All That Glitters

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All That Glitters Page 11

by Ruthe Ogilvie

  Francois banked and soared, and finally set the plane down on the landing pad beside the ocean. Gabe, Francois’ trusty servant, was waiting, ready to greet the guests with umbrellas to shield them from the driving rain.

  Suddenly the wind shifted. An unexpected gust at the speed of about sixty miles an hour literally blew Hildy off her feet as she struggled up the paved ramp toward the Chateau. Jay caught her just in time to prevent her from hitting the pavement full force. Hildy shuddered as she envisioned the ill wind that might blow away all of Cammie’s youthful hopes and dreams.

  As they entered the Chateau, Hildy and the others, in spite of their efforts not to be impressed, were overwhelmed by the splendor of the interior. It had been completely modernized, while still maintaining its traditional ambience.

  The foyer with its high ceilings and sparkling chandeliers was something one might find in an interior decorator’s own home. Francois had been meticulous in his choice of design, and they were quite taken with his impeccable taste.

  Each spacious bedroom had its own wet bar, television set, intercom, telephone, and private bath. There were even elevators for their convenience.

  The decor of the whole structure was magnificent. The Louis the Fourteenth decor fairly shrieked culture and elegance. The sound of the waves slapping against the rocks, and the sea gulls soaring and singing, was almost like being on a luxurious ocean liner. This was a home that would satisfy anyone’s wildest dreams, and Hildy felt foolish for the pictures that had flashed across her mind at her first sight of this Chateau.

  * * *

  Cammie was elated! She could see the expressions on her parents’ faces, and felt that they were beginning to believe she had made a wise choice to marry Francois. She was completely taken in by all this splendor, and was playing her brand new role to the hilt as Countess-to-be of this domain.

  The following week was spent in preparation for the wedding. It would be a lavish affair—the most lavish in all of Europe. The ceremony was to take place in the chapel at the Chateau.

  What a nice man I’m marrying, Cammie mused as she viewed her surroundings. The excitement and glamour of the upcoming festivities had eclipsed her thought to the point where it almost enabled her to push Jeremy out of her mind, as she told herself that her decision to marry Francois had been made, and that was that. This is no time to indulge in teenage dreams of another man. It’s just a foolish fantasy, she decided, and she abruptly dismissed it. Still, she couldn’t help wondering if Jeremy had been able to find out anything more about his mysterious past.


  Jeremy arrived in the town of Chaumont, and was staying at an inn close to the Chateau de Boulanger. He had been touring the immediate countryside, but had held off visiting the Chateau de Boulanger for fear he might meet with a dead end. He couldn’t bear the thought that he might find nothing and have no other place to turn. Maybe if I explore the surrounding town, he figured, it might jog my memory. If it doesn’t, then I’ll still have the Chateau to fall back on.

  Finally, after spending a week of looking around with no results, he decided it was time to gather up his courage and do what he came here for—visit the Chateau. You can’t be any worse off than you’ve been, he mused, and you might find exactly what you’re looking for.

  On the same day that Cammie’s wedding was scheduled to take place in Biarritz, Jeremy went to the Chateau de Boulanger. The sky was cloudless as he drove along by the River Loire. To his right he spotted the Chateau looming up against a background of trees and blue sky, with the river stretching out before it.

  Now that he was here, he couldn’t wait to explore the grounds. Soon he reached the bridge that spanned the river. He crossed over and turned to the right in the direction of the Chateau.

  His heart pounded with excitement as he realized that it all looked so familiar. Why can’t I remember who I am? Maybe once I see it, the whole thing will come back to me.

  He reached the long, hilly, quarter-mile driveway leading up to the Chateau. A sign read, “No Cars Allowed.” He parked below and made the climb on foot.

  It was steep, and he became a little breathless halfway up—partly from the climb, and partly from excitement and anticipation. But he continued, more determined by the minute. He had the strongest feeling he was about to find the key that would unlock the hidden door to his forgotten past.

