Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series)

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Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series) Page 12

by Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

  I eventually shift myself and go through to James who is standing in the walk in shower, his huge body so well developed and toned, shaped in all the right places, that wonderful arse is facing me as are the broad shoulders and muscular back. He turns, his eyes closed as he rinses shampoo from his those curls. “I’ll still never get over why he fell for me.” I say aloud, not thinking.

  “Sorry,” he shouts from the shower, “I didn’t hear you.”

  “I didn’t say anything!” I look through the steamed up glass.

  “You did! You just said something about “why he fell for me”. You did Alex, I heard you!” He turns the shower off and looks at me from behind the glass panel.

  “Sorry, I must have been thinking, I didn’t mean to speak.” I hold my head down, looking at the floor and turn towards the basin and squirt some toothpaste on my brush when I feel his arms around my waist, he leans forward and kisses my neck, my jaw. Little drops of water fall from his hair and run down my chest, under my robe and across my breasts.

  His lips brush across my ear and he whispers so quietly, “I love you Alex, don’t ask me why, don’t try to understand me, just love me back!”

  I turn in his arms and look up at the unshaven handsome face, the full lips and dark eyes.

  “I do love you James Aconi, I really do!” I whisper looking directly into his eyes, not moving my gaze one little bit.

  He wraps me in his arms and just holds me so closely, “I’m never, ever letting you go!” He mumbles. We stand there just hugging, I feel so safe in his arms, his huge arms, my face resting on his chest, I hear his heart beating, it’s strong, like him, reliable, like him. Eventually I force myself to pull away from him, I have to, my gorgeous man needs to get on and I have things I need to do today.

  I clean my teeth, once I’m done I step into the shower, as I wash my hair I hear him shout “Going to get breakfast.” I open my eyes and see that he’s left the bathroom. Finishing what I need to do in the bathroom I dry my hair and dress in a comfortable skirt and blouse before going down stairs.

  “Bagel’s!” He announces as I walk through to the kitchen, he’s mooched through the cupboards and found that they’ve all been re-stocked, courtesy of the Tesco delivery man yesterday. Standing by the island in his white shirt and black trousers, I notice that his double cuffs are held closed by the Union Jack cufflinks that I gave him.

  “Please. I could do with more tea.” I start about making tea and coffee whilst the domesticated James toasts the bagels, “Jam or cheese?” He turns to me.

  “Marmite!” I blurt “I fancy some Marmite, there’s some in that cupboard.”

  He screws his face up, “Okay, I can’t stand the stuff but if you insist?”

  “I do, and it is good for you!” I smile at him sweetly, repeating what he frequently tells me.

  He looks at me and frowns as he reaches for the black jar from the cupboard, removing the yellow lid he scrapes a knife over the surface and spreads the dark brown extract over my bagel, “Is that enough?” He asks, holding the side plate at arm’s length, presumably so that he can’t smell it.

  “Great. Thanks” I take the bagel he’s just spread for me and tuck into it, delicious.

  We sit eating our bagels, “Remind me what time we’re meeting Nial today.” He asks with a mouthfull.

  “Two. I’ll come to the hotel and we can drive round together. Is that okay?” I suggest.

  “Yeah. You’ll need to be with me for about twenty past one, just in case we get stuck in traffic.” He takes another bite of his bagel and lifts his coffee.

  “No problem. I’ll be in London anyway this morning so I’ll just get a cab over to you.” I finish my breakfast and sit watching him.

  “Why not Archie?”

  “For the same reason that I don’t like Archie taking me to my therapist – its private!” I tap the side of my nose at him to indicate that he shouldn’t ask any more questions.

  “Where are you going Alex?” He asks again, his tone insistent.

  “I’ll tell you when I get back. Now, haven’t you got to go?” I feel like I need him to leave, if he stays he’ll just keep going on and on about where I’m going.

  “Umm. I’ll see you later. Don’t get doing anything stupid!” He kisses me, takes another drink of coffee, picks up the keys to the hired Jaguar and walks towards the front door, I follow him.

