Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series)

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Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series) Page 20

by Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

  “Yes, you said more than once you thought it was her.” Gia backs me up, looking horrified but nodding.

  “Have you got her address?” James asks.

  “Yes, it’s all written down in the address book, in the kitchen.” I sit, feeling, to be frank like a fool. How could I have not know that Muriel was spying on me?

  “Can you come with me if we go now?” James returns from the kitchen looking at Benito. I can see he’s all fired up, his face angry, but not with me. His fine features contorted, his fists clenched ready to pound the first thing that comes in his way.

  “I’m coming too,” I stand facing James, “I want to talk to Muriel, ask her why?” I’m so angry, but sad and confused. I can’t believe I fell for Muriel’s ploy, her acting, her persuasion to take her on.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.” James puts his hands on my shoulders.

  “No, I want to. I insist. Anna, you’ll be okay here with Gia and Roberto?” I place my napkin on the table ready to go, looking to Anna, Gia and Roberto.

  “I’ll be fine mum, but please be careful.” Anna stands and walks around to me, giving me a hug.

  Within minutes Benito, James and I all piling into the Jaguar and setting off for the address that Muriel has provided. After a short drive we arrive outside a small mid-terraced house, a two-up, two-down style property. The three of us leave the car on the kerbside and ascend the few steps to the front door.

  Benito appears to take charge, standing in front of James and I. He knocks firmly, no answer. He knocks again a little louder almost thumping the door. After a few minutes we hear shuffling from inside.

  “Hold on.” I hear a croaky voice and the door chain and locks.

  The door opens slightly and, “Lola!” James all but shouts, “What are you doing here?” He blurts out, clearly shocked, as I am, to see her answering Muriel’s door.

  “It’s my mum’s house, why? What are you doing here?” She’s appears half asleep and wearing the most hideous onesie I’ve ever seen, a sort of mish-mash of colours and random non-patterns, her hair’s a complete mess and in general she looks wrecked.

  “We’re looking for Muriel,” Benito explains, “she has this noted as her address.”

  “My mum, what do you want with my mum?” She seems to wake up. “Oh fuck, mum!” She yells and tries to slam the door, unfortunately Benito’s and James’ combined weight is far greater than Lola could ever fight off, her resistance causes nothing but wasted energy.

  “Mum!” She yells again.

  Through the commotion by the door I hear Muriel calling back, “Wait a minute Lola, give me a second.” She has no idea what’s happening and takes her time coming to the door.

  Eventually the mother and daughter stand beside each other and I now know why Archie made the comment that Muriel looked familiar, why I didn’t see it I’ll never know but Lola looks so much like her mother, her hair colour the ice blue eyes, the skin tone even their build is so much like each others.

  “Keys!” James demands holding his hand out to Muriel.

  “Sorry?” She says, questioning.

  “Keys, Muriel give me the keys to Alex’s house.” He says again, starting to become angry, his body is still, pent up tension coursing through every inch of him, ready to strike at any moment. She just stands looking at him.

  “Give me the fucking keys - now!” He shouts.

  “What’s happening?” Lola looks at her mum and the three of us at her door.

  Muriel’s face turns from the soft, kind face I’ve become used to, to a hard looking mask full of fury.

  “We only wanted what was rightfully ours.” She hisses at me, her devious nature surfacing for all to see. “We’ve nothing! What you have is half Lewis’s, it’s only right that you hand it over you little bitch,” she hisses, “Lewis says you’re a nasty piece of work, a conniving little cow. Well have your bloody keys and I hope you rot in hell. He said it wouldn’t be long before you found out, he said you were slimy and could get where water couldn’t!” Her tirade clearly based upon what Lewis has told her, brain washed her into believing.

  I just look at the woman who, from what I see here, is clearly as deranged as Lewis. “You two deserve each other Muriel. And as far as rotting in hell, fortunately the way things stand at the moment it’s not me who will be going there, you’re the devious bitch Muriel!” I yell, another blast of confidence causing me to stand my ground, fight back and not lie down and take the abuse any more.