  He had a deep desire to share it all with Cammie, but he quickly dismissed the thought. She’s marrying Francois, so forget it.

  * * *

  At the Chateau in Biarritz, Cammie was preparing for the wedding. She had asked her mother to be her Matron of Honor, and Hildy was already dressed in a beautiful lilac gown with sparsely dotted rhinestones that sparkled with a gaiety she didn’t feel. With great reluctance she was helping Cammie get dressed. How she wished Cammie would come to her senses before it was too late. Jeremy is much more suitable for her, she thought.

  * * *

  Cammie had already decided to wait until after the wedding to announce that she was quitting her career. She hoped to convince Francois to let her continue. I know he wants me all to himself, she figured, but this is very important to me. Once we’re married I’m sure I can change his mind. She thought back to the day when he told her she must quit show business.

  “I want the whole world to know that you won’t be on the stage anymore,” he had insisted. “This must be reported to all the newspapers and tabloids worldwide.”

  Cammie was puzzled. Although she tried to deny it, his possessiveness frightened her, and she wondered why it wasn’t enough just to notify the theatre where she had been appearing. Why was it so important to announce it to the whole world? They would find out soon enough.

  * * *

  Jay, of course, would be giving Cammie away. He wanted to say no. How could he give her to a man that he felt would make her miserable? On the other hand, how could he refuse his daughter on her most important day?

  He was alone in his room when he heard a knock on the door. When he opened it, Zack stood there with a newspaper in his hand. Jay motioned him inside and closed the door behind him. “What is it, Zack?” he asked in almost a whisper.

  Zack held up the newspaper so Jay could see the headlines. “Show Business Star Retires,” it read.

  Jay reacted with anger. “Cammie didn’t do this,” he told Zack. “This is Francois’ doing.”

  Zack was surprised. “How do you know that?”

  “We discussed this last night. She told us she was going to hold off reporting it to the papers until after the wedding. She thought she could convince Francois how important her career is to her.”

  “You mean she didn’t know Francois was going to do this?”

  Jay shook his head. “I don’t like this one bit. He seems to be taking over her whole life without consulting her. Where is the give and take that’s so important in a marriage?” He shrugged. “I suppose he thought he had a good reason,” he said, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.

  * * *

  Yes, thought Zack. And just what could that reason be? He decided to try once more to find some kind of records that he was sure were hidden somewhere in this Chateau. But where? He had looked around this morning, careful not to arouse any suspicion, but so far he had come up with nothing.

  He left Jay and returned to his room to be quiet and think. He knew Cammie was determined to go through with this wedding, and his only recourse was to find some kind of proof that would support what Andre told him. The thought kept nudging at him that whatever it was, once he uncovered it, they would have all the information they needed to save Cammie from years of misery.

  * * *

  Hildy and Jay had all but lost hope that anything would happen now to change Cammie’s mind. Although they knew Zack was still trying to find something that might help, it a
ll seemed pretty hopeless at this point.

  Jenny and Peter were dressed by this time, ready for the lavish ceremony. Fran and Lilli had arrived a few minutes earlier. Fran was dressed in full uniform, and Lilli wore a bejeweled gown that complemented her tiara of diamonds and rubies.

  The wedding was scheduled to take place in another hour.

  The time passed by all too quickly—at least for Hildy and Jay. They could see how excited Cammie was about marrying Francois and becoming a Countess. But it was hard to tell if this was sincere, or just another grand entrance to one of her performances. Everything was in place. The altar in the chapel was graced with a profusion of orchids flown in from Paris, blended with camellias, pink and yellow roses, and enhanced with the sweet scent of jasmine. Seated beside the altar, a live orchestra, composed mostly of trumpets, was playing the majestic strains of “Trumpet Tune” by Purcell. Just the right theme for a regal marriage.

