Primal Impulse (Censored Edition)

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Primal Impulse (Censored Edition) Page 5

by Johnson, James

  Chapter 13

  Jena didn’t even pretend to understand the total Steven. All she knew was that he was irresistible to her. Over the course of 24 hours, or was it twenty years, she had fallen in love with him. She was absolutely consumed by this incredibly fascinating man. Nothing else mattered. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She wanted to share life’s ups and downs with the man she loved. She wanted to share herself with him, give herself to him in every capacity. She wanted to make love to her most sensuous man all day, every day.

  Steven laid a hand upon her thigh. He gently stroked it as he began to speak.

  “Jena, I guess about the craziest thing that’s ever happened to me was the Venezuelan incident. Are you sure you want to hear it?”

  “Of course I do,” answered Jena. “Now you’ve got my curiosity aroused.”

  Jena was getting turned on listening to him speak. She knew his stories would be exciting. Not to mention the fact that his hand had slipped a little higher up her thigh. She could feel that early tingling sensation that would soon overtake her.

  “Well,” said Steven, “This goes back a few years. I was between marriages and going a little crazy. I’d been staying on this island off the coast of Venezuela for about a month. I don’t really even know why I was there. I just liked the dirt-cheap accommodations, the fresh fish, and yes, I did have a girlfriend there.”

  “Lucky girl,” Jena said with a laugh. Her body tingled as Steven’s magic fingers caressed the inside of her thigh. It seemed to be an unconscious act for him.

  Steven continued. “Anyway, there was a local islander whom I’d become friends with. He would occasionally take me fishing on his boat. Now this boat was small and old. I mean really old. Are you still with me, baby?”

  Jena had closed her eyes. She was totally absorbed in his story, but she was also enjoying the progress of his thigh massage. She was sure he had now realized she was naked underneath her dress. She had spread her legs just enough for him to creep higher. He was now ever-so-gently brushing over her short pubic hairs with his thumb. He was making sure not to touch her body, only the hair. Such a tease!

  “Yes,” answered Jena without opening her eyes. “I’m listening to every word.”

  Jena spread a little wider. Steven could feel the heat xx xx xx. He placed the palm of his hand over her, still only grazing over her hairs. He heard her moan slightly.

  “So we’re out there on this tiny dilapidated boat when a storm rolls in—a big one. Our boat fills with water. We’re shoveling it out as fast as we can, but it’s basically futile. For the first time in my life I was really scared. I thought I would die.”

  “Oh, that’s terrible,” said Jena, her eyes still closed. She really was enjoying tales of his travels. Part of her wanted him to continue with the story, while another part wished he would xx xx xx. She could xx xx xx. That’s the effect he had on her.

  Steven was well aware of Jena’s aroused state. He decided to up it a level. He gently reached under one thigh and placed her leg on the table. He pulled her dress up above her hips. The pace of her breathing instantly increased.


  “After about an hour we’re literally a minute away from capsizing. Both of us are praying. At the very moment the boat rolls over we catch a glimpse of another boat, a big boat. They see us also. We have a chance of being rescued. Now we’re in the sea struggling to survive. We swim over beside the boat and they throw out a rope for us. We climb aboard the boat and we’re so happy. We’re alive! Then we realize there’s another problem.”

  Jena was now squirming in her seat. She absolutely loved this whole sensual experience, but she xx xx xx. All she needed was a touch. Just a xx xx xx. Steven felt for her, but he wasn’t ready to grant her a release yet. His sexy baby would have to wait a little longer.

  “So the problem is this—the boat is packed with bales of marijuana. We soon found out there were eighteen tons of the stuff onboard. What are we supposed to do? Jumping off the boat and drowning wasn’t a good option.”

  Now Steven was becoming intensely aroused. His little sensual game was getting to him too. The sight xx xx xx. It was so beautiful. The sunlight exposed it so perfectly. He could xx xx xx. His xx xx xx. He was sooo turned-on.


