Beyond the Blue Event Horizon

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Beyond the Blue Event Horizon Page 9

by Frederick Pohl

  Lurvy looked around, considering. "I think not-unless you think we should tell your friends we are coming, Wan?"

  "The Dead Men?" he shrilled, grinning. "They will not know. They are not alive, you know, they have no sense of time."

  "Then why do you like them so much?" Janine demanded.

  Wan caught the note of jealousy and scowled at her. "They are my friends," he said. "They cannot be taken seriously all the time, and they often lie. But they do not ever make me feel afraid of them."

  Lurvy caught her breath. "Oh, Wan," she said, touching him. "I know we haven't been as nice as we might. We've all been under a great strain. We're really better people than we must seem to you."

  Old Peter had had enough. "Go you now," he snarled. "Prove this to him, do not stand talking forever. And then come back and prove it to me!"


  After the Fever

  Less than two hours-the fever had never been so short before. Nor had it ever been as intense. The most susceptible one percent of the population had simply been out of it for four hours, and nearly everyone had been severely affected.

  I was one of the lucky ones, because after the fever I was only stuck in my room, with nothing more than a bump on the head from falling over. I wasn't trapped in a wrecked bus, crashed out of a jet-liner, struck by a runaway car, or bleeding to death on an operating table while surgeons and nurses writhed helplessly on the floor. All I had was one hour, fifty-one minutes and forty-four seconds of delirious misery, and that diluted because it was shared with eleven billion other people.

  Of course, everybody in all those eleven billion was trying to get in touch with everybody else, all at once, and so communications were jammed for fair. Harriet formed herself in the tank to tell me that at least twenty-five calls were coming in for me-my science program, my legal program, three or four accountancy programs from my holdings, and quite a few real, live people. None of them, she told me apologetically when I asked, was Essie; the circuits to Tucson were out entirely at the moment, and I couldn't place a call from my end either. None of the machines had been affected by the madness. They never were. The only time something went wrong with them was when some live person had injected himself into the circuit, for maintenance or redesign. But, as statistically that was happening a million times a minute, somewhere in the world, with some machine or another, it was not surprising that some things took a little while to get going again.

  First order of business was business; I had to pick up the pieces. I gave Harriet a hierarchy of priorities, and she began feeding me reports. Quick bulletin from the food mines: no significant damage. Real estate: some minor incidents of fire and flooding, nothing that mattered. Someone had left a barrier open in the fish factories and six hundred million fingerlings swam out to lose themselves in the open sea; but I was only a minority stockholder in them anyway. Taken all in all, I had come out of the fever smelling of roses, I thought, or anyway a lot better than a lot of others. The fever had struck the Indian subcontinent after midnight of a day that already had seen one of the worst hurricanes the Bay of Bengal had produced in fifty years. The death toll was immense. Rescue efforts had simply stopped for two hours. Tens, maybe even hundreds, of millions of people had been simply unable to drag themselves to high ground, and southern Bangladesh was a swamp of corpses. Add in a refinery explosion in California, a train wreck in Wales, and a few as yet uncatalogued disasters-the computers did not yet have an estimate of deaths, but the news reports were calling it the worst ever.

  By the time I had taken all the urgent-urgent calls the elevators were running again. I wasn't a captive any more. Looking out the window, I could see the Washington streets were normal enough. My trip to Tucson, on the other hand, was well bollixed. Since half the jets in the air had been on automatic pilot for two hours, seriously depleting their fuel, they had been landing where they could, and the lines had equipment in all sorts of wrong places. The schedules were scrambled. Harriet booked me the best she could, but the first space she could confirm was not until noon the next day. I couldn't even call Essie, because the circuits were still jammed. That was only an annoyance, not a problem. If I really wanted to get through, there were priorities at my disposal-the rich have their perks. But the rich have their pleasures, too, and I decided it would be fun to surprise Essie by dropping in on her.

  And meanwhile I had time to spare.

