Enslaved By The Ocean (Criminals Of The Ocean #1)

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Enslaved By The Ocean (Criminals Of The Ocean #1) Page 1

by Jewel, Bella



  Enslaved by the Sea

  Author Info & Links

  Other Works by Bella Jewel


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One


  All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Enslaved By The Ocean

  Copyright © 2013 Bella Jewel

  Enslaved By The Ocean is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.

  Formatted by Frankie Rose

  [email protected]

  You can follow me on facebook and keep up to date with all my work and teasers by clicking the link below and liking my page.

  Author Bella Jewel

  If the link doesn’t work, please do come and join me on facebook by simply searching my name.

  Enslaved By The Ocean (Hendrix & Indi) – Book One

  Where Darkness Lies (Dimitri & Jess) – Book Two – Due Feb 15th 2014.

  Book Three – TBA – (Drake’s Story)

  Hell’s Knights – MC Sinners Book One – Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and iTunes now.

  Heaven’s Sinners – MC Sinners Book Two – Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and iTunes now.

  Knights’ Sinner – MC Sinners Book Three – Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and iTunes now.

  Bikers and Tinsel – Christmas with the MC Sinners – An xmas novella, due 23rd December 2013.

  If ye’ thinks he be ready to sail a beauty, then ye’ better be willin’ to sink with her!

  “That’s the way it’s gonna be, little darling, we’ll go riding on the horses,” my father sings, his eyes soft and gentle. He stops after a moment, smiling down at me.

  “Keep singing, Daddy,” I beg, tugging the sleeve of his jacket.

  “Princess, my sweet princess. I can’t keep singing, I have to go.” He smiles, his eyes crinkling at the sides.

  “But why, Daddy?”

  “Because sometimes daddies have to go away, and it’s because they’re protecting their daughters.”

  “I don’t want you to go away,” I cry, my eyes filling with tears.

  He strokes my hair back from my face, and smiles down at me. “You’re going to be just fine. I raised a strong, beautiful daughter. Remember what I taught you, princess—always remember to find the good in the bad. Be caring and kind. Always know your place in the world, and most importantly, never let anyone hurt you. Not ever.”

  “Daddy,” I cry as he stands, blowing me a kiss.

  “Remember me forever, princess. Remember that on this day, in this moment, I love you.”

  “Daddy!” I wail again as he disappears into the darkness.

  I never did see him again.

  My legs tremble as he nears the closet. I can hear his breathing; I can hear my own heart thudding. I clutch the gun, begging to the so-called god above to please let something happen so I don’t have to use it. I don’t want to use it. It’s not in me. I’m not that kind of girl. It would haunt me forever if I was forced to take someone’s life. Even someone like him. And he deserves it, God knows he does. I snake my tongue out, licking the coppery blood off my lip. It stings, and I clench my eyes shut, struggling to take a breath without making any noise. One noise and I’m dead.

  I’m frightened.

  I’m trapped.

  And the only way out is through him, with a gun. A gun I don’t want to use. I swallow, and I get the distinct taste of blood mixed with tears and saliva. My body shudders, and I force myself to stay steady. If he gets hold of me again, I’m dead. I don’t doubt it. Not even for a second. He’s a violent, angry, and aggressive man. I can’t believe I ever thought he was the one for me. I can’t believe I ever loved him. You just never see it coming. You never believe the person who holds your hand, the person who kisses you sweetly, the person who makes love to you on a rainy Sunday, will be the person to try and take your life.

  “I know you’re here, Indigo.”

  I’ll never love my name again; not after hearing it coming from his lips. I clutch the gun, pointing it out and steadying my hand. The closet door swings open so suddenly I don’t even get the chance to react. Cold blue eyes meet mine, and a slow sick grin spreads across a face I once loved. A hand lashes out, catching mine before I even get a chance to pull the trigger. I fight, though, God knows I fight. I screech, twisting my body as he pulls me out. A fist hits my jaw and I cry out, head spinning as I fall to the floor. The gun is still clutched in my hand, desperate fingers refusing to let go.

  Then he’s on top of me, more fists flying, one hand clutching the gun trying to…oh God…point it toward my head. I fight with every ounce of strength left in me. I fight until I can’t breathe. I bring my knee up, and hit him right in the groin. Bellowing in pain, he slaps me so hard I see stars. His fingers wrap around my throat and I struggle to breathe as he forces my wrist to point the gun back toward my head.

  I won’t die like this—on the floor, like a pathetic animal. I won’t. I can’t. I kick again, twisting with everything I have. I manage to hit him in the kneecap, and he growls, losing his balance. It’s all I need. I twist my wrist and point the gun toward his chest.

  Then I pull the trigger.

  And all I can see in the fading light…is red.

