The Brit

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The Brit Page 7

by Jordan Silver

I'm no fool, I study people; in our business it's a good trait to have. I know now that she'd never accept Joanna; she'd always see her as inferior. And that crack about my Joanna tainting her children's name, was as low as she could go, as far as I was concerned.

  I entered the office with work the farthest thing from my mind. My first order of business was Thornhill. I had no doubt the other man would've liked nothing better than getting back at me, but he'd made a costly error in judgment. Coming after me personally might've garnered him a few broken bones, going after my woman was going to cost him a lot more.

  For the next few hours, I methodically combed through everything I knew about him and his dealings. It was always good to know your enemy, and though I haven't had cause to deal with the slime in quite some time, I still knew all the ways to get to him if need be.

  I'm now of two minds, destroy him financially, which would cause him to lose face in some of those vaunted circles he was so proud of belonging to. Or have him sent to jail for a very long time.

  "Why don't we go with door number three? All the above." That sounded about right, as I smiled to myself.

  It's amazing how easy it is to destroy someone, especially when they left all the crumbs for you to follow. I'm sure by now he's heard that his part in the little scheme had been uncovered. No doubt Donald had lit into his wife and she in turn had warned her cohorts, but no matter. There wasn't a hole big enough in all of England for that sod to hide in.

  I called her around lunchtime because I missed the hell out of her, which was nothing new. It reminded me that I hadn't yet shown her around my home country. There hadn't been time, from one thing to the next, and now with this new development, I'm not sure how I felt about exposing her, until I had taken care of our enemies.

  She answered the new fancy phone I'd bought her with a laugh.

  "Hello sweetheart, are you having fun with mum and sis?"

  "Yes we are, I found the perfect dress, oh and shoes, and Margaret says tomorrow we'll go into the family vault to look for the perfect jewelry, whatever that means."

  The cheer in her voice warmed my heart, and worked to soothe away some of the rough edges brought on by what I'd been immersed in. There was really no way to swim in filth without getting some of it on you though was there?

  We chatted for a few minutes more before hanging up, and I sat in contemplation for a while, going over my life in the last few weeks. Things really had progressed rather quickly. When I'd boarded my jet headed for the states, I had no idea my life would take this amazing turn. Now I can't imagine a world without her in it. Not waking up to her face on the pillow next to mine, not hearing her infectious laugh, or watching her bite her lip in that way that went straight to my gut.

  Even now, it brought a smile to my face.

  Putting aside my thoughts of getting her horizontal, I set about putting my plans in action. First order of business, was letting a few known truths mysteriously leak to the right people. By end of day one James Thornhill will find himself at the end of some very tough questions, from some very pissed off investors.

  It was a sure thing, that if someone was as corrupt and immoral as he is in his dealings with the fairer sex, chances are he's not a poster boy for man of the year in other aspects. It hadn't taken me long to find the thread I needed and pull on it. And what was revealed, is more than enough to set things in motion. One thing I was certain of when it comes to the peers of the realm, they do not take kindly to being duped. And since Thornhill dealt mostly with members of high society, that's mostly who he's been skinning for the past few years.

  One family in particular would be in my estimation, the worst sort to cross. The Reginald brothers were known for their swift, and sometimes not so legal retribution. I'd start with them. By the time they were through, and the others I planned to have lined up in wait for their turn at the erstwhile Mr. Thornhill had had a go, then I'd set about seeing that his family's money and influence did not keep him from seeing the inside of a jail cell.

  With that ball rolling, I set my sights on Melissa Pendleton; this was harder, only because she was a woman. My stalwart upbringing would usually not allow me to go after a female in such a manner, to seek to destroy, but because she had ignored my first warning, and proven that she would stop at nothing to achieve her goals, I am left with no choice.

  I answered my ringing phone absently, my mind already in the murky waters of how to go about teaching Ms. Pendleton a much, needed lesson in why it was not wise to fuck with me.


  "Jonathan..." My guts tightened in fear at the distress in her voice; what could've happened? We'd just spoken not ten minutes before.

  "Joanna what...?"

  I was already getting up from my chair and heading for the door. My receptionist looked at me curiously when I rushed past her without a word.

  Joanna was crying too hard to speak, and I was fast losing my mind.

  "Are you hurt?"


  "Yes baby talk to me."

  I reached my car after the longest elevator ride of my life, and pulled out of the underground garage and into the warm English sunlight. Traffic was light this time of day thankfully, so it wouldn't take more than fifteen minutes to reach her. Granted I didn't have an accident on the way, as I was doing double the speed limit.

  The next voice I heard was my mother's, as she'd obviously taken the phone from Joanna.

  "Son, come home."

  "Mum what is it, what's happened?"

  "There's been an accident." Blinding fear seized me before I reminded myself that she was alive, I'd spoken to her, she was breathing, whatever had happened couldn't be that bad could it?

  "I'm on my way, mum, is she hurt? Please tell me she's okay."

  "She'll be fine son, just get here; your brother should be on his way as well."

  "Donald, what...?"

