The Gargoyle's Curse

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The Gargoyle's Curse Page 2

by Ginger Devine

  Before he could sit up or speak, Margaux leaned over his head, grasping his shoulders and brushing her breasts over his face. “Let us show you what we want,” she says as she inches up until she is straddling his face, a knee on either side of his head, facing Aime. Elyse scooted over on all fours to get behind Margaux’s amazing ass, thrusting her tongue between Margaux’s legs.

  “Yes, I want both of you!” Margeaux gasps as Lucien and Elyse pleasure her with their tongues at the same time, licking her wet clit and each other, not knowing whose flesh is whose.

  Elyse suddenly gasped as she again felt Lucien’s tail between her legs. Lucien dexterously flattened the head of it against her mound, tapping rapidly at her most tender place in a way she’d never felt before. She could barely keep from collapsing as she felt Margaux’s passion and her own mixing and building.

  Aime was so wet that she was gliding up and down Lucien’s pulsing shaft, leaning against his bent legs as she ground against him. The tip of his cock slips between her breast and a drop of liquid comes out of the top. She presses the shaft against her, moving more rapidly, no longer in control.

  Margaux leans over until she is on all fours, her hands on either side of Lucien’s heaving abs and her face inches from Aime and his now-throbbing sex. “Will you share?” she asks, not waiting for an answer as she licked the head of Lucien’s cock. She feels his tongue between her legs moving in a frenzy as he groans and grasps her legs. He thrusts his hips into the air, wanting more, so she takes him completely in her mouth. At the same time, he thrusts his tongue into her, so deeply that she cries out around him. She hears Elyse behind her, also gasping and sees Aime in a frenzy. “I’m coming, I’m coming!!” as a shot of intense pleasure shoots through her. Lucien’s cock erupts as she hears her friends crying out.

  After a moment, Margaux crawl off Lucien, lying next to him as Elyse lays on Margaux’s other side. Aime collapse with her head between Lucien’s legs. No one speaks.


  Elyse is the first to stir. “Who are you?” she asks the gargoyle as she snuggles up around Margaux’s naked, half-asleep body.

  “My name is Lucien. I was once a man, but I’ve been trapped in stone for centuries. I don’t even know what year this is, the decades run together like days.”

  Elyse replied, “It’s 1989.”

  Lucien’s entre body tensed in response. “Time is going by faster than I imagined. I was cursed nearly 1,000 years ago, by the original Duc de Romain, the man who built this chateau and estate. He had an unholy relic that could turn to stone anyone he chose, changing their appearance so that they looked grotesque. It was a cruel joke in addition to the evil of consigning me to this hell.”

  Margaux stirred, saying “That seems farfetched.”

  Aime replied from where she lay on Lucien’s stomach “I’ll remind you that we just had sex with a stone statue come to life, so nothing is unbelievable at this point.”

  “Except my orgasm,” giggled Elyse. “Now be quiet and let Lucien finish his story.”

  Lucien smiled as he shifted slightly, surreptitiously snaking his tail so that it stretched across Elyse’s stomach and down between her legs, causing her to jump. “I’ll see what I can do to make you a believer.”

  He continued, “The rumors about the Duc were considered stories to scare children. But people were disappearing, with no explanation. At first the missing were criminals, men who robbed and hurt others, so no one questioned their whereabouts. Then a young woman from the estate disappeared. She was known for her beauty and she resisted the Duc’s advances.”

  “His advances?” asked Elyse

  “The Duc felt entitled to anything he wanted in our village – he gave us a place to live, therefore we belonged to him. And we understood that if anyone opposed him, they would disappear. As the chateau came closer to completion, I began to suspect what was happening to the people who had vanished. As the head stone mason, I saw much of the construction.”

  “A stonemason, huh? Explains those arms.” Margaux was waking up.

  “The Duc brought in statues he wanted mounted on the walls. As I worked with them, they began to look familiar to me. Until the day that I knew for certain – the day I saw Lizette.”

  “The one who resisted the Duc?” asked Aime.

