Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series)

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Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series) Page 27

by Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

  Benito continues the prepared speech. “Her looks, well they’re definitely from Maggie. My Maggie was beautiful and so is our daughter. Alexandra, I am so pleased to have found you and to finally be celebrating a birthday with you, despite it being forty-three years late. I have something for you which I hope you will treasure forever.”

  Benito signals to Ramiro that the time has come to hand over whatever he plans to give me. He stands and places a small blue velvet covered box in my hand.

  I look at my father and open it slowly, inside there are two gold wedding bands tied together with a piece of frayed blue ribbon, one much wider than the other, clearly his and hers. They are engraved on the inside, in Italian.

  Benito continues reading from his notes. “I had these rings made for Maggie and me, when I first asked her to marry me. I kept them but I would like you to have them. The inscription on the inside of each ring is the same, Forever Begins Today. I feel for Maggie now what I felt for her over forty years ago. Happy Birthday my darling girl, I love you and always have, I just didn’t know you.”

  The room goes silent, the tears fall freely down my cheeks, James puts his arm around me and pulls me close, “Are you okay?” He whispers.

  “I’m fine. I need to check on Ramiro.” I pull away from James and go over to my birth father, he’s sitting down, he looks frail compared to his brother, Roberto, although I know he’s strong, he’s had a hard life and it’s evident. I sit and hold his hand for a while. I wave to Anna and Gia to come over. When they arrive I ask Gia to tell him that this is Anna, his Grand-daughter, Annabelle. That she is eighteen and going to university very soon.

  Ramiro rambles away to Gia who nods and smiles, a tear in her eye. “He says she is very much like his mother, and you know Anna you are just like your great Grandmother, in fact I would go as far as to say a spitting image.”

  Ramiro pulls his wallet from his trouser pocket and shows us an old battered black and white photograph, “Ah,” Gia gasps as the look at the photo, “this is Ramiro and Roberto’s parents, look – just like Anna.”

  I look at the photograph, the likeness is uncanny, there’s no mistake who we belong to.

  James has organised a beautiful buffet, “a little more informal than a silver service meal” He explains, “more time for circulation.”

  Anna sits with Ramiro for most the evening. She never knew either of her grandfathers, my adopted father dead long before she was born and Lewis’ family, well they stayed away, I think she finds it quite a novelty, she tries out a little bit of her school girl Italian on him, but I don’t think they get much further than “left, right hello and goodbye”, but they seem to get along so very well. I smile at them sitting there together.

  Katie looks sullen with her parents, maybe cast aside by Anna, I don’t really know what went on in California, but Anna certainly disapproved of the amount of partners that Katie had, I think there may be trouble brewing there.

  Franco spends time with his son, they both look menacing, particularly Franco who seems to just sit weighing everyone up, I’d love to know more about him! I’m certainly pleased I’m on the right side.

  The rest of my guests seem very happy. There are presents and cards, balloons, good wine, good company. Yes, I am happy.

  I note that James is now sitting with Ramiro and Roberto. The three are in conversation with each other, all looking very serious. My God he’s handsome, stunningly so, I just stand and watch him, he’s mine and I still can’t believe it, I still don’t think it’s quite sunk in. As I watch them, I see James smile at Ramiro and shake his hand. Then I am summoned over to the three of them.

  Ramiro rambles and Roberto translates again for him. “Alex, James has just asked your father for your hand. I know he’s already proposed and you’ve accepted but, it’s been done properly. Ramiro has agreed.”

  There are no words, I smile at my father and at James who stands and pulls me so close.

  “I love you Alex – Now and forever.” He whispers.

  “Now and forever.” I say back. “Can we go clubbing? I want to dance like a loon!”

  “Everyone!” James shouts, “party’s moving – We’re going to Henry’s!” There’s whoops from Anna, Katie and Benito, grumbles from the oldies and Katie’s father, Greg just looks stunned her mother, Rachel smiles broadly and walks over to me quickly. “Can you introduce me to the big guy, Franco?” She asks. I smile back at her. “He’ll be at the club Rachel, have a dance with him!”

