup, which was Liam's black truck. Liam shoved it into gear and they raced down the road arriving not a minute after her. Liam pointed out to Ciarán that she must have slowed down or they would have been further behind her than that. Ciarán mentally logged in the compliance and was happy she had listened even when she didn't want to.

  Katie, even at nearly six months pregnant moved quickly and appeared to be playing every bit the part of a woman with a mission. The security was standing outside waiting for the ambulance and he sent Katie in the direction of the accident scene. Ciarán and Liam followed at a fast clip arriving on the scene simultaneously with Katie.

  Katherine O'Connor knew what she was doing and she set about doing it. She sent orders about clearing the area, stabilizing the child, treating her for shock, and making sure she wasn't as scared as she was at the beginning of the accident. Jocelyn spoke quietly with Katie, who nodded sharply. Jocelyn then quietly removed everyone from the scene except the child's mother, Katie and the men.

  Liam decided to go with Jocelyn and try to lower the emotional damage already showing ill effects with the other kids and he grabbed Padraig in his arms and Bailey's hand as he passed them with the housekeeper, Mrs. Carnes. Somehow, holding his son and his daughter snuggling in close to her daddy, in the face of this accident with another child seemed to center him and relax his thinking.

  Outside, Katie was talking quietly to the preschooler while Ciarán was deciding what he could do with a distraught mother and a discontented four-year-old. Suddenly he remembered a game that the whole purpose was to lie still and look at the sky. He silently thanked God that the sky was clear with fluffy white clouds.

  He lay down next to Mayson and said, "Would you like to see who can find the coolest thing in the clouds?" He secretly hoped that she would understand the game well enough to stay interested and frantically looked for an example of what he was talking about.

  "Very carefully look, Mayson, I see a puppy dog. Can you see it without moving your head?"

  He waited a moment and just before he was going to point it out, she giggled and said, "Yes, he has a curly tail." So the next moments were f
illed as Katie helped to stabilize her head at one end and Mayson's mom looked on as her daughter enjoyed the company of a man. The greater of the accomplishments couldn't be defined. Whether keeping Mayson occupied, calm, and focused while she waited or that she let a man do that for her.

  Both were tremendous feats. After the ambulance had loaded Mayson into the back and the attendant was preparing to hand up her mother, she turned around and spoke to Katie. "You not only showed me how to handle this crisis with my daughter and showed her that she could be calm, but your husband came. He so carefully taught Mayson that a big man such as he is could be loving, kind, and gentle. Neither she nor I have ever had that experience nor will I ever forget you sharing. I'm thankful to you both."

  As the ambulance drove off, Katie leaned into her husband and released a sigh of contented relief. "Thanks for caring enough to come and then to help, Ciarán, you are the best husband I could have ever wanted."

  "Hmm, can I be the best something else too," he asked, eyebrows shooting up hopefully.

  Katie laughed, "It depends."

  "On what exactly?"

  Katie cuddled in more. "On whether my husband will forgive my racing down the street, let me skip being chewed out, and go straight to the sex."

  "Well, I think, under this circumstance, it could be considered extenuating circumstances, especially when her husband told her to slow down, she did to the best of her ability. Yes, I think going home and having hot, sweaty sex, is just the response to that behavior today, but, for today only."

  Ciarán and Katie drove back in Katie's car and left Liam to go back in his own vehicle when he was ready to return home. With Ciarán driving on the way back home, Katie was able to relax and they discussed what had happened at Bhaile Haven.

  "I was really impressed with what you did there today. I know I have seen you do your work, Katie, and I know that you are competent in what you do, but I forget about what that means. You're a professional with special training and that you are incredible at your job. I sometimes know it seems like I don't give you enough credit and I think it's partly because I forget how specialized a profession you are in, that lives depend on you doing a good job. Like today, little Mayson could have been hurt badly if someone had moved her without knowing whether that she was safe to move or not. And you did an excellent job in making sure that everything was taken care of in a relaxed, calm, professional manner." He reached over to squeeze her hand.

  "I know, and to tell you the truth, I get a thrill when my man becomes lord of the manor and stands up to me or for me. But sometimes… "

  "You're right. Sometimes my machismo gets in the way. But you know that I love you, always, with all that I am, don't you?"

  "Always. And I love you, warts, bossiness, and all."

  The car ride complete, the next place that they took a trip was to their bedroom; this time both taking turns in the driver seat.


  After little Mayson's accident, it just seemed to jumpstart Katie back into her nursing program. The ranch was gearing up for their calving and their foaling. She and Ciarán had discussed it but he had not decided whether he was going to let Katie go with them to the mustang roundup. He said he knew that she wanted to go. However, he explained, he was still a little worried about her getting too close to animals that had no control. And the definition of an animal without control was a wild animal.

  Their intentions were to go and adopt four per adult, which was the limit per year. So what that would mean was Ciarán and Liam, Jocelyn, Cheyenne, and Quinlan would choose four each. Katie, if she went, would be able to select four in her name, and that was the hesitation on Ciarán's part as to whether to bring her or not, because he really did want to have those additional mustangs, if possible.

  "Ciarán," Katie said, "I just do not understand why it's such a big deal. You need to show me that you trust me. It's not as if I'm going to do something that's going to cause this baby or me any harm, you know. It actually makes me angry that you think that I'm not going to take care of myself and I'm not going to protect this child. What kind of disrespect and insult is that to me?"