  Heaven, you fool. Did you ever hear of any pirates going there? Give me hell, it’s a merrier place.

  “Running doesn’t solve anything.”

  My best friend Eric’s voice fills my ears as I walk down the gravelly footpath to what is, I hope, a chance for freedom. I give him a quick glance over my shoulder, and he raises his brows at me. Eric is the perfect kind of man, really. He’s smart, handsome in that “good boy” kind of way, rich, and overall a great guy. He’s also very black and white. There is no in-between for Eric. Just how it is, or how it isn’t. He doesn’t like the idea of me running to another country. He wants me to stay, to fight, and to face my demons. It’s easy for him. He doesn’t have a crazy, angry ex stalking him.

  “We’ve been over this, Eric,” I say, jerking the heavy backpack on my shoulders. “I need to start again. I can’t do that here.”

  “You can do that here…”

  I spin around, tired of the same old conv
ersation. Him trying to convince me it’s better to stay and fight, yet not understanding how utterly terrifying my ordeal with Kane was. No one could possibly understand how terrifying that ordeal was, because they didn’t live it. The months of going through court, seeing him when they put him away, living for the years that he was behind bars wondering if he’d somehow find a way to get out and find me. Then, counting down the hours until he was released, knowing he would seek revenge. The day he got out, I packed my bags and booked a ticket overseas. Last night, I received my first threatening phone call from him. That did it for me.

  “I can’t do that here,” I snap. “You know I can’t. I have no choice but to start again somewhere he can’t find me. He will find me if I stay, and he will make my life hell.”

  “He’s got a restraining order against him, he won’t come near you.”

  I growl. See what I mean? Black and white. “Do you truly think that will stop him? Honestly, Eric, you think the law will stop someone like him seeking revenge, but it won’t. It didn’t stop him beating me within an inch of my life, and it won’t stop him doing it again.”

  “Running isn’t going to solve this.”

  “No, maybe it won’t, but it sure as hell is going to help. Are you with me, or are you not? I can do this alone, Eric, but you know I don’t want to do that.”

  His eyes soften. Have you ever had the best friend that loves you? I have, my entire life. Eric will bend to me, no matter what I say. Most women would use that to their advantage. I don’t. He’s my friend, I adore him, but he’s never going to be any more. I would never use him because of how he feels. In fact, it kind of frustrates me. He constantly sees me through rose-colored glasses, instead of seeing me, and my life, for what it really is. He’s put me on a pedestal, and damned if I can get down.

  “I’m with you forever, you know that Indi.”

  I nod, unable to be angry with him. I step forward, reaching out and gripping his shoulders. To most women, Eric is a very attractive man. Perfectly parted blond hair, brushed and slicked down. Eyes as blue as the sky. A long, lean body. Impeccably dressed. To them he’s a dream, to me…he’s too perfect. Call me adventurous, but I like them rugged. Eric lifts his arms, wrapping his fingers around my elbows and smiling down at me.

  “Can we just go, enjoy this trip, and then you can drop me off to start my life, and return to yours?”

  “You know I’ll miss you.” He frowns.

  “And I’ll miss you, but we’ll visit.”

  “It’s not the same. We’ve been friends for so long.”

  “We’ll be fine. Now come on, we’re going to be late if we don’t hurry.”

  I could have flown to London, the new place I plan on living in, but what fun would that have been? Instead, I decided to hire a small yacht that goes directly across from the United States to the United Kingdom. I want the chance to unwind, relax, take a break, and then get off the yacht, ready to recreate my life. Eric decided to come for the ride with me, needing to sort some business in London. He’s a massive business owner, and has clients all over the world. It was a great excuse for him to make some home visits.

  We arrive at the small yacht on the wharf, and I smile. I haven’t been on any type of boat for such a long time. There’s a man waiting, a man I paid good money for, and he smiles when he notices us. As we get closer I see he’s an older gentleman, with greying hair and dark brown eyes. His skin is well worn from the sun, but he looks friendly. When we stop in front of him, he stretches his hand out. I take it. “Hello, and welcome to my yacht, The Dreamer. Thanks for considering me for your adventure. I’m John. If you’ll step on board, I will show you around.”

  “Thanks, John.” I smile. “I’m Indigo, and this is my best friend, Eric.”

  Eric reaches out and shakes John’s hand. “Nice to meet you, John.”

  John nods and we head over to the yacht. I’m quite surprised. I got a small yacht, yet it’s actually quite massive on board. I’m fascinated to know what a large one looks like.

  This yacht is long, sleek, white and extremely well looked after. We step onboard, and I peer around. The deck is rather large, and fitted out with sun lounges and a set of tables and chairs that are bolted to the deck. John walks us toward the cabin that goes below deck, and we follow him down when he opens the big, glass door.