  "Just come." We rang off with me still none the wiser. A million things ran through my head at once; one thing was for sure, if anyone had hurt her they would pay. Enough is enough.

  Chapter 24

  The sight and sounds of the ambulance’ sirens on the estate when I reached there were enough to have me hopping out of my car halfway down the driveway before it had even stopped. I went through every cliched emotion I'd ever heard of from people faced with this kind of situation. I looked around and saw nothing, but medical personnel surrounding a gurney and my heart literally stopped, as I ran through them; pushing people out of the way, until I got a good look at who it was that laid there.

  The answer left more questions than answers, as I turned and headed for the house.

  I could hear her keening as soon as I walked, in and I started trying to piece things together in my head. Following the sounds of her distress, and a strange voice that seemed bent on asking her questions. I found her in the drawing room, surrounded by my family, as well as the constables who were trying to question her, over my mother's dissuasions.

  "Leave her." I can't believe my voice was so calm after everything I'd just been through. I kept my eyes on her as she tried to get up to come to me, but mum had a tight hold on her.

  "Come." I held out my arms and she ran into them, her body shaking and shivering as she cried into my chest.


  "Your lordship we must..."

  "You must wait until I have heard what happened here before you think to question my fiancee farther. Can't you see she's too distraught to be of any use to you? It would be better if she calmed down a little first don't you think?"

  I didn't wait for an answer and I'm sure I was breaking all sorts of procedural etiquette at this point, but excuse me when I say I don't give a flying fuck. She's my only concern, her well being upmost in my mind.

  I led her to the far corner of the room, away from everyone; mum was soon there with a glass of water.

  "Here son, we didn't want to leave her long enough to get her some. Your father is not going to be pleased, he'
ll have to have a word with the Superintendent after this. You look after our Joanna, I'll see about these two."

  She turned and headed back to the other side of the room and I gave my full attention to Joanna. I didn't bother shushing her, just let her cry it out until she wound down.

  "You ready to tell me now baby?"

  I held her as close to me as she could get, with my head resting atop hers, my arms holding on tight. She took a while to answer and I wondered what she was about when she kept moving her ear across my chest, until she settled and I realized she'd been searching out my heartbeat. It seemed to have a calming effect on her, as her body relaxed somewhat against me.

  "I didn't know she was still here, no one did." That was a bit confusing but I chose to let her ramble on at her own pace, I'll figure it out I guess, as she went along.

  "She must've let her in but how? No one saw a car coming up the drive."

  Ah, I see, now it was starting to make sense.

  "There's a break in the line in the north corner of the property, we haven't used it since we were children. I guess it's been all but forgotten all these years." I ran my hand soothingly up and down her back. I realized for the first time just how fragile she was, my hand almost covered the whole of her back.

  Amazing; how could something so little, have such control over me? I'd not realized it until this very moment, but she owned me completely. There's nothing I wouldn't do for this girl, who now seemed so broken in my arms.

  "Go on."

  "After we got off the phone, I ran upstairs to get something I don't remember what now; but I saw them coming out of our room. I got so angry, because she shouldn't be in our room for any reason and I knew it had to be bad. I probably shouldn't have said anything, but I yelled at them for being in there. Of course Natalie started spewing her hate at me, saying that I ruined her life and she was going to get me back. I didn't mean to do it I swear, I was only trying to get away from them. Margaret and Sandra couldn't hear me because we had the music on, we were in the middle of choosing the music for our wedding. Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh, you're not gonna want to marry me now. They're going to arrest me, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." She started shaking again and I squeezed her harder.

  "No one's going to arrest you, I won't allow it, even if you'd murdered the sodding slag, now tell me the rest."

  " I turned to head down the stairs one of them pulled my hair. I wasn't sure which one at the time, but I swung out with my arm trying to knock them off. When that didn't work I kicked out and punched her. I didn't know her footing was so bad I swear. I never would've pushed so hard if I knew, but she wouldn't let go. So I kept punching and kicking, and then, when I felt her hands easing I pushed, and she went through the window."

  I guess now wasn't a good time to tell her good job, or that I was proud of her. Just then I heard dad's voice raised in indignation.

  "Has there been a murder then? No, an accident you say? Then what the bloody hell are you doing in my drawing room?"

  "It's procedure when we receive a call of this nature my lord..."

  "Is it procedure to enter the home of a peer of the realm because of an accident? I didn't know this; I'll have to take this up next time in the House of Commons. Names and IDs please, before you leave my property." They fell all over themselves in apology as they saw the seriousness of Lord Smothers, who, although known for his many kindnesses, was also known to exact severe retribution when thought to be done wrong. It's not very well done of us to use our name and clout, but what better use for it than in a situation such as this one, to protect the innocent? I'd be damned if she's going to suffer anymore because of this.

  I finally got Joanna calmed down enough to stop shaking so hard. The family had followed the bobbies out of the room, leaving us alone. So I sat in a chair with her on my lap, rocking her back and forth in my arms, as she laid her head once more on my chest listening to the soothing sounds of my heartbeat.

