Strong (Kindred #1)

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Strong (Kindred #1) Page 5

by K. A. Hobbs

  “Okay, Daddy,” she nods, standing and pressing her hand to the glass. “I’ll come back soon fishes!” she grins.

  We all head to the cafe and Harry announces the food is shit and we aren’t eating there. Laughing, Doug agrees and we head out to find some lunch. After everyone has eaten, Megan decides to go back for a sleep and Carmen agrees to go with them. She waves as they drive away and I wonder when I’ll get a chance to talk to her.

  When I get back from the aquarium, my head is pounding and I feel sick. I head upstairs and as soon as I’m inside the safety of my room, strip out of everything I’m wearing, open the window and slip under the sheets. I reach over and grab my eye mask knowing only complete darkness is going to help. Before I settle myself into bed for a sleep, I drink a big glass of water, take two painkillers and text Carter to let him know I feel horrendous and that I’m going for a rest, then I switch my phone to silent and lay back gently on the pillows. I pull my mask over my eyes and try and relax, knowing if I can sleep, I’ll feel heaps better. When I wake up, my head feels delicate and my stomach feels empty. I remove my eye mask and see that I’ve slept for three hours. I look at my phone and see a message from Carter.

  Carter: Will you let me know if you need anything? I’m sorry you feel bad. Get some rest, I hope you feel better when you wake up. xC

  Carter is proving to be a surprise, first he spends the night with me talking, then he spends the day running around with the children and now he wants to know if I need anything? I’ve been led to believe that Carter is a playboy, the guy who isn’t interested in being serious, wants to play around and enjoys being single. So why then, is he acting like this? Am I misreading him? Or is it Jack who has it wrong?

  I head for a shower hoping the steam will help a little, it does thankfully. I get dressed and grab my bag before knocking on Carter’s door, he takes a few minutes to answer and when he does I see why. He’s fresh from the shower, his hair is wet and sticking up in every direction possible. He only has a pair of jeans on which hang low on his hips, showing off all of his delicious torso and that toned V guys have, the V that makes my mouth go dry and my heart rate pick up a little.

  “Hey,” he smiles. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Erm, yeah, I think so.” I mumble stupidly.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, yes I do. I just need food, I wondered if you’d like to join me?”

  “Dinner? Sure. Can you wait while I grab a shirt?” he smiles. “Not sure anywhere will want me going like this.”

  I don’t know, I think, I’d be happy to have dinner with you like that.

  I don’t say it, I just nod and stand outside his room.

  “Come in, I’ll only be a minute.” he leaves the door open and walks into his room.

  I follow him in and I’m immediately assaulted with the smell of Carter, the steam slowly sneaking under the bathroom door smells deliciously of him and I inhale deeply, trying to take in as much of the scent as I can. His room looks much like mine and is surprisingly neat. I watch as he walks over to the wardrobe and selects a blue and white checked shirt and grabs a brown leather jacket, slipping his feet into a pair of navy Converse. He walks over to the mirror, checks his hair and sprays on some delicious smelling cologne. I make a mental note to find out what the scent is because it’s mouthwateringly delicious.

  “Ready?” he grins, turning to face me.

  “Ready.” I nod.

  We’re both walking to the door when he stops and turns to look at me, he steps forward and boxes me in between the door and the wall. It takes all my willpower not to lean into him and press my lips to his.

  “I don’t know whether you meant we were having dinner with everyone else or not, Carmen. But I’d really like it to just be the two of us.”

  I swallow hard, not sure why his words are having such an effect on me; my heart is racing again, my legs feel weak and there is a slow, persistent throbbing between my legs. I look into his chocolate brown eyes and I swear everything stops, nothing else exists while I’m looking into them.

  “I meant just the two of us, Carter.” I whisper.

  “Good.” he nods, leaning a little closer to me and resting his nose just under my ear. “You smell amazing.” he breathes against my neck.

