Home > Other > BRAKING HARD To Load > Page 3

by Bloom, Cassandra

  It was a sound that I, myself, had made a few times this week.

  I glanced up towards her, not bringing myself to leave my work. Through the thin patch of reddish-brown pubic hair, I could see her beautiful eyes staring back at me. They regarded me, showing with that same look of pleasure, play, and defeat, and then rolled back before hooding behind her fluttering lids. Her body tensed, convulsed, and her grip on the sheets deepened, creating five angry-looking divots in the bedding at either side of her writhing torso.

  “O-oh fuck!” Mia growled out in a husky voice, “Just like that! Eat me!”

  I eagerly obliged.

  She whimpered. Her next inhale hiccupped, paused, ended in a sharp gasp, and then she let out a long, sustained moan as the muscles of her stomach began to twitch. Motivated by the response, I intensified my efforts, watching the playfulness and defeat wash entirely from her face and leaving behind a mask of sheer pleasure.

  “C-close…” she struggled to confess.

  Hearing this, I arched my fingers, found the sweet spot inside her, and began to strum with a rising tempo against the sensitive surface of her G-spot. Her body responded by pitching back, her legs clamping down on other side of me as her ass lifted off the bed. I smirked at the response, allowing myself to be pulled along.

  And now, I boasted inwardly, for my final act…

  Gently taking her clit between my teeth—“hugging it,” as I’d described it to her before—I began a series of rapid flicks with my tongue as I slowed my thrumming fingers; giving her two most sensitive parts a conflicting set of sensations.

  Mia’s head began to roll from side to side in slow, agonized flops. Her moan was a long, low whimper. Her lips moved, speaking, but no words came.

  She was on the edge.

  I continued, reading the signs I’d come to know as a language all their own, and I waited. It was all in the speed and volume, I’d come to find; the tempo of her rocking head and the pitch of her moan always reached a certain point right before…

  Her head began to wag that much faster, her moan rising to almost a shrill cry of pleasure.

  I sped up my fingers to match the rapid pace I’d set with my tongue at that moment.

  Mia came.



  “Nearly tore my damn head off,” I said with a laugh, rubbing my sore neck.

  “Sorry,” Mia answered, sounding embarrassed.

  I laughed that much harder, started to shake my head, then decided I’d need a couple of aspirin first. “Why?” I asked, “It was sexy.”

  “Oh. Well, in that case, you’re welcome,” she teased before taking in another deep breath and letting it out in a satisfied hum. “Wow! A girl could get used to waking up like that.”

  “Figured I owed you for the way you woke me up yesterday,” I said.

  She giggled and shook her head. “Still can’t believe how long it took you to wake up! I had you balls deep before your eyes even began to open.”

  I scoffed. “Who said I wasn’t awake before that point and just wanted to see how much farther you’d go?”

  “Oh, sure,” she scoffed back, “those were waking snores, huh?”

  “Totally,” I said, trying my best to sound serious. “Waking snores. Those exist. Look it up.” A smile crossed over my face, betraying the effort.

  Mia smiled back.

  Then I watched as the smile turned to a wicked grin and raised my eyebrow at the sight. Before I could say anything, she was on me and I shivered, watching as she ran her lips down my chest. I could feel my own breathing grow heavy at the sight.

  “My turn,” she growled.

  She growled!

  She was a tigress who’d found her prey and I was fully willing to submit to her. I watched with fascination as she slid my shaft down her throat, her full lips wrapping around my dick so perfectly. As I disappeared into her mouth, I arched back as she used her tongue to swirl around my length.

  Fuck! She knew exactly what to do with me.

  I watched as she continued and wondered just how much control she had on her gag reflex. I wasn’t exactly small, and she seemed able to take my cock so easily. It was like watching an unarmed man fight a bear; it never stopped being simultaneously fascinating and seemingly impossible.

  Her cheeks puffed as her neck bulged, but, undeterred, she just kept on sinking and swallowing…

  Sinking and swallowing.

