All That Glitters

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All That Glitters Page 2

by Ruthe Ogilvie

  “When can we meet this Count?” Jay asked Cammie, trying hard not to sound like an overprotective father.

  * * *

  Cammie sighed with relief. Maybe they’re coming around, she thought hopefully. “He wants us to be married right away,” she answered, “so I’ve been hoping you’d return to Paris with me.” Hildy looked at Jay. “Maybe Zack could go with us,” she suggested.

  Zack had always been good at correctly sizing up people. His intuition was as keen today as it had always been, and Hildy was depending on that now.

  Cammie was hesitant. Somewhere in the back of her mind was the fear that someone besides Jess—maybe Zack—would raise doubts about Francois, and she wanted him so desperately that she couldn’t bear the thought that someone—anyone—might say something against him. She tried to hide her hesitance, but it showed clearly on her face.

  “Honey, don’t you want Zack to meet him, too?” Hildy asked. “He’s practically one of the family, and I would think you’d want him there.”

  Cammie shook off her fears and smiled. “Yes—of course I want him there. He’ll tell you Francois is okay. I know he will!”

  “Could you possibly wait until after Jenny’s and Peter’s anniversary party?” Hildy asked her. “It’s only two weeks away, and we’d hate to miss it.”

  Cammie sighed impatiently. She wanted to get back to Paris and Francois as soon as possible, but it seemed like little enough for her parents to ask, as long as they were willing to fly to Paris immediately afterwards. “Of course,” she agreed. “I’ll call Francois and tell him. My understudy won’t mind filling in for me a little longer. She’s been itching to play the role, and she’ll love doing it for another two or three weeks. But—can we please fly to Paris as soon as the party is over?”

  Jay nodded. “We’ll make arrangements right now,” he told her. “I’d better speak to Zack first and make sure it’s okay with him.” He left the room, and went downstairs where Zack and Roger were chatting.

  As soon as Jay left, Cammie turned to Hildy. Her hopes were high in spite of the concerned expression on her mother’s face. She put her arm around her. “Hey, Mom, stop worrying. You’ve known I’d be getting married sometime.”

  Hildy looked wistful. “I didn’t expect you’d be moving so far away. You’re so young. I only hope this isn’t a big mistake.”

  “You sound just like Jess,” Cammie chided. “I’ve heard enough negatives from her.”

  “Oh?” Hildy asked cautiously. “Did she tell you why?”

  The minute Cammie said it, she wished she hadn’t. The last thing she wanted to do was to sow seeds of suspicion in her parents’ minds. “Oh—well—you know—the usual,” she replied, laughing nervously, trying to shrug it off. “She thinks he’s after my money, or some such stupid idea.”

  Hildy averted her eyes. “You don’t think that’s possible?”

  Cammie tried not to sound defensive. “She doesn’t really know him—not the way I do. He’s so rich it would make your head spin! He owns his own Chateau, a private plane he flies himself—you name it, he’s got it!” She turned and faced her mother. “Mom, he’s a great guy. He’s handsome, charming, and comes from a fine family.”

  * * *

  This information didn’t help Hildy much. Gregory Wilcox was handsome, charming, flew his own plane, and came from a fine family—and look what happened! Déjà vu! But lightning never strikes twice in the same place, she reminded herself. Nevertheless, a feeling of dread swept over her. She shivered as Jay returned to the room with Zack.

  Zack held out his arms to Cammie. He chuckled as he hugged and congratulated her. “I can’t believe you’re not the same little bundle of joy I held in my arms when I visited the hospital twenty years ago. And now you’re thinking of getting married! Where did the time go?”

  Cammie giggled. “Oh, you know,” she quipped. “‘Time flies when you’re having fun’!” She stopped giggling and became serious. “Thanks, Uncle Zack. I know you’ll like Francois when you meet him. And I’m glad you’re going with us.”

  It almost seemed to Hildy that Cammie was trying to convince herself that she really did welcome Zack into their group flying to Paris to meet the Count. Not that Cammie didn’t want him there—she had always been close to him ever since she was born.