  “As if I would! I’ll see you later Bossman.” I grin.

  He frowns as he leaves, “I mean it, nothing stupid!”

  Once James has gone I sort what I will need for this afternoons meeting with Nial, checking through the folder that was given to me I see the date that Maggie financed fifty per cent of the business on an agreement, other than this there is very little information in the file, just a few scribbled notes regarding the clubs worth.

  I am just about to call for a taxi when Muriel arrives. She lets herself in and huffs down the hallway to the kitchen.

  “Morning Mrs. Drake.” She grumps as she walks past the living room door.

  “Morning Muriel. Are you okay today?” I’m half expecting her to quit after yesterday.

  “I’m fine!” She snaps back.

  I wander through the kitchen and see her at the kitchen sink, she’s rinsing the plates we used at breakfast and loading the dishwasher, she has her back to me as she busies herself with the dishes.

  “Did you have chance to think about what we spoke about yesterday?” I ask, feeling like I’m taking the bull well and truly by the horns.

  “I did Mrs. Drake, and I’m fine with you, really. Just having a bit of bad time at home and I know I shouldn’t bring my problems to work, but well yesterday it all just got a bit on top of me, you know?” She explains.

  “I know about bad days. But, please try not to bring them to work, that’s one thing that I never did when I was going through my problems, I never took any of them to the library. Partly because I didn’t want anyone asking questions!” I cast my mind back to the time I worked at the library, how often I’d go in with bruises, never on show, but I’d know they were there.

  She spins around holding a glass and that’s when I see her face for the first time this morning.

  “Whatever’s happened?” I gasp at the reddish bruise under her eye. It’s not big but clearly someone has thumped her.

  “Oh, it’s nothing,” she dismisses my question, “just a misunderstanding, that’s all.”

  “That must have been some misunderstanding! Let me make a pot of tea, leave the dishes and we can have a chat before I go.” I offer her the chance to talk to someone, although I don’t know if I would have wanted to talk if someone had seen my bruises, well not while I was still with Lewis anyway, but the least I can do is offer.

  “I’m fine Mrs. Drake, honestly. It’s nothing.” She runs her fingers over her eye.

  “Well, if you’re sure. But please stop for a few minutes and at least have a cup of tea.” I insist.

  I reach for my crock tea pot and add a couple of tea bags. Whilst the kettle is boiling I call for a taxi to be here at ten fifteen.

  Once the tea is made Muriel and I sit and chat about this and that, despite the more relaxed atmosphere she’s reluctant to talk about herself, I can’t take my eyes of that bruise, she doesn’t seem like the sort of person to get herself into that sort of situation and I can’t imagine her standing for an abusive partner, although look at me – I did, for bloody twenty-two years!

  I see the time and decide that I really should be getting ready to go, “You know Muriel, if you ever want to talk you’ve only got to say.” I offer her the opportunity.

  “No, it’s fine Mrs. Drake, it’ll all sort itself out.” She starts to clear away the mugs and teapot from the island. “Where are you off to this morning? Somewhere nice?” Her head’s down, avoiding eye contact, presumably so that I don’t focus on that bruise.

  “I’ve a personal appointment this morning and then I’m going to Henry’s this afternoon.”
I pull my paperwork together as I won’t have time to come back home before I meet James and go off to the club.

  “Henry’s? As in the nightclub?” She looks up at me.

  “Yes, that’s the one!”

  “I didn’t know that you had an interest in that place! I thought it was just the hotel.” She says flippantly.

  “Maggie had a few business interests, more than a few in fact but most of them I don’t think she really got involved in, I’ve no desire to become involved either but, well they’re the sort of businesses that can just sit there and just do their thing I suppose.” I laugh.

  “You’re a lucky lady Mrs. Drake, having all this!” She looks serious, I could swear she was jealous, if only she knew how I’ve spent the last twenty-two years then maybe she would look upon this, me, differently!

