Strong (Kindred #1)

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Strong (Kindred #1) Page 25

by K. A. Hobbs

  “I’m checking on the turkey, get your ass in here and help, lazy!”

  “Dude, shut up, I made the pecan pie from the recipe Mom sent me, I brought beer and ice cream. I’m not lazy.”

  “You’re not cooking the whole fucking thing though, are you?”

  “No, because you brother, offered. So shut up.”

  “Where’s Harry?” I ask, spotting Megan in the lounge.

  “He’s gone back for the diapers, he was in charge of packing them and he forgot.” he grins.

  “Don’t grin, that will be you in a few months.”

  “Shit, don’t say that, I don’t think Jose will be as forgiving as Megs.”

  “No,” she agrees coming into the kitchen. “I wouldn’t be, I would chop your balls off.”

  “Go and sit down, you’re supposed to be resting, the doctor told you.” he tells her, looking worried.

  “Is everything okay?” Carmen asks, wrapping her arm around her friend.

  “I’m fine, I was just getting a little pain, it’s because I spent the past week on my feet getting things ready for today. I’m fine.” she looks at Jack again and smiles.

  “Still, I’d much rather you sit down, please Red?”

  “Oh, don’t give me those eyes, I’m almost certain those eyes are what got us into this in the first place.” she sighs as she sits down at the breakfast bar.

  “You got her pregnant with just your eyes?” Megan pipes up walking in to say hello.

  “No, it was his big thick—”

  “No thank you, not today.” Megan cuts her off covering her mouth.

  “It’s Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for his penis. I’m allowed to talk about it, right bubs?” she grins at Jack.

  “Maybe not at dinner.” he smirks.

  “Good job we’re not having dinner yet, isn’t it?” she winks at me.

  “I’m with Megan, I don’t want to know you’re thankful for my brother’s penis either.”

  “Oh, now, come on Carter, I’m sure Carmen is thankful for yours.”

  “Josie!” Megan slaps her arm. “Not all of us want to discuss penises.”

  “We can discuss breasts then, Jack…. Are you thankful for my breasts?”

  “Oh yeah!” he beams. “Pregnancy hormones, I’m thankful for pregnancy hormones too.”

  “Carter?” Josie asks, looking at me.


  “What are you thankful for?”

  I look at Carmen and smile. What am I thankful for? That she’s happy and healthy, that she and I are together, that I fell asleep and woke up this morning with her in my arms.


  “No, tell me what you’re thankful for first.” she flaps her hands around.

  “I am. I’m thankful for Carmen.”

  Carmen smiles and walks over to wrap her arm around my waist, she looks up at me and my stomach tightens with how much I love her, how much I want to make sure she’s always smiling.

  “I’m thankful for you too,” she leans up and kisses me. “And I’m thankful for all the research and technology they have now, because without it, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.”

  “Nawww shit!” Jack laughs. “We were just made to look like idiots, Red.” he nods at Josie.

  “Nah, we were just honest. I’m thankful for Carter and everything Carm said too. He looked after our friend when she needed him and for that, I’ll always be thankful.”

  “I’m thankful for that too,” Megs says. “And my husband and our son.”

  “Jack? Be serious.” I warn him.

  “Josie and Little M of course.” he smiles.

  “What do you think Harry will be thankful for?”

  “Why don’t we ask him.” Megan smiles, going to open the front door just as he knocks.

  “Harry, what are you thankful for?” I ask him.

  “Blow jobs.”

  “Harry…” Megan groans.

  “What? I am, I mean, it feels different to sex and the fact you’re on your knees most of the time, it’s just… Dirty. I love it.”

  “We’re being serious, not dirty.” Carmen tells him trying not to laugh at Megan’s embarrassment.

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “Just answer!” Jack smacks him across the head.

  “Megs and Henry. And our house, that is the best home I’ve ever had.”

  “See?” she smiles, kissing his cheek. “You can behave.”

  “I know, but it’s boring,” he tells her, kissing her back, “Is my boy still asleep?”

