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Fierce Page 10

by Wild, Clarissa

  My smile disappears with that thought, too.

  He gets up and pats his pants to shake off all the excess grass.

  “Jesus, what are you guys doing?”

  I turn around at the sudden sound of Evie’s voice.

  “Hi!” I say, a little too perky. “Uh … we were just training.”

  One of her eyebrows goes down and the other goes way up. “Training? For what? The dirty Olympics? You guys look nasty. And sweaty too.” She waves her hand close to her nose.

  Hunter coughs. “I’m teaching her self-defense, and she helps me with my homework.”

  “Oh, really?” Evie says, squinting as if she still doesn’t trust him.

  “Yes,” I say.

  “Uh … Look, I’ll see you around, okay?” Hunter says, and he picks up his jacket and puts it on again.

  “Yeah, see ya,” I say as he walks away.

  My mind drifts off into weird corners when I see him walk away with that firm butt of his. I’m still a little flustered by what happened just now. I almost kissed him.

  Evie snaps her fingers and jerks me out of my daydream. “Earth to Autumn. What are you doing with that guy?”

  “He just told you.”

  “Duh, I know. That’s not what I mean. Why are you hanging around him? You know he’s a troublemaker.”

  “He’s not just that.” I walk toward my blanket and start picking up my stuff.

  Evie walks after me. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. For all we know he could be hanging out with ex-cons and juvies. Wouldn’t surprise me.”

  “Evie …” I say, sighing. “I know you’re trying to protect me, but you gotta trust me on this. I think he’s a good guy.”

  She rolls her eyes, but I continue anyway. “You have to give him a chance.”

  She closes her eyes and sighs. “Fine. If you want to. But I’m still going to watch him, make sure he doesn’t do anything dirty.”

  I laugh. “That’s going to be kind of difficult when Hunter and I are sparring together. Can’t not get your hands dirty, if you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I get it. You want some independence and to kick some ass at the same time. Now let’s get back inside and put you under the shower, because you smell like hay, and it stinks.”

  Chapter 13

  Inch by Inch

  The next day, evening

  Evie’s out to dinner with her parents, who swung by for the weekend. I’m sitting here, alone, reading my books. I’ll always be reading books. I don’t care whether it’s fiction or educational, I gobble them up like muffins. It’s more like brain food, and not unhealthy for your body, unlike muffins.

  Although, I would never say no to those either.

  I don’t have the time or the luxury to go out to dinner with my parents. Heck, none of us would have the money for it anyway.

  I’m behind on my homework schedule and fervently writing down notes as I skim the books in front of me. I’ll read them thoroughly later on.

  When someone knocks on my door, I don’t even look up before yelling, “Come in!”

  “Do you ever do anything else?” Hunter chuckles as he opens the door.

  I turn around and see him standing in the doorway with a coy smile on his face.

  “I need to get this done in time,” I say.

  “Oh, c’mon, you can work me into your schedule.”

  I hear him stomp as he walks inside. “Sorry, but I don’t have time for sparring today.”

  “I’m not talking about sparring.”

  He’s right behind me. I know because his body creates a shadow on my work, and I can’t really see what I’m doing anymore. He reaches forward and grabs my book.


  “Chill. I’m just putting it away. See?” He puts the book back onto my shelf. “You really need to relax sometimes.”

  “I am relaxed,” I say.

  And then he places his hands on my shoulders. His fingers squeeze my flesh, and he starts pressing. Soft and hard, pinch and release. He’s massaging me.

  “See? All tensed up. Can’t be good.”

  I struggle not to moan from his touch.

  “Tell you what, why don’t we go hang someplace today? Takes your mind off things for a while.”

  “But it’s almost evening, I can’t—”

  “Because it’s evening?” he jests. “C’mon. You gotta give me a better cop-out story than that.”

  “I need to get this done.”

  “Homework can wait. You need to have some fun once in a while.”

  “But …”

  “I’m starting to think you’re just making up excuses so you can avoid having to hang with me. Are you afraid?”

  He leans forward and gazes into my eyes with a playful look on his face. I can’t deny that he looks so goddamn cute when he does that cheeky smile.

  “No, of course not,” I stammer.

  “Do you want me to drag you out of that seat then? And that’s not an empty threat.”

  His words stir my insides, heating them up.

  “Oh, all right,” I say. It’s impossible to say no to him.

  “Awesome, let’s go.”

  Hunter turns the chair with one hand, spinning me around. He grabs my hand and pulls me up.

  I almost squeal as he drags me along the corridor and out of the dorm.


  We walk through the city for about thirty minutes before Hunter stops on the corner of the street. He peers up at the movie theatre just ahead and then points at it.

  “We’re going to the movies?” I say with my eyebrows raised.

  Hunter’s eyes scan the area, as if he’s checking whether the coast is clear. Then he nods.

  “I can’t pay for that, you know,” I say.

  “Don’t need cash to have some fun,” he says, and he grabs my hand and pulls me to the rear entrance.

  “What? You want to sneak in?”

  He puts his finger to his lips and shushes me. “Do you wanna get caught?”

  I shake my head as he opens the shoddy door. “I can’t do this.”

