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by Bloom, Cassandra

  “When I have the time,” he admitted. “I haven’t read a lot recently with how crazy things have been, but I like action and mystery mostly. War books and stuff like that. My mom was the one who was super into horror and vampires and stuff, and I guess growing up that close to those things I got sort of… I don’t know.”

  “What?” I asked.

  He sighed and shrugged, blushing a little. “They’ve always freaked me out, I guess. That and science fiction, too—that was my dad’s thing. I suppose Michael was pretty into all that stuff, but maybe all that hype around those things in the household drove me to take interest in other stuff.”

  “I guess that makes sense,” I said with a reassuring smile. “So long as you found your own stuff to like, right?”

  He smiled back, nodding.

  “Here,” I offered, taking his hand. “Let’s go find some books that you’ll like more, too. You deserve to have a ‘to-be-read’ pile, even if it’ll never be nearly as big as mine.”

  Jace laughed at that, said something about a woman making a “mine is bigger”-statement, and then allowed himself to be dragged along.

  With that, we spent over an hour at the bookstore and came out with a bag full of books. Jace had said he’d have bought more if we had more space to put them in. Even still, glancing at the bag, I felt we had maybe gone a bit overboard. I decided not to worry about it. Besides, how many times would I get to go to a bookstore and leave with a ton of books? I smiled, realizing that with Jace in my life, I could probably do it a lot more than I was thinking.

  “So, should we check out Medieval Times?” Jace asked, glancing over.

  “Yes!” I said, smiling widely.

  We made our way to the entrance and I stared in awe. Even the entrance was fully decked out to look like a castle. I glanced over at Jace, seeing that he was already buying tickets. I walked over, seeing that he paid for a celebration add-on.

  “Celebration?” I asked, glancing over. “For what?”

  “I just put in our anniversary,” he smiled. “But I figure we could just celebrate us today.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled, taking the special lanyard that came with the extra add-on.

  “We also get a free photo with the king,” Jace said, grinning.

  “The king, huh?”

  We made our way to the entrance, taking our photo, and then headed inside. I glanced around, amazed at how detailed everything was. The place was amazing. As we were shown our seats, I looked over to the stage, seeing a balcony where I assumed the royal members would sit. I glanced over at Jace, who was looking at me.

  “What? Is something wrong?” I asked, wondering if I had something on my face.

  “Nothing at all,” he smiled, shaking his head. “Just glad you are having fun.”

  “Are you as well?” I asked.

  “Definitely,” he said. “This place is awesome! Plus, the food sounds amazing.”

  “It does,” I said, glancing around. “No silverware, huh?”

  “Nope, gotta eat with your hands, I guess to be more authentic,” he said.

  We continued to look around and before long, the lights were dimming and a waitress came over to take everyone’s orders. The waitress had us all cheer for our knight, booing the opposing team. I chuckled as Jace stood and hollered at the opposing team, excited at how into it he was getting.

  “Is this high-fantasy enough for you?” he asked with a smirk.

  “It’s certainly Medieval,” I offered with a laugh.

  “Aw,” he pouted, “At least I tried, right? Do I get points for using it in a sentence, at least?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I smiled, kissing his cheek. “Lots of points… for trying.”

  He grinned at that and I chuckled at how cute he was. As the lights dimmed more, I glanced to the stage as they introduced the knights and began the show. With the celebration passes, we were given first access to our seats and had gotten the front row. I watched the beautiful horses as they passed, enjoying the sights and show.

  “Wow, those horses are so beautiful, aren’t they?” I said.

  “They really are,” he agreed.

  The rest of the show was incredible. The food and sights both amazing. I had enjoyed watching Jace just lift his chicken breast and dig in. Deciding that that was what we were supposed to do, I joined in. We both had a good laugh at how messy we were by the end of the dinner. When the last of the games started, the knights had begun to give roses to lucky audience members and when one of the knights threw one at me, I noticed Jace move his hand over my shoulder.