  And all this time my science program had been bursting with things to tell me. That was the dessert after the spinach and liver. I had put it off until I had a chance for a good, long natter; and that time had arrived, "Harriet," I said, "put him on." And Albert Einstein took form in the tank, leaning forward and twitching with excitement. "What is it, Al," I asked, "something good?"

  "Sure thing, Robin! We've found out where the fever comes from-it's the Food Factory!"

  It was my own fault. If I had let Albert tell me what was on his mind at once, I wouldn't have been just about the last person on Earth to find out that I owned the place all the trouble came from. That was the first thing that hit me, and I was thinking about possible liability and sniffing for advantages all the time he was explaining the evidence to me. First and conclusive, of course, was the on-the-spot pickup from the Food Factory itself. But we should have known all along. "If I had only timed the Onsets carefully," Albert berated himself, "we could have located the source years ago. And there were plenty of other clues, consistent with their photonic nature."

  "Their what nature?"

  "They are electromagnetic, Robin," he explained. He tamped tobacco into his pipe and reached for a match. "You realize, of course, that this is established by transmission time-we received whatever signal caused the madness at the same time as the transmission showing it happening."

  "Wait a minute. If the Heechee have faster-than-light radio, why isn't this the same?"

  "Ah, Robin! If we only knew that!" he twinkled, lighting his pipe. "I can only conjecture-" puff, puff, "that this particular effect is not compatible with their other mode of transmission, but the reasons for that I cannot even speculate on at this time. And, of course," he went on, "there are certain questions raised at once to which we do not as yet have any answers."

  "Of course," I said, but I didn't ask him what they were. I was on the track of something else. "Albert? Display the ships and stations you drew information from in space."

  "Sure thing, Robin." The flyaway hair and the seamed, cheerful face melted away, and at once the holographic tank filled with a representation of circumsolar space. Nine planets. A girdle of dust that was the asteroid belt, and a powdery shell far out that was the Oort cloud. And about forty points of colored light. The representation was in logarithmic scale, to get it all in, and the size of the planets and artifacts immensely enlarged. Albert's voice explained, "The four green ships are ours, Robin. The eleven blue objects are Heechee installations; the round ones are only detected, the star-shaped ones have been visited and are mostly manned. All the others are ships that belong to other commercial interests, or to governments."

  I studied the plot. Not very many of the sparks were anywhere near the green ship and blue star that marked the Food Factory. "Albert? If somebody had to get another ship out to the Food Factory, which one could get there fastest?"

  He appeared in the lower corner of the projection, frowning and sucking his pipe stem. A golden point near Saturn's rings began to flash on and off. "There's a Brazilian cruiser just departing Tethys that could make it in eighteen months," he said. "I have displayed only the ships that were involved in my radiolocation. There are several others-" new lights winked on in a scatter around the tank, "that could do better, provided they have adequate fuel and supplies. But none in less than a year."

  I sighed. "Turn it off, Albert," I said. "The thing is, we're into something I didn't expect."

  "What's that, Robin?" he asked, filling the tank again and folding his hands over his belly in a comfortable way.

  "That co
coon. I don't know how to handle it. I don't even see the point of it. What's it for, Albert? Have you got any conjectures?"

  "Sure thing, Robin," he said, nodding cheerfully. "My best conjectures are a pretty low order of probability, but that's just because there are so many unknowns. Let's put it this way. Suppose you were a Heechee-something like an anthropologist, say-interested in keeping an eye on a developing civilization. Evolution takes a long time, so you don't want to just sit there and watch. What you'd like to do is get a quick estimate, maybe every thousand years or so, sort of a spot check. Well, given something like the cocoon, you could just send somebody over to the Food Factory every once in a while, maybe every thousand years or more; climb in the couch, get an instant feel for what was happening. It would take only minutes." He paused consideringly for a moment, before going on. "Then-but this is a speculation on top of a conjecture; I wouldn't even assign a probability rating to it at all-then, if you found anything interesting, you could explore further. You could even do something else. This is really far out, Robin. You might even suggest things. The cocoon transmits as well as receives, that's what the fevers came from. Perhaps it can also transmit concepts. We know that in human history many of the great inventions sprang up all over the world, apparently independently, maybe simultaneously. Are they Heechee suggestions, via the couch?"