  The music stopped momentarily as a radiant Cammie appeared in the archway of the chapel on Jay’s arm. She looked completely innocent and trusting in her breathtakingly beautiful white gown, covered with pearls and diamonds. Her twelve-foot veil trailed behind her, and on her head was the tiara of diamonds, rubies, and sapphires that Francois had given her.

  Hildy sat in front near the altar where Jay could join her immediately after walking Cammie down the aisle. She was fighting to keep back the tears as she watched them.

  Francois stood at the altar dressed in full uniform as he waited for Cammie. The procession to the altar seemed all too short. Time was slipping by.

  “Where is Zack?” Hildy asked Jay as he sat down beside her.

  “I don’t know,” he answered.

  They both felt it was too much to hope for that at this late date Zack would find out something in time to stop the wedding.

  As the ceremony began, Hildy had hard work to control herself. If she was fearful before, now she was terrified. She reached for Jay’s hand, in need of something steady to hold on to. Jay did his best to calm her down.

  The nuptials seemed unusually short, and before they realized it, Cammie was the new Countess Cameron Dubonnet.

  Jay looked around. Still no Zack. Where in the world can he be?

  * * *

  The ballroom of the Chateau was beautifully decorated for the royal reception. Name cards had been carefully placed at the tables, and the gaiety was contagious for all except Cammie’s family and friends. A sumptuous feast had been planned, and they were all seated, waiting for the bride and groom to appear.

  The orchestra, which had moved to a corner of the ballroom, struck up a fanfare as Cammie walked in on Francois’ arm. As they made their way across the room to their table, the guests rose and bowed. Cammie’s parents, along with Jenny and Peter, were already seated with Fran and Lilli.

  As Cammie and Francois approached the table to join them, Hildy leaned over to Jay. “Where in the world is Zack?” she whispered. “This isn’t like him at all!”

  “I’m sure he’ll be here any minute,” Jay tried to assure her. But he, too, was becoming quite concerned.

  Jenny and Peter were also curious. Zack’s absence was causing Peter to feel doubtful again about Francois. A deep uneasiness was beginning to spread over Cammie’s family and friends. Where could Zack be?

  * * *

  The guests had finished eating, and Fran rose to his feet and gently tapped his water glass with his spoon. “Most distinguished guests,” he announced, “the bride and groom, Count Francois II and Countess Cameron Dubonnet, will now start the dancing, and you’re all welcome to follow.”

  As soon as Cammie and Francois reached the ballroom floor, Francois leaned down and whispered to Cammie. “Cherie, will you excuse me for a few minutes? There is something I have to take care of before we leave for our honeymoon.”

  Cammie was surprised, but agreed, as Francois handed her over to Jay.


  Zack had been searching in the library for some kind of clue or papers that would tell him whether or not Fran was Francois’ real father, and he had just made a frightening discovery. As he groped around and moved some books on one of the shelves, he saw a button located behind one of the volumes. He pressed it, and to his surprise, a whole panel opened up, revealing a room hidden behind it. The minute he entered, his worst fears as to the identity of Francois’ real father were confirmed.

  Yet, after the first shock, he really wasn’t all that surprised. On the wall was a sign that read, “A memorial to my father, Gregory Wilcox.” The walls were covered with his pictures!

  There was a huge Bible on a podium in the center of the room. Zack rushed over to it and opened the cover. The inscription on the inside listed the date, twenty-six years ago, of the birth of Greg’s and Lilli’s son, Gregory Wilcox, Jr. As he looked further, he saw the date, five years later, when he was named Count Francois Dubonnet II.

  I knew it! he exulted. Greg is his real father! No wonder he looks so much like him!

  For a moment Zack stood paralyzed. Then he sprang into action. “I have to stop Cammie from leaving on her honeymoon,” he exclaimed out loud. “God only knows what Francois is up to!”

  But as he turned to leave, the panel suddenly slid shut, leaving him in total darkness.

