Coming In Hot Box Set

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Coming In Hot Box Set Page 119

by Gina Kincade

  “Is anyone watching? Are you sure this okay?”

  “Quiet.” It was the same tone he used with his subs and she obeyed as he expected. With her ass bared, he ran his palm over one cheek and then the other. His pants tightened around his growing shaft. He rubbed her ass, feeling her cool skin warm under his hand. He would like to hold out longer, get her anticipation really high, but they were in a public park. Bringing his hand back, he spanked her hard, leaving a bright pink palm print which he matched on the other cheek.

  “Curtis?” she said, her voice strained.

  “Yes, Little Song?”

  “Are you sure you want to wait?”

  He released her neck and used both hands to cup and squeeze her ass. “I’m sure, although I am very eager to make this red, to hear you squeal.”

  She pressed back into his hands and his fingers brushed between, sliding over the slick skin.

  “You don’t want to wait.”

  She shook her head. “No. I want you to take me. Now.”

  He released her and flipped down her skirt. When she whimpered, he smacked her ass again. “Time to go home.”

  “Will you come inside?” she asked, looping her arm through his for the walk back.

  “No. Not tonight. You will come to my place. Tomorrow. Is six too early?” He avoided meeting her eye, knowing she would be eager and longing. He was hard and could be easily swayed to let her relieve him.

  “No. That’s fine. Where do you live?”

  He gave his address and dropped her off outside her apartment building. She turned and reached up to pull him into another kiss. Unwilling to give her control, he took her face between his hands and kissed her forehead. “Be safe, Little Song.”

  She sighed and leaned into the door. He was turning back to the street when she called, “Take care.”

  A warm lump formed in his chest and expanded, taking in his hard cock and making it stiffen even more. He was looking forward to tomorrow. Pulling out her list, he started contemplating what he would do with her.

  Chapter Six — All the Toys and the Tools in the Box

  Curtis stood in the open doorway, watching Melody descend the stairs to his basement suite. He’d spent the day trying to decide what to do with her and reading over her list. In the end, that was what had given him the idea for what would be her ordeal tonight.

  She stepped out, wearing the impractical high heels that indicated she’d come straight from the office. Hadn’t he told her to eat first? He’d have to check, and would enjoy spanking her if she’d disobeyed.

  “You didn’t go home.”

  She stopped midflight. “No. I grabbed a soup and sandwich on the way. Is that a problem? Did you want me to change?” She looked down at her business attire and he did as well.

  She wore a slim, fitted skirt that showed off her knees and well-rounded calves. They were further emphasized by the ridiculous black heels. As she finished descending, his gaze followed up her duster, which hung open to reveal a black lace top over a red camisole. Her breasts were large enough to give her a feminine shape, and pushed up to perfection. That lace would be the first thing to go.

  “No. That’s not a problem, Little Song. I’m glad you got to eat. I hope it was enough.” He stepped back to invite her into his apartment.

  “I’ll be fine.” She dropped her purse to the floor beside his shoes. “I have a couple energy bars in here if I get the munchies.” She stopped in the process of taking off her duster. “I mean, if I’m allowed to eat them. I don’t want to presume.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t starve you. I do have a chore for you, though.”

  “Oh?” Melody hung her coat up in the closet and stepped out of her heels to follow him into his kitchen. The counter was covered in soft towels and cloths reaching the sink. In front of that, on the floor, was his toolbox. The wrinkles in her forehead as she tried to guess what was in it made his cheeks flush. She was so damn cute. Unfortunately, the wrinkle drew attention to the scar hidden in her hairline. The stitches must have just come out.

  “Start by taking this off.” He plucked one of her sleeves. “You don’t want it getting wet.”

  She looked down at her shirt and then up at him. “Curtis? What exactly is going to happen tonight?”

  He grinned. “Exactly what you think, and everything you didn’t expect.”