  He sat there, puffing his pipe and smiling at me, while I thought about that.

  All the thinking in the world didn't make it good, clean fun. Thrilling, maybe. But nothing you could relax to. The world had changed in fundamental ways since the first astronauts discovered Heechee diggings on Venus, and the more we explored the bigger the changes got. A lost kid, playing with something he didn't understand, had plunged the whole human race into recurring madness for more than a decade. If we kept on playing with things we didn't understand, what were the Heechee going to give us for an encore?

  To say nothing of the queasiness of Albert's suggestion that these creatures had been spying on us for hundreds of thousands of years-maybe even throwing us a crumb, now and then, to see what we would make of it.

  I told Albert to bring me up to date on everything else he knew about what was going on in the Food Factory, and while he was running through the physical facts I called up Harriet. She appeared in one corner of the tank, looking questioning, and took my order for dinner while Albert kept right on with his show and tell. He was continuously monitoring all the transmissions even as he was reporting on them, and be showed me selected scenes of the boy, the Herter-Hall party, the interiors of the artifact. The damn thing was still determined to go its own way. Best course estimates suggested that it was moving toward a new cluster of comets, several million miles away-at present rates, it would get there in a few months. "Then what?" I demanded.

  Albert shrugged apologetically. "Presumably it will then stay there until it has mined them of all the CHON ingredients, Robin."

  "Then can we move it?"

  "No evidence, Robin. But it's possible. Speaking of which, I have a theory about the controls of the Heechee ships. When one of them reaches an operating artifact-the Food Factory, Gateway, whatever-its controls unlock and it can then be redirected. At any rate, I think that may be what happened to Ms. Patricia Bover-and that, too, has certain obvious implications," he twinkled.

  I don't like to let a computer program think it's smarter than I am. "You mean that there may be a lot of stranded Gateway astronauts all over the Galaxy, because their controls unlocked and they didn't know how to get back?"

  "Sure thing, Robin," he said approvingly. "That may account for what Wan calls the `Dead Men'. We've received some conversations with them, by the way. Their responses are sometimes quite nonrational, and of course we're handicapped by not being able to interact. But it does appear that they are, or were, human beings."

  "Are you telling me they were alive?"

  "Sure thing, Robin, or at least in the sense that Enrico Caruso's voice on a tape was once the voice of a living Neapolitan tenor. Whether they are `alive' now is a matter of definition. You might ask the same question-" puff, pull, "about me."

  "Huh." I thought for a minute. "Why are they so crazy?"

  "Imperfect transcription, I would say. But that is not the important thing." I waited until he drew on his pipe to get ready to tell me the important thing. "It seems rather sure, Robin, that the transcription occurred by some sort of chemical readout of the actual brains of the prospectors."

  "You mean the Heechee killed them and poured their brains into a bottle?"

  "Certainly not, Robin! First, I would hazard the opinion that the prospectors died naturally rather than being killed. That would degrade the chemistry of brain storage and contribute to the degradation of the information. And certainly not into a bottle! Into some sort of chemical analogs, perhaps. But the point is, how did this happen to be?"

  I groaned. "Do you want me to abolish your program, Al? I could get all this quicker from straight visual synoptics."

  "Sure thing you could, Robin, but not," he twinkled, "perhaps, as entertainingly. At any rate, the question is, how did the Heechee happen to have equipment to read out a human brain? Think about it, Robin. It seems very improbable that the chemistry of the Heechee would be the same as the chemistry of a human being. Close, yes. We know that from general considerations, e.g., what they breathed and ate. Fundamentally their chemistry was not unlike ours. But peptides are quite complex molecules. It seems most unlikely that a compound which represents, e.g., the ability to play a Stradivarius well, or even toilet-training, would be the same in their chemistry as in ours." He started to relight his pipe, then caught my eye and added hurriedly, "So I conclude, Robin, that these machines were designed not for Heechee brains."