  “Are you jealous?” I laughed. “They’ve given flowers to a ton of women, I’m sure.”

  “Just playing the part of a historical man, right? You know: ‘My woman’! Grunt-grung, ugh-ugh!” he declared.

  I broke out into hysterical laughter at that.

  The last of the show ended and we were given our pictures before leaving. We had been lucky getting a earlier matinee show, but by the time we were leaving, the sun had begun to set. As we made our way back to the bike, the realization that I wouldn’t have much more time with Jace before he had to leave hit me.

  “Where to now?” Jace asked.

  “Can we go back to the condo?” I asked, squeezing his arm.

  “Oh?” he raised an eyebrow. “You sure you don’t want to do anything else?”

  “I’m sure,” I pressed my body against his for emphasis.

  “A-alright! No time like the present, right?” he laughed, coughing nervously.

  With that, we were back on the bike and heading home in no time. I smiled, squeezing his waist, reliving the day and how amazing the date had gone. Jace had went and bought me a rose sculpture they’d been selling in the gift shop, saying he wanted to give me something that would last. The gift had been incredible and I planned to find a good place to put it at the condo later. I glanced up, seeing that the sun was close to setting and wondered how much more time we’d have together before he’d have to leave.

  “Jace?” I called over the bike.

  “What’s up?” he called back.

  “Do we have time to stop somewhere?” I asked.

  “Sure, where do you want to stop?” he asked.

  I told him where and we rode there. As we stopped in front of a small movie shop, I slid off the bike first. He glanced up, seeming curious about the shop and moved off the bike to follow me inside.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I wanted to get a movie to watch tonight while you… well, you know,” I said, not finishing the sentence.

  “What movie?” he asked, seeming curious.

  “Something my dad would put on for me every time he left for a business trip,” I said, looking through the children’s movies.

  “Oh?” he asked, watching me.

  I found the movie and slid it over to show him. He looked down, seeing an old DVD copy of Ferngully and looked up at me, raising an eyebrow. I smiled, taking the movie back and headed towards the register.

  “What? I liked this movie, so what?” I asked, sticking my tongue out.

  “Nothing,” he said. “I liked the move too, actually.”

  “Well, maybe we can watch it together sometime,” I offered.

  “We will watch it together soon,” he corrected.

  I nodded, smiling softly, and finished the purchase. We moved back to the bike and I slid behind him, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist as he hit the ignition. We weren’t too far from the condo now and I couldn’t hold back the sudden excitement that filled me. I couldn’t wait for Jace’s touch.

  “Anywhere else we need to go?” Jace asked.

  “Home. Pronto,” I answered, rubbing my hand over his crotch quickly.

  “H-home it is!” he called, hitting the acceleration.


  Jace parked the bike with record time and I watched as he worked to slide off the seat, nearly falling as he did. I could tell he was just as pent up as I was, and I ne
arly laughed at how silly we must’ve looked. I slid off the bike as well, joining him by his side. He glanced over at me, his eyes traveling across my body. I let him look, even pushing out my chest as he shivered in excitement. He took my hand, turning to leave the parking lot and head to the condo.

  “You are a tease, you know that?” he said, chuckling softly.

  “I know,” I said. “It’s my revenge for how you teased me about the location of our date!”

  “Are you upset about that?” he asked, pouting.

  “No, it really was an incredible day,” I admitted.

  And it had been an incredible day. Jace had surprised me with yet another amazing date and I still couldn’t wrap my head around how great things had been. Medieval Times had been incredible and our drive back from the video store had been filled with small touches from either me or him. By the time we were headed through the doors, I could tell we both were desperate for the other. Both of our bodies seemed to scream for the other, and as I followed Jace towards the elevator leading to our condo, I let the last of my worries for the rest of the night go. I knew what was about to happen and I wanted to concentrate on the now and worry later. My body thrummed with anticipation as I watched the elevator doors slide open. A part of me compared the sight to what was about to happen. Jace would open me up like he always did. Since meeting Jace, sex was completely different. No, that wasn’t right. It wasn’t casual sex any longer, it was making love. I had always scoffed when my old friends had commented on the difference between sex and making love, but with Jace I had found exactly what they’d meant when they said that.