  But Hildy could sense a fear on Cammie’s part, that perhaps Zack wouldn’t approve of Francois.


  The following two weeks passed quickly for everyone except Cammie, who was anxious to return to Paris and her beloved Francois.

  They were all staying at Jay’s and Hildy’s home in Scarsdale until it was time to go to California for Jenny’s and Peter’s celebration. They spent most of the time playing golf and visiting. And one night they went into New York City to attend the opening night of Roger Fielding’s latest musical, and for an early before-show-time dinner at the Rub-A-Dub-Pub, a popular restaurant near Central Park.

  The day they were to fly to California, Roger Fielding flew in from Boston and met them at Kennedy Airport. The five of them boarded the plane together. Jenny and Peter were waiting for them at LAX—the Los Angeles Airport.

  The drive to their home was just as spectacular as Hildy remembered. She and Jay had visited Jenny and Peter many times in the past twenty-one years, but the scenery never failed to thrill her, always as though she were seeing it for the first time. The sun sparkled on the crests of the waves as they drove along, and she could see the Santa Barbara and Anacapa Islands clearly outlined. The sun shone brightly, and the blue sky reflected an even deeper, electric blue in the ocean.

  “You must be tired from your trip,” Jenny said as they entered the house. “Get into your bathing suits. We’ll have our own private party in the jacuzzi. We’ll sip wine and have a gabfest!”

  “Sounds wonderful,” Hildy enthused, trying to snap out of the gloom that Cammie’s news had caused.

  “I have to hear all about Francois!” Jenny said to Cammie. AHow did you meet him? Did he attend one of your performances?”

  Cammie laughed with delight. “I’ll tell you all about it when we’re in the jacuzzi,” she promised.

  “What time does the party start?” Jay asked Peter.

  “Jenny has planned it perfectly, as usual,” Peter replied, admiration in his voice. “We have plenty of time to relax beforehand. It’s only eleven AM, and the party doesn’t start until eight o’clock tonight.”

  “We’ll have lunch out by the pool at one-thirty,” Jenny told them. “Now scoot! Get into your suits. We’ll have a good refreshing soak in the jacuzzi before we eat!”

  By the time they reappeared, the maid had already brought the hors d’oeuvres and wine to be served beside the jacuzzi, and the butler was setting the table to serve, lunch buffet style.

  Jenny, a glass in one hand and an hors d’oeuvre in the other, turned and faced Cammie. “Now—tell me all about it! How did you meet this Count? What does he look like? Come on,” she coaxed, “tell Aunt Jenny all about it!”

  Cammie giggled.

  Hildy made an extra special effort to hide her misgivings, as Cammie related the all too familiar story of how she met Francois at the gambling halls in Monte Carlo.

  She hadn’t thought Cammie would be marrying so soon, now that her career was in high gear. Still, the last thing she wanted to do was to spoil the moment for her. She knew how close Cammie felt to “Aunt Jenny” and “Uncle Peter,” and she could see that Cammie was enjoying, confiding in Jenny. I just hope she knows what she’s doing, she prayed.

  Jenny didn’t seem to notice Hildy’s trepidation. She was too busy being Cammie’s confidante.

  Cammie was so excited she could hardly contain herself. “Oh, Aunt Jenny! I never thought I’d meet anyone so handsome and charming and—and—” She threw her hands up in a gesture that sa
id she had run out of adjectives to describe him. “He’s just perfect! And I’m going to be a Countess! It’s more than I ever dared to hope for!”

  Hildy sighed in resignation, deciding to hold her peace until she met him and had a chance to form a fair opinion.

  After enjoying the hors d’oeuvres and wine and the delicious lunch, they decided to rest up for the evening’s festivities. They were in jet lag, and needed a nap to be in good shape for the celebration tonight.

  The party started promptly at eight. It was a festive one! Many celebrities, associates of Peter, attended—not to mention Hildy, Jay, Cammie, and Roger—celebrities in their own right. And even though Zack wasn’t famous, many of them had used his services, and he mingled easily.