  “C’mon, live a little,” he says softly. “We won’t get in trouble if you keep your mouth shut. It’ll be fun. Trust me.”

  He pulls me through the door and checks the hallways for any guards. My heart is beating in my throat as we barely pass an employee on his break.

  “This way,” Hunter whispers, and he pulls me to the side and into another door that says ‘SERVICE ONLY.’

  We come out in a room with booming sounds, filled with red chairs. A movie is already playing, and there are people who are watching it and are unaware of our presence.

  “Quiet,” Hunter whispers into my ear, and it tingles against my skin.

  We go to the back row and slump down on the seats, hoping nobody will notice us. My heart is still going crazy, and it surprises me that Hunter’s relaxing already, putting his arms over the arm rest. I get the feeling this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this.

  “Do this often?” I whisper.


  “But if we get caught, we’ll be in major trouble.”

  “I’ve done this often enough to know how not to get caught,” he says, staring at the screen.

  We watch the movie, and after a while I settle in more. I’m getting used to the idea we’re doing something totally against the law. The only way I can make this okay for myself is by telling myself I won’t be doing this again anytime soon.

  But damn, it’s exciting.

  I never expected going against the rules was so freaking thrilling.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he suddenly says.

  “What? The movie? Yeah … it’s fine,” I say.

  “No. You’re starting to like being a lawbreaker.”

  “I am not!”

  He laughs, and it’s a low, husky laugh, making my heart skip a beat. “Of course you are.” He leans forward in his chair,
coming a little too close for comfort. “You pretend you’re a proper schoolgirl, but you feel caged by it.” His hand drifts to my hair, and I freeze. I can’t breathe. “On the inside you’re begging to be released.” He tucks one of the loose strands of hair behind my ear and chuckles when it doesn’t bend to his will.

  “I … have to go to the bathroom,” I say, my voice changing in pitch with every word.

  I’m chicken-shit. I can’t handle this. Whatever it is. I have to get away right now.

  As I spring up from my seat, he leans back again. I try to pass his seat, but his feet are in the way. He doesn’t make any effort to move them, so when I try to walk past them, I stumble.

  And land right on his lap.

  My eyes widen as my butt presses down on his firm legs. I want to squeal, but at the same time my mouth feels sewed together. I’m sitting on Hunter Bane’s lap, just like in my dreams.

  And then I feel his legs stiffen.

  Something’s growing in his jeans, poking me in the flesh.

  Oh. My. God.

  I panic and jolt up from the seat in an uncomfortable manner, grasping the arm rests. Clambering out, I run through the room like a headless chicken and race out the door.

  My eyes scan the hallway for any employees that might catch me before I bolt toward the nearest restroom.

  Inside, I jam my foot against the door and sink down to the floor.

  My God. I can’t believe it.

  I was on him. I could feel his muscular legs. And something else.

  Just the thought of his cock makes my pussy clench with need. Especially when I imagine it hard. I don’t even know what he looks like. I don’t even know what any guy looks like.

  I don’t have any experience with this.

  That’s why it’s freaking me out.

  I have no idea what to do with this. Is he into me? Or do guys always get a boner when a girl sits on their lap? Both questions make me squirm.

  I wish I had done more in high school than just kiss some boy, but that’s all I got, unfortunately. I was way too busy studying back then, but now I’m not so sure it was the right thing to do.

  What if Hunter really is going after me? What do I do?

  I have no idea what boys want, or like, for that matter. All I know is that I felt his cock and that I can’t forget about it. I loved the feeling. The moment my butt made contact with him, I wanted much, much more than just that.

  And it terrifies the shit out of me.

  Hunter Bane isn’t just ‘some’ guy. Not like the ones I made out with in high school. He’s like the predator of predators. If he ever got his hands on me, I’m sure he’d devour me whole.

  That’s the thing that scares me the most. That he wants a lot more from girls than I can handle.

  God, what have I gotten myself into?

  I wipe the sweat from my forehead and get up from the floor. I stumble to the sink and stare into the mirror. My hair is a giant spider’s nest, and I’m startled by my own reflection. I look horrible. How could any guy want this?

  Opening the faucet, I put my head under and drink straight from the tap.

  Suddenly, the door opens, and I shoot up and almost bump my head into the faucet.

  “Sorry, thought this was the guys’ room,” a guy says.

  When I look up at him, I stop breathing.

  I’m even almost pissing myself.

  It’s one of those guys from the restaurant. One of them, the ones who tried to …

  I’d recognize his tattoos anywhere.

  Of all the places to run into him, this is where he shows up? Do I reek of bad luck?

  He frowns and squints at me, and then his eyes widen. It’s like a moment of realization where he notices it’s me. The girl he tried to …

  “Wait a minute …” he mumbles. “What are you doing here?”

  I grab my bag and don’t wait another second. With one big sling I slam it into his face.

  He stumbles back into the hall, and I make a run for it.

  “You fucking bitch!” he yells.

  My heart is pounding in my chest. I have to get away as fast as possible. Away from here. Anywhere.

  Then I see Hunter stepping out of the theatre. His eyes are perked up like a Labrador, as if he heard something that caught his attention immediately.