  She blinked a few times while that thought sunk in. Then she pulled the top over her head. She grabbed the camisole too and stood in her lacy bra. Her nipples were dark enough to see through the fabric and were pointing at him, accusing him of making them stand out.

  “Should I take the skirt off too?”

  He shrugged, torn between encouraging her to do that and knowing she might get cold standing around naked for very long. “If that would make you more comfortable.”

  Curtis followed her dark pink tongue as it peeked out to lick her lips. “I’ll wait until I know what I’m doing.”

  “That’s fine.” His cheeks were tight from his constant smile. She must think he was manic or something. It was probably creeping her out, so he tried to ease it down to a smirk without much success.

  He squatted beside the box and opened it, pulling out tray after tray until he’d reached the bottom. Melody’s eyes widened with each one and the obvious sex toys that lay among them. However, his favorite expressions were the ones she gave devices that weren’t obvious. He thought he might hear her brain ticking while it tried to source them.

  “I always clean my toys after I play, but it’s been a while since I’ve gone through everything. That will be your job.”

  A tick in her cheek worried him. He rose to take her hand. “I’m not in any hurry.”

  “I don’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed.” A blush rose in her cheeks as she said it, and Curtis brushed his finger over her nose and freckles.

  “Well, then let me tell you the best part. You get to put those toys in two categories. Ones I’ll use on your tonight, and ones I’ll use another time.”

  That made her eyes widen even further and he worried they might pop right out of her head. “Really?”

  He chuckled. “Really. Now some of them use the toy cleaner, some need alcohol wipes, others will just get a polish or winding. I’ll let you know which are which. Where do you want to start?” He looked over the spread and took a moment to total up the value of his collection. It had to be over a thousand dollars, maybe closer to two, but he’d built it up slowly, two or three at a time, never spending more than a few hundred at once.

  Melody reached into the bottom of the box and pulled out silk rope.

  “Run it through your hands and check for frays. If you find any, set it on the counter. I’ll repair or replace it.”

  She pulled the length through her hands and looped it around her elbow. Curtis stopped her coming up beside and reaching for the length. “Fold it in half first. The best rigs start with that, the bight.” He let the ends dangle until he was near enough the middle and handed that loop back to her. “It’s easiest and quickest if you have that at hand.”

  She plucked the rope up gingerly, holding it out from her at first. “So, now I loop it?”

  “That’s right. The way you were going was fine otherwise. Just keep that bight sticking out a bit.”

  Goosebumps prickled her arm as the rope slid over it. Curtis couldn’t resist the urge to take it from her again. “You like the feel of rope?” He took the bight and shook the rest free of her arm. She didn’t say anything but nodded. “Like this?” He wrapped the rope under her breasts, then twisted it up around her neck, back down the other side, and made a harness that he could use to suspend her. The bra made it a little less ideal, but it was clear she enjoyed being tied. Her eyes fluttered shut and her lips parted, inhaling.

  “You can keep that on. I might add to it later.”

  His words seemed to wake her up and she shifted her weight, antsy and uncomfortable.

  “Little Song? Are you wet?
” He sidled around behind her and brought a hand up her thigh. “Are you wishing you’d taken this off?” His wrist pushed her skirt up as he drew his fingers closer to her sex.

  “Yes.” Her voice was almost a squeak and his breath seemed to rumble in his chest. That squeak was intoxicating. Would she keep it in climax? Or would it turn into something deeper, grunting? He was going to find out, and that made him hard.

  “Go ahead.” He let go and stepped back. She pouted for a second and then unzipped her skirt down the side seam, stepping out of it and tossing it atop her shirt on one of the chairs in his breakfast nook. She wore practical panties and when he stared at them, she turned red, the blush spreading right down her throat.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked, crouching to get a better look at the black cotton, to get a sniff of how aroused she was.

  “I should have worn something else.”

  “I don’t think so.” He slid his hands up her hamstrings and palmed her ass cheeks. “You might recall me gushing over your shoes.”