  There was a difference.

  Jace had changed the meaning behind sex, or making love, completely for me. I’d never experienced true passion before him and I would never give this up. I hoped that things would never change between us. A part of me was still worried about the business with Papa Raven, but we would deal with that later. Right now, tonight, this was for us.

  As I stepped through the elevator doors, Jace didn’t take any time in jumping me. I gasped as he took my hips in his strong grip and pulled me against him. I let out a small breath as I felt him against my thigh. I could feel the spreading warmness that always came from his touch begin to grow and I eagerly leaned against him. His mouth came down on mine, his lips perfectly melding with mine. I moaned, running my tongue against his lips, wanting to make the next move since he had beaten me to the first. He groaned, opening his mouth to let me explore. I knew there was most likely a camera in the elevator and I didn’t care. While I certainly wasn’t interested in returning to my “old” life (barely a month!), I couldn’t deny the slight thrill that came from the idea of being caught.

  As long as I was being caught with Jace.

  We began an all-out wage of war with our tongues, both working to gain dominance over the other. Jace groaned, holding my waist tighter as he pressed against me that much more. The elevator doors opened to our condo and we both made our way into the living area, both of us not wanting to let go of the other. I giggled at the awkward dance we made as we worked around the furniture towards the bedroom.

  “I bet we look really silly, don’t we?” Jace asked, chuckling against my mouth.

  “Well, I hope whoever’s watching enjoys the show then,” I said, smirking as I nipped at his lower lip.

  He groaned at that and lifted me into his arms to finish our journey to the bed. I smirked at the sheer strength he possessed at how easily he lifted me. While no one would call me heavy, he’d lifted me like I weighed nothing at all. I shivered, wrapping my arms around his neck as he carried me the rest of the way to the bedroom. As we reached the bed, he threw me down on the bed. I gasped, falling back, sprawled on the bed.

  “H-hey!” I said, panting.

  “What? Don’t like me going all berserker on you?” he grinned.

  “I told you that in confidence!” I pouted.

  “And what? You didn’t expect me to bring it up then?” he said, crawling over me on the bed.

  “I guess not,” I mumbled.

  “Shall I ravage you then?” he asked, his eyes gleaming wickedly.

  “You are awful!” I groaned.

  “You love me,” he said, kissing my cheek.

  “Are you going to then?” I asked, grinning back. “Ravage me?”

  Needing no more motivation, he ripped my shirt off. I gasped as the top literally ripped off of me, the front seams tearing off and leaving a scrap of fabric in its wake. I glanced up at Jace, shock and awe on my face.

  “You ripped my shirt!” I said, pouting. “I liked that shirt!”

  “I’ll buy you another one,” he said, unapologetically.

  I shivered, watching as he undid my bra (thankfully more carefully) and threw it across the room. He smirked down at me as he lowered himself to my breasts. I moaned, watching as he captured one of my nipples in his mouth. I shivered, loving the feel of his mouth on me as his other hand worked its way down my stomach. He began to slide my pants and panties off in one quick motion, not even moving his mouth from my breast. I shivered, watching as he slid his one hand between my legs, beginning to rub my clit.

  “Oh god!” I panted. “It feels so good!”

  “Good girl,” he said. “Take your pleasure, baby.”

  I moaned, bucking against his hands as he slid his fingers inside me. His thumb continued on my clit as his fingers worked inside me. His mouth never left my breast as he continued to finger me. I was growing crazy from his touch! I needed him.

  “Don’t tease me anymore!” I pouted.

  “Aww, I want one orgasm before I fuck you,” he said, grinning wickedly.

  “You aren’t fair,” I said, the last of my words coming out more as a moan as he began to work that much harder.