  “Oh, I don’t know about that Muriel. I mean, it’s nice not to have to worry about anything, but, well I suppose it, oh I don’t know. Anyway, I need to dash, I think my cabs here. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I grab my things and walk the length of the hall, as I reach the front door I call back “Anna’s back on Saturday.”

  “Okay Mrs. Drake!” She calls back.

  I leave the house, climb into the back of the black cab and give my destination to the driver.

  Chapter 11

  “Are you sure you’re okay Alex?” The tall, thin bloke at the other side of the counter asks me.

  “I’m fine, honestly.” I rummage through my bag for my purse, I feel hot. Really hot and a bit woozy.

  “Alex, you look at little pale. Why don’t you sit down while you do that. Chaz, she’s going!” The bloke calls out to his colleague.

  The next thing I’m aware of is the tall thin bloke and Chaz sitting beside me as I’m sprawled on the floor.

  “Can we call someone for you?” Chaz asks.

  “No, no definitely not. I’ll be fine, give me a few minutes, I’ll be okay, honestly. I’ve been through worse. Can I sit up now? Please?” I feel very conspicuous lying on the floor.

  Chaz and the thin bloke move aside and I drag myself onto a chair in the front of the tattoo studio. I reach out with my debit card to Chaz who has done a most excellent job, I hope, of covering the L.D brand on my back. I’m currently sporting a melolin style pad under my bra strap which is on the loosest fastening, but from what I can see he will have done the artwork beautifully.

  Chaz hands me the payment machine, “Can you enter your PIN please Alex?”

  I tap the keypad and hand the machine back to him.

  “Now remember. Don’t scratch it, it may well feel itchy once the scab starts to form, only a light scab. Don’t pick it, if you do it could make the design look faded. Don’t swim or soak it until it’s fully healed anything up to ten days and then if you go in the sun make sure you use a good sunscreen, or even sun block.”

  “Thank you Chaz. You’ve been great.” I smile as I stand from my seat.

  “Where are you going to?” Tall thin bloke says. “You’re not going walking around town are you?”

  “No. I’ll just get a cab.”

  “Going home?” He asks.

  “No, I’m meeting someone.”

  “Take it easy!” Chaz says seriously as he wanders into the back of the studio with his next client. I look at him and smile. “Seriously, Alex – you’ve just passed out, don’t get doing anything too strenuous this afternoon!”

  “I won’t. Don’t worry – just a meeting.” I wince as I move out of the padded chair and out of the studio.

  Once on the footpath I look out for a black cab and soon find one to flag down.

  “Reid’s hotel please.” I say to the driver as he pulls away from the kerb.

  Chapter 12

  I enter through the main doors of the hotel, past Sam the concierge, “Afternoon Mrs. Drake” He says.

  “Hello Sam. Lovely day now the rains stopped?” I glance at the smart concierge as I enter the hotel.

  “Yes, Mrs. Drake, it is.”

  I make my way across the foyer and through the Staff Only door and up the stairs which although I now manage to do with ease I take slowly today, although I feel absolutely fine, just a little sore. Once I reach the fourth floor I walk down the dimly lit corridor to James’ office and after knocking lightly I wander in. Roger is sat in one of the battered leather chairs in front of James.

  “Hi Blossom,” James stands and walks around to me, he places his hand on my hip and kisses me lightly on the cheek, “Roger and I were just discussing bringing in some additional security for the Mitchell engagement next weekend, apparently one of the happy couple knows some celebs, words out that they’ll be here.”

  “Don’t let me stop you. We haven’t got to leave just yet. Do you both want a drink?” I offer, moving towards the small unit.

  “I’d love a coffee.” James says, he looks at Roger, “Do you want on Rog?”

  “Tea please, milk and two sugars.” The man mountain shuffles in his seat.

  I look at him and frown, “Two?”

  “Please.” He says sheepishly.

  I make drinks for all three of us as James and Roger discuss additional security arrangements for a week on Saturday. I pass the mugs around and sit in the other leather chair making sure that I don’t lean back. I check through my emails on my phone, nothing important and listen as James and Roger run through what they think will be needed.