  It’s quite large inside. It has a basic living area, with a lounge and a small television. There is a little kitchen and a basic bathroom and toilet. At the end there are two rooms: one for me, and one for Eric. John sleeps on deck in his little navigation office. Each room has a double bed, and both look very luxurious. John has it set up for comfort, and I feel myself relaxing for the first time in months.

  “This is basically it,” John explains. “There is loads of food in the fridge and cupboards. There are fresh towels and linens in the basket in the left room. Feel free to laze about on deck. I will be in my navigation office most of the time, so just let me know if you need anything. Otherwise, the space is all yours.”

  “Thank you, John.” I beam.

  He tips his hat. “We’ll be taking off now, I ask that you stay below deck until we do.”

  “We will, thank you.” Eric nods.

  “Oh, one last thing. In case of emergency, there is a lifeboat on the side of the yacht. It’s easy to get down, you just step in and pull the chain. The boat contains life jackets which you can slip on and pull the little red leaver to inflate.”

  We both nod, and John smiles before disappearing up on deck. Eric turns to me, grinning and rubbing his hands together. “Where do we start?”

  I smile, and turn, running off toward the biggest room. “I claim this!” I squeal.

  “Oh!” Eric yells, chasing me. “No way!”

  We both leap onto the large bed at the same time, laughing and rolling to our backs.

  “You sure about this?” Eric suddenly says. “There’s no turning back now.”

  I nod, rolling toward him. “I’m sure. I want this, Eric.”

  “I know, but I’m your friend…I have to triple check.”

  I smile at him, reaching out and curling my fingers through his. “I know you are, but this is the best thing for me right now.”

  “And if he finds you over there?”

  “Eric,” I warn. “Please don’t. I have to believe I can change my life and escape him.”

  “Of course,” he says, shaking his head. “I’m sorry.”

  “I am going to be fine. I’ve lived through so much…”

  He squeezes my hand. “You have. For a girl your age, you’re super tough.”

  I laugh softly, but his statement isn’t so far from the truth. I have had a hard life. Once, a long time ago, I had a nice happy family. A mom, a dad, hell, even a dog. Then it all changed. My dad started going funny, and disappearing all the time. He and mom would fight so often I forgot what them talking sweetly sounded like, and then one night he just left and I never saw him again.

  I know my daddy was a bad man. Even back then I knew, but I loved him. My mom got sick two years after he left, and she died. Eric was always my friend, and managed to keep in contact with me, even when I got shuffled through foster homes. Then I met Kane. He was my foster brother in my last home, he was older than me, but I fell for him hard and fast. We moved away, and I thought things were good - until he started beating me.

  Then that one night I snapped, and here I am…

  “I just need this, you know?” I whisper, shifting closer to Eric.

  “Yeah,” he says, nodding. “I know.”

  And we leave it at that.

  Because there really is nothing else to say.

  We spend the rest of the day just chilling out. Eric falls asleep in the afternoon, so I head up onto the deck and over to John’s navigation office. I’m about to step in when I hear him on the radio.

  “Are they still in these waters?”

  The radio crackles, and a voice can be heard over it. “We haven’t
seen them, or picked them up, but there was a sighting.”

  “I’ll turn my radar on, just to make sure they come nowhere near my yacht. I have guests, and I don’t need pirates jumping in the picture and making this a trip they won’t want to remember.”

  Did he just say pirates?

  He turns and sees me at the door, and quickly ends the call.

  “Did you say pirates?” I ask, a little confused.

  “I did.” He sighs. “Unfortunately, we have occasional problems with them.”

  “As in ‘arrrr’ pirates?”

  He looks confused, his eyes are narrowed and he’s shaking his head slightly. “Yes.”

  “I thought they were fictional?”

  He smiles a little. “No love, they’re certainly not fictional. The word pirate is more the fictional part. There’s always been groups of them on the ocean, they come out here to do illegal business, being that the law is very different in certain areas of the ocean.”

  “I don’t…quite understand. I thought they weren’t real.”

  “Of course they are, and they cause a lot of problems.”

  “Is there a problem now?”

  My heart is hammering, and I feel a little nervous.

  “We should be fine, there has just been a sighting, but the navy is certain they’ve turned them around.”

  I swallow and nod.

  God, I hope so.

  The sea spray hits my face, and I groan with delight. I love the smell of the ocean; it’s something I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of. It’s day two, and we’ve been taking our time. Eric and I have enjoyed every second. We’ve spent hours in the sun drinking beer, we’ve feasted on fresh fish and prawns, we’ve slept, and we’ve even swum once. It’s been so relaxing and perfect. It’s just what I needed, and by the looks of Eric, laying on the sun lounge, it’s been just what he needed, too.


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