  My mind ran to Natalie and her part in all this, such hate for no conceivable reason. From what I'd seen on that gurney, Melissa will be lucky if she survived, and if she did, chances are she'd be a mess. I really didn't care too much, but for my Joanna's sake, I hoped the bitch lived. Then I was going to have her arrested for accosting my woman in our home, harsh? You haven't seen the half of it.

  I knew what Joanna was thinking, I'd grown hip to her thinking process. Right now she's blaming herself and thinking that none of this would've happened had she not come here. It was thinking like that that was going to get all the perpetrators fucked. She shouldn't have to feel that way, not ever; and before all was said and done, I would see to it that she didn't. First I had to have a talk with my brother about saying his final goodbyes to the witch he was married to. Looks like I won't have to make the first strike against Pendleton after all, she'd taken care of that rather nicely all on her own, stupid git.

  Chapter 25

  Things finally started to settle down a bit later. I almost had to give Joanna something to make her sleep, but she begged me not to, so I relented. She still wouldn't let me out of her sight though, so I hadn't really had a chance to deal with any of this. Thankfully, my father and brother seemed on top of things by the time I was able to come up for air.

  I left her asleep in a room across the hall. We won't be staying in our rooms until they'd been thoroughly gone over for any nasty little surprises. In fact, I was thinking very strongly of moving to another part of the rambling old castle. I'll wait until she is coherent enough to deal with something like that, and put the question to her; but the idea was sounding better as the minutes rolled by.

  I found my family ensconced in the library downstairs, no doubt rehashing the day's events and trying to figure the best way to handle damage control. No one else need know of the disruptions in our lives from the last few weeks, or that one of our own had played a part in the latest tragedy.

  "Hello son how's our girl?"

  "She's asleep mum, how're things down this end, any word?"

  I looked at Donald who was looking as haggard as I'd ever seen him. I felt pity for my brother and his plight, but there was none for his slag of a wife.

  "Where's Natalie?"

  I'd been busy taking care of Joanna earlier and I hadn't noticed that there was no sign of Natalie anywhere, now I'm looking to my brother for answers.

  "She's gone."

  I felt my body tense, and folded my fists and gritted my teeth, so as to keep the harsh words from escaping. I had to remind myself that Donald was not to blame for any of this, that he couldn't have known that she was what she is. I would never believe that my brother knowingly brought something like that into our lives, just like the rest of us, he too had been taken in.

  "Gone where?"

  I guess I didn't do a very good job of hiding my anger, because all heads turned in my direction at the bite in my words.

  "I thought it best to have her sent somewhere where they can help her."

  "I don't understand, help her? Help her how?" I could feel the black rage threatening to cloud my mind. She was not to get away after everything she'd done, no way was I going to accept that.

  "She obviously needs psychiatric attention Jonathan. Why else would she act this way? She's obviously not in her right mind. I know you want to chuck her somewhere like she's offal, but she's still my bloody wife."

  "Your wife; your wife is an insufferable snob, there's no cure in the hospital for that. The bitch isn't psychotic, she's evil there's a difference..."


  "No dad, she brought someone here to harm Joanna. The insane do not know how to plan and plot to get their own means; the meaning of the word in its very essence makes that argument null and void. She wasn't insane when she involved a man like James in this farce, she knew exactly what she was doing?"

  "What would you have me do? she's my wife."

  "Yes, and had Joanna acted in the way that she has I wouldn't be able to stomach h
er one second more." I was out of my chair. I had no idea what I was about to do, but in that moment I wanted to throttle my brother; something I haven't felt since we were kids.

  "So what, now I'm a tosser for wanting to stand by my vows?

  "Sons this isn't the way to handle this. Jonathan you have every right to your anger, but nothing will be gained by attacking your brother. You must understand that he's having a hard time with all this as well. And Donald you must see your brother's side as well; there are no winners here. Best we put our heads together and come to a solution that works for all of us, instead of making rash decisions that we'll regret in the end."

  Out of respect for my dad, I bit my tongue to hold back the harsh words that threatened to spew forth. They didn't see, didn't understand, I cannot and will not let this go, she had no right. I could feel the hate and anger churn in my stomach. I didn't want that either, wouldn't let her turn me into her, but neither will I live with this pall of darkness hanging over our heads. As far as I'm concerned, as long as she was allowed to exist as though she'd done no wrong, she will be free to continue on her course of destruction. She will always be a threat to my Joanna; I strongly believe that.

  I looked around the room at the women of my family. Mum looked confused by the whole thing, truth be known she's not accustomed to such behavior in her little world. Sandra looked ready to chew nails, and though I knew she would never voice her displeasure at dad's words, I saw my ally. Later.

  "How about Pendleton?"

  "She's pretty bad really, they don't think she'll regain the use of her lower extremities. Apparently the fall severed one of her vertebrae; she's lucky they say, though I don't know how lucky she'll find it to be confined to a chair the rest of her life. So young, such a waste." Dad shook his head in consternation.

  Good I hope she lives everyday knowing she brought it on herself, that she deserves every minute of misery, and for what? For a man who had no interest in her whatsoever. Why hadn't they come after me instead of going after a little innocent?


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