  “So do you.” I murmur, closing my eyes and just letting my body absorb everything this man makes me feel.

  When I open them again, he’s looking at me, a small smile on his lips. He holds out his hand, which I take, and opens the door. He leads us both down the hallway and we’re at the front door before he lets go, and only then to hold the door open for me. We step out into the early evening sun and he stops, turning to face me.

  “Where do you want to go?” he asks.

  “Honestly? I don’t mind, wherever will be perfect, I’m sure.”

  We walk a few minutes down the street until we reach a small, romantic looking Italian restaurant. Carter stops outside and raises his eyebrow in question, I nod, more than happy to eat here. We step inside and are soon greeted by a small lady asking if we want a table for two, to which Carter tells her yes. We’re shown to a booth in the window and we take our seats. We’re handed the menu and asked what we’d like to drink. I order a diet coke and Carter orders a beer.

  “What are you in the mood for?” he asks, looking up from his menu.

  “Everything, Italian is my absolute favourite.”

  “Well, we can order a little of everything and totally pig out if you want, we’re close enough to the hotel that we can roll back if we eat too much.” he grins cheekily at me.

  “That sounds like a great plan.” I laugh.

  “Okay then, ready to get fat?”

  “What are your mushrooms like?”

  “Orgasmic, really they are. Try?” I hold my fork out to Carter and he takes a bite.

  “I never knew mushrooms could taste that good!” he groans.

  “I told you,” I grin. “How are your meatballs?” I smirk.

  “Meaty. Want a taste?” he grins back at me.

  “Of course.” I lean over and take the forkful he’s holding out to me.

  “Nice balls, right?”

  “Delicious.” I nod in agreement.

  “Tell me about Australia. What’s it like?” he asks, taking a drink from his glass.

  “Well, it’s hot, the beaches are incredible, the people are lovely and the accent is incredibly sexy. What’s Chicago like?”

  “Busy. Exceptionally hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s home to the best pizza and some of the best people,” he smiles. “It’s also home to the best football team in the NFL.”

  “And that’s the Bears, right?”

  “Yup, are you a fan?”

  “No… I’ve just heard Jack go on about them and I figured as much when the guys all got t-shirts at the wedding.”

  “They were jerseys,” he grins at me. “My brother does give the best presents.”

  “Do you like living in Chicago? Is it nice to have your brother back there?”

  “Yeah, I love it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see the rest of the world, if I’ve never been anywhere else, how can I be sure it’s the best place for me?”

  “True, it’s kind of the reason we went to Oz. To see what the world had to offer. I think it’s funny, Megs went all that way and met her husband there and he’s not even Australian.”

  “And Josie met Jack, who also isn’t Australian. Did you meet an Australian?” he asks, looking interested in my answer.

  “There were a couple of guys, nothing serious… at least not now anyway.”

  “So you’re single?”

  “Yes, and I’m not looking for anything right now, I’m just being me for now.” I smile.

  I can’t explain any more than that and I’m glad when he doesn’t ask me to. Our main courses arrive and we both enjoy trying each other’s choice and chatting. When we’re stuffed, Carter insists on paying, practically throwing
my card across the room when I suggest going halves. It seems Carter has been raised the old fashioned way. We walk back to the hotel a lot slower than before, still chatting and when we arrive back, he seems hesitant to end the night.

  “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow? If it’s still okay to catch a ride to London with you?”

  “Of course, a road trip, I’m looking forward to the company.” I tell him.

  “Me too.”

  “Thank you for a lovely evening, Carter.” I tell him, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

  “Thank you, too.” he smiles.

  I open the door to my room and step inside, I hear Carter’s door click closed a few seconds later. I get ready for bed and switch on the TV, flicking through the channels to find something to watch. I settle on Harry Potter and grin when I get a text from Megan.