  Chapter 14


  Jena was lost in the fervor. She finally had her prize and it was deep inside her. This incredibly sexy man was making love to her. At this moment in time she ruled the universe. No one had it better than her—no one! She was the Queen.

  It was indescribable ecstasy. The waves of pleasure that ripped through her body were priceless. She wouldn’t trade it for anything! Gold, diamonds, money, cars, fancy yachts and grand estates—they could keep it! They didn’t possess the xx xx that was xx xx. Yeah, she owned it, the prize of all prizes—the xx xx in the world. Yeah, the sexiest, hottest man alive was xx xx xx. Yeah, this passionate portion of xx xx xx.

  Jena’s wave of pleasure seemed to roll forever. Steven pushed in deeper. His baby needed the fire. Every xx xx xx. Jena moaned as xx xx discovered another palate of pleasure.

  “I’m taking you to your bed,” whispered Steven, his xx xx xx.

  Steven then reached in and wrapped his arms tight around her waist. Xx xx inside her. He picked her up and stood. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Jena felt like a woman. Her fantasy man, strong and lean, was standing there holding her as they made love. He was literally sweeping her off her feet. It was if someone had waved a magic wand that made dreams come true. It was erotic fantasy springing to life, a surrealistic escape from reality, a journey into the rapturous realm of sensuality.

  Jena was on a high that stretched to the heavens, reached out to the stars to kiss them, to thank them for this moment in time. This was like waking from a sexy dream and realizing it was all real. It was if she were the main character in a hot romance novel, her man turning the fiery pages of love and lust fulfilled. She must have done something right to deserve this. To be the recipient of affection from this incredibly sexy, romantic man was an honor, a privilege, a moment in time to be cherished forever. It was a piece of heaven bestowed upon her.

  Jena ran her hands over his muscular shoulders. She slid them down his firm arms. She reached around his backside. With both of her hands she grabbed the cheeks of his ass. Oh yes, that sexy, tight ass. Steven was built to perfection. It was as if he were cast from a mold, the perfect male made solely to make love to a woman.

  Jena’s weight pushed him in even deeper. They stared deep into each other’s eyes. Unspoken words flowed between them. Each pierced into the other’s most private sanctuary, breaking through the walls of insecurity and inhibition that guarded them. They broke the locks of doubt and diffidence that protected their innermost secrets. Inside resided the true treasures that defined human existence. There rested the sacred sanctums of emotion, trust and love. There lie the secrets of the soul.

  Their mouths met in a passionate kiss. Their tongues danced to the rhythm of their pounding hearts. Steven placed his hands underneath her ass and squeezed her firm cheeks. She was so damn sexy. He moved his hands close to the heat. He felt xx xx xx.


  Chapter 15


  Waves of pleasure resonated from their union. It wasn’t his pleasure, nor her pleasure, it was their pleasure. The world had shut down. There was nothing else but them. They were the center of the universe. Nothing mattered except the passion that consumed them, the emotions that had captured their hearts, the fiery lust that had invaded their souls.


  Jena slipped into the vast abyss of the intangible. Fantasy metamorphosed into reality, reality into fantasy. She didn’t know where one ended and the other started—and she didn’t care.

  Every stroke sent her further into another world far away. It was a place of bliss and joy. It was a fantasy world of eternal ecst
asy, a place where it rained pleasure. It was a world that defied the confines of the physical. It was here and now, raw and absolute, the ultimate sexual expression. It was a land of lust and pleasure. The pleasure was so thick you could see it, reach out and grab it. It was a world Jena never wanted to leave. She wanted to stay forever.

  Steven’s xx was granting freedom to her wild lust, liberating the waves of pleasure immured within the walls of her flesh. He had shattered the shackles that bound her untamed libido. Steven had tapped into the source of the lusty springs, the abode of the beast. He had found the home of the animal.

