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Dragonflight Page 29

by Anne McCaffrey

  Brand: steward at Ruatha Hold; blue fire-lizard

  B’rant: rider, at Benden Weyr: dragon brown Fanth

  B’refli rider, at Benden Weyr, dragon brown Joruth

  Brekke: Weyrwoman, at Southern Weyr, dragon queen Wirenth; fire-lizard bronze Berd

  Briala: student at Harper Hall

  Briaret: Masterherder (replaces Sograny), Keroon Hold

  Brudegen: Journeyman of chorus, at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  Camo: a half-wit at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  Celina: queenrider, at Benden Weyr; dragon queen Lamanth

  C’gan: Weyrsinger at Benden Weyr; dragon blue Tegath

  Corana: sister of Fidello (holder at Plateau), Ruatha Hold

  Cosira: rider, at Ista Weyr; dragon queen Caylith

  Deelan: milkmother to Jaxom, at Ruatha Hold

  Dorse: milkbrother to Jaxom, at Ruatha Hold

  D’nek: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon bronze Zagenth

  D’nol: rider of dragon bronze Valenth, at Benden Weyr

  Domick: Craftmaster composer, at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  D’ram: Oldtimer Weyrleader, at Ista Weyr; dragon bronze Tiroth

  Dunca: cot-holder, girl’s cottage, at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  D’wer: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon blue Trebeth

  Elgion: the new harper at Half-Circle Sea Hold

  Fandarel: Mastersmith, Smithcraft Hall, Telgar Hold

  Fanna: Oldtimer Weyrwoman, at Ista Weyr, dragon queen Miranth

  Fax: Lord of Seven Holds, father of Jaxom

  Felena: second to the Headwoman Manora, at Benden Weyr

  Fidello: holder, at Plateau in Ruatha Hold

  Finder: Harper, at Ruatha Hold

  F’lar: Weyrleader at Benden Weyr dragon bronze Mnementh

  F’lessan: rider, at Benden Weyr, son of F’lar and Lessa; dragon bronze Golanth

  F’lon: Weyrleader, at Benden Weyr, father of F’nor and F’lar

  F’nor: wingsecond at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Canth, fire-lizard gold Grall

  F’rad: rider at Benden Weyr; dragon green Telorth

  Gandidan: a child at Benden Weyr

  Gemma, Lady: First Lady of Fax (Lord of the Seven Holds) and mother of Jaxom

  G’dened: Weyrleader-to-be, at Ista Weyr, son of Oldtimer Weyrleader D’ram, dragon bronze Baranth

  G’nag: at Southern Weyr, dragon blue Nelanth

  G’narish: Oldtimer Weyrleader at Igen Weyr; dragon bronze Gyamath

  G’sel: rider, at Southern Weyr; bronze fire-lizard, dragon green Roth

  Groghe: Lord Holder at Fort Hold; fire-lizard queen Merga

  H’ages: Wingsecond at Telgar Weyr; dragon bronze Kerth

  Horon: son of Lord Groghe; Fort Hold

  Idarolan: Masterfisher, Tillek Hold

  Jaxom: Lord Holder (underage) at Ruatha Hold; dragon white Ruth

  Jerint: Craftmaster for instruments, at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  Jora: Weyrwoman preceding Lessa, at Benden Weyr; dragon queen Nemorth

  J’ralt: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon green Palanth

  Kayla: drudge, at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  K’der: rider, at Ista Weyr; dragon blue Warth

  Kenelas: a woman of the lower caverns, at Benden Weyr

  Kern: eldest son of Lord Nessel (the Lord Holder of Crom)

  Kirnety: a boy, at Telgar Hold; Impresses dragon bronze Fidirth

  K’nebel: Weyrlingmaster, at Fort Weyr; dragon bronze Firth

  K’net: rider at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Pianth

  K’van: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Heth

  Kylara: a sister of Lord Holder Larad and a Weyrwoman at Southern Weyr who moved to High Reaches Weyr when Oldtimers were banished; dragon queen Prideth