  Megan: ITV are showing Harry Potter. I hope you’ve had a good evening, did you get dinner? We’re driving back tomorrow, can we have coffee when you’re back in London? x

  Me: Absolutely! I’ve literally just found it. I’ll phone when I’m back. Coffee sounds great. Get some rest! Love you x

  I’m settled in bed when there’s a knock at the door, I get up and just as I approach, a note is passed under it and I hear a shuffle of feet on the other side.

  I thought you might need something to help you sleep. C x

  I open the door and sitting on a little plate is a cup of hot chocolate and a packet of cookies. I grin as I pick them up and bring them back into my room. I snuggle back into bed and take a sip of the hot chocolatey goodness, it’s as good as last night, how does he do it? I open the cookies and take a bite while I send Carter a message.

  Me: You could have come in you know. I’m going to sleep well tonight after your famous hot chocolate - thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow. Breakfast? xC

  Carter: Absolutely. The little coffee shop down the road? 8.30?

  Me: It’s a date. Sleep well xC

  I don’t see the end of Harry Potter, but I do fall asleep with a smile on my face and a feeling of hope in my stomach.

  The next morning, Carter knocks on my door and we walk the short distance to the nearest coffee shop, I’m surprised there is hardly anyone around. Carter holds open the door for me and I step in, turning around once I’m inside to ask him what he wants, he frowns at me and shakes his head.

  “You’re not buying my coffee. I’d like to buy them, what would you like?” he asks me.

  “It’s acceptable for a woman to buy the drinks you know? And you bought dinner last night.” I pout at him.

  “Of course it is, just not today. What do you want?”

  I place my order; a caramel macchiato and a muffin and go to get us a table while Carter waits for the order. I watch him from where I sit, he’s a little taller than Jack but just as dark. His eyes are the exact same shade of brown and his smile actually stops women in their tracks. I see the female serving him lean over the counter and flirtatiously rub his arm, he flashes her his all American smile as he thanks her then takes the tray and I swear she looks like she’s about to faint.


  Carter Manning is a charmer.

  He walks over and starts unloading our drinks and muffins. When everything is on the table he sits down and looks at me, I look right back and for a few seconds I’m lost for words, I literally cannot think of a single thing to say to him. Luckily for me, he breaks the silence.

  “You’re here for five days, right?” Carter asks me.

  His choice of question surprises me, I’m not sure what I expected but it wasn’t this question. I take a deep breath and prepare to answer him.

  Just tell him the bare minimum, he doesn’t have to know everything.

  “No… I’m… I’m here longer than that.”

  “Oh? Megan and Harr—”

  “They don’t know, and I’d really appreciate it if you don’t tell them right now. I’ve got…”

  Why do I feel like I can tell him everything? I haven’t told anyone other than my parents, not Megs or Josie.

  No one.

  So why does this brown eyed, cheeky guy make me want to confess everything? Why do I feel like, if I can just tell him, everything will be easier?

  “I wouldn’t, it’s not my place,” he looks at me like he’s hearing something more than what I’m telling him. “Carmen… Are you okay? Is there something wrong?”

  “Yes actually,” I whisper croakily, suddenly more scared than I have ever been in my whole life. “I have… Carter?”


  “I’m so scared.” I tell him honestly.

  “Why? You can talk to me, I’m a really good listener.” he smiles at me and I try to smile back but my face just won’t cooperate.

  “I’m moving back home. I… I was diagnosed… I can’t even say the word.” I whisper.

  “Can you give me a hint?” he asks leaning forward and taking my hand.

  “It’s the worst thing someone can be diagnosed with,” I tell him, tears filling my eyes, fear filling my stomach. “I have to go to the hospital Wednesday and discuss everything through with them. Then I guess it’s luck?” I try to laugh but a sob breaks free from my throat instead.

  Carter stands and comes to sit in the empty chair next to me, he pulls me to his chest and holds me while I sob, unable to control it or stop it. It’s the first time I’ve allowed myself to feel these emotions, the first time I’ve truly thought about what this all means.