  There was no conscious thought within either of them. That had left long ago. Steven and Jena were animals in the jungle. They were consumed with each other, lost in the lust. Both of them were feeding off the magical sexual energy that embraced them. They were loose and free, confident and uninhibited. All they cared about was the heat, the fire, the unlimited freedom to xx xx xx on each other. They had relinquished all control to the fiery chemistry that ensnared them. They were living in the moment. Let the pieces fall where they may—yeah—hot, sexy, primal lust.


  Chapter 16

  Steven had her on the edge of a big one. The sea of lust was parting and Jena was walking into it. Soon it would cave back in on her with a fury. It would swallow her and wash away any barriers that stood in the way of absolute gratification. It would erase the petty restraints of society, allowing her primal impulse to run free. The waters would cleanse her, strip her down to her most basic level. They would expose the raw human that Jena was, with her needs, wants and desires.


  Jena exploded. For a moment everything went blank. Then the rainbow of radiance appeared. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was if someone had picked up a handful of pure sexual energy and thrown it onto a canvass. The result was a magical masterpiece, an artistic expression of sex, lust, emotion and love. It was perfection.

  Before her swirled a tornado of brilliant colors. There were red, yellow, purple and pink. There were blue, green, orange and violet. There were other colors she had never seen before. They all came together as one. It was hot blood boiling over in pleasure, a vivid symbol of orgasmic bliss. It was the color of xx xx xx. It was the color of the xx xx xx. It was the color of love and lust, passion and pleasure, xx xx xx. It was the color of Steven and Jena.


  They both stretched out their tongues. The tips met at his finger. Together they shared the gift of each other. Together they devoured their sensual reward. Together they were one forever.

  Steven rolled off of her and pulled her in tight beside him. Jena rested her head on his chest. Nothing was said, but nothing need be. Their minds came together as they lay there. Each knew what the other was thinking. Yes, this was hot, incredible mind-blowing sex, but it was much, much more. This was truly making love. This was two humans sharing each other to the fullest, giving and receiving, caring for the other’s needs, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Love was the special potion of eroticism, the magic ingredient that melded two into one. Intimacy had no bounds where love ruled.

  Jena closed her eyes. There was no way Steven was getting away. She wasn’t going to let it happen. No way was he going to walk away and disappear for another twenty years. He was too perfect. He was too hot. He was too damn much fun.

  Chapter 17

  Jena rolled over and wrapped her arm around him. It fell limp onto the bed. Where was Steven?

  She raised her foggy head and looked at the clock. It was 7 a.m. Then she remembered that Steven had left an hour ago. He had to prepare for a busy workday. He had kissed her goodbye and whispered something sweet in her ear. She couldn’t quite remember exactly what he said, but she knew it was something of the sensual nature.

  Jena tried to recollect the previous evening. Once again it had been a fest of lovemaking. At least they had managed to get up and grab some nourishment. They each had a couple of slices of pizza and a glass of wine. And this time they actually managed four hours of sleep.

  Jena rolled out of bed. She was still sleepy, but no way would she have traded her Steven time for more rest—no way! The weekend was right around the corner anyway. She would be able to sleep in.

  Then it hit her like a brick wall. The dream was half over. There were only two more days to go. Then the nightmare of withdrawals would begin. Steven would be leaving! In two days he would be heading back to Dallas.

  The two of them had never really discussed it. They were too busy enjoying the present to worry about the future. But now there were only 48 more hours of bliss. And he would be gone! The last two days had been pure heaven. Was it about to turn into a living hell?

  Jena couldn’t bear the thought. Dallas was halfway across the country. How could they feel each other’s touch from 1400 miles away? Would her prince fly away and never return? Would he leave his princess drowning in her tears?

  Go away! Those awful feelings of insecurity and abandonment had to leave. There was no doubt that Steven had feelings for her—powerful feelings. That much was a fact. Neither of them could deny the fervent emotions that bonded them.

  Jena resorted to her secret weapon. Positive thinking was the key to getting what you want. Look through the clouds and see the sun. Let it beam down upon you. Love would conquer all. Yeah, that’s right. Love was the force that would keep them together. That’s the way it has to be.