  She wanders back to her husband’s side, I don’t think that Franco will want to dance with her, Lord knows what she’s wearing, mutton dressed up as lamb, or what. The skirt is well above her knees showing her sinewy legs the ends of which are adorned with heels that’s she’ll regret wearing later and the boobs, I swear they’ve been pumped up since the last time I saw her, maybe she’s a valve on them, hidden somewhere! Stop it Alex, I think to myself – I’m not normally bitchy!

  “We’re going to go home,” Gia tells me, “we’ll take Ramiro, but Franco’s coming with you. We’re a bit too old for clubbing Alex.”

  We hug the three oldies. James orders a fleet of taxi’s and Archie to ferry them home and us to the club.

  In a little over half an hour we’re all squashed into a VIP booth at Henry’s. Several bottles of champagne have been ordered and three large bowls of strawberries are put on the table.

  “Come on folks,” I shout at my party, “It’s time to drink champagne and dance on the tables – come on!”

  Rachel tries her best to fit in but Greg looks totally out of place, she’s well in the swing of things, dancing very close to Franco who looks even more menacing but is clearly having a good time. He’s certainly attracting lots of attention from the young ladies on the dance floor as he throws his moves to Avicii’s Levels and straight after Don’t You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia, I wonder if he likes them because of their name? Rachel is well in his space making herself look a little foolish, but as long as she has a good time, I’m happy!

  The girls, Anna and Katie have disappeared, somewhere among the throng of dancers, I hope they’re not downing the Zombie’s?

  James stays close all night, not moving more than an arm’s length away, he leads me down onto the dance floor as a slow track is played, Beneath Your Beautiful. He holds me tightly as we sway, “Have you had a good day?”

  “Fantastic!” I bury my face in his shoulder.

  “Listen to this Alex – it’s for you.”

  I look up, “You asked for it?”

  “What do you think? Yes.”

  I hug him close. “Shall we have a baby?” I have to raise my voice to be heard.

  He stands back, pushes me away at arm’s length, the smile on his face is contagious I smile back, “You mean it Alex?” everything about him lights up.

  “Yes, but I don’t want to wait, I don’t want to be an old, old mum and you’ll have to help me and you promise to still love me when I’m fat and my legs are swollen and when I can’t bend down and when my boobs are so sore from feeding you won’t be able to get near me, and I’ll be as cranky as hell!” I tell him the realities of being pregnant.

  He smiles, “I promise I’ll look after you, I promise”

  Chapter 32

  Three Months Later, Tuscany. Late December.

  “You need to go James, you can’t stay here. Go!” I point towards the front door of the villa.

  He looks at me “Why can’t I stay here? It’s not as if we’re some young things?” He sulks.

  “James, it’s bad luck, you can’t stay here tonight. Listen... ” I walk over to him and place my palm on his cheek, “I’m going to miss you tonight too, but it’s only for a few hours, tomorrow morning at 11am I’ll be with you again for the biggest and best day of our lives, but you can’t stay here tonight, no!” I look into those huge dark brown eyes, the mass of curls, that unruly hair.

  “James.” Gia pipes up “You need to go son, Alex is right, it’s ba
d luck, you cannot stay here. Roberto’s outside waiting for you, go on….go and enjoy a few drinks with the boys!” She walks over to him and starts to push him towards the door. “OUT!” She shouts.

  He turns, looking so forlorn, dejected and shuffles off and onto the covered porch area. I glance at Anna who is curled up on one of the sofas, she’s giggling. “James, you’ll get her back in a little over twelve hours. Go on, enjoy your last night of freedom before my mum affixes that ball and chain to your ankle!” She laughs.

  “She can affix whatever she wants to whatever part of me she wants!” He calls back.

