A Regency Christmas Carol

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A Regency Christmas Carol Page 21

by Christine Merrill

  ‘I find I cannot stomach the idea of a father-in-law who is a convict,’ he said, with a wry twist of his mouth. ‘I might be in trade, Miss Lampett, but even I have some standards.’

  ‘You seem quite sure I will accept you.’

  ‘Because I will not take no for an answer.’ He dropped to one knee then, and gave her hand a squeeze. ‘I have seen the future, Barbara. While I cannot claim that I will die if you do not have me, I am quite certain that it would not be worth my living without you.’ He dropped his head to plant a kiss on the back of her hand, humbled and at her feet.

  ‘Oh, do get up.’ She nudged at him with the toe of her shoe. For she’d had a sudden memory of what had occurred in the little alcove the last time he’d knelt before her. And she was sure her face was burning bright red.

  ‘Not until you say yes.’ He looked up hopefully. ‘I have no ring to offer you, but you may have whatever you like. And I promise that I will not waste money on a gaudy parure with a tiara that you do not need.’

  ‘That is the most outlandish thing I have ever heard,’ she said. ‘What sort of man gets down on his knees and swears that he will not buy his wife jewellery?’

  ‘One who is so totally undone by love that he is no longer sure what he is saying.’

  ‘You are undone by love?’ She was not sure she believed him. But she quite liked the sound of it.

  He nodded. ‘And running out of time to plead my case. The church bells have stopped. Soon your mother will be coming back to box my ears.’

  ‘Then I had best take you, hadn’t I?’ She stepped back and tried to tug him to his feet. ‘For I rather like your ears just as they are.’

  ‘Do you, now?’ He stood and caught her around the waist, pulling her close for a kiss. ‘I like yours as well. And your nose. And your eyes. And your fingertips.’ He followed each revelation with a brief kiss to the honoured feature, and then put his mouth to her ear and whispered several other things that he appreciated, but that she was quite sure she should not let him see again until the banns had been read.

  ‘It is Christmas,’ she reminded him. ‘And broad daylight. We are expected elsewhere, and already late.’

  He sighed. ‘Then put on your bonnet and we will be off.’

  ‘I suppose you’ve brought your carriage again?’ she said, tying up the ribbon on her new hat.

  Then he proved to her that he had truly changed. For he reached into his pocket and tugged on his gloves, before setting his hat upon his head. ‘Actually, no. It is not far, and such a nice day I did not bring it. We shall have to walk.’

  ‘Together?’ she said with a smile.

  ‘I would have it no other way.’

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-1580-1


  Copyright © 2011 by Christine Merrill

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  *part of the Silk & Scandal miniseries




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