  I arched back, moving my hands through her silky hair. I groaned, glancing down at her. Without pausing in her efforts, she looked back up at me; her beautiful eyes burning into my own with an expression of lust and conquest. I imagined—I hoped!—that my eyes had had a similar effect on her before. It was almost enough to throw me over the edge then and there. Then, dwelling too long on that thought, “almost” became something more.

  A man’s climax, like the loss of one’s grip on a heavy weight, was a constant slave to the awareness surrounding it—the moment one thought “I can’t hold on” it was already too late…

  I tried to stammer out a warning, but my breath was gone from me.

  Just like I with her, however, Mia could tell I was close without the benefit of my saying so. She could sense it; could feel it.

  Our bodies had formed a communication all of their own and I fucking loved it.

  Distantly, in a part of my brain not rendered stupid by my impending orgasm, I found this thought just as appealing as the “our bed” thought.

  Now, however…

  I arched back, crying out in pleasure as my release slammed through me. I could feel her drinking me, and I shivered, that much more rewarded by the thought as by the sensation. It was incredible! I’d never felt so much pleasure from a blowjob before Mia. With her, everything felt more amplified, even the smallest touches nearly undid me with her.

  It was so fucking amazing!

  I finished, spent, and fell back, panting.

  Mia slid back beside me looking satisfied by her accomplishment, my taste, or both.

  I glanced over at her, smirking. She smiled back, and I leaned in to kiss her.

  My phone began to ring.

  “Fuck…” I sighed, turning away from Mia to glance at the screen that had lit up from the bedside counter.

  It was Danny.

  “It’s Mercury,” I said, groaning with effort—both physical and emotional—to roll out of bed. “I gotta take this.”

  Mia, though seeming to resent the timing just as much as me, didn’t protest. She had just as much invested with the Crow Gang now as I did; my business was as much hers. While I did resent the phone call for interrupting my morning with Mia, I knew there was still a lot that had to be done. Along with things being great with Mia and I, the Crows had never been stronger too. I had become the leader I should’ve been from the beginning. Better late than never, I supposed. I slid out of bed, grabbing my phone off the nightstand as I did. Pressing the “answer” button, I moved the phone to my ear.

  “What’s up, Merc? This better be important,” I said, not masking my annoyance at being interrupted.

  “Well, ain’t’cha a charmer, an’ a good mornin’ ta ya, too, dick cheese,” Danny said, adding a mocking tone to his voice.

  “Let’s just say I was having a good morning before your ugly mug showed up on my phone,” I replied, adding my own snide tone in.

  “Alright, boys,” Mia called out loudly enough to be heard from both ends, “quit your bickering.”

  I gave her a “look at you”-look of pride and she paused to revel in my admiration before she slid from the bed and sauntered towards the bathroom, swaying her hips teasingly at me as she went.

  What was it they said? Hate to see you go, but love watching you leave.


  The sound of Danny’s laughter cut through and I rolled my eyes, trying my best to turn away from Mia as she slipped away into the bathroom. The sight of her swaying, naked ass nearly undid me again. I promised myself there’d
be plenty of time for that—all of that—later and finally forced myself to turn away. I groaned, running my hand over my face as the last of Danny’s laughter died out.

  “So, what’s up?” I asked, switching to business mode.

  “Well, we might’a found some clues to what the Crew’s got in the works,” Danny began. “Not anythin’ too big—we don’t think so, at least—but… well, I jus’ can’t be certain. Figured it was better to have ya check it out; be sure.”

  “Alright, I’ll be right there,” I said, knowing that Danny didn’t like doing business over the phone.

  “Great, bring Mia, too. I wanna know her thoughts on this too,” Danny said before hanging up.

  Danny always insisted on hanging up first.

  Sighing, I set my phone down and worked to wipe the last of the sleep from my face. My head was buzzing with the demands of a new day while I still had post-orgasmic tingles from a morning blowjob. Stretching my still-sore neck, I saw a lonely bead of jizz—Little late, aren’t you? I thought-taunted—as it seeped from the head of my long-since deflated cock and cling to the side of my thigh.