  She giggled and he could see the embarrassment break. “Yeah. You really go for the granny gear, don’t you?” She stopped and covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you.”

  Curtis laughed. “You have to remember, I spend a lot of time on my feet and climbing into and out of ambulances, bedroom, bathrooms, ERs… I never take comfort for granted.” He slipped his fingers into the harness where it snaked down between her breasts. He pulled her closer by it. “You must tell me if you are uncomfortable. Especially in the ropes. Understand?”

  She nodded, and when he didn’t say anything else she confirmed it for him. “I understand. I’ll tell you if anything doesn’t feel right.”

  “Good. Now, at this pace you’ll be here until tomorrow noon.”

  “Right.” She squared her shoulders and reached into the box to pull out another length of silk rope. This time, she found the center first and then coiled the rest, setting it beside the box to reach in for another.

  “Is that the pile for tonight?” Curtis asked once she found the center of the next piece.

  “Oh, uh, yes?” She looked at the rope in her hands and plucked at a loose strand. She set the rope on his counter. “I mean, you’ve already started.” She ran her hand over the rope between her breasts. “Would you use more?”

  “At least one more, probably two.”


  “Go on.” He took the damaged rope and reached into the junk drawer for his sewing kit.

  By the time he’d stitched the fray back together and deemed the rope worth keeping, Melody had wound up all the silk and his one length of hemp. She was still holding it. “Is this good?”

  He took the rope from her and ran his fingers over it. “Needs tightening. Could use oil, too. I’ll take care of this. Which one next?”

  Melody looked over the choices and picked up one of his many dildos. This first one was pretty typical, average length and girth, but had a springiness that he liked and could be bent slightly to reach where and when he couldn’t.

  “I just spray it, right?” She turned to the counter and picked up the bottle of cleaner.

  “Wash it first. Cool water.” He dug in one of the trays for the hemp oil and worked some into the stiff rope, then he opened one of the cupboard doors so he could hang the rope down from it, twisting while he pulled the length over it.

  “What does that do?” Melody asked over the gush of water in the sink.

  “Winds it up, so the separate strands don’t unravel. I haven’t used this in ages. I should probably get rid of it.”

  Melody dried the dildo and sprayed it with cleaner. “It was very rough. Doesn’t it hurt?”

  “Not terribly. Should I put it in tonight’s pile?”

  “No.” She turned from the dildo, leaving it on one of the many towels to pick up another. “I mean, we have others.”

  He didn’t tease her further, setting the rope back in the box. He did make a note to himself to use it or lose it.

  She hesitated with the second dildo, a glass one that was substantially thicker than the last. This had been a fantastic idea. Her expressions were so honest, just like her words the other night, making for an amusing and arousing combination. She worked her way through his dildos, rabbits, and butt plugs.

  He picked up one of the rabbits and turned it on to check the batteries. Melody jumped when the buzz surprised her. He poked her with the twisting end and she laughed. “Tonight?”

  She took the rabbit from him and dropped it atop the ropes she’d left out.

  “None of these?” He waved a hand over the butt plugs.

  She shook her head. “I-I’m still not sure I want… I mean, you know I haven’t tried…”

  He rubbed her arms. “Not tonight. You don’t have to explain. Tonight is what you want it to be, and what I can turn it into.”

  She shivered and he bent his head to kiss her bare shoulder. He released her to reach for the next tray. She picked up the flogger and shook it. “What do I do with this?”

  “Are the throngs tangled?” he asked, combing his fingers through them.

  “No. Do I wrap it or fold it?” She folded the throngs over the handle.

  “Have you tried it?”

  She swung it in an arc. “Damon had one like it, so I guess I have.” She dropped it into the tonight pile as well. Curtis twitched at the thought of whipping it against her pale skin and making it pink. Tonight was going to be a good night.

  She pulled out paddles and a riding crop, using the polish he provided for the wood, wiping down plastic, and applying oil to the braided leather. She flicked the crop and was rewarded with a lovely whoosh.