  “Mum!” Lola looks shocked, “Mrs. Drake is none of those things!” She says defensively leaving me wondering if Lola knows exactly what’s been going on.

  “You know nothing Lola, nothing!” Muriel snaps at her daughter, shoving her out of the way, pushing her back so that she stumbles backwards into the hallway.

  She reaches into her pocket and flings the keys down the steps and onto the footpath. “Get away from my house now. I expect my wages to be paid tomorrow and if they’re not I will be round to see you –Get it!” She waves her arm at the three of us, “Now piss off, all of you!” She yells, attracting the attention of several onlookers in the street as she slams the door, knocking poor Lola out of the way as she steps backwards into her house.

  The journey back home is quiet and uneventful. I sit in the back of the car thinking about Muriel, Lewis and poor Lola. What a life that girl must have, no wonder she was arsey with me the other day. I’m upset and concerned. How long has Muriel known Lewis, is she the one he spent most time with. I knew she wasn’t a Londoner, the way she called me “pet” very much a Geordie expression but no real accent. It would fit, Lewis working in the northern part of the country.

  We arrive home and brief Gia, Roberto and Anna as to what has happened, they’re all shocked and concerned of course but at least now I know what Lewis is up to, who took the photographs and who pinched my underwear, but why? Why can’t the bastard just leave me alone? Let me get along with my life? Although I question myself I do know the reason why. Money! The long and short of it is that he wants to get his mitts on Maggie’s cash.

  Once our guests have gone for the day, including Benito, Anna and I go through the property details that she has received and also some of the jewellery that Maggie left. Anna’s picked out a couple of vintage style pieces that she would like, what’s left I’ve secreted away again. We will have to either store is securely or sell it, it’s much too valuable to simply leave lying around the home.

  James spends some time in the office planning what he needs to go through with Robbie in preparation for the handover of the General Managers job, something that he should really be doing at the hotel but he refuses to leave us alone. He’s already arranged for one of Benito’s “colleagues” to accompany us to Birmingham on Tuesday, assuming we can get some appointments fixed to see three or four apartments. We had planned to go on the train but apparently this guy will drive us there. I’m unsure why we need someone to come with us, but both Benito and James feel that until Lewis is completely out of the picture we need to be “safe”.

  The three of us spend a relatively normal family Sunday evening in the living room with the TV. We discuss the events of the day, in particular Muriel and try to pick away at how she met Lewis, how they came to be together. Anna has always been so sheltered from anything bad that involved me and her dad, she’s still learning the full details of our marriage, if you can call it that – more like a co-existence with each other.

  Conscious that I have plenty to do tomorrow I go to bed early, Anna follows me up and James must be an hour later, I lie awake and listen as he checks the locks and sets the alarm for downstairs. Before coming quietly to our room, uses the bathroom and creeps in beside me.

  He wraps his arm around me, my back to his stomach, his arms around my waist. “Are you awake?” He whispers.

  “Yes, can’t sleep. Funny day!” I say sleepily.

  “It was, it really was. Still, at least you know where your underwear went to!” He ha
lf laughs “But why the underwear?”

  I sigh, “She’s probably being controlled by him James, totally. Just how he was with me.” I recall how Lewis would issue directives and expect them to be carried out to the letter. “He’s told her what he wants, what she needs to do. She came in here the other day with a bruise on her face. Now I know that they’re together, I’ve no doubt she’d done something wrong - it was the day after she called in sick. That was the day I thought I saw her in London. I bet he wasn’t happy with the pictures! The knickers and bras, that would probably be because he didn’t approve of pretty, sexy lingerie. Had to be cotton, full briefs – well, you’ve seen them!” I cringe at the thought of James seeing me in those knickers. Not that there’s anything wrong with them, in fact they’re very comfy.

  “So when did you and Lewis meet?” He asks as I turn around and snuggle against him.