  He startled me. "For humans, then? But why? How? How did they know? When-"

  "Please, Robin. At your instructions, your wife has programmed me to make large deductions from small data. Therefore I cannot defend all that I say. But," he added, nodding sagely, "I have this opinion, yes."

  "Jesus," I said. He did not seem to want to add anything to that, so I tucked it away and went on to the next worry. "What about the Old Ones? Are they human, do you think?"

  He tapped his pipe out and reached for the tobacco pouch. "I would say not," he said at last.

  I didn't ask him what the alternative was. I didn't want to hear it.

  When Albert had run himself dry for the moment, I told Harriet to put my legal program on. I couldn't talk to him right away, though, because right then my dinner came up and the waiter was a human being. He wanted to ask me how I had got through the fever, so that he could tell me how he had, and that took time. But at last I sat down in front of the holo tank, sliced into my chicken steak and said, "Go ahead, Morton, what's the bad news?"

  He said apologetically, "You know that Bover suit?"

  "What Bover suit?"

  "Trish Bover's husband. Or widower, depending on how you look at it. We filed the appearance, only unfortunately the judge had a bad attack of the fever and- Well. He is wrong in the law, Robin, but he denied our request for time to set a hearing date and entered summary judgment against."

  I stopped chewing. "Can he do that?" I roared through my mouthful of prime rare chicken.

  "Well, yes, or at least he did it. But we'll get him on appeal, only that makes it a little more complicated. Her lawyer got a chance to argue, and he pointed out that Trish did file a mission report. So there's some question whether she actually completed the mission, do you see? Meanwhile-"

  Sometimes I think Morton is too humanly programmed; he does know how to draw out a discussion so. "Meanwhile what, Morton?"

  "Well, since the recent, ah, episode, there seems to be another complication. Gateway Corp wants to go slow until they figure out just where they are with this fever business, so they've accepted service of an injunction. Neither you nor Food Factory Inc. is supposed to proceed with exploitation of the factory."

  I bl
ew up. "Shit, Mort! You mean we can't use it after we bring it all the way in from orbit?"

  "I'm afraid I mean more than that," he apologized. "You're enjoined to stop moving it. You're enjoined to refrain from interfering with its normal activities in any way, pending a declarative judgment. That's Bover's action, on the grounds that if you prevent it from producing food by moving to a new comet cluster you're endangering his interest. Now, we can get that vacated, I'm sure. But by then Gateway Corp will have some sort of action to stop doing everything until they get a handle on the fever."

  "Oh, God." I put down my fork. I wasn't hungry any more. "The only good thing," I said, "is that's an order they can't enforce."

  "Because it will take so long to get a message to the Herter-Hall party, yes, Robin," he nodded. "On the-"

  He disappeared, zit. He slid diagonally away out of the tank, and Harriet appeared. She looked terrible. I have good programs for my computer help. But they don't always bring good news. "Robin!" she cried. "There's a message from Mesa General Hospital in Arizona-it's your wife!"

  "Essie? Essie? Is she sick?"

  "Oh, worse than that, Robin. Total somatic cessation. She was killed in a car crash. They've got her on life support, but- There's no prognosis, Robin. She isn't responding."

  I didn't use my priorities. I didn't want to take the time. I went straight to the Washington office of the Gateway Corp. who went to the Secretary of Defense, who squeezed space for me out of a hospital plane leaving Boiling in twenty-five minutes, and I made it.

  The flight was three hours, and I was in suspended animation all the way. There were no comm facilities for passengers in the plane. I didn't even want them. I just wanted to get there. When my mother died and left me it hurt, but I was poor and confused and used to hurting. When the love of my life, or at any rate the woman who seemed to come to be the love of my life after she was safely gone, also left me-without quite dying, because she was stuck in some awful astrophysical anomaly and far out of reach forever-that also hurt. But I was hurting all over anyway then. I wasn't used to happiness, hadn't formed the habit of it. There is a Carnot law to pain. It is measured not by absolutes but the difference between source and ambience, and my ambience had been too safe and too pleasurable for too long to equip me for this. I was in shock.


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