  Lessa: Weyrwoman at Benden Weyr; dragon queen Ramoth

  Lidith: Queen dragon before Nemorth, rider unknown

  Ligand: Journeyman tanner at Fort Hold

  L’tol: rider, at Benden Weyr and, as Lytol, Warder of Ruatha Hold; dragon brown Larth (dies)

  L’trel: father of Mirrim, at Southern Weyr; dragon blue Falgrenth

  Lytol: Lord Warder for the underage Lord Holder Jaxom at Ruatha Hold; dragon brown Larth (dies)

  Manora: headwoman at Benden Weyr

  Mardra: Oldtimer Weyrwoman at Fort Weyr, banished to Southern Weyr; dragon queen Loranth

  Margatta: senior Weyrwoman at Fort Weyr; dragon queen Ludeth

  Mavi: Seaholder’s (Yanis) Lady at Half-Circle Sea Hold

  Menolly: Journeyman at Harpercraft Hold, Fort Hold, fire-lizards (10): gold Beauty, bronzes Rocky, Diver, Poll; browns Lazybones, Mimic, Brownie; greens Auntie One and Auntie Two; blue Uncle

  Menolly: youngest child (daughter) of Seaholder (Yanis) of Half Circle Sea Hold

  Merelan: mother of Robinton (Masterharper of Harpercraft Hold)

  Merika: Oldtimer Weyrwoman, at High Reaches Weyr; exiled to Southern Weyr; dragon queen

  Mirrim: greenrider, fosterling of Brekke at Benden Weyr; dragon green Path; fire-lizards: green Reppa, green Lok, brown Tolly

  Moreta: ancient Weyrwoman at Benden Weyr; dragon queen Orlith

  Morshall: Craftmaster for theory, at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  M’rek: wingsecond, at Telgar Weyr; dragon bronze Zigith

  M’tok: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Litorth

  Nadira: Weyrwoman, at Igen Weyr

  Nanira: see Varena

  Nicat: Masterminer, Crom Hold

  N’ton: wingleader at Benden Weyr on dragon bronze Lioth; then Weyrleader at Fort Weyr (after T’ron), fire-lizard brown Tris

  Oharan: Journeyman harper at Benden Weyr

  Oldive Masterhealer, at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  Old Uncle: great grandfather of Menolly, at Half-Circle Sea Hold

  Palim: Journeyman baker at Fort Hold

  Petiron: the old Harper at Half-Circle Sea Hold

  Piemur: Apprentice/Journeyman, at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold; fire-lizard queen Farli; runner-beast Stupid

  Pilgra: Weyrwoman, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon queen Selgrith

  P’llomar: rider at Benden Weyr; dragon green Ladrarth

  Pona: granddaughter to Lord Holder Sangel, Southern Boll Hold

  P’ratan: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon green Poranth

  Prilla: youngest Weyrwoman, at Fort Weyr; dragon queen Selianth

  Rannelly: nurse and servant of Kylara

  R’gul: Weyrleader before F’lar, at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Hath

  R’mart: Oldtimer Weyrleader, at Telgar Weyr, dragon bronze Branth

  R’mel: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon Sorenth

  R’nor: rider at Benden Weyr; dragon brown Virianth

  Robinton: Masterharper at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold; fire-lizard bronze Zair

  Sanra: supervisor of children at Benden Weyr

  Sebell: Journeyman/Masterharper, Robinton’s second, Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold; fire-lizard queen Kimi

  Sella: Menolly’s next-oldest sister, at Half-Circle Sea Hold

  S’goral: rider, at Southern Weyr; dragon green Betunth

  Sharra: Journeyman healer, at Southern Hold; fire-lizards bronze Meer and brown Talla

  Shonagar: Craftmaster for voice, at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  Silon: a child at Benden Weyr

  Silvina: headwoman at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  S’lan: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Binth