  “They’ll be none of that talk in here James!” Gia snaps. “Now, out!” She shoves him out of the front door before coming back inside and closing the door firmly behind her. The look on her face is one of great achievement; she brushes her palms along her hips and nods at me “Job done!”

  I hear the car pull away and feel so lonely, despite having my daughter and Gia with me, my soul mate has gone, I know only for the night, but even so, he’s gone and I feel alone and empty.

  “Well, ladies, shall we have a glass of wine?” Gia walks through to my kitchen and returns with two bottles, one white for Anna and one red for me and herself, she has three glasses which she places on the coffee table before filling and handing out. “To you Alex!” She raises her glass and is followed by Anna who stands. The three of us hug each other before flopping down on the chairs and sofa, we sit quietly contemplating the day ahead, everything’s been arranged very quickly and we’ve been so lucky to secure a ceremony on New Year’s Eve.

  “So everything’s planned? Are you sure you’ve not forgotten anything?” Gia asks for what must be the twentieth time today.

  “Yes, hairdresser here at 8am, beauty therapist for make up and things at 9.30, car and Ramiro due here at 10.30, giving us half an hour to get to the hotel.” I confirm again.

  “And your dress is hung and nothing needs doing to it?” She’s mithering now.

  “Yes, Gia. Everything’s sorted!” I huff.

  “Well then girls, let’s have a few drinks!” She pours again before going back into the kitchen and returning with a tray of little nibbles which we pick at.

  “I can’t believe it’s New Years Eve tomorrow. It’s really happening!” I think aloud.

  “A New Year Alex, and a new beginning.” Gia raises her glass again.

  Anna stays curled up, her head buried firmly in a book. She looks up from her reading “A new life mum!”

  “I’m pleased that Gary could come over,” I look at Anna “he’s a nice boy, with a good job.”

  “He’s not a boy mum, he’s a man. I keep telling you, he’s twenty-five!” She snaps.

  “Whatever, I’m just so pleased that you’ve got someone to look after you while you’re away from home”

  “Umm.” She mumbles in reply, clearly not wanting to discuss her new boyfriend, the nice young man who did the conveyancing on her new apartment in Birmingham.

  We sit drinking wine and the evening passes quickly. I’m the first to head off to bed feeling really quite tired, a little drunk and conscious that tomorrow will be an exhausting day.

  “I’ll see you both tomorrow morning, bright and early.” I hug Gia and Anna before heading off up to my huge room.

  I undress and look at my strawberry tattoo in the full length mirror, I love it! Then I look at my shoulder, I can still see the scar, I know it’s still there but the treatment that the consultant suggested appears to be working, at least it means that I can start to wear dresses that are a little more revealing! Of course, I wouldn’t have done any of this without James, encouraging me and holding my hand!

  Once I’ve snuggled into the bed, which feels empty without James, the events of this year run through my mind and in honesty, I don’t know how I’ve actually survived the year let alone got to this point! I couldn’t have done any of it without The Bossman, he has been totally and utterly supportive in every way imaginable, from dealing with the trauma of leaving Lewis, the horrors of the past, and then finding out that the bastard was already married when he married me! Still, he’s locked up, although not for much longer and then he’ll have quite a bit of litter picking to do as part of his sentence when he does get out, I really do hope he enjoys clearing the streets! I watched him in court as he stood there, his excuse for marrying me when he was still married to Muriel was that, well he thought he could simply get away with it, he claims to have loved Muriel dearly but also me, although I find that hard to believe with the way he treated me, anyway it’s part of my life that’s over, gone.

  Yes, James has been my rock for the last six months. Apart from Anna, he is my world and I love him so very, very much.

  I start to drift off when my phone pings. Reaching for it from the bedside table I know who it will be, James texting.

  Can’t wait until 2moro. 2 make U mine!

  I answer straight away

  Go 2 slp. U need your nrg 4 2moro! I love U xx

  My phone pings with a reply

  Not as much as I love U

  Now, how did I know he would say that?

  I reply

  James, go 2 slp! Xx

  I don’t hear from him again and drift off into the most restful, peaceful sleep.

