Star Wars - Tales of the Black Curs 5 - Vengeance Strike

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Star Wars - Tales of the Black Curs 5 - Vengeance Strike Page 2

by Peter Schweighofer

  Episode Two: The characters find their first pod and are just about to finish securing their grapples when they’re ambushed by another salvage team! The competitors’ ship is a light freighter which quickly zooms up over the ocean, guns ablaze at the characters’ ship. The characters must defend their prize and damage the other ship, which tries to use its own tractor beam to snare the escape pod.

  Competitors’ Salvage Freighter. Starfighter, space transports 5D, starship gunnery 4D, starship shields 4D, maneuverability 1D, space 3, atmosphere: 260; 750 kmh, hull 3D+2, shields ID. Weapons: 2 laser cannons (fire control 1D, damage 4D), tractor beam (fire control 1D, damage 3D).

  Episode Three: On their next foray in search of an escape pod, the characters pick up one with a different profile than the others, one showing lifeforms inside. But when they finally reach its position, they find the high tide has dragged it into a coastal cave, where it is lodged in the rocks. To retrieve it, the characters must enter the cave on foot and pry the escape pod loose.

  However, living in this coastal cave are several Wroonian flycatchers. These beasts look like large spherical rocks attacked to the ceiling by long threads. The threads are actually adhesive tongues — the flycatchers hunt avians flying through the cave by detaching from the cave wall, swinging down on their tongues, and scooping up any avians (or swiping at characters) with four immense webbed hands capped by claws. The flycatchers immediately assume characters passing through the cave are food, and begin to attack.

  Wroonian Flycatchers. Dexterity 2D, Perception 3D, search 4D, sneak 4D, Strength 4D, brawling 5D, climbing/jumping 6D. Special abilities: Claws may attack up to twice per round, no penalty, for STR+2D damage; adhesive tongue has a range of 20 meters, sticks to most surfaces, hits specific target on Dexterity roll. Move 3/12 (ground/swinging).

  Once the flycatchers have been defeated, the characters can dislodge the escape pod and roll it out of the cave to their ship.

  Episode Four: Inside the escape pod the characters find two badly wounded technicians, one of whom requires immediate medical attention. The woman offers to pay the characters 1,500 credits if they transport her and her wounded companion to a friend in Wroona Starport. When they turn in the escape pod to the Salvage Guild, the characters get 1,000 credits for it — it was the Imperial Advisor’s escape pod and has several items of use inside.

  From Star Wars Adventure Journal 5 (02-1995)




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