  Jena had two more wonderful days. Steven wasn’t going anywhere today. She would ride the high of his presence from nine to five. Then they were meeting at James Café. Odds were that it would culminate in another steamy evening. Then she would give him something to remember. Yeah, she would give him something so hot it would burn holes into his soul. He would think twice about whatever he’s got going on in Texas. This California girl would make sure of that.

  Jena made her way into her tiny kitchen. A big cup of coffee was what she needed. What was that beside the coffeepot? She wiped her eyes and focused. It was the romance novel she was currently reading. How did it get there? She always kept it by the bedside—a faithful companion that got her through many a lonely night.

  Jena picked it up. It was Naked Emotion by Joan Dixon—her favorite author. Nobody wrote like her. No one could mix heartfelt romance and down-and-dirty sex like Joan Dixon. The combination of raw emotion and primal lust heated the heart and the groin. And they always had happy endings. One day she would meet her in person.

  So how did the book end up here? There was only one logical answer. Steven must have browsed through it. Come to think of it, some of his more adventurous lovemaking moments were spot-on. They could have come straight from the pages of Joan Dixon. Jena made a mental note to ask him about it.

  Chapter 18

  Jena took a deep breath. It was time to focus and go to work. Vicki greeted her at the door. She didn’t have to speak. Her eyes asked for her—so, how did your evening with Hot Guy go?

  “Good morning, Vicki,” said Jena. “How are you today?”

  Vicki smiled. “Probably not as good as you. You might as well tell me now. You know I’m gonna dig it out of you sooner or later.”

  “Tell you what?” asked Jena, halfway pretending she didn’t know the question.

  “You know what,” answered Vicki. “The new guy, Steven’s his name right? How did it go?”

  “Yes, you’re probably right,” Jena replied with a chuckle. “You’ll eventually get it out of me anyway. We had a nice evening together.”

  “Come on,” said Vicki as she gave Jena a gentle poke with her elbow. “I saw what he did to you yesterday. Any guy that can heat up a woman like that must be incredible. Tell me the good stuff.”

  Jena thought for a moment. Why not? Why not tell her some spicy details? There were very few women whom she trusted enough to share intimate secrets. She had learned the hard way. When you tell a woman how perfect a man is, how good in bed he is, how charming and
handsome he is—she’ll want him for herself. They simply can’t help it. It’s the nature of a woman. Most will race off to try to snag the prize for themselves.

  Vicki was different. Vicki she trusted. And she instinctively knew Steven wouldn’t mind her steamy disclosures. He would most likely get off on it. He didn’t have hang-ups about that sort of thing. What guy wouldn’t like being promoted as a great lover? He had to know what he had is special.

  No one could please a woman like Steven. No other man could keep a woman on an orgasmic wave all night long. No one could rock a woman’s world like the master of sensuality. No one was Steven.

  “Come outside,” said Jena, nodding towards the outdoor patio. “We’ve got five minutes.”

  Vicki followed her outside. The morning sun beamed down upon them. A warm breeze whistled its way through the garden area. A bluebird chirped away from a nearby tree.

  Jena’s senses seemed to be heightened. Two nights of passionate lovemaking could probably do that. Jena took in a deep breath. Even the air had an element of sultry eroticism to it—warm and sticky like Steven.

  “Okay, lucky girl,” said Vicki. “Tell me about this guy. Who’s responsible for the sparkle in your eyes?”

  “Oh, Vicki,” said Jena. “I still can’t believe it. He’s an old friend from years ago. It still seems like a dream. He’s …he’s…he’s…”

  “Wow,” said Vicki. “He really has done a number on you. You can’t even find words to describe him.”

  “Yes, I can,” responded Jena. “Handsome, charming, sensitive, intelligent, funny, creative…”

  “That’s some basket of traits there,” said Vicki. “No wonder you’re head-over-heels for this man.”

  “Yes, I have to agree,” said Jena. “But there’s more. Vicki, I have to tell you he’s the sexiest guy I ever met. I mean incredibly sexy.”


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