  “Yes, happily snuggled in the lounge.”

  “Drinks?” Jack asks, rubbing his hands together.

  “I’ll have a beer.” Harry tells him.

  “Me too.”

  “Girls? What would you like, Carm, we have wine, but Megs and I can’t drink…”

  “I’m driving so I can’t either, we’ll be sober together.”

  “That’s a rare thing when we’re together.” Megan grins.

  “Jack, any chance of some snacks? I think this baby takes after the Manning’s.” she rubs her stomach.

  “What would you like? If you say you want more peanut butter on toast, I might just hit something.”

  “Why?” I ask amused.

  “She lives on the stuff, she eats it for breakfast every day. Then will try everything to get it for lunch and dinner too.” he tells me.

  “It’s delicious! I don’t see a problem with this.”

  “There isn’t a problem, but I’m cooking a giant turkey, you can have some chips, and that’s it.”

  “I’ve got peanuts.” Harry announces, reaching into the bag he’s holding.

  “Megs loves you anyway.” I can’t help but joke.

  “Come sit down, we can chat,” Josie tells Carmen and Megs. “And leave the boys to cook seeing as I’m banned from doing it.” she looks at Jack and winks.

  “We’ll bring the snacks in.” Jack calls after her.

  “Where can I put this?” I ask him, holding up the pie dish.

  “Did you really make it like Mom does?”

  “Yes, I’ve made it with her for years, Jack. I know how to make it.”

  “Then it will be awesome.” he grins, taking it from my hands and putting it on the counter.

  Harry’s head snaps up when he hears Henry cry and he’s gone in seconds, there’s muffled voices and he comes back with a shit eating grin on his face and Henry snuggling to his chest.

  “How did you manage that.”

  “Easy, I told Megs, when the game is on, the boys will shout and make a noise so Little Man won’t want to be anywhere near us.”

  “Can I hold him?” I ask.

  “Sure.” he passes him over and I settle him on me.

  “He’s still so tiny.” I whisper, as he yawns and closes his eyes.

  “He’s putting on weight though, he’s doing really well.”

  “Is it scary? Being responsible for something so tiny?”

  “I thought it would be, but I try not to think about it or I’d constantly be shitting myself. He’s easy to look after, Megs feeds him and I change him, we both bath him, you get a routine.”

  “Fuck, you just sounded like a grown up.” Jack laughs.

  “Har-har fucker!”

  “And is it true?” Jack asks.

  “Is what true?”

  “No sex?”

  “No dude, it takes a little while, but we’re back at it… Well we were, it’s slowed down a little bit now, Megs is tired with all the feeding I guess.”

  “You’re going to be a Dad and the thing you’re worried about is whether or not you’ll have sex?” I shake my head at my brother.

  “Well actually, I’m more worried about Josie right now, she won’t stop and the doctor has told her to rest.”

  “Carmen was going to ask if she wants to go Christmas shopping, I’m going to guess you’d rather she doesn’t?”

  “Yeah, but she won’t listen to me. I think it
will do her good to go, get out and spend some time with the girls. We can have boy time.” he grins.

  “Do you know what, I haven’t been out and got shit faced in months.” Harry sighs.

  “And you still won’t get shit faced, then go home and breathe alcohol fumes over Henry? Megs would kill you.” I laugh.

  “I’m a boring bastard, I’ve got no desire to go out anymore. I’d rather be at home with my wife and son, when did I get so fucking old?”

  “Around about the time you got Megan pregnant, I’m going to guess.” Jack smiles.

  “But we could wet the baby’s head so to speak?” Harry suggests.

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” Jack nods.

  “Don’t let me eat anything else!” Carmen groans rubbing her stomach.

  “I’ve still got space, pass the stuffing.” I laugh.

  “You’re obscene!” she huffs beside me. “Where do you put it all?”

  “I’ll burn it off later.” I wink at her.

  “Megs, give me Henry so you can eat,” Harry stands and holds his hands out for his son. “Are you being Mr Fussy Pants?” he coos to him.