  "Katie, it isn't that intellectually, I'm not hearing what you are saying. What I'm saying is I'm having a hard time putting you in a situation that could cause you harm. It isn't like I think you are going to do it on purpose or that you aren't protective or that you do not have the brains to stay out of the way of a kicking horse; it's that you might not have the option, and it could happen quicker than you could stop it."

  "Ciarán I need you to hear me on this. I do not care if you get the extra horses or not. I would like to do my part; if possible, because we are a team, in this together. The success of this ranch is important to me as well. But regardless of whether I go and do my part or not, if you do not let me go because you think I could get in some harm because I won't pay attention or I cannot stop it from happening, I do not know how long it will take for me to forgive you. I want you to think about that before you make a final decision. I'm tired of fighting about this. It's my expectation and I think yours that we are going to have more than one child, but if I cannot live a natural life being pregnant because you are so overprotective, I don't know that I'm going to have more children. Hell, I'm not even sure if I want to have this one." As soon as Katie said that she made a yelp, her hand flew to her mouth, and her eyes were wide. After looking at Ciarán, they took on a frightened look.

  Ciarán's eyes turned a cold, dark gray with green flecks and his mouth took on a very grim expression, tight, drawn, and angry. Katie rushed to try to undo what she had said in anger.

  "God, Ciarán, I didn't mean to say that it isn't what I meant at all. I would die if something happened to this, baby. It was my mouth getting away with me because I was frustrated and angry."

  The look on Katie's face was full of anguish and defeat. She was going to beg if she needed to because she had to erase her words. As Katie sat looking up at Ciarán, waiting for his response, tears began to roll down her cheeks, and she held tight to her control. Even though what she really wanted to do was to cry a river.

  Ciarán stood there for a few moments and just stared at Katie then he lifted his head and stared off into the corner of the living room as though he was trying to compose himself and rein his emotions in.

  As Katie watched him desperate, strangled sounds pried themselves from her lips, and he could hear her say over and over again, rocking in a tormented way back and forth, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

  After what seemed like an eternity to Katie, Ciarán turned and looked at her again. He reached down and he grabbed her hand and pulled her up to him, not gently but not harshly. He put his finger under her chin and lifted her face up to his so that he could look into her eyes. His face was stern and hard causing her to catch her breath audibly.

  "You are right; we need to quit fighting about this. But woman, you have to know that no matter how angry and frustrated you are with me, you cannot say something like that. Some things are sacred in our lives, our love for each other, and our love for our children. What we say and how we say it has to be done carefully when we are talking. Katie, I know you are frustrated and I'm trying the best that I can not to make you more frustrated." He took a cleansing breath.

  "I know your hormones are out of whack, and sometimes I make you feel as though I treat you like a child. I know it drives you crazy. I have already said that I will endeavor to stop that. I will attempt to make a conscious effort, but you're mine now to protect, you're mine to watch over, you're mine to love, to cherish and sometimes that has to get in the way of you doing what you want to do. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

  Katie nodded her head.

  Ciarán's tone hardened again, demanding, "Katie, I need you to do more than just nod your head. I need you to tell me that you understand what I'm saying. I know you're frustrated and things are getting in your way. Hell, I get in your way. Nevertheless, you have to understand that while I'm d
oing the best I can to stop making you feel like you have to fight with me all the time, there will be times you have to give in. These boundaries and expectations are hard at times, but you have got to find the place that you can stand on without stomping all over the ground that I have fenced."

  Katie tried to lower her eyes to break the connection, but Ciarán didn't allow it. He brought her face back up.

  "I know," she agreed. "It just seems sometimes that I have done plenty of things on my own and I did them well. Now you are making most of the decisions on big things and it's hard for me to take. I love being your wife. I love that we're having a baby. I love living here. I love the life that we lead. I love you being who you are. It's what attracted me to you. The fact that you could just walk into a scene and take it over if need be but be the gentlest man in the room. I love that I'm the most important thing in your life and that you never make me doubt it, and no one around us ever questions it." Her voice wavered. "Standing here staring at you with your dark, irritated eyes and your intense look, I know you are angry and I'm sorry. Your passion and character thrill me and I'm so thankful you are mine and I'm yours. It's just hard sometimes to be on the receiving end of that ardor when I have crossed your boundaries."

  She hesitated as she picked her words before continuing. "Another thing that thrills me to know is that you would love to wrap a tattoo of handprints on my butt, and I know that you are too angry right now. I'm afraid that I would sing cricket after three swats. But, after you have cooled down, if you still want to tattoo my butt, I will submit to it. But, only if you say that you believe that I'm not doing all of this on purpose, that I think what I said was horrible. I'm trying not to be frustrated as much as you are trying not to irritate me."

  Ciarán's eyes began to lose the coldness and anger. They were warming up as he listened to his wife. His thumbs were rubbing on both sides of her jaw tracing the jawline. Slowly, gently, carefully, Ciarán took a deep breath; letting it out in a controlled manner. He ran his hands through Katie's hair, leaning down to reverently kiss her. At first, gently, but then as his need for her increased, he kissed her more deeply, more hungrily trying to get his fill.


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