  There was a twisted irony to the duality at work at that moment: my top-half needed coffee while my bottom-half wanted a nap.

  I laughed at the thought.

  “What’s funny?” Mia asked, stepping out of the bathroom.

  I jumped, startled, and glanced back at her. I resented the sight of the robe she’d since slipped into. “Nothing,” I said, admiring the small bit of cleavage I could make out. “Just a grown man giggling at his own dick.”

  “Trust me,” she said in a professional tone, “no man is too grown up to giggle at their dicks.” She didn’t add “Take it from me, ‘the artist formally known as ‘whore,’” but she might as well have. She walked around the bed, sat beside me, and then nodded towards my phone. “So what’s up?”

  “Well,” I said as I pulled myself up and moved towards the dresser to pick out my clothes, “Danny said he might have found something concerning the Carrion Crew. Said he’s not sure, though; wants us to come down to the shop to check it out.”

  “Us? As in you and me?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Guess so,” I nodded. “After all, if I gotta be the king of the Crow Gang then it’s only fair that you be their queen, right? You don’t mind that, do you?”

  “Not at all,” she smiled. “I want to help you out however I can.”

  “Alright,” I said, beginning to slip into a pair of jeans and catching myself getting excited at the sudden awareness that Mia would have to once more get naked, even if only momentarily, in order to get dressed, as well. “Let’s not keep Danny waiting.”


  The drive to the shop was quick and a part of me hated how fast it was over. I decided after all this was over, Mia and I would go on a road trip. I had always loved riding, but when Mia was with me, it was a whole new feeling. She affected me with everything. In such a short amount of time she had changed everything, and I loved her all the greater for it. A part of me was terrified for how strong I felt of her, while the other part of me screamed to marry her.

  “I wonder what Danny found,” Mia said as she followed me into the shop.

  “He didn’t seem that confident in what he found,” I replied, heading in and nodding to a few Crow members working on shipment. “But I guess we’ll just have to see.”

  As I made my way into the office with Mia beside me, I was greeted by several other members of the Crows. I was astonished at just how much things had changed. After the incident with Mack, I had taken my role as the leader of the Crows a lot more seriously and I was happily surprised to see that my efforts had made a difference. Productivity had never been higher and with the lack of activity from the Carrions, the Crows had never been stronger. I knew I couldn’t take all the credit, but it felt good to be the leader that my dad would’ve wanted me to be.

  “Look who finally showed up,” Danny said, a large smile on his face as he stood up.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I waved a dismissive hand at him and his sarcasm. “So, what’s this business you’ve found?”

  “Like I said over the phone, numb-nuts, I’m not sure,” Danny said, pulling out a tall stack of papers.

  “All that?” I asked, feeling dread begin to fill my stomach.

  Something told me this wasn’t good news. From the grim expression on Danny’s face, I suddenly didn’t want to know what was on those papers. I suddenly wanted to turn, run, and never look back.

  Three weeks, I thought. All we got was three weeks…

  Suddenly award-winning didn’t seem good enough to me.

  I shook my head subtly, stopping those thoughts from snaking their way back inside. I had to be strong, not just for me anymore. For Mia, for Danny, for all of the Crows.

  “It ain’t good,” Danny began. “I won’t sugarcoat it, but… but it might lead to somethin’. I just don’t know yet. Mia, ya might not wanna look at this part. It… it ain’t pretty.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Mia said, and I spotted a look of stoic determination on her face. She wanted to be strong for me as well.

  Queen of the Crow Gang, I thought.