  S’lel: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Tuenth

  Sograny: Masterherder, Keroon Hold

  Soreel: wife of the First Holder at Half-Circle Sea Hold

  Tagetarl: Journeyman at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  Talina: Weyrwoman at Benden Weyr, queenrider

  Talmor: Journeyman teacher, at Harpercraft Hall, Fort Hold

  T’bor: Weyrleader at Southern Weyr, later moves to High Reaches when the Oldtimers are exiled; dragon bronze Orth

  Tegger: holder at Ruatha

  Tela, Lady: one
of Fax’s ladies

  Terry: Craftmaster smith, Smithcraft Hall, Telgar Hold

  T’gran dragonrider at Benden Weyr; dragon brown Branth

  T’gellan: wingleader at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Monarth

  T’gor: rider at Benden Weyr; dragon blue Relth

  T’kul: Oldtimer at High Reaches Weyr, exiled to Southern Weyr; dragon bronze Salth

  T’ledon: watchdragon rider at Fort Hold; dragon blue Serith

  Tordril: fosterling at Ruatha Hold, prospective Lord Holder at Igen

  Torene: ancient Weyrwoman at Benden Weyr

  Toric: Lord Holder of Southern Hold

  T’ran: rider, at Igen Weyr; dragon bronze Redreth

  T’reb: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon green Beth

  T’ron: Oldtimer Weyrleader at Fort Weyr; banished to Southern Weyr; dragon bronze Fidranth; also called T’ton

  T’sel: dragonrider at Benden Weyr; dragon green Trenth, fire-lizard bronze Rill

  Vanira see Varena

  Varena (also called Vanira): rider, at Southern Weyr; dragon queen Ralenth

  Viderian: fosterling (Seaholder’s son) at Fort Hold

  Wansor: Craftmaster glassmith, Smithcraft Hall, Telgar Hold; also called Starsmith

  Yanis: Craftmaster and Seaholder at Half-Circle Sea Hold

  Zurg: Masterweaver, Southern Boll Hold

  Anne McCaffrey was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She graduated cum laude from Radcliffe College, majoring in Slavonic Languages and Literatures. Before her success as a writer, she was involved in theater. She directed the American premiere of Carl Orff’s Ludus de Nato Infante Mirificus, in which she also played a witch. Her first novel, Restoree, was written as a protest against the absurd and unrealistic portrayals of women in science fiction novels in the 50s and early 60s. Ms. McCaffrey is best known, however, for her handling of broader themes and the worlds of her imagination, particularly in her tales of the Talents and the fourteen novels about the Dragonriders of Pern.

  McCaffrey lives in a house of her own design, Dragonhold-Underhill, in County Wicklow, Ireland. Visit the author online at www.annemccaffrey.org.

  Books by Anne McCaffrey

  Decision at Doona

  Dinosaur Planet

  Dinosaur Planet Survivors

  Get Off the Unicorn

  The Lady

  Pegasus in Flight


  The Ship Who Sang

  To Ride Pegasus

  Nimisha’s Ship

  Pegasus in Space


  Crystal Singer


  Crystal Line




  The White Dragon

  Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

  Nerilka’s Story


  The Renegades of Pern

  All the Weyrs of Pern

  The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall

  The Dolphins of Pern


  The Masterharper of Pern

  The Skies of Pern

  By Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough:

  Powers that Be

  Power Lines

  Power Play

  With Jody Lynn Nye:

  The Dragonlover’s Guide to Pern

  Edited by Anne McCaffrey:

  Alchemy and Academe

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  THE DRAGONRIDERS OF PERN is a trademark of Anne McCaffrey. Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.

  A Del Rey© Book

  Published by The Ballantine Publishing Group

  Copyright © 1968 by Anne McCaffrey

  Dragondex copyright © 1978 by Wendy Glasser

  All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published by The Ballantine Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.

  A short version of this novel, titled “Dragonrider,” first appeared in Analog, © 1967 by the Condé Nast Publications, Inc.

  Del Rey and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.


  Library of Congress Catalog Number can be obtained from the Publisher upon request

  eISBN: 978-0-345-45395-2





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