  “Yes. She was changed, as is everyone who is turned to stone, but I recognized her. And more than that, I could still feel her, trapped inside yet trying to reach me. It was the winter solstice, and though I didn’t know it at the time, it is the one night a year that those of us who have been condemned to stone can come back to life; we have the choice to stay awake as long as the sun is below the horizon. It wasn’t much time, but it was enough for me to talk with Lizette.”

  “Did you save her?!” demanded Margaux.

  Lucien sighed and was quiet for a few moments. “No. I didn’t know how. But I tried, by confronting the Duc the next day. And you can see what happened then. He had an object, it seemed ancient, that was small enough ot fit in his hand. When he ”

  The questions came all at once:

  “Where is Lizette now?

  ‘“Is she also awakened tonight?”

  “Can we meet her?”

  Lucien shook his head. “I wish she were here; then I would have always had someone to share this night with. But she was never included in the final Chateau building. I don’t know exactly what happened, but I suspect that the Duc sent her away so that we would never find one another again. Yet another layer to his torturous punishment of us both.”

  Aime sat up and leaned against his rock-hard thigh. “I see light on the horizon. We only have a few minutes left with you, Lucien. Tell us how we can help to set you free. And Lizette”

  Lucien also sat up, jostling Margaux and disturbing Elyse’s enthusiastic reunion with his tail. “I don’t know how to become free, I only know what happened to make me this way. The Duc had an object that was small enough to fit in his palm. As soon as he opened his hand and pointed it toward me, a blazing light blinded me, causing excruciating pain. And then I remembered no more, until the next time I awakened, right where we are now.”

  “Do you remember what this object looked like?”

  “No, but one thing I do remember is that the Duc had the evil relic and a book that he kept close to him always, in a special bag to keep them protected. I’ve wondered if the book might have the secret to what he used to turn us to stone.”

  “What about the book; was anything written on the cover?”

  “I think it had a blue cover with a drawing of a snake, that’s all I can remember.”

  “It must be a thousand years old by now, maybe more,” Aime said “I think I know what our thesis projects next semester will be.” Lucien looked puzzled, so she explained “We all study history and architecture at University in Paris. We might actually be able to help you to find out more about this book.”

  “And find Lizette,” said Elyse softly.


  The sun started making a pale pink light straight across the border between heaven and earth, heralding its imminent rise. It was time for the girls to say au revoir. They watched as Lucien jumped back onto his column, from which he could see for miles. Instead of standing in a crouch, ready to leap at who-or-whatever was closest to him when he next awakened, he stood straight up, hands in fists at his side.

  “Wait!” Aimee said, looking up at him, “I want you to have something to remember us by while you sleep!” She caressed his sex, bringing it back to life as the rest of him turned to stone; Margaux and Elyse join in, each stroking and licking him as he began to revert to his hated form. As his body hardened, his cock grew longer and wider, reaching an immense size just as the sun rose above the horizon.

  “We’ll come back, we promise.” Aime said.


  A few minutes later, the threesome exited the stairwell into the courtyard, finding the half-naked bodies of party-goers curled up together on the ground, on ben
ches and even along some low-hanging branches of the huge, ancient trees. They looked cold and chafed.

  “I think we had a better time upstairs. It was worth the climb,” said Margaux as she stepped over a gargoyle-masked figure who was wearing nothing else but his socks and shoes.

  Aime said, “I can’t wait to start looking for the Duc’s book. We’ll need to visit here again. For research. It’s one year until the next solstice – we have to find the book before then and free Lucien!”

  “And visit him and his amazing and talented tail.”

  As they walked to the end of the drawbridge through the mist rising from the moat, they turned to look up just as the sun rose above the wall of the chateau, creating a silhouette of Lucien standing upright, shoulders back, wings spread overhead, as if he were about to jump up to the clouds. “We must help him.”

  Find out if Aime, Margaux, and Elyse help to set Lucien free of his curse

  in book two of The Gargoyle Awakens series: The Gargoyle’s Passion.




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