  “He’s been fed, I think he’s got wind. Can you try? You’re better than me.”

  Harry smiles down at Megan then leans in for a kiss, I watch Carmen, watch them and reach for her hand under the table. She takes it, and squeezes it, letting me know, she knows, I know. Carmen wants, one day, what Harry and Megan have and what Jack and Josie will have soon.

  A family.

  Everything is more difficult, but I really do believe we’ll have exactly what they have, it just might be a different version, but ultimately the same.

  Everyone finishes eating and goes to sit in the lounge while Carmen and I load the dishwasher. She brushes past me on more than one occasion and by the fifth time, I’m ready to bend her over the counter and show her just how thankful I am for her. When the kitchen is clean, she makes coffee for everyone and I carry the pecan pie and plates into the lounge. Megan and Harry are on one sofa with a sleeping Henry between them and Jack and Josie are on the other. Carmen and I stretch out on the floor and hand out dessert.

  “Oh. My. God.” Josie groans. “This is fucking delicious!”

  “It’s Mom’s recipe, that’s why.” Jack tells her, grinning around a forkful.

  “Carmen, your boyfriend?”

  “Yeah?” she grins.

  “He makes hot chocolate that practically makes you orgasm and now this? Did I marry the wrong Manning?”

  “I know the hot chocolate secret.” Jack whispers to her, kissing her neck.

  “They why haven’t you made it?”

  “I’ve been waiting for the right moment.” he tells her.

  “Well now would be the right moment, seeing as I was a good girl and didn’t have a coffee. Go on Jack… Make me orgasm with your hot chocolate skills!” she gasps as he tickles her.

  “I’m on it.” he chuckles standing up.

  The game is good but being in England means everything is so much later, Josie and Megan are yawning by the time the first game ends and Henry needs to go home and be settled into bed. We all say goodnight and leave Jack and Josie’s. Carmen holds my hand the whole way and when we get home, I really do take the time to show her how thankful I am for her.

  Best Thanksgiving ever.

  I’ve been searching for the perfect present for Carter for two weeks now, we fly to Chicago in three days and I’m still not sure I have it. I keep asking and he keeps saying the same thing, he doesn’t need a present, he’s taking me home, that’s the best present. I’ve asked Jack and he doesn’t have any ideas either. He’s got him a new jersey, not that Carter will get it until we get back and we have, what Josie and I are calling Christmas part two. We’re keeping the decorations up in the flat and we’re cooking a turkey and everything.

  I’m ridiculously excited about it.

  We told Mum and Dad we were planning to go to Chicago, at the same time we told them about us and they were over the moon for us. I think they’re just happy that I’m okay. I still smile whenever I think of telling them about Carter and I.

  “Mum, Dad… Carter and I… We’re—“

  “In love?” she interrupts beaming.

  “Yeah,” I can’t help but smile, reaching for Carter’s hand. “We’re together.”

  “Is that big news?” Dad asks grinning. “It’s been clear to us from the beginning.”

  “Well, it’s big news for me, for us.” I tell them.

  “We’re so happy for you both,” Mum smiles, leaning over to take my other hand. “He’s been a tower of strength through all this, Carmen, I’m so glad you’ve got him.” Mum looks at Carter then lets go of my hand and squeezes our linked ones.

  “Thank you,” Carter says. “For letting me, I know it must have been hard for you both.”

  I resign myself to just giving him the little things I’ve got him and hope I can find something when we get to Chicago. We’re arriving a few days before so I should have plenty of time. I’m so excited to see everything that Carter loves, Alexis is beyond excited that we’re going to be there for Christmas and keeps messaging me with ideas of things we must do while we’re there. I’m in the middle of wrapping the scarf Carter chose for his Mum when he comes in beaming.

  “Hey, you look happy.” I grin too as he comes bounding up to the table, dropping into the chair and kissing me.