  “I was eighteen. I’d been to a school disco with Kelly, she was my friend at school, I don’t know what happened to her. Anyway, we’d been to the disco and it finished at nine so we’d gone for a drink at the local. We were the oldest in the year, you know September birthdays, and were the only two old enough to drink at that time. Anyway, Lewis was there with a friend of his and we just got chatting, we went out a few times and he waited for me, supposedly, whilst I was at university. We got married as soon as I finished and got my degree,” I take a deep breath remembering what I consider to be the worst day of my life, “I mean literally degree celebrations one month marriage within the next couple of months sort of thing. By then my dad had died and I don’t think my mum was strong enough to reign me in, reign us in, you know slow us down! I got a job pretty much straight away but was pregnant within a couple of years, I wanted to go back to work after Anna was born and did for a couple of months but….you know the rest, I don’t want to talk about it.” I tuck myself into James even further, wanting comfort I think. His big arms hold me tightly. He kisses the top of my head.

  “I still can’t believe what a bastard he is, how could anyone hurt you Alex? How could any man hurt a woman? Full stop! It’s unforgivable!”

  We fall asleep in each other’s arms, I’m so content, so at peace when I’m here with James.

  Chapter 23

  We wake early as usual and open my eyes, focus and find James up on one elbow watching me, those eyes searching my soul. “Good morning beautiful.” He says.

  I smile, “What time is it?”

  “Seven. I need to go to the hotel today. Want to start the handover with Robbie, but I won’t go until Jake gets here.”

  “Jake?” I ask, “Who the hell is Jake?”

  “Yes, he’s Benito’s man. Sort of Close Protection, he’s going to stick with you while you’re on your own, at least until Lewis has got the message and gone away, for good!”

  “I don’t need Close Protection!” I sit up quickly, “No, sorry James I draw the line at that, I’m fine.”

  “No, Alex. You have to. You’ve seen what he’s capable of. It’s only family looking out for family, that’s all, in this case Benito just happens to be part of your extended family and just happens to be involved in security.” His conversation trails off. “Anyway, I’d feel far more comfortable if he sticks with you, he won’t get in your way, you can park him in the study and shut the door if you want, he won’t mind, he’s used to sitting around waiting. And anyway Alex, with your worth you really should have some sort of security!”

  “I have, I’ve got Roger and Thomas if I need some muscle, I can just call them in from the hotel…and I’ve got you,” I pout, “I don’t need or want a security guard, it’s not necessary!”

  “How about just until your divorce is finalised then, please Alex – do it for me!” He begs.

  I look at him, bloody security guard. What will it be next? Padlocks everywhere, electric fence and a couple of German Shepherds?

  “Okay, okay,” I relent, “just until I’m divorced and then I mean it, I’m on my own, or with you. Deal?” I flop back down into my pillow and concentrate on waking myself up and taking in the fact that I have close protection!

  “Fine. That’s fine with me. But just so you know, Benito thinks it’s needed, especially after yesterday, they’re capable of anything. I’ll also arrange for the locks to be changed.” He starts to move from our bed.

  “Bossy boots!” I snipe at him.

  “It’s for your own good.”

  “Oh, yadda, yadda, yadda it’s for your own good!” I mimic him and throw the duvet back. I’m wearing a short t-shirt and nothing else as I walk over to the bathroom he wolf-whistles softly and calls, “Nice arse.”

  I turn around and give him the bird before shutting the door on the bathroom. I turn the shower on and clean my teeth whilst it warms up.

  Showering and am so disappointed when James doesn’t join me or isn’t there when I open my eyes after shampooing my hair he’s not going off me is he? I feel quite let down and somewhat deflated, I was looking forward to a little bit of sex in the shower, listen to you Alex Drake the sex starved woman with a re-discovered her libido!

  Finishing off in the bathroom I dress casually in my jeans and a shirt. I don’t plan on going anywhere in particular today, other than maybe to show my face at Reid’s as I haven’t been for a couple of days. I also wouldn’t mind talking to Lola on her own, without her heinous mother beside her. I just want to try and understand what’s been happening, if she’s there of course. I need to speak with Shauna and try and arrange to see her in Birmingham tomorrow, if we can tie apartment viewings and a visit to her, all in together and I need to speak with Gerald and the guy that deals with the business legal’s about making an offer to Nial. I’m hoping that James can come along to any meetings regarding this, I feel I could do with his support.