  * * *

  When Francois left the ballroom, he was fully aware that Zack was missing, and he suspected that he might be snooping around. He was determined to put a stop to it before it was too late. He headed for the library to make sure Zack hadn’t found the vital information Francois knew would ruin his plans.

  Sure enough, Francois found him in the secret room! How the hell did he manage that? he cursed. Never mind! I got here in time! Before Zack could see him, he quickly touched the button that closed the panel, locking Zack in, making sure he didn’t reveal what he had just discovered.

  Francois stood outside and rubbed his hands together in a gesture of triumph. “Try and stop me, will you?” he sneered. “No way! By the time they find you, my friend, you will be dead!”

  He quickly returned to the ballroom to join Cammie, who was still dancing with Jay.

  * * *

  Jay saw him approaching. “Francois, you didn’t see Zack, did you? I’m worried. He wasn’t at the ceremony, and I haven’t seen him here at the reception.”

  Francois looked at Jay calmly. “No, I haven’t seen him,” he lied. He took hold of Cammie’s arm and steered her away from Jay. “The people are waiting for our carriage ride through the streets of Biarritz,” he told her.

  Jay watched as Cammie and Francois started to leave. Is it my imagination, he wondered, or is Francois suddenly in a big hurry to leave? He had an uneasy feeling that something had happened to Zack, and that Francois was responsible. He returned to the table where Hildy, Jenny, and Peter were sitting, talking to Fran and Lilli.

  Hildy spoke to him in a whisper. “What’s wrong?”

  Jay couldn’t say anything in front of Lilli and Fran. Instead, he made an announcement. “Francois tells me the carriage is waiting to take him and Cammie through the streets of Biarritz. I think we’d better watch from the balcony upstairs.”

  After saying goodbye to Cammie and Francois, Hildy and Jay and Jenny and Peter entered the elevator that would take them to the balcony three floors above. The elevator had only room enough for four people.

  “Lilli and I will wait for the elevator to come down again,” Fran told them.

  As soon as the door closed, Jay turned to the others. “Zack is still missing. I’m positive Francois is responsible for his disappearance.”

  Hildy turned white, and her knees threatened to buckle. Jay steadied her with his arm. Jenny and Peter merely stared in disbelief.

  “What makes you think that?” Peter asked.

  “I’m sure you noticed that Zack w
asn’t at the ceremony or the reception, and that simply is not like him!” Jay declared.

  By this time they were joined by Fran and Lilli, and Jay said nothing further. They entered the balcony together.

  Francois was just helping Cammie into the carriage that was waiting. Cammie had changed into a white silk suit, but was still wearing her tiara. She looked every inch a young and beautiful Countess. Francois wore a simple white uniform.

  A coachman, dressed completely in white, opened the door and helped the bride and groom into the white carriage. He then took his place behind the team of white horses, ready to drive the bride and groom through the streets of Biarritz. An eager crowd was waiting, and the parade began.

  A tear stole down Hildy’s cheek as she watched the carriage pull away.

  The procession made its way along the main roads of Biarritz as the crowds cheered from the sidelines. In half an hour they returned. The carriage drew up beside Francois’ plane on the landing strip.

  Cammie waved to her parents as Francois helped her into the plane. He started the engines, and the graceful bird took off into the sky, headed toward the town of Chaumont, where Cammie’s surprise waited for her.


  When Zack realized he was locked in the secret room, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the small flashlight, disguised as a ballpoint pen, that he always carried with him. He pushed the end and turned it on. I’ve got to get out of here, he thought. There must be a switch or something that will open that panel. He searched for what seemed an eternity, when suddenly his intuition told him to look under the Bible.

  He lifted it, and sure enough, there was the button recessed into the surface of the podium! He pushed it, and the paneled door slid open!

  He raced out of the room and down the stairs. I have to stop them from leaving on their honeymoon before it’s too late! As he approached the third level, he heard the cheers from the crowd. He entered the balcony just in time to see the plane take off, with Francois and Cammie aboard.


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