  My squeal.

  It takes him one look at the guy to notice who it is.

  “You …” he growls.

  Then he charges at him and punches him straight in the face.

  The guys go at it, and I look around, panicking, not knowing what to do.

  “Hunter,” I say, as I see a guard approaching from the back, probably drawn to all the ruckus. “Hunter!”

  He roars at the guy and punches him a second time before getting up on his feet again. “I’ll kill you if you ever show your face to her again.”

  I pull Hunter’s shirt so much it’s almost ripping. After blowing off some steam by flaring his nostrils at the guy for a couple of seconds, Hunter turns around and looks me straight in the eye.

  “Did he hurt you?” he says.

  My eyes widen as I notice the guard has spotted us.

  “Hey!” the guy yells.

  “We gotta run!” I say to Hunter, and I grab his hand and push him back into the theatre.

  “No, I want to know if he touched you!” Hunter screams as we run across the room to the service entrance we came in through.

  “Not now,” I say, and now I’m the one dragging him through all the corridors until we reach the exit.

  Breathing in the fresh air as I open the door is a welcome change to the indoor mugginess. I’m so glad we managed to escape before the guard caught us.

  And I’m glad Hunter was there to kick that guy’s ass before he tried something on me again.

  Suddenly, Hunter punches a wall, and screams. “Fuck!”

  I’m still panting, trying to catch my breath, but Hunter’s going mental. I turn around, still gasping, but then I see his bloodied knuckles.

  “Your hand!” I say.

  “It’ll heal,” he snarls. Then he grabs my arm and turns me around. He holds me tightly, staring straight into my soul. “Did. He. Hurt. You?”

  “What? No … No, he didn’t have the chance,” I stammer.

  He snorts, and his nostrils flare again. “If that guy EVER comes near you again, I swear I’ll—”

  “You’ll what? Pound in on him again?” I sigh. “You can’t keep doing this, Hunter.”

  “I will NOT let them have their way with you,” he growls. “They wouldn’t just rape you. They would kill you.”

  A cold shiver runs down my spine hearing him say those words so harshly.

  “You don’t know what those guys are capable of,” he says.

  “Oh, and you do? Is that what you’re trying to say? Tell me, Hunter, what fucking thing are you involved in?”

  He frowns, grating his teeth. “It’s none of your business.” He turns his head away, but I cup his chin between my index finger and thumb and force him to look at me. I’ve never been this brazen in my life.

  “It is my business. If you’re involved with these guys then …”

  “To hell I am,” he says.

  “Well, you made it my business the moment you stepped into my life and tried to change me for whatever reason.”

  Hunter grasps my wrist and tears it away from his face. We’re bumping chests now.

  “Whatever it is that you’re doing, it’s not good,” I say. “I’m telling you, as a friend, that you have to stop this.”

  Suddenly, he pushes me against the wall with my wrist behind my back. He’s trapped me inside his arms. I can’t escape.

  “Is that what you think I’m doing? Befriending you? Trying to change you?” he hisses.

  I shudder from his proximity. His lip is quivering, and my heart is thudding in my throat. My nerve endings are on fire because his hands are holding my arm tight.

  “You have no idea, do yo
u?” he snaps.

  I shake my head, my lips smashed together.

  He snorts. “Of course you don’t. You have no idea how fucking hard it is to do this. I don’t want to be in this shit, but I am, and I can’t change that.”

  “Yes you can! You can do everything. You’re Hunter Bane for crying out loud! You’ll fight your way out of it.” The words slip out of my mouth before I realize it.

  He looks up at me with those hawk-like eyes again, squinting, as if he can’t believe his ears. “You don’t have a fucking clue. You and everyone else on campus all think you know what you see, but you don’t. What I do, I do for a reason. I need to do it. There is no other way to …”

  “To what?” I say.

  He sighs. “To save him. My brother.”

  Hunter closes his eyes and comes closer. I freeze in place as his head bumps into the wall next to me. He’s pushed up against me, resting his forehead against the wall. Then he lets out a groan.

  I didn’t know the extent of his problems, but now that I’ve seen a glimpse …


  He looks so weighed down by stress. I can’t help but feel pity for him.

  No wonder he wanted to do something fun today. He’s trying to escape.

  I wish I could say something, but I have no idea what to say. Nothing would help change anything for him. He’s trapped in some kind of shady business, fighting, trading, just so he can save his brother.

  Shit. This is getting more complicated by the minute.

  All I know is that he’s trying not to fall apart here. I can see it from the way he’s slumped over against me, clinging to the one thing that’s at least a little good in his life. Me.

  My free hand goes up on its own and starts caressing his back.

  Hunter lifts his head and looks at me from the side. His eyes shine with sadness and unexplainable fury. His plump lips are parted and the moment I look at them, all I want is to feel them on me. To comfort him with my love.

  Because I want to give it to him.

  I’ve really fallen for him.

  For a second he hovers close to my face. He inches forward. Not for a moment do his eyes leave mine as he takes in a sharp breath.

  He’s so close to my lips, all I have to do is lean in and kiss him.

  Suddenly the back door opens, and Hunter leans back. A guard steps out.


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