  I wake early, courtesy of my alarm and after a cup of tea I shower and make sure my pale blue underwear is laid out on my bed. The house is alive, Gia flapping, Anna playing her music, hair dresses and beauty therapists coming and going. There’s flowers being delivered and my phone constantly pinging with messages from James. He’s so annoying, in a nice way!

  The weather is beautiful, blue sky but chilly, perfect. I knew it wouldn’t be warm, but at least it’s not snowing or worse still raining, as it would have been if we had arranged this in the UK.

  My hair’s been styled but left loose, as James likes it that way, my make up applied professionally, understated and neutral. I lift my dress from the silk padded hanger and slip into it, Gia comes in to help with the positioning on the swathes of fabric that drape down low at the back. Gia’s the only person to have seen the dress – nobody knows that my back will be on display for the first time in, what nearly six years! Once she leaves, I check myself in the full length mirror, I turn and look at my back, perfect.

  At 10am I hear Ramiro arrive with Roberto. There’s some raised voices from downstairs and from what I can gather Roberto had a hard time with James, who apparently wanted to come out “for a ride”. Anyway, it appears they managed to persuade him to stay at the hotel. At a little before 10.30 Anna leaves with Roberto leaving me in my room and my birth father waiting downstairs for me, with Gia to translate.

  “Alex!” He calls in his heavy accent.

  I open the door walk across the landing, down the stairs and into the main room.

  “Oh mia bambina.” He sighs. As I get closer I can see the tears in his eyes, he extends his hand and holds mine, cocooning my left hand between his old, weathered hands. “Alex” He whispers, pulling me close.

  He pushes me back slightly and just stands there, looking at me he shakes his head and rambles something at Gia.

  “He says you look magnificent, stunning, beautiful. He loves you Alex!” She translates. He rambles on again.

  “Are you sure you want to do this, there’s time, time to say “no.”” Gia looks at me seriously.

  “I’ve never been so sure of anything in all of my life.” I smile at Ramiro and at Gia. My father looks so very handsome, for an older man. Despite his hard life, the strains of which show on his face and his hands he looks so very elegant and distinguished. He smiles and I think that’s the moment when my heart melts, when I realise how much I am loved, by these people, all of them – people that I have only known for a relatively short time. I think for the first time since I lost my mum I feel like I truly belong.

  He offers me his arm and I take it, I place my other hand on top of his. I hold onto the man that I never knew until a few months
ago, this charming man – the man that I know loves me so very much and always has. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the day ahead, the best day of my life, my new life!

  I sit in the back of the vintage Mercedes with Ramiro, he grips my hand tightly as we take the short journey to the hotel where my wedding will be held. I’m single, well engaged really but not for much longer.

  I hold tightly onto my father’s hand as the car pulls up outside the hotel, crunching across the gravel driveway. Anna is already here waiting for us, she’s wearing a satin knee length dusky pink dress with a single ruffle shoulder, perfectly fitted to show off her slender figure, she has a fine cashmere Pashmina draped around her shoulders. Her dark curls have been styled beautifully and cascade down her back.

  The driver steps out of the car and walks to the back letting Ramiro out first, then around to me. Ramiro extends his hand to help me out, I swivel around in my seat placing my feet onto the gravel before standing and pushing myself out of the car. Once stood I smooth the silk of my long simple pale blue column dress down over my hips, the body of the dress skims my skin, the fabric scoops low at the back from the shoulders, when I remove the fine wrap it will be the first time I’ve shown my back for years, all thanks to the surgeon who helped me in the summer my scar now more or less gone.

  I smile at Ramiro, my father, as he guides me across the gravel to the steps of the hotel where the events of today will take place. Anna fusses as we walk, pinching and pulling my dress into place, the swathes of fabric falling softly to the small of my back, the silk feeling so soft and luxurious against my skin, my strawberry just visible.

  “You look lovely Anna.” I whisper to my daughter.


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