  Dinner was served on the patio in the back yard facing the Pacific Ocean. The weather was typical for California—balmy, clear, and anything but humid. The pool sparkled from the outdoor lanterns, and the moonlight made a golden path on the water. The lights from Catalina Island seemed almost close enough to read by, as they twinkled a friendly greeting across the ocean.

  The caterers and servants were enjoying themselves as much as the guests. Dressed in their gray and white uniforms, they moved about by the pool, serving everyone, and having a good time. They had their own table off to the side, and Peter told them not to be shy about helping themselves as soon as the guests had been taken care of.

  Soon the party was over, and the guests left.

  * * *

  Jenny slipped her arm through Cammie’s. “How are plans coming for the wedding?” she asked her. “I’ll bet you’re excited!”

  Cammie’s heart soared, grateful that someone was on her side. “You’re coming, aren’t you?” she asked Jenny. “It wouldn’t seem natural without you two there.”

  Peter joined the group just in time to hear what Cammie said. “Count on it!” he promised her. “In fact—” His eyes danced. “How would you like it if we flew with you to Paris tomorrow?”

  Cammie squealed with delight. “Oh, would you? I want you to meet Francois!”

  She retired that night full of hope, feeling she had cleared the first hurdle in erasing any doubts they had—or at least to temporarily push them aside—and she was looking forward to the flight tomorrow. She was elated that Jenny and Peter were going with them. Now their group was complete—except for Roger Fielding, who had been called back to New York right after the party to handle unexpected snags in his new musical.

  * * *

  Six o’clock the next morning, Zack was the first to appear in his bathing trunks, ready to take an early swim.

  “Hi!” Cammie greeted him as she entered the patio dressed in her bikini. Hildy and Jay appeared in their bathing suits and joined them, and they all went into the pool together.

  “What a day!” Zack exclaimed. His eyes twinkled as he looked at Cammie. “I bet you can’t wait to get back to Paris,” he teased.

  “I’ve been counting the hours, the minutes, the seconds!” she enthused. “Oh, I hope you like Francois!”

  Zack gave her a searching look. For a moment it seemed almost as though she were pleading with him for approval. “Why wouldn’t I?” he asked. “You like him, don’t you?”

  He swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out. How similar this is to Hildy’s experience with Greg, he mused, as he toweled off. Hildy knew Greg only a month when he asked her to marry him. Cammie has known the Count for only a month, and he seems hell bent on marrying her right away. The similarity made him uneasy, and for the first time since he heard about Cammie’s engagement, he began to have misgivings.

  Breakfast was ready at seven o’clock—plenty of time for them to catch their ten-thirty flight to Paris. By this time Jenny and Peter had joined them.

  Cammie was all smiles. Soon she would be reunited with her beloved Francois.

  Even Hildy and Jay seemed more at ease. They were going back to their beloved France where they had fallen in love, and spent so many happy days.

  Jenny and Peter also had fond memories of Paris. That was where they had first discovered their love for each other, and had been able to shed their past failed marriages, and start out new.

  The limousine arrived at eight o’clock to take them to the airport. Their luggage was loaded into the limo and they were on their way. Traffic was light, and the chauffeur drove up to the loading curb at the airport in half an hour. The attendant quickly and efficiently unloaded their luggage and put it on the trolley, to be taken inside the building and sent to the loading dock by the plane.

  The group headed for the First Class Lounge where Danish pastries were spread out on the table. They no sooner finished snacking when the announcement came over the intercom that it was time for the First Class passengers to start boarding. They quickly gathered their carry-on luggage and headed toward the gate.

  As they started down the ramp, several people recognized Cammie, and asked for autographs. The other passengers were a little annoyed at being held up from boarding the plane, and Zack stepped in and graciously waved the autograph seekers away.

  The group entered the plane and made their way to their spacious, comfortable seats in the First Class section.