  “How about that one? Want to feel it?”

  “Yes.” She was about to drop it in the tonight pile but he took it from her instead.

  “Don’t put too many punishments in there. You won’t be fit for fun. Here, have a taste instead. Then you can decide.” He cracked the crop on the outside of her left thigh, leaving a pink line.

  “Ow.” She rubbed her hand over the mark. “Not tonight.” She set it beside the other paddles. “What about one of these?”

  “Probably a better choice. Shall we?” He picked up a wooden one and slapped it against his palm.

  “Wouldn’t using all of them on me be the same as too many punishments?”

  “Perhaps.” He brought it down on her left thigh, on the quadriceps.

  She didn’t complain this time, but put it beside the others. She handed him a plastic one that was thin and flexible. “This one?”

  “Good choice.” He flicked it on her ass and she jumped.

  “That stings, but not as hard as the others.” She took it from him to add to the tonight pile.

  The night wore on that way, Melody dumbfounded by some pieces and mortified upon realizing what they were for. Most of those were put away again, but some intrigued her enough to put in the tonight pile.

  One of the last items she cleaned was in its own box. “What is this?” She opened it and lifted out a thin glass wand.

  “Oh, you’re going to like this.” He reached into the same tray and pulled out the electric adapter for the violet wand, plugging it in. As soon as power ran through it, purple lightning streaked up the length of the glass. He switched off the lights so they could both see it better.

  “Is it like one of those balls at the science center? You know, where you touch the ball and the lightning moves to your hand.” As he’d hoped, she stretched out a finger to touch the tip. “Ah!” She pulled her hand back as quick as the lightning arced from the glass to her skin.

  “Try again.” He held the wand out toward her, pointing it at her side. She shied away a little, tensing against the coming shock and squealed when it zapped her. “Like it?”

  “Yes.” She fumbled to find his light switch. “How much is left?” Looking over the trays, they couldn’t find one that hadn’t been cleaned and sorted.

  “Looks like you’ve finished.” Curtis reached out to grab the rope wound over her bra. “Turn around.” He unfastened the undergarment and slowly worked it free from under the ropes. She sighed as it came loose and her breasts sagged very slightly. He’d never understood the strange line between comfort and binding that the bra was designed for. He’d been told that bouncing breasts weren’t just nice to look at, that they could hurt, but the marks left by straps had to be painful as well. Perhaps that was why women made such good submissives. They were adapted to pain.

  With his mouth at her ear, he spoke quietly. “Put your hands on the counter. Don’t move them.”

  Chapter Seven — Reaping What You’ve Sown

  Melody shuddered as though he’d run his fingernails down her spine. She was so receptive, responsive. He’d gotten used to Alexa, the way she sucked in sensation and held it. Melody didn’t do that. She reacted immediately and completely. He started to shift in his pants and worried. It wasn’t good for him to get too excited too early. He planned on stretching this out.

  Her fingers splayed where she pressed them to the cool granite surface. She didn’t move otherwise and Curtis wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her hips back, and placed the other hand on the back of her head, bending her over. Then, slipping fingers into the waist of her panties, he pulled them down to her ankles. He didn’t remove them, but she stepped out of them of her own accord.

  Once in place, he reached into the pile of toys and picked up the slapping paddle. He bent the top of it back, aiming at her ass, and snapped it against her white skin. She jumped, but put her weight into her hands, pressing down again. He gave each cheek half a dozen slaps, turning them a soft pink. He hadn’t told her to hold still, and she didn’t, her hips shifting and swaying. She thrust them out, exposing more ass for him to spank and he took the offering. Each gyration made it clearer just how turned on she’d become. He wanted to continue the spanking, but there must be something in the pile he could add.

  One of the dildos caught his eye—a glass one with a thick head. “Hold onto this, Little Song.” He slid it over her wet lips and slipped it easily into her juicy pussy.


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