  I took her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze as I gave a nod to Danny. Danny slid the papers down in front of us. I sneered at the sight. The pages were print-outs of pictures. While the quality of the shots might have been decent to begin with, the process of printing them had given them a grainy, almost dated look. It made the grisly depictions a little easier to stomach, but not by much. Page after page of pixelated dead bodies stared with blank, distant eyes. Though it was hard to tell, it looked like every one of them had been gunned down; a few obvious headshots were shown, but others had to be studied a moment longer to spot the gunshot wounds. In a few cases, the only hint that we weren’t looking at a sleeping person was the pool of red they were lying in. Despite the cause of death, though, there didn’t seem to be much of a connection between the pages; the locations, the nature of the bodies, and even the timestamps on the pictures varied.

  “What are we looking at exactly?” I asked.

  “Well, all these guys are… well, were members of the Carrion Crew,” Danny began. “Now, I can tell ya that this ain’t our handiwork—not ‘less one of our boys decided to go rogue on us, but I don’t think that’s the case—so that means…” he trailed off as a means of illustrating the conundrum that had led to him calling us.

  “Who else would take them out?” Mia asked, looking over the photos more closely.

  “That’s what we’re tryin’ ta figure out,” Danny said, scratching his head. “But, truth be told, we got nothin.’”

  I looked back down at the photos, trying to find any other hint among them.

  “Do we have any reason to suspect a third party?” I asked. “Some vigilante effort that might be targeting the Crew for some personal reason?”

  Danny shrugged. “Them Carrion-cunts’ve pissed off a lot of folks, sure, but there aren’t many out there with balls big enough to go around gunning ‘em down,” he said. “An,’ not to brag on their behalf or nothin,’ but it ain’t like the Carrion Crew would jus’ sit around an’ let their boys get iced like that without striking back.”

  I nodded slowly, seeing the truth in that assessment.

  Sure, there could be somebody angry enough with the Carrion Crew for any number of reasons to go out and try something, but trying was probably the best anybody could hope to achieve. Assuming somebody even managed to take out a couple of their members, the resulting backlash would put a quick end to them. Judging from the pictures, from the sheer number of dead bodies I was looking at, the Crew wasn’t working to stop whoever was doing it.

  And I could think of only one person who’d be free to mow down mass numbers of the Crew without any sort of retaliation to show for it.

  “Could Papa Raven have done this?” I asked.

  Danny only shrugged.

  “But why would he take
out his own men?” I thought aloud, shaking my head. “Some sort of message?”

  “Pretty fucked-up message, ya ask me,” Danny grumbled.

  “Is there any connection to where the bodies were found?” Mia asked, pointing to three of the photos. “These three seem to be in the same area.”

  “There’s eleven bodies—well, eleven that we found, at least—an,’ of them, they was scattered across three primary locations,” Danny explained, pulling out another sheet of paper. This one showed a map of the city with a few points marked in sloppy circles. “But when we went to the locations, we couldn’t find anything.”

  “Went to?” I repeated, frowning. “Weren’t we already there?”

  Danny shook his head.

  “Then how did you get these pictures?” Mia asked.

  “Sent to us,” Danny said, folding his arms. “Emailed. Encrypted sender; untraceable.”

  “Emailed?” I muttered, shaking my head.

  “Sort of cements that ‘sending a message’-theory,” Mia said.

  I nodded, realizing how obvious that point seemed now with the new information. “So all of these were just sent to you recently?” I asked, glancing down at the map.

  “Nope,” Danny began. “We got the first email almost a week ago. Went to check it out, found nothin.’ Then we got another email, same response, same effect. Then it happened a third time—didn’t bother to send a search party this time; just decided to call you about it.”

  “Why wasn’t I told about the first email?” I demanded, looking up.

  Danny shrugged. “Didn’t think nothin’ of the first email, to be honest,” he explained. “Hell, we didn’t think much of any of it ‘til the second email. By then we figured we’d better have more to show ya then a few grisly pictures. But, again, nothin’ turned up, an’ what was we supposed to tell ya at that point?”

  “And you said this started almost a week ago?” Mia asked. “So when did each email come in?”

  “First one was ‘bout six days ago,” Danny said after a moment’s thought. “Then the next came… hmm, I guess two days after that. Then the last one came… oh, son-of-a—”


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