  “I am, Doug and Sophie? Two of the best people in the world. Do you know Jonathan’s parents are wanting some work doing to their house? Well, Doug has got me the job too. So after the holidays I start work on Doug and Sophie’s extension and then in the summer, it’s over to the Coopers to work on theirs.”

  “Wow, I’m so proud of you.”

  “Have you been wrapping all day?” he grins, looking at the mountain of paper all round the lounge.

  “Not all day, for some of it I was trying to work out what to buy the most gorgeous man on the planet for Christmas because,” I lean a little closer. “He won’t tell me what he’d like.”

  “Well,” he leans closer still. “Maybe he already has everything he wants now that he’s got the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Our lips touch and everything else goes out the window. I don’t care about presents or wrapping paper or anything, I just care about Carter’s mouth on mine and pretty soon, his hands sneaking under my jumper. I’m totally lost to him so naturally, the phone rings and interrupts us.

  “Damn my brother.” he growls looking at his phone.

  “It might be important, answer it.”

  “If it’s not, do I have permission to kill him?” he asks, swiping along the bottom of the screen. “Yes?” he asks into it, in way of a hello.

  I laugh as I finish wrapping the scarf and place it on the pile to be packed and not the pile that will end up under the tree. Carter paces back and forth then heads to the kitchen to raid the cupboards. I know what he’s going for before he takes it out. He turns back around and sure enough, sitting in his hands is a packet of Oreos, the man is obsessed with them.

  Maybe I’ll just buy him a years supply of Oreos for Christmas.

  “Yes Jack, I already said I would, bring them over and we’ll take them.” he rolls his eyes and moves his hand up and down like a mouth.

  Two minutes later he’s sitting next to me at the table and watching me wrap.

  “You know, you can actually help, right?”

  “Yeah,” he grins popping another Oreo into his mouth. “But you’re so much better than I am.”

  “That’s the lazy person’s excuse.”

  “No, it’s the ‘I hate wrapping’ person’s excuse.”

  “What did Jack want?” I ask him.

  “If he needs to post the presents for everyone back home or if we’ll take them.”

  “I already told him we’d take them, and anyway, he’s missed the posting deadline by days.”

  “I know, I think he’s stressing. Josie is ou
t with Megan getting his present and they’ve been gone for three hours apparently.”


  “She was getting more pains before she left.”

  “I spoke to her about half an hour ago, she’s okay. The doctor said it’s all the growing the baby is doing, perfectly normal.”

  “I know, he’s just worried.”

  “It’s very sweet.”

  “I think he’s driving Josie mad though.”

  “It’s part of it though, Harry drove Megs mad too.” I laugh.

  “Do I drive you mad?”

  “No, but I’m not pregnant am I?”

  Carter winces and I realise what I said.

  Every day there are little reminders of how much my whole life has been changed in the last few months. Most days, I’m just happy to be alive and well but some days, something will remind me and everything seems to just come crashing down around me. Being busy helps and so does having Carter, but I forget my inability to have children effects him too.

  “Sorry.” I reach over for his hand.

  “You’ve nothing to be sorry about, it’s just… Sometimes it just reminds me that, well… You know.”

  “I do,” I smile softly, encouraging him to talk to me. “You can talk to me about it, Carter, you don’t have to be the strong one all the time.”

  “The strong one? I’m not the strong one.” he laughs, running a hand over his face.

  “You’ve got that all wrong, you were strong when I had nothing left to give, it’s because of you, I got through it.”

  “Do you know…. The day you had your surgery I went crazy. I sat with you when they brought you back into your room and watched the heart rate monitor and I knew as long as that line kept moving across, as along as there was a beep you were okay.”

  “I’m okay,” I remind him. “I’m really okay.”

  “I know that now, but I didn’t then. I had all these feelings to try and work out too. I knew I felt something more than friendship for you, I was so scared Carmen, more scared than I’ve ever been in my life. I watched that machine for over an hour. I watched the line move across the screen, I knew you were okay, your heartbeat was strong, you were strong.”

  “I can’t imagine what it must have been like.”


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