  As I walk down the stairs I hear voices from the kitchen, James and Anna. Walking in I see James at one side of the island, bed head, a nice little growth on his beard very nice. He’s barefoot - I like that even more.

  “Good morning both,” I park myself on a stool, “and what are we all doing today?”

  “I’m going to work.” James runs his fingers through his hair and pops a strawberry in his mouth, he winks at me as I roll my eyes bloody strawberries.

  “I’m with you mum, making appointments with estate agents.” Anna places her hand on a pile of estate agency details.

  “I want to try and get to Birmingham tomorrow Anna. I don’t want to cancel a Wednesday appointment I have.” I look at James who acknowledges me with a nod, he knows that I see my therapist on a Wednesday and a Friday but nobody else does. “As soon as we’ve spoken to the estate agents in Birmingham I’ll call Shauna, see if she can see us tomorrow. And I need to speak with Gerald about Nial. James, will you be with me when I go to see him? Once I’ve spoken with the lawyers that look after that side of the business, I want you to be involved with it, and everything else to do with business going forward.” I’m feeling really quite assertive this morning like I’m taking charge.

  “Fine. Just let me know when. You know as soon as I’ve handed everything over to Robbie I’m all yours.” He stands and places a strawberry flavoured kiss on my lips. I pull him close and whisper, “I missed you – in the shower, I thought you’d join me?”

  He smiles and places a quick little kiss on the end of my nose before strutting through the hall and upstairs.

  “You two are gross!” Anna pulls a face at me, “but I’m so pleased you’re happy, really happy mum.” I stand and hug her tightly.

  The morning passes quickly, James heads off to work at a little before nine as Jake appears. Like Benito, he’s huge. Dressed in a dark suit and white shirt, he’s bald and I can’t make out if that’s purposely or if he’s just bald! It’s not the sort of thing you ask is it really? “Are you naturally bald?”

  He arrives and asks for a look around my home, I’m still not happy about him being here and don’t want to appear rude so I just tell him to help himself, I�
��ve nothing to hide. He wanders around downstairs, moves upstairs and I assume looks in every room, including Anna’s which is verified when I hear a, “Get the fuck out!” being yelled at full pelt, he must have walked in on her dressing or something! I hear heavy footsteps across the landing and down the stairs. He appears at the door to the kitchen, “Sorry Mrs. Drake, I just walked in on a young lady upstairs! Really sorry Ma’am.” He grovels.

  “You’ve just met Anna then, my daughter. She’s lovely really!” I sound like I’m talking about a ferocious dog.

  “Well sorry Mrs. Drake.” He mumbles again, his tanned hairless head shines in the sunlight through the kitchen window.

  “Would you like some tea Jake? I’ve just made a pot.” I point towards the crock pot on the island.

  “Please. Milk and two sugars.” His deep voice grumbles.

  I reach for a mug from the cupboard and pour him tea adding a splash of milk and two sugars before pushing it over to him. “I’ll show you where you can set up, or do whatever you need to do. You should also know Jake that I didn’t request this and quite honestly don’t think there’s any need, so I’m sorry if I come across as a little frosty, but there – you know why!”

  “Not to worry Mrs. Drake, most of my clients feel the same.” He tells me as he moves his large frame, following me to the study.

  “Here. I rarely use the study, but there’s a phone if you want to use it, a PC if you feel like surfing the web and it’s on the front of the house, so you can see who comes and goes.” I adjust the venetian blind so that he can see outside onto the footpath.

  I leave Jake and go back to the kitchen and am soon joined by Anna who moans about the big burly bloke who walked in on her as she was dressing.

  We browse through our short list of property details again and have finalised on a few that we would like to view, I suggest to Anna that we whittle these down to four. Two in Edgbaston, near the University Campus and two in Brindley Place in central Birmingham. Once we’ve decided which of these we’d like to see I telephone the two agents handling the properties, after a couple of phone calls we’ve our first appointment made at 10am tomorrow morning, “It’s going to mean an early start Anna.” I tell her.


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