  Hildy and Jay sat together.

  Jenny and Peter sat across the aisle from them.

  Cammie sat with Zack, in front of Hildy and Jay.

  As the plane left the runway and rose into the sky, Cammie looked out the window. Spread out below was the freeway with its myriad of cars, bumper to bumper.

  She thought about Francois, demanding that she give up her career, and was surprised that she suddenly found herself resenting his request. He knows how much I love my singing. Why can’t he give a little? It seemed a trifle selfish and domineering. Her doubts about Francois returned. She tried to brush it off.

  Zack eyed her as the expressions on her face changed dramatically. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  Cammie had momentarily forgotten about Zack’s intuitive ability. I’ll have to be more careful, she warned herself.

  She quickly smiled her sunniest smile. “I’m fine,” she assured him.

  She continued to stare out the window, and for a moment she thought her mind was playing tricks on her.

  The lanes on the freeway suddenly became lines on the staff of sheet music, and the cars seemed to resemble musical notes in different shapes and sizes—a quarter note here, a half note there, moving up and down as the cars weaved in and out of traffic—dancing with each other—just like the choreography that Cammie danced to in the musical.

  Still other cars looked like whole notes with various rest signs in between, as some motorcycles sped by. One or two of them actually looked like bass and treble clefs.

  It almost seemed to her that they were coaxing her not to desert the musical career that she loved so much. What an imagination! she mused.

  But suddenly a hearse appeared, and she could have sworn she saw Francois’ face on the hood, taunting her! This is crazy! she thought, as she tried to deny this illusion.

  She blinked, and the musical hieroglyphs became mere cars once more, and Francois’ face on the hood of the hearse disappeared. Soon the plane rose high above the earth beneath, and as it broke through the clouds and into the sunshine, the freeway with its cars and lanes could no longer be seen.

  Badly shaken by this hallucination, Cammie quickly turned from it, feeling disloyal. She loved Francois, and was willing to make any sacrifice necessary in order to be with him.

  He had said he would meet them at the airport, and just the thought of this set her tingling. She couldn’t wait to be with him again. She had told him that her parents and some friends, who were coming with them, wanted to stay in Paris for a few days, and then go for a week’s tour on a barge through the wine country, before flying with him to his Chateau in Biarritz. />
  Although he seemed surprised at first, he quickly assured her that he would be glad to stay longer in Paris, and even go with them on the barge. He couldn’t have been nicer, she reminded herself, and remembering this made her feel guilty to have doubted him, even for a moment.

  As they approached Orly Airport, Cammie could feel the thump of the wheels as they were released from their locked position. She checked to make sure her seat belt was secure in preparation for the landing.

  Her heart pounded with anticipation. She would soon be in the arms of her beloved Francois once more.


  It was six-thirty in the morning in the French town of Biarritz, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The chattering of busy sea gulls, diving for their fish breakfast, awakened Count Francois Dubonnet II. He found it extremely annoying, especially as he realized he must get up and fly to Orly Airport to pick up Cammie and her parents.

  He rose from his bed and made his way into the bathroom. He turned on the shower, cursing under his breath. Why can’t she get to Paris at a decent hour? he griped, completely ignoring the fact that she had traveled all night to get back to him. Why should I bow to her parents’ wishes to stay in Paris for a week, and then tour the wine country for another week? Patience was not one of Francois’ virtues.

  Then he smiled. Never mind. Whatever makes her happy will be well worth it. What a stroke of luck that she was at the casino that night! He had wondered how he would meet her, and suddenly there she was. He recognized her immediately, looking across at him from the other side of the room. He had wasted no time introducing himself. He remembered with satisfaction how impressed she was. The first hurdle had been successfully cleared. Let’s hope the others are as easy, he mumbled.

  He finished his shower and dressed, ready to grab a quick bite and head down to the runway just outside the Chateau by the ocean. He had checked everything on his private jet last night so it would be ready for takeoff first thing this morning, in time to arrive in Paris, and meet the plane coming in from California.


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