  “I have cancer, Carter.” I sob, the truth suddenly seeming too heavy to carry around alone any more.

  “Shit, I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” he keeps repeating the same three words over and over until the sobs subside and I pull back.

  “Don’t tell anyone, please. Not Jack or Josie and not Megs. I can’t… They have so much going on in their lives right now, they don’t need… I don’t want… Just please.” I plead.

  “I won’t tell anyone, I promise. But they’d want to know.”

  “I know, and I will tell them, I promise I will, just not right now, I can’t right now. I need to know exactly what I’m facing before I tell them.”


  He pulls me back to him and does something I don’t expect him to, he places a kiss on the top of my head. It’s a sweet, comforting kiss and it makes every last ounce of strength I have disappear.

  “I can’t do this alone. I’m so scared. Mum and Dad, they’ll be there for me, of course they will, but I can’t stand to put them through this, Carter. I can’t”

  “Hey, you won’t have to. I’m here. I’m here, and I won’t let you go through this on your own.”

  “You have a life Carter and you barely know me.” I wipe my eyes and look at him.

  He looks completely serious and a little hurt by what I just said. Is he being serious? How can he possibly mean that? We met two days ago, we know nothing about each other, how can he say he’ll be there for me?

  “Does it matter? You’re facing one of the worst things anyone could ever have to face, you won’t tell your friends, you cannot go through this alone, I won’t let you and I’m sure as hell going to be there for you,” he looks at me then adds as an after thought. “If you want me to be.”

  “Are you real?” I half laugh, half sob,

  “As real as they come.” he smiles, that smile that has my legs feeling like jelly.

  “And you’re going to stay here, in a country you don’t know, for a girl you met two days ago while I undergo whatever it is they are going to tell me I need?” I shake my head.

  “Yeah. I’ll find a place to stay, I’ve always wanted to travel, visit England.”

  “This isn’t travelling Carter, this is hospital visits and sickness and who knows what else. This isn’t a holiday.”

  “I know,” he takes my hand and squeezes it. “Which is why I’m not letting you do this alone. Let me be here Carmen, please?”

  “If I tell you no, will you leave?”


  “So whatever I say, your mind is made up?”

  “Pretty much, yeah. It will just be a whole lot easier if you’re on board with this.” he grins.

  “Then I guess we need to find you a place to stay right? And me too, I cannot live with my parents any longer than I have to.”

  “It’ll be okay, you know?” he whispers, leaning forward to wipe a tear from my cheek.

  “I hope you’re right.” I whisper back.

  How can this be happening?

  Is this happening?

  I look over at Carmen and realise it is. How can someone who looks so healthy, so well, be battling cancer right now? And how the hell can she still be smiling? Still be so strong? I sit there with everything just going around and around in my head. When I asked her what was wrong this morning, that was the very last thing I expected her to say, and she doesn’t want to tell anyone? Not Josie or Megan, she wants to do it alone. Like hell is she going to battle this thing alone. No one should have to do that and Carmen certainly isn’t going to. I’m sure she can sense the tension that feels like it’s rolling off me.

  Calm down, Carter, this isn’t about you.

  “Do you want to pick something to listen to?”

  “What happened to my car, my music?”

  “Well,” she grins. “I guess I’ve subjected you to an hour and a half of my music and I’m feeling generous, so do you want to pick or not?”

  “What do you have?”

  “Well, in the glove box there’s a CD wallet, flick through and see if there is anything you like, if not, then you can find a radio station you like.”

  I pick out the CD wallet and start to flick through, Carmen has a lot of music. Of course she does, she’s a dancer. Joss Stone, Beyonce, NSYNC, One Direction, Sara Bareilles, Justin Timberlake, The Weekend, Sam Smith. Not my music choices at all. I decide I’m safer with the radio, then I remember Jack gave me his lead so I can play my phone in the car.


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