  My head fell back against the pillow, succumbing to his “torture”. I shivered, loving the feel of his hands on me, his mouth on my breast. I could feel myself growing close and I tried to will it to come faster. I needed him inside me and if that meant I needed to have an orgasm first, dammit I would force one out! As Jace continued with his fingers and mouth, I could feel my climax growing. I arched back, letting loose a loud cry as my orgasm came. I cried out, feeling Jace go that much faster as he helped me ride out my climax. Before I was even finished, Jace slid his fingers out, replacing them with his thick shaft. I whimpered, arching forward and pressing my lips against his.

  He returned the kiss as he began to thrust inside me, his thick length filling me perfectly. His hands moved up my hips and captured my breasts in his palms. His thumbs flicked over my nipples as he ran his tongue against my lips, parting them easily. I moaned, running my tongue against his as he continued to fill my insides.

  “Oh! I’m close again!” I moaned against his mouth.

  “Do it,” he growled. “Come for me.”

  I cried out, feeling another release slam through me, sending my entire body into a wave of sensations. My body was suddenly on high-alert and every thrust from Jace’s cock nearly overwhelmed me with pleasure. It was suddenly almost too intense to take, but Jace seemed to know exactly how to handle it. He slowed down, thrusting slowly inside me, sending small bursts of pleasure through me. I fell back, already once again nearly in the throes of orgasm and this time, Jace joined. He let loose a loud groan, telling me he was close, before speeding up inside me.

  “Oh god!” I cried out, arching back. “It’s so intense!”

  “Come for me,” he groaned. “Come with me!”

  I cried out as another wave of pleasure flooded me, my release rocketing out and sending my body into another shockwave of pleasures. Jace joined me this time, filling me with his cum as he continued to push deep and hard inside me. I cried out, loving the feel of our joint orgasms, of how connected we felt at that moment.

  It was so perfect.

  I shivered, falling back against the bed and came crashing out of the bliss at the sight of the clock. It didn’t seem fair to not leave things ther
e. I worked to catch my breath as I glanced up, seeing Jace as he sat at the edge of the bed. I could see he felt as conflicted as I was and I sat up, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “I don’t want to leave you,” he whispered, leaning against my touch.

  “I know,” I said, squeezing him tighter. “I don’t want you to leave either. It doesn’t seem fair, does it?”

  “Not at all,” he agreed, resting his cheek against my arm.

  “Don’t take longer than you need, okay?” I said, running my hand through his hair. “I don’t want you to overwork yourself.”

  “I’ll try not to,” he said, sighing. “Get some sleep and don’t wait up for me if you can help it.”

  “I’ll try to,” I said, repeating him.

  I watched as he slipped from my arms, moving to get dressed. Already I could feel how cold the bed suddenly felt without him. I pressed my knees to my chest, holding them as I watched him get dressed. I didn’t want to get out of the bed, I didn’t know how well I could stand right now. I hated how quickly things had suddenly changed. The date had been amazing, the night had been amazing.

  I reminded myself that once Papa Raven and the Carrions were gone, things would continue to be this amazing. That I had to just wait this all out and help however I could. I took a deep breath, glancing back at Jace, seeing that he was almost dressed. I wanted to say one last goodbye, but thought better of it. It already wasn’t easy to watch him leave after such an amazing night, getting up and saying goodbyes again would just hurt us.

  A part of me screamed to stop him. How could we know if this wasn’t a trap set by Papa Raven? And if it was a trap, what did that mean for Jace? Would he be able to handle it? What if it was too much for just him? We should’ve given him backup. I wondered if I should say something, but then thought better of it. They had all discussed it together, sending in more men right now was unnecessary. Who knew if he’d find anything anyway? Maybe it was all just a warning so far.

  Even still, a warning wasn’t good, was it? What could the Carrions have planned next? I felt dread settle once again in my stomach and hated just how familiar of a feeling it had become. I chewed my lip, hating how worried I suddenly felt. Again, I felt how unfair it was that I had just went from being on cloud nine to feeling this awful dread.


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