  By the time we’ve all finished our drinks the two men have also finalised planning their arrangements. Roger stands, “I’ll be off then. You’re out this afternoon?” He says to James.

  “Yes, unlikely to be back. Marcus knows and Robbie will be in a little earlier, but I expect you’ll be gone and Thomas will be here by then so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Right you are. Good to you see you Mrs. Drake.” He says as he leaves, extracting his huge frame from the leather chair.

  James returns to his side of the desk and tidies his paperwork away. “Have you had a good morning?” He asks.

  “Fine thanks. I take it you’ve been busy? Did Robbie come back to you about taking on the General Managers role?”

  “Yes, and yes. Productive morning and yes, Robbie will take on the role but his wife has to give a months’ notice which means he can’t start for a month. That’s okay isn’t it?”

  “Absolutely bloody fantastic. I am so pleased?” I stand and walk around to him, leaning against the back of his chair and wrap my arms around his broad shoulders kissing his neck. “You don’t know how much it means to me James, you really don’t!”

  “You can show me later.” He turns his head towards me, grinning.

  I really don’t know how to react to his comment, so I just smile back. “Are you ready to go? I could do with something to eat before we go to Henry’s.”

  “Yeah, I’m all yours,” he growls, “do with me what you will!”

  “Don’t give me carte blanche, you may regret it!” I whisper back, smiling.

  He stacks some papers neatly on his desk before standing, gives his office a cursory glance around before placing his hand in the small of my back and guiding me from his office.

  We walk, side by side, along the corridor, down the stairs into the foyer.

  “Give me a second Alex, I’ll just let Marcus know that I’m off now.” He leaves me and heads off to the restaurant and to Marcus.

  I wait and look around at the hustle and bustle of the place, I still can’t believe it’s all mine. I still struggle to take all of this in, that it’s mine. I’m convinced that I’m going to wake from some kind of coma and find it’s all been a dream. I am nudged out of my daydream by a sharp pain as James places his hand right on top of my newly acquired body art, I flinch and suck in a sharp little breath.

  “Are you okay?” He frowns.

  “Yes, fine,” I stammer, trying to disguise how uncomfortable his touch felt, “you just took me by surprise.”

  “Well, shall we go?” His hand in the small of my back he guid
es me from the hotel and out into the car park, “It’s the first time I’ve been in the Jaguar.” I say as we cross the car park toward the black XJR.

  “You’ll like her, she’s very nice.”

  He opens the door for me and I slide into the terribly comfortable leather sports seats of the car that is so much roomier than the Audi. “It’s super James, but you’re right I think the Audi is just,” I pause, “well the Audi was bought with the heart wasn’t it?”

  “So you tell me. You mean you wouldn’t have chosen this over the Audi?” He asks.

  “No, I like the R8, to look at, it just does something for me. It’s pretty and sexy, and looks like it has oomph, you know what I mean? This is nice, refined and very comfortable, and you tell me it’s fast, but it doesn’t look like it’s supposed to be!” I sum up what I think about the Jaguar.

  “You mean the Audi’s like her new owner?” He grins. That bloody grin I can feel my nether regions tingling as I sit next to My James, the Bossman and his bloody sexy grin.

  “Yes, I suppose.” I say quietly. “Anyway, drive Bossman, we have a meeting to go to and you’re making me all hot and bothered before we even set off!”

  “Yes, ma’am,” He looks at me again, leans over towards me and places the most delicious, intense kiss upon my lips, he flicks his tongue gently against my bottom lip and I begin to melt. He pulls away and kisses my neck, “God Alex, you are so fucking fuckable. Can we cancel the meeting and go home? I can’t wait to get you home!”

  “James. No, and stop grinning like that, it’s…well, it’s distracting. Just drive, please,” I mutter “and I need to see Nial. Come on, we have to go!”

  “Spoilsport!” He hisses as he puts the car into reverse and pulls out of his space and onto the road.


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